
Harsh Reality

India, July 25th 1801

5:22 PM

Lukas was at the entrance of the house he was staying in. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed as he waited for the guards to come.

Lukas had told the guards that he was going to leave for a walk, and even though they tried to convince him not to go, he didn't listen to them.

After that, the guards said that Lukas could only leave with a escort, which he accepted, since he was already expecting it.

Soon, the guards finally approached Lukas. There were two guards who were going to accompany him. The both of them were quite tall and well-built. 

The both of them were wearing a paridhana as their lower garment, and a mekhala as their upper garment. In their feet, they simply wore a pair of sandals.

Besides their garments, the guards were holding a spear in their right hands, and seemed to have a pistol at their waist.

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