
Inazuma's Training

{AN: I have finished this chapter with mobile so sorry for possible errors.

Also about the poll for the harem or no harem, the results are inconclusive. There's more or less the same of votes in both types, plus a lot of voting from the same day created accounts and other seconds accounts, even people voting on both so it made it difficult and didn't really helped me into choose one.

I will keep both ideas and decide later on as I still have time, he is only 10, so there's no need to choose until I finish this volume and the next one.

Thanks for the votes and comments.}

"The highest governmental organization that oversees every matter at Inazuma is the Tri-Commission whose acceptance is necessary for any law to reach the Shogun-sama. Is formed by the Tenryo Commission, the Kanjou Commission and the Yashiro Commission." Honoka started explaining.

"The Tenryo Commission handles military and police affairs and its leading clan is the Kujuo Clan with Kujou Takayuki as the head. The Kujou Clan had a great history and strength and are considered to be the closers one to the Shogun-sama."

"Apart from the head, other important figures are Kujou Masahito, Takayuki's elder son and a general of the army, and Kujou Sara, the adopted daughter of the family and a Tengu that showed a great strength. She is now an Okuzumeshuu under the direct orders of the Shogun-sama but it won't be long until she ascends to general."

'It seems that Sara is really important' Allen thought listening the explanation.

"Master was a close friend with Sara when they were little, treating her like a little sister, but their relationship cooled when he left to travel. And about the clan, master is an ally of them, but Takayuki-sama can be very ambitious."

'Yes, for what I saw, he seemed the kind of man that would do anything to gain power'.

"The Kanjou Commission manages the finances of Inazuma and supervises the frontiers, handling the bureaucratic matters with other nations. The leading clan is the Hiiragi Clan with Hiiragi Shinsuke as its head. They are the richest clan in charge of most finances, so you should be wary of them as they are master's most hated ones."

'Yes, the typical shrewd and cunning merchant most focused on the gains.' Allen remembered his time meeting him 'But even so, I can only think that he fells short against the likes of Pantalone, even Alina and Aleksei being more dangerous.'

"Apart from Shinsuke-sama, there is his daughter, Hiiragi Chisato. She is considered the heir of the clan, showing great talent in finances, but contrary with Shinsuke-sama, she seems kinder, master being friend with her."

"Finally, the Yashiro Commission is responsible for ceremonial affairs, celebratory events and public festivals. As they are focused on art and barely fight, they are considered the weakest Commission but its hidden strength can't be ignored."

"The Kamisato Clan is the leading one under Kamisato Asahi. However, the clan stability is at stake due to his poor health. With his wife, Kayo-sama, early depart 5 months ago, the clan is passing through difficult times with only their young children to defend it, Ayato and Ayaka."

'So her mother died and his father has a foot in the grave' Allen remembered the crying little girl "Would it mean that there would be a change of the leading clan?" Allen asked.

"Ayato-sama had showed great talent, in combat and in governing, but he is too young. Most probably one of the other clan at the Yashiro Commission would take the lead" Honoka said sadly "I'm really worried about the poor children."

'Using them or taking care of them' Allen thought about the possible future of Ayato and Ayaka, being made tools for others or even directly being killed.

"The Niwa Clan is part of the Yashiro Commision and even when it had lost a little of its past glory, is still one of the leading Clan of the Raiden Gokaden, the five most important blacksmithing schools."

"The Niwa Clan is specialized over the Isshin Art that strives for complete harmony between blade, mind and soul. Better to ask master about it as I'm no expert."

"For other important families..."


"How did the classes go?" Allen entering the Dojo was asked by Tomoki who waited for him with a smile.

"A little tiring, but very informative." Allen said remembering his previous life at school and university. Luckily, it didn't reach that level.

"You are taking theory classes quite well. I still remember when it was my time." Tomoki sighed "Honoka can be quite intense."

"So what will we do now?" Allen asked, curious of their new training.

"You have already completed your running and swinging regime for today so we will make some light sparring" Tomoki said while stretching his arms.

"But first of it, did you notice something different with today training?"

"Something different?" Allen thought about the morning training and realized that it had been done in a record time, usually taking more time "It had been easier this time, being possible to do it far faster as if I didn't tire much as before."

"It's good that you have noticed it. That difference is due to the environment at Tatarasuna" Tomoki explained "In there the electro element is heavy and would cause exhaustion of your energy."

"So, it was used to increase your own energy recovery with an extreme condition?" Allen asked.

"Exactly, during this month your resistance would have increased due to it, plus your usual stamina training being at the cold lands of Snezhnaya, you might think that you had a huge increase in your strength, but don't let it go into your head and try to analyze the changes."

"Now that we finished with this, let start!" Tomoki threw Allen a wooden sword, he himself taking one "Come!"

"Clank!" "Clank!" Tomoki blocked every of Allen's slashes "You have learned some battle senses. It's time to put it in good use, become familiar with the sword."

"Clank!" "Clank!" The regime didn't change much, changing the close combat to sword sparring with Tomoki mostly blocking and avoiding Allen's attacks while stating what he was doing wrong, letting Allen correct by himself. Except a few slashes without any style, Tomoki barely attacked.


"Buf!" "Buff!" Having tired himself out, Allen lied on the floor panting.

"It seems that we have finished for today" Tomoki said with his sword at his shoulders and a smile "Now that we had reached this level, I will let you use your vision so you can start meditating and recover."

