
Chapter 24

"Just some personal problems with her my love" Jihye stood up and kiss the top of her head "Why are you awake?" She asked trying not to show her wife that she was deeply mad at her member.

Lauren nodded and rested her head on her wife's chest smelling her perfume while Jihye looked at her friends sighing and gazed at Ben who was nodding at her. The CEO looked in the direction where her Dad was sitting and he smiled at her.

"Daddy, you're here," Lauren said excitedly while Yujin and Megan were so confused. Jihye widened her eyes and instantly elbowed her wife trying to say that her two best friends are here "O-oh, I thought I just saw Dad in the window" she said nervously while the two dancers nodded but also looked at the window.

They decided to stay there for a couple more hours. Laurene fell dead asleep on Jennie's lap, it was already twelve in the morning and the two dancers were still here. Jihye couldn't stop gazing Ben and her two friends are very confused by it. They couldn't lie but it was sending shivers to their spine and they felt cold.

"You guys can sleep in the guest room, there are two beds in it," Jihye said while carrying her wife in a bridal style and whispering that it was her because she was stirring in her sleep.

"Sure," the two dancers said in Unison while Jihye left with her wife. This night is going to be hard for the dancer, she just can't believe that one of her best friends has plans of taking the love of her life away and even breeding it. If she wasn't that much important to her and her dance crew she could have just killed her and buried her even though she's still breathing.

She was looking at her wife who's sleeping peacefully, deep inside her she wanted to go back to Los Angeles just to keep her and her son safe or she just wanted to shut Ara down and bring her back to her original country. She knew tomorrow she need to face her tomorrow, she doesn't even care if their friendship will break she just want her wife safe.

Jihye woke up due to the sun hitting her face, she just had two hours of sleep since she was certainly thinking about her wife. She sigh and wanted to cuddle her wife but to her dismay, she wasn't there beside her. She quickly sat up in her bed.

"Honey?" She shouted but no one was answering "Hon?" She said again looking in the bathroom. She went out to the room, she was already nervous and praying to god that her wife didn't come out to go to the company because as far as she remembers she has some interviews with the interns.

She was already in the living room seeing Gia holding Jayden and Gabbie was in the living room "Have you seen Lauren?" Jihye asked worriedly

"Oh Jihye, you're awake. Your friends told us that they need to go because their families are calling and Lauren went out early because Suzy was calling her early in the morning because they need to talk to the interns"  Jihye groaned and instantly went back to the room to change her clothes. Lauren's friends were left confused when they saw that Jihye was tense and so worried.

"Gabbie you have to come with me" Jihye ordered coming out from the penthouse.

Gabbie gulp seeing Jihye so serious, Gia nodded at him knowing that Jihye might get mad if she didn't order. The Muscular boy quickly followed Jihye and instantly went to the car.

Meanwhile, Lauren was currently in her office. Suzy was out buying some coffee and breakfast she left at around six-thirty in the morning, she doesn't want to wake up her wife because she seems so tired so she decided to call Gia and Gabbie to look after their son.

Lauren came out from her office to look around. It was already nine in the morning she was thinking that her wife was awake she's not used to her for a long time and she wanted to hear her voice. The workers are saying Hi to her while Lauren was smiling at them and bowing. She was about to dial Jennie's number but it was cut off when someone called her by her name.

"Lauren!" The CEO looked around seeing a tired Ara, she was panting and catching her breath.

"Ara, what are you doing here?" Lauren asked rubbing her back while the girl's heart was already melting "Did you run? Well, Jihye is not here she was tired and I guess she was still asleep"

"Oh, no-no. I came here to see you" Lauren formed an O and gestured her to continue "I was wondering if you could help me with our company and I need some help with some reports" the CEO smiled

"Sure, let's go to my office then" Ara smirked when she saw the CEO walking towards the office so she followed her from behind secretly looking at her ass and her pants is already tightening.

They came inside Lauren's office, Ara secretly locked the door and she sat across Lauren. She took out some paper and handed it to Lauren.

