

"Miss Yue?" Another sharp knock at the door brought Yue out of her continual chain of pessimistic thoughts which was only drowning her back into holding herself guilty for everything that happened. She quickly forced her thoughts into some sort of harmony. Inhaling a big puff of air into her chest, she then exhaled out all her doom and gloom. She coerced herself to not look on the black side.

She quickly wiped off the tears that still pertained in her eyes and her dried off her wet cheeks with the back of her hand, jumped off the bed, got on her two feet and rushed down to the door as fast as her feet could carry her. As Yue finally in a hurried motion opened up the door, she was confronted by a newcomer, a person she was unacquainted to. She found herself facing the person that engendered the continuous knocking and calling out to her. It was a man she didn't know or was familiar with. Her eyes immediately engaged into analyzing the person that stood before her

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