
Chapter 5: The Fourth Member ‘LittleRed’

~Third POV~

Ruby Rose age 15 years old.

Ever since she was little, Ruby has had a romanticized view of the Huntsman profession. She is quick to reveal she wanted to become a Huntress to be like the great heroes in fairy tales, and she has described being one as far more "romantic" than being a police officer.

Her mentality is described as I don't have time for my emotions. I've gotta make sure that everybody else is okay.

Ruby has a strong sense of moral justice, a trait she obtained from stories about heroes and monsters that her sister used to read for her, as well as the way her parents raised her.

These stories are what gave her the ideals that she wished to live by and uphold throughout her life and are the reason for her love for books.

One day she was usually walking back home from Signal Academy as she always has by herself as she sees from afar how her older sister Yang was hanging around with her friends as she kindly talked to herself, "Oh… I guess Yang is going to be back home late again. Good for her to be outgoing. Yup going…"


Sighing to herself she used her Semblance [Petal Burst] to quickly run back home as she has done for the last couple of years ever since they started school at Signal Academy learning to become Huntsmen and Huntresses as their future careers.

Ruby is a self-proclaimed dork when it comes to weapons; she is quite intelligent, having designed and built Crescent Rose during her time at Signal, although she admits to going a little overboard with its design.

When she finally arrives at home, she sees that her father Tai wasn't around as she laughs this off as she goes to their family forge and she talks to herself again, "Hehehe… I guess Dad is going to be late coming home. I hope he does fine as a teacher at school. Back to the forge, I go again to my real beauty."

As Ruby gets to her forge she gets to work on her trusty weapon [Crescent Rose] in peace as she sighs to herself in wonder, "Sigh… I wonder if there is more out there to help people like in those stories. I hope to do great one day."

With that Ruby Rose began to work on her weapon in her family forge customizing them to be the best they can be against the monsters of Grimm.

Ruby worked a day in and night creating her [Crescent Rose] prime and ready as she glances back of her red cape as she starts to talk to herself, "Heh. Mom if you were here would you be proud of your little rose following your footsteps. I miss you ya know? Sigh…"

Shaking her head she continues to work on her projects of modifying her weapon some more to hopefully pass the time as even then talking about her dead mother she still feels guilt about at a young age.

In her age her mother died at a very young age as when the funeral happened, she couldn't help but only feel a little sad at the time not completely understanding the situation till she was a little older.

Being reminded of how great her mother was from her dad Tai and uncle Qrow only made Ruby somewhat guilty for not feeling bad as her family was with Summer Rose.

How was Ruby supposed to know more about her mother at a very young age as she only felt sad about her disappearance and only extreme guilt for not knowing her like her family members were attached to Summer Rose?

Later on, the day till it was nighttime after eating dinner with her family she then was put in her room in her sleeping clothes as Ruby looks at the moon of Remnant as she talks to herself, "I wish things with my family would be good. I wish to have some friends around that understand me. Maybe only my [Crescent Rose] is the only one that understands me…"


That was when Ruby was suddenly frightened by an unrecognizable sound as she jumps up from the sound surprising her, "Epp!! What was that?!"

Quickly searching around, it didn't take Ruby long to realize that there was an odd screen in front of her as she examines the strange thing in front of her acting like her scroll.

[Do you accept to join the Dimensional Chat Group?]


Ruby seeing this was oblivious to such a thing since in Remnant the concept of Group Chats is unknown to her and in remnant as she thinks her reason with a bright expression on her face, 'Wait… does this mean I have two semblances! I mean it would make the most sense that what I desired came true? Wait a minute does that mean I have the power to make wishes come true!! Only one way to find out.'

Ruby being Ruby tried very hard to wish for her desire to appear in front of her as she spoke quietly hoping it works, "Come on to Ruby. I wish there to be a plate of chocolate chips cookies to appear with a glass of milk. Come to mama…"

But the reality was cruel as Ruby sees nothing happening to sigh out a breath of disappointment as she began to respond to herself, "Sigh… I figured this would be too good to be true. But what does this mean… Maybe the people on the other side can answer well no choice for science!"

Clicking on the yes button on the screen she soon sees three people online with unique names as she sees her own on the side.

[The Dimensional Group Chat has been created, congratulations for the "LittleRed" to become a member.]

In the present times of the night, the rest of the chat members were now awake seeing that they have a newcomer of the fourth member 'LittleRed' as Tatsumi looked intrigued but hid it well with clear surprise in his thoughts.

