

Selene's condition improved within minutes, and her body stopped quivering.

Considering this as a good sign, Kyle lowered his hand once again before he forced himself to stand up.

After having been in a comatose state for a week, it was time for him to loosen his sore muscles.

Having slept on the branch for days had made his body go stiff as a board.

It was fortunate that they hadn't faced any major issues during the last few days if one were to exclude the massacre caused by Selene and the fact that he had been on the verge of dying.

In the end, they had survived and Kyle was feeling better with every passing second.

Now that he had woken up, he was thirsty and his stomach was rumbling.

Seeing his expressions, Selene handed him a few fruits she had picked up earlier in the day with a faint smile on her lips.

She had saved them for him and seeing him awake and alright had lifted a huge weight off her chest.

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