"What seems to be the problem in the company?" The CEO asked the girl while looking at the report that was fake, it was made by her people.

"Bankruptcy, my parents wanted your help" Lauren was left confused because there's no way they will have a bankruptcy knowing the Lees are already helping them to make their company at the top.

"Bankruptcy? I--didn't the Lee's are already helping your company ever since you got married to Jieun?" Ara gulped knowing she has completely forgotten her wife and she was a CEO.

"U-uh, my mother build another company and she was wondering if you could help her" Lauren just nodded everything is weird right now but she decided to help them instead.

Meanwhile, Jihye was already calling Lauren but she wasn't answering. Gabbie was holding the seatbelt tightly, the dancer wasn't following the speed limit.

"Shit" Jihye groaned and drove faster. She decided to call Yujin "put it on speaker Gabbie" she ordered while the muscular guy shakily put it on speaker.

"Jihye?" The Korean answered

"Yujin, you and Megan should be at Lauren's company right now" Jihye blurted out while driving quickly

"What? Why is that?" The Blonde told her to put in the speaker "Ara wasn't around, we were supposed to talk to her. Is everything okay?"

"Yujin, I called my wife's bodyguards I was asking him if Ara was in the company and he just told me a few minutes ago that she was talking with Lauren. Both of you, you need to be there now. You both are much more nearer" The dancer turned right not caring about the stoplight. She heard the commotions coming from the other line which means the two girls are already running out of the company.

"O-okay, we'll be there" Jihye ended the call and looked at Gabbie who was in fear she sighs "look, Ara has some dark plans towards my wife"

"W-what k-kind of d-dark p-plans?" He asked while sitting properly, she never saw Jihye in this state.

"Ara was admiring my wife for almost months now and she was planning to breed her, harass and rape her. She's even planning to take her away from me" just then Gabbie just grip the seatbelt.

Jihye looked at him and he was already boiling in anger "Let's fucking do this" Jihye smirked and drove even more fast.

"I guess this is everything" Lauren declared

"Oh, thank you" the CEO smiled and the girl doesn't know how will she execute the plan "so? How's Jihye? Do you have plans with her?"

"Well, she's doing okay and we don't have plans for today as of the moment but tomorrow we'll be going to Jeju to celebrate our first wedding anniversary" the CEO smiled delightedly while the girl was already convulsing inside

"Oh, you're really beautiful" she blurted out while Lauren chuckled but deep inside her everything is so weird right now

"Thank you" she smiled

"So. I was wondering since you and Jihye don't have any plans. Can we hang out at my place?" Ara stood up making her way to the CEO

The CEO was so confused right now "Uhm...I need to go home early since I want to spend my time with Jayden since Jihye and I can't take him to Jeju"

Ara smirked when she held Lauren's shoulder the CEO flinch and gulped. Their faces were just an inch closer "Ara, n-not t-to c-close"

"But I like it this close" The CEO widened her eyes and the girl looked at her eyes than to her lips biting her lower lip "What do your lips taste?" Lauren was supposed to answer but Ara covered her mouth she could tell the CEO was already frightened.

"You know, I've been liking you ever since I'm always visiting you and Jihye when you are both overseas. You have such a beautiful face, that beautiful ass, and the tits that I like. Your body is spot on. Will you let me have a taste of you?" The CEO instantly shook her head and Ara uncovered her mouth

"A-ara, y-you c-can't. I love Jihye. You have Jieun and she loves you so much" The girl smirked

"This will be our little secret. Let me just have a taste of you"

"N-no" Lauren tried to push her away but Ara was so strong "PLEASE HELP!!!" The CEO shout while Ara already groaned and pinned her to the table "A-ara p-please" she sobbed

"Oh, so you're begging for me?" Ara smirked "don't worry darling. I'll give you the best pleasure ever"

"N-no, p-please" The CEO sobbed again "PLEASE HELP" Ara covered her mouth and she was already unbuttoning the CEO's business outfit. The employees were already knocking on the door loudly knowing their boss was in trouble.

