

Stiles is in the guidance counsellor's office, restringing his lacrosse stick net thingie as he gives a rundown on what has happened since the last night. Matt's body or what's left of it has been found by the police and Stiles doesn't feel sorry for Matt; just because he drowned as a nine-year-old doesn't mean that he had the right to go around murdering people.

"One positive thing came out of this though right?" Ms Morrell asks referring to Stilinski being reinstated as sheriff.

"Yeah, but I still feel like there's something wrong between us, I don't know just this tension when we talk, same thing with Scott," Stiles says.

"Have you talked to him since that night," ms Morrell asks.

"No, not really, I mean he's got his own problems to deal with though," Stiles says.

"What about your other friends Astrid and Allison" Ms Morrell asks.

"I haven't heard from them either Allison's still greaving her mother's death hit her pretty hard and Astrid's helping her cope," Stiles says.


In the gym of the packhouse, Allison was running on the treadmill with blood bags all around her. Her mind flashed back to seeing her mother's dead body and she increases her speed her eyes flashing blue. She had thought of turning off her humanity but Astrid being by her side through all this had discouraged her from doing so which she was grateful for, a small smile formed on her lips she couldn't ask for a better mate.

(flashback end)

"Jackson is still out of it. Right now, Lydia seems to be the most normal one right now." Stiles says.

"What about you Stiles feeling some anxiety about the championship game tomorrow night," Ms Morrell asks him.

"Why would you ask me that?" Stiles says before realising that he's bitting on his lacrosse stick net, "No. I never actually play. But hey, since one of my teammates is dead, who knows? Right? How come you're not taking any notes on this"

"I do my notes after the session" Ms Morrell says surprising him.

"Your memory is that good" Stiles asks.

"How about we get back to you," Ms Morrell says, "Stiles?"

"I'm fine, Yeah, aside from the not sleeping, the jumpiness, the constant overwhelming, crushing fear that something terrible is about to happen," Stiles says.

"It's called hyper-vigilance. The persistent feeling of being under threat." Ms Morrell tells him.

"It's not just a feeling, though. It's like it's a panic attack. You know, like I can't even breathe." Stiles says.

Ms Morrell tells Stiles to think about something Winston Churchill once said: 'If you're going through hell, keep going.'


Scott hops out of the shower. He wipes out his fogy mirror when he hears a sound in his room.

He finds the Kanima up on the wall, its tail around Mama McCall's neck. Gerard is sitting in the corner.

"As you can see Scott there's been some interesting developments lately, I think we should catch up," Gerard says and Scott takes out his claws, "Come on Scott lets be realistic about who's got the up hand here"

"Let her go," Scott says.

"Can't do that but let her live that's up to you"

"What do you want"

"I wanna talk you haven't been answering your phone"

"let her go and we can talk about whatever you want"

"I want the same thing I have always wanted, I want Derek Hale and his pack," Gerard says as he stands up and walks in front of Scott.

"They're lying low how I'm I suppose to know where they are," Scott asks since he didn't know where the packhouse is.

"I think with the proper motivation you can draw them out and if you hadn't noticed I now have a fairly impressive means by which I can motivate people," Gerard says and the Kanima hisses at Scott, "Why do you think I can control him, oh you know the myth, Scott the Kanima is a weapon of vengeance"

"Is this about Kate?" Scott asks.

"I didn't just come here to bury my daughter I came to avenge her and I'm gonna start with Astrid she had poisoned Allison's mind far enough," Gerard says as the Kanima drops Melissa and leaves with Gerard.


Astrid was making her way back to the packhouse since she left to get more blood bags since Allison had emptied the ones in the fridge. She had compelled someone to take them home since she saw Gerard following her so she decided to take a detour.

Once she was in the woods she hears a very low hiss behind her that if she wasn't focusing she would have missed. She ducks just in time to avoid the Kanima's slash to the back of her neck and kicks it in the abdomen sending it back.

She partially shifts and growls at the Kanima who hisses back before lunging at her and starting slashing its claws at her. Astrid dodges and blocks its attacks before punching it in the face. The Kanima hisses before spinning to try to use its tail but Astrid catches it and throws it a tree.

The Kanima recovers quickly and climbs the tree since it saw it can't defeat its opponent head-on so it sneaks around in the trees looking for an opening to Astrid's back which it finds and jumps toward her claws stretched out but Astrid smirks before turning around quickly dodging the Kanima's claws and slashing its throat.

The Kanima hisses loudly in agony before it drops to the ground and shifts back to Jackson unconscious but before she could walk away she hears a gunshot and a burning sensation in her chest before everything goes black.

