
Thats A Lot Of Damage

With a skip in my step I cheerfully made my way towards the commons room with my new weapon Gleaming Rose. Walking through the halls I passed by large groups of people who were for some reason still awake.

'Huh I wonder why there are so many people up right now?' I thought as I rechecked my Scroll and saw that it was around 10:40pm.

Shrugging my shoulders I continued my way through the halls and soon reached the commons room. Opening the door to the room I was met with a large crash and arguing from the inhabitants of the room.

"We must fight! Jack is dragging our honor through the mud by doing this!" Reinhardt yelled as he stood up from where he was sitting.

Eyes opening slightly in shock, I looked around the room and saw Reinhardt yelling at Anna, as Mercy and McCree just listened. In the middle of the commons room was a TV playing a video of Jack Morrison and the British Prime Minister agreeing on not intervening in the Null Sector group.

Anna had a visible tick mark on her head and angrily said "I understand how you feel Reinhardt, but our hands are tied."

McCree and Mercy seemed to watch the two argue. Mercy sometimes hopped in the conversation and tried to support Reinhardt, but Anna put everything they said into the ground.

"Yup. Not getting involved in this." Popping the P when I said Yup, I left the commons room to find Lena. Exiting the room, I made it to the dormitory room I lived in with Lena and entered.

Upon entering the room I came across a sight of a slightly depressed Tracer sitting on her bed staring at her phone. Tracer hearing the door open lethargically moved her eyes from her phone and saw me. Surprise was visibly shown on her face as her depressed mood quickly hid itself.

"Oh love you are back. I thought you were just going to be with Torbjorn all night considering its almost 11." Lena said in a slightly down trodden voice.

'I hope she's ok...' I thought as I tried to find a way to slightly cheer her up. Thinking for awhile I just decided to show her Gleaming Rose as weapons often cheered me up.

Reaching behind my back I pulled out the small compacted form of Gleaming Rose, which looked a lot like a small sickle but without the blade. Grinning with a happy look on my face I held it out in front of me to show Lena.

Lena taking a second to inspect the weapon in my grasp scratched her head and murmured "Lot smaller than I thought it would be, also where is the blade?"

(AN: That's what she said. I'm sorry I had to.)

Listening to her murmur I smirked. "Well this right here is just the compact state, watch this!"

Swiftly I pressed a hidden switch that caused the weapon to expand. The weapon unnaturally expanded to about the size of Crescent Rose. After fully expanding a small red light flashed on the top of the Scythe as the blade emerged.


The sound of Gleaming Rose activating sounded throughout room, as the hard light projector quickly turned on and into the shape of a scythe blade. The giant red blade curved downwards and shined in red radiance.

Looking away from my Gleaming Rose I looked at Lena for her reaction and was met with Lena with her mouth wide open as she stared at the Scythe. Comically she tried saying some words but in the end could only mutter out "Wow."

Taking her surprise to my weapon as compliment, I smirked and laughed. "Haha, praise me more! This is my new baby Gleaming Rose. She is a High Powered Hard Light Scythe Gauntlet and Gun Combo, or a HPHLSGGC for short."

Lena took a minute to comprehend what I said and finally shook herself out of her stupor. Looking at my blade once more her eyes sparkled as she began to fangirl over the weapon.

"This thing is amazing! You said it can become a gauntlet too?" Lena asked as she stared in awe at the Scythe. Lena walked closer to it and I decided to give her the blade.

Nodding I handed over the weapon carefully I said "Alright don't press any buttons unless I tell you to, also be careful because this thing can burn through metal like butter."

Lena nodded and took the Scythe from my hands. Holding it she acted like she was weighing it until getting into a mock stance that I make while fighting.

"Hmm this how you always do it? Right Ms. Grimm Reaper?" Lena asked in a cheeky British accent as she held Gleaming Rose behind her back.

After hearing her mock me I slightly slouched in a depressed manner. Trying to ignore her as she changed poses with my Scythe while saying things like "Ooo fear me I am death!" or "Here I come with my death powers!" I finally got fed up.

