
Family Meeting 1

Gaia and Frigga walked over to where the girl was, who was leaning against the wall…

"Excuse me mortal.." Frigga asked gaining the girl's attention as she perked up at the sound of her voice she looked up to see a middle-aged woman and a woman that seemed to be in her forties, both were drop-dead gorgeous, looking at her with a curious stare.

"Why are you here."

"I should be asking you that." The girl snarked, "I have been waiting for Mr.Andrew to open his door but he refuses for some reason…"

She raised an eyebrow, "and…mortal?"

"Never mind that." Gaia smiled good naturally, "How long have you been out here."

The girl frowned before she pulled out her phone, she put it back in her pocket.

"I'd say about an hour…"

Frigga raised an eyebrow.

"What did you do to piss him off," Gaia asked amused.

"I don't know!" She stomped a foot, "He ordered me to fuck…and then he rejects me?"

"Ah…well I certainly cannot wait to hear the story from him." Gaia raised an eyebrow, as her smile grew."

"Such vulgar." Frigga said surprised, "I thought mortals were more evolved than this."

I opened the door and deadpanned, "What are you doing here...you left so suddenly without saying anything." I looked directly at Gaia, not before giving a nod to Frigga, I completely ignored the girl..."Oi...don't ignore me!"

"Well...I...thought of what you had said..." Gaia replied nervously, "And you are right...so I decided to fix...the first thing that came up to my mind."

I raised my eyebrow and I looked at her, "Ok..." I eventually said with a sigh, "So...I am happy for you." I looked at the Woman next to her, and I immediately recognized her as Queen Frigga...a lot more beautiful and majestic...she gives off that mature old person vibes, but she looks younger than I would think she looks, and she...is looking at me with a curious stare..and...is that blush on her cheeks? What...

"Ah...you must be...Should I call you Kakarot or..." Frigga hesitated...

"That is my Saiyan name." I said with a nod, "You may call me that or Andrew...it doesn't matter to me.."

"Well then Andrew..." Frigga said and then bowed, "I have heard stories of what you have done...you have changed the heart of the Goddess of death, and you have changed the heart of my son." She looked directly into my eyes, "I wanted to thank you...for now...you have changed their destiny.."

I nodded, "It was my pleasure." I said with a nod, "And you have my respect...I have heard things from you as well..you are a good mother." I said causing Gaia to flinch slightly; she gave off a sad smile.

"Oi...are you all just going to act like I'm never there!" The girl protested, "I ignored her, "Don't ignore me! You know you want this." She gave me a sultry look as she moved your hands on her body.

"So what's the story with her?" Gaia asked amused.

"I ordered pizza...and then she came..." I deadpanned, "Long story short, Turns out it wasn't a pizza place, just a sex sight or whatever..." I sighed, causing Gaia to snort..."I glare at her, "Don't even think about laughing."

"I know how you are around food." Gaia snickered, "How can you make such an idiotic mistake..." Even Frigga, could not help but giggle at this.

"It was an honest mistake." I sighed, "I was doing something really important, and I was really hungry, and I wasn't looking at what I was doing..."

"Yeah, sure.." Gaia smirked coyly, "Whatever you say dear.." I rolled my eyes, "So...since this is a family meeting...and you are all..technically family. You can come in...but try not to cause conflict...I trust you two."

'Based upon what I have seen of Frigga.' I thought, 'And the stories told by Thor.'

I opened the door and gestured for them to come in, that in which they did... First Frigga, and then Gaia, I heard the sound of "MOTHER!" From Thor, I could hear the noise as he stood up from his seat. The girl tried to come in, but I blocked her.

"Oh come on!" she growled, "Please?" She gave me a puppy-eyed stare, I gave her a deadpanned look, and shut the door.. I looked at back at the family and saw that everyone was downstares now... Blonsky was still unconcious. Gohan, Trina, Xelera, and Gine were looking at Gaia and Frigga with surprised looks...

None more so than Thor and sif, who bowed to her Thor walked right up to Frigga and gave her a bone crushing hug who looked very surprised, also what caught her attention was Hela, who was staring at her with a stoic indifferent look, Frigga shuddered slightly, but managed to give her a small smile in greeting.

Hela didn't react she just stared at her.

"Oh look who decided to show up." Gine deadpanned at Gaia, looking like her father, "We thought you'd abandoned us.."

Gaia looked down, "I...am sorry...as I told your father I had some...relationships to fix, she looked down at Gohan and gave him a thankful smile, "You helped as well, and I appreciate it."

Gohan nodded, "I had some Ideas." he smiled, "I am happy for you Aunt Gaia."

"I am so proud of you Thor." Frigga said with a soft smile. "You are truly worthy of becoming King now."

"I have much to learn mother." Thor laughed, "However, once I do I will be sure to become the king Asgard deserves..." He whispered into her ear, "Also...you must have known...all about Hela..my sister...and...I forgive you..for keeping it from me..."

Frigga's eyes widened, "You forgive...but..I thought..." A lone tear slowly fell to her cheeks, "Nevermind...I...thank you son...you really have grown..."

I watched with a smile as Hela slowly walked over to me, "This was an unexpected turn." She said showing no reaction, "Yes." I smiled, as Gaia watched on with sadness, from behind..

"Yes it was." I smiled looking at Gaia, "But it's good that she is growing...I am proud of my mentor.." Hela nodded, as she continued to stare at them with no reaction, but I saw a small unoticable one...the corner of her lips twitched upwards, ever so slightly.

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