"Meditating?" Allen asked confused "What does it have to do with the Vision?"

"Did you really not know how to meditate?" Tomoki asked shocked.

"No" Allen shook his head.

"That guy, what did really teach you?!" Tomoki facepalmed and approached Allen. "One of the abilities that confer a Vision is the ability to sense and use the elemental energy around, gaining strength from something that otherwise would be fatal, elemental energy being highly poisonous."

"That is the reason that I let to train at Tatarasuna, if you didn't have Vision, you will have fallen ill there." Tomoki explained "You can use that elemental energy to slowly recover your own, even if it's nothing great or mind-blowing, the meditation itself is the most important, letting improve your control of the elemental energy and your body compatibility with it, increasing you ability to wield it."

Allen's jaw fell as he learned from Tomoki "What!? I have no idea. Can you explain how to meditate?"

"Close your eyes" Tomoki ordered, Allen closing them "Now focus on your Vision, as if you were to accumulate energy for your Elemental Burst, however, don't focus it on the Vision, let it roam through your body."

Allen took his Vision in his hands, focusing on it as Tomoki ordered while Tomoki puncture Allen's body with his fingers, marking the path to follow.

"Hg!" Allen continued the meditation until a minute passed when a strong headache forced him to stop.

"You can stop now" Allen opened his eyes "It's normal to be difficult and sense disorder at first, you will get used to it, increasing the time."

"You could have said it before!" Allen scolded keeping his hand over his head that seemed to want to split open.

"Are you really worried by a little headache? I will say that you were quite lucky, I saw others bleed from all his orifices before, your body might be quite resistant to elemental energy."

"So, I'm putting poison in my body?" Allen asked confused.

"Yes, but you will get used to and will make you stronger" Tomoki explained "On another note, I think that I know why Pantalone didn't teach you this."


"Because you suck at it" Tomoki said directly. "Don't take it wrong, you have a good control that you showed being able to do it the first time, but your natural Energy Generation sucks. You really don't have much talent in it."

"But couldn't it be improved with this training?" Allen asked with hope.

"It can, but it will be very limited as it's more about percents" Tomoki said "I think that Pantalone did not think it was worth the pain for such meager results. You resist it quite well, so you can still doing it."

'And we return with the lack of talent' Allen sighed 'Luckily, I at least have talent with the swords.'

"Could you unleash your elemental skill?" Tomoki asked.

"Okay" Allen focused on the Vision, activating and forming a layer of frost over the wooden sword.

"As I thought, your output is too little" Tomoki said thoughtful "At Snezhnaya it could have some uses thanks to the high concentration but in any other place..."

"So you are saying that my Vision is useless?" Allen asked worriedly. 'Fuck, so my abilities sucks and it takes too much time to charge my burst.'

"Nothing is useless, but you really need to think outside the box. Never expect to throw ice swords against the enemy, create your own style."

"I'll think about it" Allen said with low morale "There is no other way to increase the Vision's output?"

"I'm not very familiar with Vision so I lack in this department. A part from constellations, I can't think of another way."

"What I second, constellations?!" Allen asked shockingly. Allen knew what were the constellations at the Genshin Impact game, a burst of strength or increase in one character's abilities, needing repeated copies of it.

"So you don't even know that" Tomoki shook his head "Let's start from the start."

"You are aware of Elemental Skills that use the Vision and the Elemental Burst that uses the charged energy so first of all, Visions are considered gifts from Celestia where the gods reside, and it's not really known what are the requirements to obtain one, having similar thoughts, brave actions, tragic past, or maybe a simple whim of the gods. Anyway, they let you take control of the elemental energy around that otherwise would be poisonous, and unleash skills."

Allen nodded, already being aware of it.

"There are two important characteristics that determine your talent as a Vision bearer. Your Energy Recharge or ability to absorb elemental energy to meditate or unleash your Burst and your Elemental Mastery or the output that you are able to show."

"And control?" Allen asked.

"Control while it's important, is completely secondary. You can improve and practice it while the others are mainly innated. Your control is quite good thanks to your meager ability that forced you to use efficiently your low output."

"And the constellations are?" Allen asked.

"If obtaining a Vision can be considered to have taken Celestia's attention, the constellations are considered to be the steps towards godhood. Each start showing Celestia's favor towards you, increasing your abilities and if someone is able to obtain 6 and complete their constellations, they are able to ascend to Celestia, becoming a god."

"That's why is put a lot of importance in them and anyone with at least one is considered to be at another level. Is the example of Sara that had been a close guard directly under the Shogun thanks to obtaining her first star at such a young age."

"Woaw" Allen was surprised so in this world there was this meaning. "And how I am able to unlock them?"

"That would be the one million Mora question" Tomoki shrugged his shoulders "There's no clear path to it, most Vision's bearers not being able to obtain any of it in their lives. It is said that you must simply follow your own path, never deviating from it, but it isn't known. They also said that the first and last stars are the most difficult."

"So it's like this?" Allen was thoughtful.

"Yes, so don't think about it and focus on what you have in your hands, don't wait for a miracle like that and focus on training your abilities."

"Okay" Allen nodded 'If I'm lucky enough to gain one, good, but I shouldn't overthink about it.' "You said that you weren't very familiar with it, did you also have this problem with your Vision?" Allen signaled Tomoki's purple gemstone.

"What are you saying? I don't have a Vision" Tomoki made a confused face and took out the gemstone "This is a Delusion."