Fortunately, another part of the chat room they discovered was so long as your thoughts aren't directed to the members it wouldn't be placed inside the text logs if the user wants to keep it to themselves.

While everyone was talking to the newbie as Ruby was confused about the others Tatsumi began to think to himself in a surprised tone, 'What! I didn't know Ruby was going to sign into this group chat! But this does provide some good opportunities for me if I can get Ruby to unlock my [Aura] if we get a request. For now, time to greet the new member.'

LittleRed: Uh? Hello there, everyone, it's nice to meet you.

Princess: It's nice to meet you as well. I'm Hinata Hyuga the one called Princess.

SwordBae: The same as well I'm Saeko Busujima the one they called SwordBae.

EsdeathBitch: Hello young one I'm Tatsumi no last name the one they… ugh… called EsdeathBitch.

Ruby seeing their interactions looked a bit confused but nodded slightly to the first two but the last one seemed extremely annoyed about his name as she spoke.

LittleRed: Uh… I mean can't you guys just change your name and I'm Ruby Rose by the way?

SwordBae: Trust me we tried to do that but unfortunately, we don't have the luxury to even do that much I'm afraid.

LittleRed: Huh?

EsdeathBitch: Trust me Ruby was it? I have TRIED to get my name changed even constantly trying to see if this damn text room would give me that option. I would rather use my real name than this nickname. Trust me on that.

Princess: I would've liked to change my name as well but sadly that wasn't the few things we were granted with.

LittleRed: Oh, ok then? So where exactly are you all from in Remnant I mean? Do you guys live in villages or the Kingdoms of Remnant like Vale, Mistral, Atlas, or Vacuo?

SwordBae: …

Princess: …

EsdeathBitch: … Ok this might take some explaining with you, Ruby? If you look further at the beginning of the text logs, you'll see about and well explain the best we can.

Ruby for her part just raised her eyebrow as she thought to herself in clear confusion of what was going on, 'Ok? So, are these guys saying that they are from somewhere else other than Remnant? I mean it's the only place…'

Just as Ruby was contemplating her idea, she soon realized what they meant as she saw those cities and villages, they were in were completely different than she expected them to be with wide eyes from not only the text but the photos.

The photos of each other worlds were completely different from her own as she wasn't completely convinced yet as she also searched up the places on her phone as well to see that Saeko and Hinata worlds were also part of the Kingdoms of Remnant like Mistral.

Ruby could even disprove Hinata Jutsu with her reasoning was the ability of her Semblance not wanting to truly believe that they were from other worlds as she tries to reason the photos with her brand of logic.

While searching the photos of the other member's worlds Ruby will admit that they are different but at least comparable to her world till she saw the photos of Tatsumi which made her believe the claims of their words.

But what completely changed her perspective was the fact that Tatsumi was fighting and killing Danger Beast something that is comparable to Remnant with the monsters of Grimm but the one fact that even Ruby couldn't find with the internet of her Scroll.

If such creatures existed and multiple monsters of them why aren't they found in Remnant or even addressed in Combat Schools. The more Ruby searched for the names that Tatsumi gave to her the more surprised and convinced she became till she finally agreed.

LittleRed: Whoa! Then does that mean everything here is actually…

Princess: That is right Ruby everything you saw was real.

SwordBae: Trust me Ruby you weren't the first to believe such a rash thing. I had the same time disbelieving the info of these two as well. Also sorry for not trusting you by the way.

Princess/EsdeathBitch: None was taken.

EsdeathBitch: Yup everything here is just as you expect real. Although I for one would like to be the first to speak is that you aren't wrong to believe it wasn't wrong that the shots of the photos were part of your world of… Remnant was it?

Ruby listened in then had her face brighten up as Tatsumi asked questions about her world as the other two members looked towards Ruby just as curious as well.

Ruby on the other hand thought differently as she thought with joy for the first time socializing as she spoke, 'Wait is this possibly the start of a beautiful friendship perhaps? SOCIAL ACTIVITY!'

While that happened Tatsumi was thinking of another thing with some serious concerns of adding Ruby like this would meanwhile acting friendly to everyone, 'If Ruby joined then that means one of two options from fanfics I read in the past. One is that either a new member would join or two we finally get a quest soon but if so whose joining or what is the quest?'

After late-night events, they all called it a night to talk about Ruby's world later after getting to know each other.

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