
11 New Start

After walking for 4 more months where atreus tout the kids how to speak his language so they can communicate he came across a sea side village that was bustling with fishers and warrior's and all sorts of new people. With his kids by his side's he walks up to the entrance of the village which gets the attention of the front guard how holds his hand out and say something is a language that atreus doesn't know, wondering how to remedy this situation he takes out a blank scroll and charcoal and draws a rough image of what happen with a little picture of him walking and finding the kids then of their adventure then shows it to the guard hopeing he'll understand what he's trying to get across. The guard looks at the rough drawing and nods then calls out to someone and after a small wait a young man comes jogging up to them where the guard starts to talk to him, the young man nods along then at the end smiles and waves over the trio to follow him.

The young man leads them to a great wooden hall that looks like a upturned long boat that he saw once near Egypt, on the inside there were a lot of people with food and drinks with animal skins on the floor there's loads of singing , shouting and fighting in the corner. The young man leads them up to a man sitting on a large chair who is drinking and talking to people , the young man walks to his side and says something into his ear to which he puts down his drink and looks at atreus then gets up an walks over to the trio and shows them to a side room where he draws a picture of a man doing work and shows it to atreus and seeing this atreus nods but then points to his kids the man then draws two smaller people helping others with tasks then shows atreus, atreus looks at it then asks the kids " what do you guys think do you want to live here and start again " which they both not and say " Yes " then atreus then holds his hand out to the man who takes him by by the forearm a d shakes it while laughing then leads the trio out into the hall again where the man announces to everyone , if what atreus guesses that they are living here now to which everyone cheers and a few come up to them with food and drink.

Time skip 4 years

Stalking through the forest covered in wolf pelt , a twig snaps and then a explosion of noise and a rush of shapes as the man blurs through the brush he lunges at the racing deer snapping it's neck and landing in front of it to pick it up. Hauling it over his shoulder Atreus or what others call him Andor brings the deer back to the village as he rejoins his hunting group they congratulate him on another successful hunt. Andor being the only one without a weapon makes it more impressive to them.

Arriving at the village the group take their catch to the skinning station so they prepare them for use. Atreus sees lmar and lais, he shorted their name cause he couldn't their full names so he calls the nicknames, they are helping around the village and they are doing a lot better then when they first arrived bow they are smiling and laughing more lmar has grown his blonde hair is shoulder length and his physique is growing steadily while his sister is filling out with her sunny blonde hair that reachs the small of her back and both have bright blue eyes. Atreus walks up to lmar and says " What you doing lmar " turning lmar replys " I'm just helping the ship maker cut some logs for his new ship " as he brushes wood flakes out of his hair, Atreus smiles and says " Well I caught a big deer today so we'll have a good feast tonight, anyway what's your sister up to" lmar thinks for a little bit then says " I think she is helping the women with making clothes and other things" as lmar goes back to cutting the log ,shaking his head atreus goes of to find the chief.

He finds him on his chair in the long house talking with a few older warrior's about their voyages. Atreus waits for them to finish talking and as the warriors leave one looks back at atreus with a hidden gaze while leaving, atreus walks up to the chief and tells him of their recent hunt saying " we have caught 6 large hinds and a large buck " that he caught. Congratulating him he puts forward if he would like to go on trade voyage to be a bag man for their produce, Atreus thinks it shouldn't be to hard to lift boxes so he agrees to help with loading and unloading cargo. The chief then tells him when and where to meet the boat and then goes off to do other things, atreus then goes home to prepare.


Do you want me to referr to Atreus as Andor now or still Atreus .His new looks after spending 4 years in peace around all the northerners his hair has changed colour to more blonde ginger and he has grown a woods men beard the is blonde and his height has increased to 6'3 as he used his powers for more then killing he helps build houses and boats when he's not hunting. ( The reason is he has a passive abilityto change his looks when he is around people he trusts so he fits in better with looks)

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