

In the Ludi Harpastum, apart from festival stalls, there were three big competitions, the total winner of the festival being chosen from a winner of them. The three competitions were a drawing contest, a gliding competition and finally a musical one.

As expected, there were clear favorites in them, being the winners of the last year. The drawing contest favourite was Albedo and exactly as the last year, he won again with a perfect chart of Mondstadt.

The gliding competition's favorite was Amber, the only Outrider remaining after her grandfather left the post of captain of them. However, this year she did not participate, preferring to guide a certain young girl with problems.

Finally, for the musical contest, the favorite was Barbara Pegg, the deaconess of the Church of Favonius and a prominent "idol", with the excellent play of her lyre. However, this year another new contestant appeared, Columbina.

At the finals, between both of them, Allen showed her greater skills while using the same instrument as her. Barbara had the skills and talent but she lacked the profundity and experience of Allen, her songs being able to influence and move the people.

"You were great!" Barbara cheered as both finished "It's my complete lost" Barbara did not feel bad for losing, all the contrary, she gained a new vision and her desire to improve increased. "I would love to make a duo with you sometime!"

"Let's do it sometime" Allen smiled at the cheerful girl, gaining a big smile from her. Allen could not help to remember Alice and her strange dream to create an idol group of Teyvar with one integrant of every region 'If she was here seeing me play, she might have wanted to recruit me.'

Unanimously, the winner of the games was chosen to be Columbina for her great performance and as a way of giving her face for the favors of the Fatui at Mondstadt, obtaining the right to choose a maiden to throw the Harpastum from Barbatos's statue.

Allen had some people that she would like to choose, mostly being her sister Eula, but knowing how bad it would be seen for a Lawrence to be chosen as it will be a reminder of that period of tyranny where the Lawrence even controlled the Ludi Harpastum, always chosen the maiden and obtaining the Harpastum while heavily punishing anyone that tried otherwise.

That was the main reason that Eula decided to not attend the Ludi Harpastum, deciding to pass this time outside of Mondstadt on a mission. Lawrences were always hated, but especially during this time.

Allen would also have liked to choose Endora who would have enjoyed being the center of attention, but as there was no relation between Endora and Columbina, she negated the idea, not wanting to create any possible relation between Allen and Columbina.

In the end, she chose Barbara as the maiden as a gesture of respect for her great performance and for her own personal reasons.


The main event of the festival finally started with Barbara standing over the hands of Barbatos's statue with the red Harpastum in her hands. Barbaras was quite happy about being chosen as the maiden, thanking Columbina for it.

For one, she liked to see everyone's happy faces from her position. Moreover, she liked to pass more time with her sister Jean who was in charge of the maiden, making sure that nothing bad happened with her elemental powers. Not that there was any need as Barbara would be able to take care of herself even if she were to fall, but it was always good to have her big sister taking care of her as she usually was very busy with her knightly duties, especially now that she became the acting Grand Master.

"♪" Allen started playing the lyre that resounded all over the city and marked the start of the event. The lyre in her hands was quite the special one as it was the Holy Lyre der Himmel, Barbatos's own lyre that was only used during the Ludi Harpastum as a reminder of his help and blessing.

Usually, it was Barbara who played for the event but as she was the chosen maiden, it was impossible so it was decided for Columbina as the winner of the musical recital.

That was the main reason for Allen wanting to participate and her choice of Barbara as the maiden. She wanted to take the Holy Lyre der Himmel.

Thanks to Alice's commission, Allen discovered part of the story of Mondstadt and that the Holy Lyre der Himmel was in truth a 5-star weapon with Andrius's power in it. A blooming smile appeared on her face as she touched it, discovering that her thoughts were right and it was certainly the true one.

'Yes, I can feel the strength behind' Allen thought feeling the lyre and when she finished the song after the Harpastum was thrown, Allen took advantage of everyone's attention over the Harpastum to change the lyre for a fake one previously prepared even with some elemental power in it, making it quite difficult to differentiate unless bonded with it.

In the end, the Harpastum was taken by Endora who was quite agile for her age and most people let the children have their turn, wanting them to have fun.

Endora smiled brightly becoming the center of attention while receiving compliments and good luck from everyone around.

'A year of good luck for Endora. Let's hope that some rubs over me.' Allen thought as she returned the false lyre, returning to her hotel.


"Last night I witnessed a person in red helping the perpetrator escape" Barnabas with some Fatui guards was talking with Kaeya about the last night incident where Kaeya fought against Collei and Amber rescued her. "My sources tell me that person is part of the Knight of Favonius. But I assume your order will never shelter a criminal, correct?"

"You are quite informed" Kaeya glared at Barnabas before smiling "You assume correctly. Last night I was ambushed and they escaped. But do not worry, the Knight of Favonius will not tolerate traitors, both will be hunted. It has only been half a day, they couldn't have gotten far. Please be at ease."

"That's very kind of you" Barnabas doubted Kaeya's manners, knowing that he must be hiding something. He turned over his guards "Find them!".

"Look over there!" "Black Fire!" "It's there, arrest him!" Over the streets of Mondstadt, a man clad in black with dark flames around him appeared over the building's roof, gaining Barnabas and his guards' attention that started to follow him outside of Mondstadt.

"Are you going to fall for such an obvious decoy?" Just as they left the gates, Barnabas was stopped by Allen who was waiting for him.

"My lady!" Barnabas lowered his head "What are you talking about?"

"It's all too convenient. That's no who are you searching" Allen informed him "Starsnach Cliff, that's where she is. Let the guards follow the decoy and show me your value."

"I will. Thanks, my lady" Barnabas lowered his head and by the time he lifted it, Columbina was no longer there. He turned over the Starsnach Cliff and left his group 'I will capture that little lab rat'
