
Ten Thousand Fragrances

Needless to say, the day was ruined. Yan Zheyun understood that there were more pressing matters to attend to and it was inevitable that neither of their hearts were in enjoying the rest of the afternoon outside. It was hard not to feel reluctance though. After all, a day out of the inner palace like this was a luxury beyond all the opulence in the imperial city and there was no saying when he would next be granted such an opportunity. 

It would also just have been nice to take Liu Yao's hand in his own and stroll through Zhueque Street doing normal things that couples do. There weren't cinemas or amusement parks available for a cliched but sweet date and Yan Zheyun often thought with a bit of rue that it would have been better if Liu Yao had been the one to transmigrate and meet his 21st-century soul but that wasn't something that they could help. 

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