
Alyssia’s Break

Alyssia did not fully know what she was looking for within Blackbeard's Lineage Factor to figure out what made him able to consume more than one Devil Fruit.

One theory was that he possessed a unique physique allowing him to accommodate more than one power without suffering from the conflicting Devil Fruit powers vying for supremacy within the body.

Another theory was that perhaps Blackbeard possessed something extra on or within his body that came from his birth which was most likely a living twin or even triplets that were conjoined upon birth.

The parts of those conjoined with him could be much smaller and hidden on his body somewhere or were located inside him in some strange situation where they shared the same body.

If that was the case then his situation would be truly unique considering that he seemed to not be able to sleep and had strange personality changes at times.

It was possible that more than one soul was within his body which further confirmed that theory and it would make even more sense that the soul of the other conjoined twins could take over when he was resting.

On the other way of thinking about his condition, it could also be due to having a split personality disorder which manifested the same number of personalities of those conjoined with his body.

Those were the more science based approaches to understanding him but there did exist another possibility.

It was possible that he had siblings and one ate a Devil Fruit allowing them to share the same form joining them into one entity.

Since more than one existed within the body they were a part of, it was similar to how Cerberus or a hydra could possess different heads that acted independently and had their own abilities.

If that was correct then it was most likely that one was acting as the glue to keep them together then there were at least two others.

One would possess the Quake Devil Fruit while the other would possess the Darkness Devil Fruit.

Since Blackbeard never demonstrated any other abilities, it was most likely that the two were his limit or he had yet to find another useful power.

It made Alyssia very curious about it and she was not willing to put such a rare situation be left unsolved.

She jumped back into her research uncovering new possibilities for so many projects and time passed quickly.

It was just another day resting on the deck of the MMA as she enjoyed a large meal followed by some deserts and a cup of hot chocolate with some marshmallows and cream.

She was dipping a marshmallow into the hot chocolate that was topped with cream then brought it to her mouth chewing it with a happy look on her face.

Her attention was fully on her break time when her gaze turned towards the distance.

A small form difficult to make up appeared in the distance flying across the sky until it became clearer.

It flew over the MMA before dropping down and dropping a small package.

Alyssia moved from her seat and caught it before returning to her seat.

Opening it up, she saw several letters addressed to her which had all been delivered together.

They had been waiting for her to read but she had not returned to any place that they would have been sent to affiliated with the White Storm so they had to be delivered directly to her once they started to pile up.

Alyssia opened the first one and began reading. "Dear Alyssia Lucine. We are contacting you with the hope that grace us with your presence at this upcoming banquet.."

She placed it back in the envelope before placing it under something to hold it in place. "Ha.. attending banquets for those snobs? Why? So they can use me to boast? No thanks!"

She was not in the right position to attend any banquets or events that were hosted by the upper class since she only possessed a small noble title and was lacking in terms of proper etiquette.

She did not wish to make a fool for herself but she did not want to enter a situation that would be too unpredictable.

Any gathering for nobles usually came with those wanting to display their power and step on others so even if she possessed power of her own, they would still feel that she was beneath them in terms of status.

There were those that felt they were invincible since they had lived sheltered lives under the protection of their status so it was easy to become a target of such arrogant people.

A lower title of a newly appointed island that became a part of the World Government allied kingdoms was not enough to protect her against battles of status and titles especially when confronted with those of a much higher status within their own kingdoms which had a higher standing in the World Government.

Alyssia was not quite ready to enter such a situation where she would have to risk becoming a wanted criminal justice to protect herself from one idiot who did not know restraint.

The current state of the world was perfect for her so she did not wish for it to be changed too much.

Becoming someone rejected by most of the world's powers would only result in many of her businesses being seized and destroyed one after another until they were unable to operate properly.

The laws were protecting her operations since they were legal but once she was a criminal, they were just another corrupt institution that needed to be destroyed.

She continued to open one after another. "Miss Lucine… attend.. A. Lucine… join our cause… please help!… we should work together… partnership… business venture…. Solve this problem… argh these guys want so much from me!"

She started by sorting some of them into different piles based on her level of interest.

A lot of them were in the ignore or rejection pile while others were those she was considering and was going to accept.

Those in the pile she was considering needed much more investigation to be done to see if it was worth pursuing to see if the letters sent were genuine and truthful about the contents.

Those she was accepting still needed investigating a little to be careful but they were things that had made her a little more interested than the others.

A few more letters were placed in front of her eyes as she read them more seriously.

She was much more serious upon reading them compared to others which showed how carefully she had to be about how she handled them. "Hmm.."
