

Little Li's life was full of misery, she was a very sad kitten.

Upon birth, she was discarded by her owners in a cardboard box as soon as she could begin walking on her four legs.

Her mother looked on with a look of indifference in her eyes from her high cat climbing tower as she was removed from the family home by the humans.

There was no sign of a male cat within the household so she was probably the result of her mother mating with one of the neighbours or street cats.

Since she was not seen as a purebred Dragon Li but also the suspicion that she was half of a dirty street cat, the family discarded her ruthlessly on the street like she was a great shame to the household.

The noble family was very prideful and could not afford such stains on their lives, all of their clothes, food and anything else in their lives must show off their noble prestige, if anything did not fit their high standards they would discard it.

Upon hearing that their prized purebred was defiled, they were enraged but they had nobody else to blame so the unfair treatment fell upon little Li.

Upon being abandoned she grew weaker from being exposed to the weather outside and the lack of food.

Her weak cries would occasionally escape her cardboard box which caught the attention of some kind people who would occasionally bring her a warm piece of material to snuggle up to and some food or a saucer of milk.

Perhaps it would not be long before she died, the moment those people forgot about her there may not be as many kind people to take care of her.

The chances of being adopted was low because she was far too weak and dirty looking and not many would be willing to pay for the fees to get her checked up and nurse her health.

She had reached an age where she could escape the box and become a wild cat who scavenges for her food but she was far too weak to get out.

She had to rely on strangers to live but could never see hope of having a family or someone to protect her.

One day a strange figure appeared near her that did not look like the other humans..

She smelled nice and when she rubbed her cheek against her, it was really warm and nice!

Day after day, the strange young lady came to give her food and play with her before disappearing again.

Every day she would show a slight bit of hesitation on her face as she departed…

Every day little Li cried for her to return to take her home.

As her health was improving, she could move around and gain enough strength to leave the box so when the young lady was appearing less frequently during the time of war, she focussed on exploring Kano and learning to climb, hunt and scavenge things from watching the other street cats.

One day she watched as Alyssia departed once again and followed her only to find out where she lived.

It took her a little while to overcome her fear of the water and eventually she found an opening when the humans were moving things inside of the ship.

She snuck aboard the ship and hide in the storage room where many boxes were kept.

Little Li heard a sound as the door opened and someone entered.

She crept out from behind the box after spotting who it was!

Right away she ran in front of the tall figure and meowed. "Meow! (Mommy!)"

As she was being scolded by Alyssia, she sat there obediently and then began to roll around letting out cute meows and acting cute.

After watching her for a while, Alyssia picked her up and brought her onto the deck.

In front of little Li's eyes was a vast amount of water and her instincts screamed danger, she jumped out of Alyssia's arms and fled into the main lounge room of the ship and hid underneath one of the seats inside there. "Meow meow meow meow! (So scary! What happened?)"

She heard a sigh near her as a helpless voice followed. "This is why I did not wish to being you. Now it is too late to take you back and I cannot just drop you off at any random place. Come on, it is best to get used to the changes quickly so you can adapt."

Although she did not understand human speech she suddenly had an ominous premonition.

A hand grabbed hold of her and dragged her back out of the room. "Meeooooooow! (Noooooooo!)"
