
Dear Adam : Separated - Ify and Satria

After eating the food at the angkringan, Ify and Satria started walking on a side street along the streets of Malioboro. They both walked side by side without holding hands as usual. Then Ify stopped when he saw a street singer with keroncong music. She also began to stand still while enjoying together the beauty of the atmosphere of Jogja with her best friend.

Satria also stood beside Ify, suddenly he looked at Ify's face which was beaming. He saw the most beautiful smile like the moon tonight whose light was perfect. "Could I be in your story?" He began to ask himself when he looked at Ify's face so deep and dark, he was indeed loving secretly even though it was the most difficult thing for him.

"This kind of music should be preserved. But unfortunately all of that culture is almost on its way," Ify began to speak very quietly while enjoying the keroncong music from a street singer.

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