

Location: Amazon rainforest, South America.

In the warm and peaceful forest, one could hear the rustling of leaves as something fast ran through them. It zooms between the trees with supernatural speed until it came to a stop in a clearing revealing it to be a 5, 10 young woman with a lean athletic build with short black hair and tanned skin with a tattoo on her shoulder.

She looked behind her before smirking and her eyes glowing bright green.

She focused on her hearing and hears multiple heartbeats 10 to be precise. 'These hunters never learn that they are never gonna catch me do they, oh well that just means more free blood for me' she thought before she vamp sped behind a tree. It was time for the hunters to become the hunted.

The hunters trekked through the wood slowly with their crossbows and guns extended and on high alert.

"Do any of you have a visual on the target ?" one that seemed like the leader asked.

"Negative, Mark it's like she vanished"

"Shhh, do you hear that," Mark said making all of them stop and listen except they didn't hear anything the forest was quiet.

"I don't hear anything," someone in the back said confused showing his inexperience and that this was his first hunt.

"Exactly, it's too quiet. Everyone spread out she must be around here somewhere and keep your eyes on the tree tops I don't what her getting the drop on any of us." Mark ordered and they spread out.

'He's smart for keeping his eyes on tree top most werecreatures would have gone for the high areas to attack' the girl thought as she see one of the hunters to her right.

Before the guy had time to react he was pinned to a tree coming face to face with the girl they were hunting her eyes glowing bright green with dark veins under them. She sank her fangs into his jugular as he let out a blood-curdling scream.


The nine remaining hunters turned towards the source of the sound visibly shaken.

"Five of you go check that out," Mark said and the nearest five moved forward slowly. When the first two passed the tree the third was dragged up at an incredible speed with him screaming before a sickening crunch was heard and then silence followed by blood dripping down the tree.

"Open fire" Mark ordered and they all emptied a clip on the tree while they were reloading they hear a giggle from behind them that sent chills down their spines.

"Your aims a little off," she said before grabbing two of the men at the back and dragging them into a bush as they screamed. One of them goes silent while the other one still screams in pain about his broken leg and shoots her in the arm.

"Ah, that hurts you little shit," the six remaining hunters hear before something is thrown out of the bush and slams hard on a tree before falling on the ground dead and they open fire again only to hear a laugh on their right scaring them even more.

"Wow, you guys suck at aiming those firearms," she says.

"Stop hiding and show yourself," Mark shouts.

"Now where is the fun in that," she says amusement lacing her voice.

"This isn't a fucking game,"  Mark says as he tries to pinpoint where the voice is coming from.

"Oh but it is, to me at least," she says they turn around and see her on top of a tree. They open fire but when they stop tree is empty.

"You see when you live as long as I have you tend to see life as a game or you'll be bored and give up on living," she tells them. They turned around to see her standing behind them, they open fire and she vamp speeds away frustrating and scaring them to no end.

One of them tries to run away but he doesn't get far as he gets a hand through his chest. She rips his heart out as the others watch in horror.

"Don't get me wrong, I cherish life and respect it but when it's the lives of selfish bastards like you who think that humans are the only species that should exist then I make it my source of entertainment to torment you" she says as she appears in between two of them.

They turn towards her and aim at her as smirk forms on her lips. Mark sees what she was doing but was too late in warning them since they both pulled the trigger right as she vamp sped out of the killing themselves.

"oops you missed me," she says as she chuckles, "And then there were three"

"Mark what should we do she took down all of our men," the one on Mark's right said sweating bullets.

"Fuck man I thought you said she was a were-jaguar,"  the one on the left asked.

"I don't know man I'm just as confused as you are," Mark said shaking in fear.

"Boo, watching you guys argue is not fun so how about, One. Last. Game" she said with a smile.

"W-what k-kind of game" Mark asked with a shaky voice.

"A little game I like to call the last one standing it's simple, I count from 10 and you guys run and you better pray to whatever god you believe in to be the last one standing," she said before she started counting down and they started running.

"10...9......8....7.....6.....5.......4....3....2.....1, ready or not here I come," she said before shifting into a 6f jaguar and lets out a roar.

The three who were still running heard the roar and felt it as it rattled their lines which only motivated them to run faster.

One of them reached a river and had the bright of hiding underwater forgetting that jaguars swim and hunt in the water.

A loud splash was heard not far from where he dove in. He felt movement behind him in the water and turned around the last thing he saw was this.

The water was filled with a muffled scream and blood.

The other hunter was still running in the woods. His death was starting to get labored which meant that he was getting tired.

But before he could even think of resting he heard a twig snap somewhere in the wood so he did the first thing that came to mind and that was to hide behind a tree as his heart rate picked up. All of a sudden, he felt some clear liquid dropping on him.

He scooped some on the tips of his fingers but before he could determine what it was he hears a growl coming from above him. He looked up slowly and sees a gain jaguar with wet fur growling at him and his screams echoed throughout the forest making Mark run faster even if his feet were killing him.

After a few minutes of running, he finally collapsed face first.

"ooh, that's gotta hurt" he heard his worst nightmare's voice behind him, "well it looks like you're the last person standing"

"D-does th-that mean I get to live," Mark asked hopefully but his hopes were crushed by her next words.

"Who said anything about letting you go live I never specifically said what would happen if anyone was the last man standing," she said with a smile enjoying the look of despair on his face.

"Please don't kill me I-i have family, and I would do anything if you want I will stop hunting I'll never pick up a gun ever again just please don't kill me" He begged.

"you have a family huh," She asked with no emotion on her face the moment he said he has a family.


"Well, that's a shame, well Mark let me remind you of something that happens last year on the date of June 25," she said and Mark's eyes widened as he knew he was fucked.

"Your hunters captured a family of werewolves a father and mother with their two kids both who were 11 and 12.  Do you remember torturing the parent in front of their kids for months as you laughed every time they begged for you to stop and when you finally got bored you shot the kids in front of the parents before shooting the wife as well. What was it you said to the father when he asked you why before you killed him as well. That monsters don't deserve to be happy that they all deserve to be killed brutally, oh I'm gonna enjoy what comes next" She said before Mark's screams filled the forest for hours.

After she finally killed him he was beyond recognition. She sighs as she rests her head on a tree and thinks back to when she was young and how she met someone who changed her life and gave her a new family.

'hopefully, we'll meet again soon she thought with a smile before she heard the voice of the same person she was just thinking about.

"It's nice to see that you haven't changed in the last 300 years MAYA."

Next chapter