
[80.1] Alora POV: A Crucial Mission

[Author's note: This part of the chapter is from Alora's perspective]

I stood in a puddle of blood, staring lifelessly at my reflection.

A girl drenched in blood was staring back; her eyes revealed the lack of emotions she felt inside.

It was the reflection of a girl who had given up.

The tapping of leather shoes echoed behind me as Orphelio approached me.

"You killed them too fast again."


I hummed back, still staring at that hideous reflection.

"Why are you so disappointing?" He tossed a handkerchief at me as if I was disgusting. His voice had a hint of contempt, "Clean yourself up. Our Holy Goddess has a new mission for us. This one is especially important. I trust you won't screw it up."

I started wiping the blood from my hands.

Just how many have these hands killed?


I don't want to know…

I followed behind him after cleaning up, never raising my head to look at that hideous face of his.

We arrived back at the Fortress of the Holy Goddess and stepped inside. We walked the silent halls, never passing a soul until we entered the quarters of the Holy Goddess.

"Did you have fun?"

My body froze as I heard her harmonious voice.


Why am I so scared of her?

It's not like she's ever done anything to me.

She's just the puppet master.

Orphelio clicked his tongue, "No! This little brat kills everyone too quickly!"

"Hmmm. I see."

"My lovely goddess, I am going to go crazy if she doesn't start playing with them before killing them. Do you know how many times I've almost killed her because of this? The fact that I keep having to hold back and just vent my frustrations by beating her is too much! I can't take much more of this!! I'm getting so BORED!"

"Then just encourage her. Train her like you did your mutt."

"Oh, Goddess. You know I can't do that. My darling pup is perfect and she's a disgusting blight to humanity who can never match up to him."

F*ck your darling pup.

I swear, if I ever find that disgusting dog I'm going to force this red-haired bastard to watch as I torture and kill him.

That'll show him for treating me this way!


That's not a bad idea.

He would definitely kill me, but as long as I see that furious despair on his face it'll be worth it no matter how I die.


I wonder if he would cry.

I let out a dry chuckle as I imagined it, "Heh."

My face suddenly grew taut.


Did I…

Did I just laugh?

I quickly raised my eyes from the ground and panicked when I saw both of their harsh stares upon me.

The Holy Goddess spoke in a tone similar to a whisper, "What's so funny?"

My mouth went dry as a cold sweat broke out across my back, "N-Nothing."

"Orphelio." She muttered with a frown, "You've been too lenient with this child."

He pulled out a sword, "Don't worry, My Goddess. I will teach her a lesson."

She stopped him, "No. Allow me."

As she strolled over to me, I felt my body start to tremble uncontrollably.

She grabbed my cheeks, her hands soft and warm. However, when she yanked my face upward, I could see the malevolence and her true despicable nature in her eyes.

"I can see through you, child. I know you think you're powerful…" She placed her thumbs over my eyes, "But you're just a tool. A weapon to be used by me however I see fit."

As she pressed her thumbs into my eyes, a powerful energy blasted inside of my head, causing excruciating pain.

Her voice was the only thing I could hear, "You owe your body, soul, and magic to me. Without me, you would have never existed. I am a God you must bow to."

My body could recognize the Holy magic forcibly being injected, but it was too much for such a small stature to handle.

I screamed in agony as it ripped through me, bursting my veins and rupturing tissue. It felt like someone was pouring scalding hot metal down my throat, melting me from the inside out.

A gurgle came from the back of my throat as my screams ended.

As my eyes rolled back in my head, I was only aware of one thing:


"Do you understand now?" She raised my trembling chin, "THIS is what Holy Magic feels like."

She threw me down as I gagged for air.


This isn't holy…

It's evil.

Blood bubbled at the back of my throat as I convulsed uncontrollably. Recognizing the sign of a backlash, I forced myself to ignore the pain and heal every injury and ruptured vein.

As my eyes reformed, I sat up, trying to refrain from crying.

Even now I can feel that terrible pain as if my body has it memorized.

"Hmm." She tilted her head, "Her regenerative ability is impressive."

Orphelio quipped back, "Not as impressive as mine."

She chuckled, "No one is as impressive as you."

As I became conscious enough to be aware of their sickening display, a new hatred of them formed in my chest.

I forced myself to my feet, ignoring the blurred world around me and the trembling of my legs as if I were a baby deer.

The Holy Goddess and that devilish man started discussing their next plans without a care for me and the fact that I was struggling to stay standing.

I suddenly felt my head grabbed and shoved towards the door, causing me to stumble.

Orphelio spoke in a sharp tone, "Come on. The Holy Goddess gave us a mission. Let's not waste her precious time."

He shoved me forward again, snickering as I gasped painfully from the touch.

I forced myself to walk down the hall, my dull eyes turning fierce.

Go on.

Keep hurting me.

One day, I will repay this pain ten-fold.

After several days of traveling nonstop, the carriage brought us to an open field. I stepped out, feeling the breeze blowing gently through my hair.

Orphelio pointed into the distance, "What do you see?"

I followed his finger and answered, "A barrier."

"Do you know whose barrier that belongs to?"

I shook my head.

"That's the Great Fairy's barrier. She's a true villain and the biggest danger facing our civilization. She has been growing a demon army, ready to destroy our world and bring chaos to humans."


He sounds like every other priest. 

If he hadn't thrown me in that arena, I would have believed him.

But demons never tried to kill me.

So if he says she's a villain, she must be the opposite.

"Do you think you can break it?"

I looked closer at it and answered honestly, "It is beyond my current strength."

"So you mean to say you can destroy it if you train harder?"

I hesitated before nodding.

"Good. Then I need to start seriously training you."

Seriously training me!?

What has he been doing all this time?!

A sudden glint of steel flashed in my eyes before I could react. My stomach suddenly burned as a hot liquid poured out. I grabbed my stomach and let out a sharp cry, falling to my knees as I panicked to heal the bleeding wound.

Orphelio stood in front of me with a wicked smile as the sword in his hand dripped with blood, "Let's start now."

I'm... I'm sorry for what is about to happen.

Nekorucreators' thoughts