Gerard walks up to the 'dead' werewolf, "it looks like I made the right decision going after her first being alone and defeating a Kanima is no easy task but she made it look easy but now that she's out of the picture my plan can go smoothly" he says before he

picks up Jackson's unconscious body and leaves not seeing how Astrid started breathing and the only thing keeping her unconscious is the yellow wolfsbane in her heart but that won't last long.


Derek who was going through some old books at the Hale house looking for something to help stop the Kanima when he suddenly stopped he picks up throws a piece of glass and Peter Hale catches it right before it hits him in the throat.

"I expected a slightly warmer welcome, but point taken," Peter says before adding, "it's quite a situation you've got yourself in here, Derek. I mean, I'm out of commission for a few weeks and you've got lizard people, geriatric psychopaths, and you're cooking up werewolves out of every self-esteem-deprived adolescent."

"What do you want," Derek asks blankly.

"I want to help Derek since you are the only relative that I have left. You know there's still a lot I can teach you, can we just talk" Peter says before making the mistake of putting his hand on Derek's shoulder.

Derek looks at the hand on his shoulder, "sure let's talk" he says before Peter is thrown at the staircase.


At the animal clinic, all the animals start going crazy as someone walks in. It's Isaac. Deaton invites him in and he watches as Deaton and Scott treat a dog.

"it's not going to get better is it," Isaac asks.

"No how can you tell," Deaton asks already knowing the answer but he wanted to hear what he says.

"Well, for the past few days Astrid's been teaching us how to use our powers which includes our sense of smell what is that cancer," Isaac asks.

"Osteosarcoma but it does have a very distinct scent doesn't it," Deaton says looking at Scott who nods his head, "Has Astrid taught you what your powers can do for others"

"uhh yeah," Isaac says before putting his hand on the dog taking some of its pain away making Deaton and Scott smile. Deaton nods his head in approval glad that Astrid is taking her role as an Alpha seriously.

After the dog died Deaton took it away leaving Isaac and Scott alone.

"So what are you doing here Isaac," Scott asked.

"Nothing really I was bored so I decided to take a walk and since I was passing by I thought I'd say hi," Isaac says and Scott nods, "so are you playing the game tonight"

"No, I'm not playing I can't even think of playing some meaningless game right now," Scott says.

"You weren't in practice last week where you?" Isaac asks.

"No, I skipped it why"

"Then you didn't hear"

"hear what?"

"Jackson was there," Isaac says shocking Scott.

"What do you mean there like—" Scott says but Isaac cuts him off.

"Like nothing ever happened"

"But that means the game tonight"

"Yeah he's playing"


In the locker room before the lacrosse game, Danny asks Jackson if he's okay. He's been ignoring Danny's texts all week and Danny's getting worried. Jackson snaps out of his Kanima coma and Scott overhears him giving Danny some advice.

"Stay in goal tonight, Danny. Do not come out. And if you see me coming towards you, run the other way as fast as you can." Jackson says.

Melissa walks into the locker room, looking nervous. She can't see Scott but she's in time for Coach's pep talk, which is actually just the speech from Independence Day. According to Stiles, it's Coach's favourite movie and he recites the speech every year.

"He doesn't know any sports speeches?" Melissa asks

"I don't think he cares." Stiles answers.

Coach's speech wraps up and Gerard steps in for his principal pep talk. He says that he's sure they'll do a great job, even with only one co-captain playing. Scott has been benched because he's failing three classes. It isn't Coach's choice and he can't be persuaded to let Scott play.

Stiles and Scott talk on the bench, doing a headcount of their nearest and dearest to see who's going to end up in the Kanima's killing path.

Melissa and Sheriff are sitting together. Lydia is nowhere to be seen.  Stiles tells Scott how much it sucked watching his dad get hit over the head by Matt while he lay there, paralysed and helpless. He just can't do the things that Scott can. Scott tells him it's okay but Stiles knows it's not; they're losing.

Coach tells Stiles to get out on the field because he sucks slightly less than Greenberg.

STILES: I'm playing? On the field? With the team?

COACH: Yes. Unless you'd rather play with yourself.

STILES: I already did that today. Twice.

COACH: Get the hell out there.

Stiles runs out onto the field and Sheriff is so proud that he finally gets to watch his son play.

Gerard tests Scott's super hearing and tells him to watch closely because the game is about to get interesting. 