Just then, Yujin and Megan came and they instantly saw the employees trying to push through the door they could hear Lauren's voice and Ara was trying to shut her off. Jihye and Gabbie were in time they quickly ran to the door.

"ELMER, FUCKING SHOOT THIS LOCK" The bodyguard instantly shoot it and it wasn't enough. Jihye ran to the door but it wasn't a big help her friends and Gabbie decided to help her. She could her wife's sobs and her anger was more building up. All the employees already run to the door and it instantly went wide open. Jihye instantly went inside and Ara was already devouring her body.

"Fuck you asshole" Jihye took her by the collar and pushed them to the wall. The things were already falling because of the friction. Ara was already groaning in pain and Jihye punch her, again and again, the anger she doesn't want to speak to her but all she wants is to show how mad she is.

Megan and Yujin were hugging Lauren and covering her exposed breast. The employees were already calling the police and Gabbie was trying to reach out to Jieun and he already called both of the married couple's parents.

Jihye punch Ara until she was passed out, she was already panting. She looked at her wife who was already frightened she make her way to her and kneel in front of her and hugged her tightly telling her that it was okay. Lauren sobbed in her shirt clinging to her tightly.

They sat there waiting for the police officers to come while Jihye was still calming her wife down. She removed her hoodie for her to wear. Dowon, Dohyun, and Leslie instantly came and they saw Lauren who was clinging to her wife.

"Oh, my baby" Leslie mumbled as the CEO hugged her tightly. She was sobbing again "baby, everything is okay now. You're safe, we're here" the adult kissed her head and Dowon was rubbing her back. Dohyun's hand was turned into a fist while he was looking at Ara who was already standing up with the help of the police officers and putting the handcuff. Jihye and Beom Suk were already talking to the police officer and Chahee was already hugging her daughter-in-law tightly.

Jihye decided to take Lauren home, promising her that she will keep her safe whatever it takes. The dancer led her to the bathroom to remove all the marks that Ara left she even prepared an ice pack. She supports Lauren in the tub and rubbed her back. They were just silent and Jihye was leaving kisses on her neck and Lauren was smiling she was relieved by it.

They came out from the bathroom, Jihye helped her wife to put her clothes on. Once she was done the CEO pushed Jihye to their shared bed and instantly went on top of her, hiding her face to the crook of her wife's neck. Jihye sigh and rub her back kissing the top of her head from time to time.

"I'm sorry if I didn't come at the right time but I was already worried when you were not beside me anymore" Lauren drew a circle in her wife's exposed belly.

"I didn't know what I do to deserve this. I should have waited for you" The CEO mumbled

"Honey, she was wrong. She was a fuck girl and I'm not gonna deny it anymore. You didn't do something wrong, you didn't expose anything to her she was out of her mind. The important thing is you're much safer now, you're in my hands and our family is here to protect you. I will never let anything happen to you" Lauren smiled and kissed her chin

"Jihye, I love you so much. I'm so in love with you" She mumbled rubbing her wife's cheeks

"So I am but it is bigger, you're all mine and I'm all yours lovely" she kissed her wife's head.

The CEO kissed her wife passionately wanting to remove the memories that happened a while ago. She was safe now, no one will hurt her anymore. The kiss continued, and all you could hear is all their heavy breaths. Lauren was already removing Jihye's shirt and the dancer was rubbing her wife's thigh.

Lauren pulled out the kiss and looked at her wife "Claim me"

"I already did" Lauren bit her lip while panting

"Again..do it again" The Dancer pulled her by the back of her neck and kissed her messily, she was already removing her dress and Lauren was already unbuttoning her wife's pants rubbing her crotch. The dancer was already groaning.

Once they are naked together, Lauren was already laying on her back and Jihye was thrusting in her already. She was deep inside her wife.

"Oh fuck baby right there" Jihye obliged, she keeps hitting her g-spot and her pace was fast. Lauren's womanhood was making some wet sounds and it makes Jihye dizzy and she was enjoying it.

