
Rescuing Ironman

Should I meddle with the plot. Well that was my question for a long time. But what if i just help them when it's too much for them to handle and i can change the tide of battle at that exact time.

Now at the end of Infinity War Thanos would have lost if Thor aimed his Axe at the head of Thanos. He couldn't do that then but i can deflect his Axe so that it hits the head and ends the battle. They don't need too much of my help. They just need some guidance which i can help with. I mean why not.

-----Tony Stark POV--------

Some where in Afghanistan , 10 Ring Base

It's been almost 3 months since those A holes caught me here. They really think I am making them there stupid missiles. Me and Yinsen almost completed the suit now it just needs to load.i am almost done but i need a minute to load the program for running the suit. If i don't then it's done. I don't know what to do .

"Mr. Stark I will get you some time" he said.

" No Yinsen, Just believe in the process, it will work just don't go alone this will be done now."

" It's ok Mr.Stark i will get to meet my family early ,it's ok". He said.

"YINSEEENNNNNN !!!!!!!!!!" ,He just says that and runs of with the guns . Oh my god he's gonna die.

"Suit loading 100%". The suit had loaded just 15 s

After Yinsen went out. I ran to the place in the tunnel and i see an American guy in the middle and behind him terrorists are shooting. But all the bullets just stop mid air and do nothing.Wow that was amazing. Yinsen and I look at each other in total disbelief.

And the bullets just travel back and hit all the terrorists on the head and they all fall down.

He then turns to me and says:

"I am Magneto, I am here to bring you home." He says.

"Hey aren't you Ethan Hunt Owner of Hunt Consortium". I ask because i have seen him in the award function and meetings for corporation and stuff.

"Well you don't need to say that out loud you know.

Just had to ruin my cool moment. I mean common." He says.

" Well you can still kill the terrorists ,it will still be fun". Well he is still a kid ,well a kid with super power what more can i expect.

"Well now it's not as much fun but still want to go back home ?" He says.

" Well then let's kill all the terrorists." I said.

" Well l already did kill them all just now ,you don't have to worry."

"Everyone ?????"

"Well yeah I can control metal so i just killed them all with their own bullets" he says.

"Now we can just go then ??"

"Well yeah, that is what I came for right. ?"

" Well let's go right" i ask him.

"Well not until we clean up here right don't want anyone getting your plant right.?"

He then proceeds to burn everything with fire that came out of his hand and then he points to my suit and it just comes out of me like a strap on. And disintegrate into metal particles that scatter in the air. He also takes out my ark reactor and disables and distroys it in the process.

"Fuck" i say and fall down.

"WHAAAT are you doing?????" Yinsen asks and catches me.

The metal particles from the blast that were logged into my heart were kept there by that reactor .now it has nothing to keep it in place.

" Don't you know what I control by now" he says and points toward my chest and all the metal that was lodged in my heart comes out like black metal sand. i feel huge relief and ease wash over me as I am finally free.

-------Ethan POV---------

Well i did think a lot about whether or not to interfere.But i thought about it and i Said to myself if i wasn't here to change or make things better for the future why am I even here.

So first thing I did was to burn everything using fiend fire from Harry Potter. I created a Library with every knowledge in the multiverse inside my soul near the time chamber. Same rules as the time chamber like time stops outside when I go there applys here. So I went i n there and learnt it. After that because of my instant mastry i was able to learn and control it to the last detail.

Now this was not possible even for some of the best in the magical world. I then proceed to burn everything to ashes so that Stean doesn't get any plans of the suit.

I had planned to be a version of magneto in this universe . So i created. [Magnetokinesis] using skill creation and using instant mastry and perfect control i learnt this power to the last detail.

I then forced the suit into metal sand and scattered it. Earlier l killed all the terrorists ,so there is no one outside. We can have our time. I absorbed all the energy inside Arc reactor into my body and proceeded to disintegrate as well. It doesn't do anything except it doesn't cause an energy blast if i disintegrate the Ark Reactor without doing it.

I then Remove all the metal parts inside Tony .

I then created [Supreme Heal] which can heal pretty much anything if there is an ounce of life left.

I then heal Tony completely from head to toe and he stands up instantly he was 40 something before now his body age is around 28.

"How are you feeling" i ask him.

" Wow amazing you can do all this just who are you"

" I am Batman" i said


" Just Kidding, now I have found out That obediah Stean was behind your kidnapping and he wanted to take over your company. Now before you deny that go to your company and make sure. He made a deal with the Ten Rings Not to kidnap you but to kill you. But they double crossed him because they saw your missiles power."

"Wow I must be living amongst snakes"

"Hmm you are. But before that do you know about SHIELD ?" I ask him.

"No, What is that?" He asks me.


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