While Tracer was distracter doing idiotic poses with my Scythe, I walked up to her and snatched it from her hands. "This is how it's done." I simply said as I began to twirl the Scythe so quickly that it blurred.

Doing some light spins I twirled it around and held it behind my back. "Now that's done with watch this!" I gleefully said as I pressed a hidden button near my thumb on the Scythe.

Shink, Chink.

The gears of the Scythe caused it to transform into a gauntlet. Holding it in a reverse grip my Scythe reemerged from the hard light projector. Getting in a mock fighting stance I posed for Tracer.

"Ok now you are just showing off." Lena exasperatedly said as she watched me do a couple mock punches.

Grinning slightly I once more transformed the Scythe into its third form which was a hand gun. Thinking out loud I said "Hmm it will take some time to get used to. I need to practice more..."

Shaking myself out of my stupor I deactivated the blade and put it back on my back. Looking at Lena I saw that her previous downtrodden mood was gone and that showing off my weapon worked.

Grinning I asked "So Lena what's the whole deal with the people in the living room? I think I know why they are arguing, but I want to know what's up from you."

Lena's slightly depressed air came back when she heard my question but disappeared as she pondered how to answer.

"Well you know the whole Null Sector issue right?" I nodded towards Lena. "Yeah pretty much they are finally acting out and are taking over London."

My eyes opened widely at how casually Lena said the last part.

"But the issue is that Jack won't let Overwatch intervene, something about us having too much bad rep already." Lena added on, finishing her answer to my question.

Entering into deep thought for a moment I was thinking 'Already? Null Sector should've taken a little while longer, I guess my timing was wrong...'

Looking back up from the floor I nodded and decided to cheekily say "Well I guess we will just have to act without Jack knowing, won't we?"

Lena smirked towards me and nodded her head. "Guess we will, won't we love. Only issue is getting the others on board."

"Guess we will have to do that, but let's do it tomorrow morning. I am pretty tired from making Gleaming Rose after all." I smiled slightly as I scratched my head.

Lena seeing my reaction laughed slightly. "Heh guess you are, sorry if I got too excited, I nearly forgot its almost midnight."

"Eh it's okay, I got a little too hyped up showing off Gleaming Rose." I smiled and grabbed some of my sleep wear. "Oh yeah Iclaimfirstshower!" I quickly said as I dashed off to the bathroom leaving Lena by herself.

"Drats she got me again!" Lena angrily said as I vanished to the bathroom.

Taking a quick shower I dressed up in my sleeping gown and entered the room. Upon entering I was met with an angry Lena who walked past me into the bathroom. 'Should've been quicker.' I happily thought.

Putting Gleaming Rose on the table I plopped down on my bed and opened up my new phone and scrolled through the contacts list. On the list I had most Overwatch members and Rienne. 'Let's shoot Rienne a message to see if she is okay.' I thought.



11:03pm Ruby: Hey it's me Ruby, sorry if I haven't been able to contact you recently I was in the process of joining Overwatch! I am now an official member of the vanguard team! :D. Also how have you been?

11:05pm Rienne: Hello Ruby, it's been awhile. I was wondering where you have been. Glad to hear you finally found a place to be, and I'm doing fine. The only issue is the Null Sector scare going around reducing my customer base.

11:06pm Ruby: Sorry to hear that, message me if you need any help and I will come as soon as I can. Also I met a new person who really like's your stuff, here is a picture.

11:06pm Rienne: Oh she looks cute, if you bring her with you the next time you visit I will make her an outfit that matches yours :P.

11:07pm Ruby: Great! I will make sure to bring her in soon. I will try to visit in the coming days but it might be difficult leaving the base while the Null Sector group is acting up.

11:08pm Rienne: Alright I will make sure to get some things set up for your arrival. You owe me a lot of missing photo shoots after all. Oh yes the other outfits are finished for you, I also made you a something a little special...

11:09pm Ruby: What do you mean special? And great I will be looking forward to it... Kind of looking forward to it.

"Who ya texting love?" Lena startled me as she was watching me message Rienne.