"I love you so much baby" Jihye managed to say while thrusting in her wife "I'm going to blow, honey"

"Blow it inside" Jihye nodded and after three more thrusts she finally gave in, filling her womanhood with her cum.

Jihye lay beside her and she was panting, Lauren instantly went to her wife's arms kissing her neck then to her jaw.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" The dancer inquired while rubbing her wife's back

"I thought we'll go to Jeju?"

"Do you still want to? We can move it" Lauren shook her head "You want to go?"

"I want to, tomorrow is our important day and I never want to skip it. I want to go to Jeju and stay there with you for one week it may help me remove my stress and the fright that I was feeling today. Especially you're there for me, I want to forget it with you because I know it was hard on you especially she was your best friend" Jihye smiled and kissed the top of her head

"Okay, whatever you say baby. We'll be there tomorrow" Lauren smiled and hug her wife tightly, Jihye was uncomfortable since her wife's tits were exposed and she got a hard-on again. Lauren chuckled seeing her wife's private part standing up straight.

"Ready for round two?" The CEO asked

"Give me ahead?" She asked shyly, Lauren chuckled and she winked at her making her kiss down to her private part. This will be a long night but she doesn't care. It's gonna be a night full of love.

Lauren woke up because of Jihye's kisses. She was also playing with her tits and she chuckled "Hon, it's early for that again"

Jihye smiled and kiss the top of her head "I just love playing with it, it's so soft and squishy" Lauren laugh "Good Morning, Gorgeous" she gave her wife a peck

"And good morning to you too my charmer" Lauren mumbled resting her head on her wife's neck kissing every inch of it "what time are we gonna leave?"

"In three hours. Jayden's is still asleep with his Uncle Dohyun" Lauren widened her eyes

"He was here?" She asked standing up, worried that he heard the commotion that was happening between them and her wife

"Yeah but you don't have to worry, he came here you're already asleep so we're done in that time" Lauren sigh in relief

"I should wear something, they might come in here at any moment" Jihye agreed and told her that she will make some coffee for the both of them. Laurene wore a bathrobe and washed her face, also looking at the hickeys that her wife gave her she didn't lie she did mark every inch of her skin. She chuckled and went outside seeing Dohyun carrying Jayden.

"Good Morning, Noona" he showed his gummy smile while Jayden was opening his arms to her Mommy asking her to carry him

"Oh my babies" Lauren kissed Dohyun's cheek and she took Jayden "Good Morning and Good Morning to you too my little buddy. Did you sleep well?" He giggled when she tickled his side.

"Are you okay Noona?" Dohyun asked while looking at her sister, the CEO could see the worried face in her brother's expression.

"Hey, I'm okay. I'm still trying to forget what happened last night and I and Jihye decided to go to Jeju today so you'll take Jayden with you" Dohyun nodded and rested her head on her sister's shoulder while Jayden hugged her mother to her belly. She sighs and rubs his brother's head

"Jihye Noona and I will keep you safe. I can't sleep last night so I came here last night. Jieun Noona wanted to talk to you last night she was here at four in the morning but I told her that you were asleep" Lauren nodded

"Thank you, I'm okay now. I'm safe since I have a lot of guards with me"

"I love you, Noona" Lauren chuckled

"And I love you too" Jayden babbled and Lauren chuckled "And I love you too little Jihye"

"You won't say I love you to me?" The dancer asked pouting, Lauren shook her head

"And I love you so much, My Big Baby" She pecked her wife's lips and she giggled.

'they're the best' Lauren said to herself

"Are you sure that you'll be going to Jeju?" Leslie asked her daughter who was currently packing, Jihye was talking with the bodyguards outside while carrying her son.

"Yes Mom, that's just my way to forget the things that happened yesterday" Leslie nodded and opened her arms as Lauren hugged her tightly "You're okay now baby, you're safe"

"I know, I just hope this is the last one" Her Mom hummed

Well. She's wrong.

Hello!! sorry for not posting, I was busy with school works :(( but here is Chapter 24 and I hope you all enjoy it! and thank you guys so much for the power stones!!

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