"So tell me, Scott. Who's going to die tonight? Should it be your mother, who so bravely came out to support you? Or the Sheriff, your best friend's father? Or how about the pretty little redhead who managed to survive the bite of an Alpha? Or maybe one of these innocent teenagers with their whole life ahead of them? Or should I do everyone a favour and kill that ridiculous coach? It's up to you, Scott, but you are going to help me take Derek down. Because if you don't, I'll have Jackson rip someone's head off right in the middle of the field and drench everyone you love and care about in blood," Gerard says.


Derek has stopped kicking the crap out of Peter. Peter is now inspecting his face, which is taking longer to heal than usual.

"Coming back from the dead isn't easy you know I'm not as strong as I used to be. I need a pack and an Alpha like you, I need you as much as you need me" Peter says.

"well Derek doesn't need you but I can agree with you on one thing dying is not fun," Astrid says as she leans on the door when Peter sees her he takes a step back the emotion of fear rolling off of him makes Derek and Astrid smirk before she groans in discomfort.

"What happened to you," Derek asks concerned seeing the blood on her chest.

"Well Gerard happened, put a wolfsbane bullet through my heart," she says Derek and peter's eyes widen in shock, "yeah like I said dying is no fun and I still have some residue lift in there"

Derek sighed before walking up to her and giving her his wrist knowing that she needs blood to flash out the remaining wolfsbane. she happily takes the offer not before thanking him while also messaging Allison something mentally.


Stiles catches the ball and is immediately ploughed over by the other team. He keeps fumbling and Mama McCall and Lydia try to make excuses, saying he's just warming up, he's just nervous.

Coach still won't let Scott play, even though they're losing. Isaac shows up.

"You came to help," Scott asks.

"Yep, Allison said it was Astrid's orders," Isaac says.

Scott's plan to stop Gerard from setting the Kanima on everyone is to sit on the bench until the end of the game and then just jump up and fight. Isaac decides they need to get Scott on the field to better their chances of stopping Jackson.

The only way to do that is for all the other benched players to be put out of commission so Scott's the only choice left. Isaac gets on the field and starts dropping players left and right.

Jackson takes out Isaac by paralysing him. Finally, Scott gets a chance to play. Mama McCall runs out onto the field and tells Scott to forget what she said before about giving Gerard what he wants. If Scott can do anything to help then he should.

In the locker room, Isaac is mostly paralysed and is trying to crawl away from Gerard and some other WEREWOLF HUNTERS. Gerard pulls out his sword again and makes a pun about it being 'half time'.

Isaac manages to pull himself to a standing position with the bathroom sink. Gerard gets ready to swing his sword and then he sees Scott, Erica and Boyd in the mirror behind him, wolf eyes glowing. They start fighting the hunters and Gerard slips away.

On the field The ball rolls to a stop at Stiles's feet and no one realises that he has it until he's running towards the goal and screaming. People start yelling at him to shoot the ball but it's not until Lydia yells that Stiles wakes up and scores a goal. The crowd goes wild and Stiles can hardly believe he just scored a goal. Stiles gets the ball again and scores another goal.


Back in the Hale house, Astrid looks better, "Alright, what is your plan on stopping Jackson Peter"

"What makes you think I have a plan," he asks.

"Well, for one you wouldn't be here saying that we need if you didn't," Astrid says.

"The only way to get to Jackson is through his heart," Peter says.

"if you haven't noticed Jackson doesn't have much of a heart," Derek says frustrated.

"No, Derek he might be on to something because Jackson won't admit it, but there is one person who could save him—someone who had a real bond with him. Lydia." Astrid says, " plus her being a banshee would be useful since her voice has power"


Lydia is busy cheering for Stiles as he scores yet another goal. She has no idea that her love for Jackson could probably save everyone around her right now.

Scott runs back to the field just as the game reaches its last 30 seconds. Jackson pulls off his gloves and his eyes go reptilian. 

The timer reaches zero. Beacon Hills has won the championship by one point. Mama McCall and Sheriff hug. Everything seems fine and no one's hurt.

Then the field lights start to go out. People start screaming and running everywhere. Scott finds his mother and she tells him that someone on the field is hurt. The lights come back on and we see who the injured person is. It's Jackson.

He's lying prone on the field, surrounded by his curious teammates. Melissa and Scott run over. Lydia pushes her way through to get to Jackson's side as Melissa starts listening for a heartbeat.

Jackson's not breathing and he has no pulse. He's bleeding from the stomach. Isaac and Scott see the blood on Jackson's hand knowing he did this to himself.

Melissa starts doing compressions with Lydia's help. Sheriff looks around and realises that he can't see his son. Stiles is missing.

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