
The Choice

Allen blinked in surprise, clearly recognizing him. What shocked him more wasn't him being here, but how much he had grown in some months, Ajax's height surpassing Allen and even his face having aged 'There's no way he is my age, could it be...?'

"Allen!?" Ajax turned to Allen, taking him into a hug while taking his hood, revealing Allen's blue hair. "Long time not seeing you" Ajax let him go looking at him up and down "But you really haven't grown much," Ajax said putting his hand over Allen's head, frowning at it "Neither your strength." Ajax said with a frown "You really let me down. I was looking forward to fighting you again, but now I see that it will be quite easy to win. What happened to you?"

"First, let me go" Allen grumbled, Ajax stepping back "Second, how long has it be since we met before?"

Ajax made a confused face "Some five years, no?"

'As I expected. The time in the Abyss is really twisted' "For me, it only was some month, that's why I hadn't grown much. That's why she meant by telling that the concept of time didn't exist there. We didn't even enter at the same time, being years apart."

"That means..." Ajax made a serious face "That I'm now you senior" He smiled "I expect your respect, little Allen."

"Hah" Allen sighed 'He had become more insufferable, or is simply feeling stronger.' "I've still been a Fatui longer than you, so if you truly want to become my senior, better become a Harbinger before me."

'He should be about 18 or 19 years old, there's a high possibility that he becomes one now.' Allen deducted 'But how he became Tartagglia? There should be no one to challenge.'

"Number one, it's your time" Alina came again and informed, taking one of the challengers, a tall woman, and guiding him outside.

"Yes, the Purge. I'm really looking forward to facing Tartagglia again this time. He had quite the technique" Ajax said excitedly.

"So it's not your first time participating?" Allen asked.

"No. The last time I lost terribly, but now I think that I can win against him. His style with two swords was the real deal. I can't wait for it!" Ajax said excited.

Allen made an unsure face "Sorry, to stop your fun, but you won't be able to challenge him." Allen said seriously and that statement caused everyone in the room's attention to focus on Allen. "Tartagglia died a year ago."

Everyone was shocked by it, quickly mumbling something between their teeth, making it quite clear that they had the intention to challenge Tartagglia.

'As I thought becoming a new Harbinger is quite dangerous as in the next Purge, you will most likely be challenged by everyone.' Allen thought 'That was the reason for master's wounds when he returned from Snezhaya.'

"Now, I'll need to think about who I challenge." Ajax said thoughtfully "Allen, who is your choice?"

"I don't know" Allen asked truthfully 'Capitano, Arlecchino, Signora or another? There are also Pierro's words about the best path...'

"Number two" Alina came for another, this time a burly man.

"For what I remembered they seemed all quite strong." Ajax thought about it "I won't like to fight Dottore, Columbina or Pulcinella, but all the others will be fine" He stood some time thinking about it "I suppose that I will challenge Capitano. He seems the one that will be the most fun to face."

Just as Ajax said this, Alina entered the room "Capitano's position has changed, so he won't be open to a new challenge this year. Number 3?"

"Shit!" Ajax cursed, before standing up and following Alina.


After Alina guided him, Ajax entered the combat area alone, seeing it as how he remembered. The wide arena surrounded by twelve elevated seats, with the Tsaritsa at the highest throne.

'Allen was right' Ajax looked at the lowest empty seat before turning to the next one, looking at the new Capitano who hid his face with a helmet 'He seems also quite strong. I would challenge him if I could.'

"Make your choice." The Tsaritsa talked as soon as Ajax reached the middle of the arena.

"I choose" Ajax said seriously before turning into a big smile "the strongest one!"

"He at least has guts" The new Capitano nodded.

"What disrespect" Pantalone shook his head.

"Useless" Scaramouche stated.

"I think he is kind of cute" Columbina smiled.

The other Harbingers didn't make much of an answer, but all of them turned towards the same person, Pierro, waiting for his answer. However, instead of him, another person talked.

"I will take your challenge" The Tsaritsa herself stated, her seat started lowering until she reached the ground and she walked towards the arena showing full elegance and an overwhelming presence.

"I look forward to" Ajax grinned widely, his eyes shining brightly as he prepared his bow and Hydro Vision.

"Start" Pierro stated Ajax charged at her, invoking two hydro daggers while a blizzard formed around both of them, completely swallowing them, and making it impossible to see anything from the outside.


After 5 minutes, the blizzard finally dispersed, revealing the Tsaritsa standing tall while Ajax was on his knees on the ground while wearing a black and blue full-body armor that quickly broke down, revealing his face.

"You pass" The Tsaritsa returned to her throne and height.

This time it was Pierro who left his seat, going towards Ajax with a purple badge that clearly was a Delusion.

Pierro lifted Ajax under the odd gazes and looks down from all the other Harbingers. However, Ajax's eyes ignored everyone, his eyes fixed on the Tsaritsa, his eyes showing respect and admiration as he looked at the Tsaritsa's cold but pure, arrogant yet sharp gaze. The gaze of a true warrior.

"I pledge my full loyalty over her Highness." Ajax pledged lowering his head as Pierro pinned the Delusion over his chest.

"For now, you will be known as Tartagglia, the Childe." Pierro stated "But be aware that you are not a true Harbinger, only a Chaser, as you lack an original Delusion. For that, your first mission would be to search and recover it, finding the true Tartagglia Delusion."


"The next Tartagglia has been chosen" Alina broke up the silence created after Ajax left the room, causing shock and confusion over the challengers.

'So at the end, it's like canon. He filled the empty position' Allen reasoned.

"Number 4" Another one left the room.


Allen silently waited for his turn, seeing the people leave the room until he found himself all alone, being the number 11.

"Allen" Alina called him "It's your turn."

Allen stood up, following Alina and leaving the room.

"Are you nervous?" Alina asked with a little smile.

"A little" Allen answered truthfully.

"It's not like is your last option. Be calm and learn the most from it" Alina tried to cheer him "Have you made your choice?"

"Yes" Allen nodded as they reached a big door, Alina stopping just before it.

"I can no longer follow you but" Alina leaned over Allen, giving him a long and deep kiss to him. Her long and wet tongue invaded his mouth and played with it before breaking the kiss.

"Alina?" Allen asked with a little blush and confusion about the sudden action.

"Take it as my good luck charm" Alina smiled brightly "Let's aim both to become Harbingers. Good luck!" She said before licking her lips and leaving the place, leaving Allen alone.

"Not bad" Allen smiled at his first kiss in this life by a far more attractive girl than in the previous one. "Anyway, it's time" Allen pushed the door open, reaching the arena surrounded by the Harbingers and the Tsaritsa.

Just as he entered, the first that he felt was the lack of Cryo element, making it seem as if he was not in Snezhnaya, making an area quite neutral.

'So I won't have any advantage' Allen thought as he reached the middle of the area while looking at each of the Harbingers' faces, Ajax saluting at him and grinning, his lips saying call me senior.

"Make your choice" The Tsaritsa stated.

"I choose..."

Last chapter of the week.

For curiosity, who would you choose? And who do you think Allen will choose?

picacocreators' thoughts