
New destination

"Mein Fräulein!" While the group was escaping, suddenly Oz warned, Fischl reacted at Oz's voice stepping on the back of the group.

*Pang* Just as Fischl created a barrier with her hands, an arrow hit it, stopping what would have been an incapacitating shot otherwise.

"Where's the attacker?!" Allen asked as he looked around, trying to discern the archer's position, however, he was unable to see or detect anyone.

*Pang* Fischl moved again, stopping a new arrow, however, she was unable to stop a second one, passing over her side and targeting one of the clan members.

"Careful!" Ragn was able to push the person away from danger due to his great senses "It's Amos!" Ragn clearly discovered the one behind the attack.

"Can you stop her?" Allen asked Ragn who seemed quite familiar with Amos.

"If we were close enough, sure. But she is not even in my view, so it's impossible" Ragn explained "Amos, the Sniper. She specializes in long-range shots, never failing to hit an objective even a kilometer away. She is also an exceptional hunter, so she usually relocates, being useless to charge in the arrow's direction as she would have relocated. We need to find some refuge or we will be hunted."

"There's any place near to hide us?" Allen asked the old man in the group that seemed the most knowledgeable.

"There's another settlement near, but they are quite problematic."

"It doesn't matter now! Elf!" Allen called for Elf who quickly flew towards him, focusing elemental energy over his lyre.

"Sonnet♪!" Allen't formed an Anemo sword and Allen pierced it to the ground, creating an ascendant wind, pushing all the snow around and creating a wall around them, covering their positions "Hurry! Go!"

Taking advantage of the snow veil that made Amos unable to see their position, the group started running away hiding with it, following the old man's directions.

"They have escaped" Amos looked over the trail behind "By their position, they must have gone there. I'll capture them once they are thrown away."


While hiding away, following the old man's directions, Allen's group reached a new settlement. From what Allen could see, it was quite different. This one was also formed by rudimentary tents, mostly made of leather, but were better made and seemed more robust. There was also a wooden fence all around it, protecting it from the blizzard and monsters' attacks.

Overall, it was a solid settlement that could resist this hard environment, unlike the other one that only was able to last thanks to Elf's power.

"Oh? It's not Gunnhildr and her people? Had you finally decided to bow before us?" Just as they reached the fence, a guard wielding a sword stopped them.

"We want to talk with Venerare" The old man said.

The guard looked down at them and whistled. It wasn't long before, the doors of the settlement opened and a woman surged from it.

The woman was tall with short black hair, had a rugged image and a very toned body, full of muscles and scars. She wore a tight black suit with a blue heavy claymore over her back.

"Have you finally decided to join our Lawrence Clan?" Venerare's gaze fell on Fischl "We will put in good use your help, but you know the rules" Venerare looked over the group, causing the old and weaker to flinch at her carnivorous glare "The weak and old must lea-!"

When her eyes fell on Allen, Venerare stopped, her eyes going wide for a second "Leave. All of you! Leave this place immediately!" Venerare for some reason changed of idea, turning around and ordering to close the door.

"But Venerare, we need your help!" The old man plied.

"The weak die while the strong continue fighting." Venerare said as she turned around one last time as the door was about to close "The weak have no place here, return to the city."


"I will leave if I were you. Unless you don't want to keep your lives" The guard laughed at the group that had been surprised by their reaction.

"It seems that she is someone that you cannot really negotiate. Is she always like that?" Allen asked.

"No, it's strange." The old man said with doubts "When we left Mondstadt after seeing its oppression, we met the Lawrences. They tried to recruit our group and they highly respected Gunnhildr's battle talents. However, they won't accept the old and weak that in their mind should be abandoned."

"The previous leader, Gunnhildr's father, didn't accept, promising to protect every one of us. That's why we left" The old man explained "It was then that he died under the monsters and Gunnhildr took his position to lead us."

"That's why Venerare's reaction was strange, even when Gunnhildr had somewhat changed, she was more open before. I don't know what affected her" The old man shook his head "I was ready to be sacrificed."

"Hear me well, my faithful subjects! Ye are under the protection of this Princess, and not a single one of thee shall be forsaken. Even in the face of this ruined world, none shall be lost under my watch!" proclaimed Fischl.

"B-but what should we do now?" The old man asked "We don't even have much food, we won't last long. Plus, we can't go to Mondstadt after being chased by Decarabian and with the Lawrence closing their doors..."

"We will go with the only remaining force" Allen stated "As it is said, the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

"You want to go with Andrius!?" The old man was shocked "He is the culprit of this eternal wizard. If it weren't for him, Mondstadt wouldn't be closed to start."

"That's Decarabian's version, the one told over Mondstadt" Allen said seriously "We can't tell the certainty of it. There must be something more..." Allen thought about Decarabian's and Andrius's confrontation 'Decarabian should be stronger, but this stalemate had been too long.'

"The only truth is that Andrius has saved us before and that he is our only option" Allen stated decided "Rather than wandering around to our death, let's risk with him."

"I understand" The people nodded at Allen's words. "Andrius's lair is quite far and our resources are scarce, so we should start moving." The old man advised.

"Yes, you should" Allen turned his gaze towards the direction from where they come "Leave now. I must do something alone." Allen turned to Elf, caressing it "You too, follow Gunnhildr for now, protect them."

"Venti, what are you trying to do?" Ragn asked warily.

"Amos is still out there, waiting for us. I'll stop her" Allen stated.

"You can't go against Amos in this environment," Ragn said against the idea. "With you and Elf's help, we can escape her gaze like before."

"If we continue being chased that will slow down too much." Allen looked at the people around "Most of them won't be able to last at that rate. With our resources, we won't be able to reach Andrius even if we avoid Amos's direct damage. I'll take Amos alone and then follow you."

"You're crazy!" Ragn shouted angrily "This is not like before, we have been sentenced by Decarabian. Amos won't simply try to stop you, she will kill you! You can't win, especially without Elf!"

"Trust me" Allen smiled, his eyes full of conviction "I will take care of her."

Seeing him like that, Ragn couldn't help to think of the time at the jail. At that involuntary will to follow him even when his reason told to not so. "Okay, I trust you. But better quickly return."

"Of course" Allen nodded.

"Are you really sure that you can?" Fischl whispered over his ear, her voice a little shaking due to her worry.

"Of course, don't worry. If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't do it" Allen smiled, Fischl nodding and letting him go.

"I will return shortly!" Allen started running from where they come, while the group went in the opposite direction, separating momentarily.

"Now that I am alone..." Allen took a ribbon from within his clothes, his Delusion imbued in it. He activated his Delusion, tying into his hair as this one grow longer and his features soften.

Once she was fully transformed into her Columbina's mode, Allen closed her eyes, focusing on her surrounding.

*Fush* 'The sound of the wind, the snow, of animals...' *Cg* '!' Allen's eyes opened as she looked in a direction, smiling at it "I found you, Amos!"