"Ahh!" I shouted out in surprise and fumbled my phone around. Safely grabbing my phone I glared up at Lena. "Hey! Why are you always so quiet, I need to put a bell on you or something."

Lena not letting go of an opportunity to tease me said "Oh trying to claim me as yours or something?"

Hearing her reply I blushed and waved my hands around quickly. Trying to explain what I meant I quickly said "Wait no no! I didn't mean it like that. Itsnotlikethatyouarejustquiet!" I quickened my pace towards the end of my explanation.

"Hahaha! Oh my gosh love you should see your face!" Lena laughed out as she took a quick picture of me.

Hearing the distinct click of a camera I saw Lena snapping a photo of me blushing. "Hey delete that!" I yelled out as I tried grabbing the phone from her.

Running around the room she dodged me every time I tried grabbing the phone. 'You forced my hand.' I thought as I suddenly stopped chasing her.

Lena seeing that I was no longer playing tag with her looked to see what was wrong.

Inwardly I smirked as I had her right where I wanted her. Using my secret technique I made giant puppy eyes.. "Pleeease" I pleaded to Lena.

Lena took a step back as she stared at my pleading. Shaking herself out of it she looked away. 'Not yet!' I thought as I intensified my plead.

Making my puppy eyes even more dramatic crocodile tears formed at the edges of my eyes. Silver eyes with tears forming at the edges of them stared intensely at Lena. Only something I didn't expect happened.


The sound of the phone taking another photo sounded out as Lena took a photo of my puppy eyes. "Sorry love, but you can't get me with that trick as I do it to others as well." Lena cheekily said.

'What! Not fair!' I angrily thought. Pouting I murmured "Fine you win..." and went back to my phone to message Rienne.

Lena smirked in victory and saved the photos to wherever she was saving them. Going back to the phone I saw a couple messages from Rienne.


11:09pm Rienne: Well the surprise is a surprise, but I can assuredly say that you will love it. By the way tell me more about this friend of yours.

11:14pm Rienne: Ruby you still there?

11:17pm Rienne. Understandable... I guess you don't want the surprise

Reading the messages my eyes opened and I quickly responded.

11:20pm Ruby: Hehe sorry about that. My roommate, Lena, interrupted me and took some photos of me. Pleaseeeee don't get rid of the surprise. 8(.

11:21pm Rienne: Great to hear back from you finally, and your roommate sounds like a fun person. You said she likes my outfits? Give me her number so I could message her about some outfits for her.

11:21pm Ruby: One second let me ask.

Rereading the message she sent I thought about giving out Lena's number. "Hey Lena my friend Rienne wants your phone number to message you about outfit ideas, is that okay?"

Lena hearing my question looked away from her phone. Quickly her eyes opened comically large and she hurriedly asked "Wait wait! The Rienne wants to make me an outfit?"

I nodded to Lena and she stood up and plopped down next to me on my bed. Grabbing my phone Lena sent her phone number to Rienne, and handed the phone back to me.

Dusting off her hands Lena stood and went back to her own bed.

11:23pm Ruby: Hi I'm Lena, a big fan. Here is my number +44 9432 774567.

11:24pm Rienne: Great to meet you, I will message you more on your phone. Also Ruby I am going now, have a good night.

Staring at the message I shrugged my shoulders and turned off my phone. Not thinking about the coincidence of her going to sleep after getting Lena's number I just decided to go to sleep.

"Hey Lena let's go to bed, I am kinda sleepy after building Gleaming Rose." I asked Lena as I was preparing to turn off the lights.

Lena waved me off while texting something on her phone. "Yeah sure, I will go to bed soon."

Shrugging my shoulders I turned off the lights and went to sleep.

That is the chapter! Next chapter will be Ruby/Lena preparing for Null Sector. Anyways I hoped you enjoyed the chapter and my crappy Messaging system, lmao. Prolly in about 2 or so chapters we will begin the Null Sector arc. After the Null Sector arc we will probably go to a new world for a short period of time and come back with new abilities, for anyone who wanted to know when we are multiverse traveling. See ya next chapter which will be probably tomorrow

GaZe_Zerocreators' thoughts
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