

"But there's something that I can't undestand," Allen said "You said that the soul strength is related to your elemental strength. If I had such a strong soul, why my Elemental Mastery is so low. I've always been told that I don't have talent as a Vision user."

"It's so..." Skirk made a thoughtful look "I can think about two things. One is compatibility. If you are not compatible with Teyvat's elements it would be difficult to use them, without mattering how powerful you are."

"That was my case there" Skirk explained "Until I found that I could use the Abyss' power, I was considered to be quite weak, being unable to fully use the elements. If that's your case, you don't need to worry, you can continue being stronger little by little."

"But I would never be able to be truly strong unless I found with what I am compatible" Allen said thoughtful 'My soul should have part of Allen from this world and Joseph from the other. If my compatibility is with something from the other world, it would be quite useless if I can manifest it.'

"And the other one?" Allen asked.

"The other should be for your soul to be somehow limited or blocked, making it unable to unleash its full potential. However, this is kind of unusual and great power is needed to create."

"Do you know some case like that?"

"Yes, that's why I said as an option." Skirk nodded "However, in that case, it was done with consent and using Divinity."

"So gods must act to seal a soul" Allen reasoned.

"Yes, but normal gods won't do, they should be from Celestia with true Divinity." Skirk explained.

"So normal gods don't have Divinity?" Allen asked unsure.

"Terrenal gods aren't much different than us, except for some control over the elements, they are not so special. But Celestia's gods with Divinity are the actual real deal, they are in a further plane of existence and normal people won't be able to even damage then."

"S-" Allen was about to ask more about Celestia and its gods, but was cut down by Skirk "There's nothing good about relate with Celestia, only destruction awaits. So don't ask anything more about it."

"Okay" 'It's a pity. I wanted to know more about these details that it didn't even appeared in the game' "So the most probable would be the first option" Allen deducted.

"I have a way to discard the second one" Skirk announced cutting his thought and approaching him and passing her hand over Allen's eyes "How many fingers I showed?"


Skirk made the same thing again passing her hand over his eyes, but this time quicker than the last "Now?"

"Really? And ocular test?" Allen looked strangely at her, full of doubt.

"There's a phrase that said that eyes are the reflection of the soul and it's quite the good assessment. To be able to resist the Abyss, you must have a strong soul, no matter the compatibility. So your eyes should be quite good, reflecting the power of your soul." Skirk explained "Now, have many fingers I showed?"

"Three" Allen answered.

Skirk continued, increasing her speed until Allen was unable to see anything but a blur, not mattering how much he forced.

"Yes, you have your soul blocked or limited" Skirk said with certainty "Your kinetic vision should be far better if not. You could go further but it starts straining the body so you should avoid it."

"So it's a block" 'That case is better than the other. If I am able to break the block' "So if I am able to break it, I would be quite strong."

"I wouldn't try to break it if I were you" Skirk advised "Think about it, you don't have much of a problem now, but if your soul power will be fully released in your weak body..."

"It might break down" Allen realized.

"That could be the reason for the block, waiting until you are able to naturally release it" Skirk reasoned "I really doubt that anyone bothered to create something so problematic as a soul block as a punishment. I would bet that it must be there and the god or whatever had plans for you. So you should be wary of them, as I said, nothing good came from Celestia."

"You really hate Celestia" Allen stated "Is it because you are from Khaenri'ah?"

"What makes you think am from Khaenri'ah?" Skirk turned colder.

"Your eyes. Aren't those only from people from there?" This knowledge was more about the information of the game than anything. In this world, even when he tried to find information about Khaenri'ah, he wasn't able to find anything, except that it was destroyed 500 years ago. For now, the only person apart from Skirk that he had met with Primogen-like iris was Pierro and Allen didn't know anything about him.

"These eyes are a brand, a brand of our soul" Skirk explained "There's no need to be from Khaenri'ah to have them. Anyway, try to avoid relating with people with them, including myself." Skirk adviced "And don't ask anything about me and my past and I won't ask you anything about yours."

"Mmmm!" Both Allen and Skirk turned towards Ajax who groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

"He finally wakes up" Skirk looked relieved at him.

Ajax woke up, ate a little while Skirk presented herself, explaining to him that they were in the inner part of the Abyss and their actual situation.

"Now that both of you are more or less aware of the situation, you should leave this place the faster the better" Skirk stated "However, the Abyss is a dangerous place and if you were try to leave now, you would most probably die in here."

"B-but couldn't you guide us outside?" Ajax requested "You are very strong."

"For my own circumstances, I can't leave the inner area. So in the end, is about your own to leave this place."

Ajax looked at Allen with a look that could say, I trust you. Trusting him to protect him from this place.

"Ajax, you shouldn't rely on others in this place. If you don't know how to fight, not only you will be in danger, but also be a burden for Allen." Skirk reprimanded "That's why I'll teach you how to fight and survive." Skirk turned to Allen "I would also ask for your cooperation in it."

Allen nodded, remembering the little training with Kazuha as Tomoki taught him.

"I'll also need to teach you how to use the Abyss power or just as you leave this place, the same situation as before would be repeated with you being devoured by the Abyss." Skirk said to Ajax.

"Finally, I'll teach you both how to understand this place and walk through it as you won't want to lose your path again, no?" Skirk finished.

"Aren't you going to teach me how to use Abyss power like Ajax?" Allen asked 'Yes, Ajax is more compatible, but I could make some use of it.'

"The Abyss is something that everyone should avoid" Skirk said seriously "I'll only teach Ajax, because is the only way for him to survive. You are much luckier, you are able to simply resist. You don't know how many people will do anything to have your gift."

"But!" Allen tried to rebut.

"But nothing!" Skirk shouted "You already know how to fight Allen. There's no need to teach you anything to you. I only will teach you both how to leave this place."

Allen closed his mouth knowing better as he knew he won't be able to convince her 'In the end, it's all fall in myself alone. I'll use this place myself. I'll find a way to become stronger.'
