
88 -=A village you say?=-


A/N: Read 10 chapters ahead in my P a T r E o N



As Rimuru was moving through the shadows to Roran, as to not show Sasori his other teleport abilities, he was thinking

'Man, the timeline is all over the place isn't it?'

<Why do you say that?>

'I mean, wasn't the whole rebellion in Roran supposed to happen in Minato's era and such?'

<Well, that is IF Naruto and his team went back in time,

but since you exist and made so many changes on the timeline, such things as dates of some not critical events must have changed>

'But then, shouldn't the timeline try to fix itself?'

<You are thinking fate exists and dictates the way the world works, but no

the timeline is always one, you just exist on THIS specific timeline, whatever you do is limited to THIS timeline only

and since it won't affect the other timelines, then there is nothing to fix>


then what about the 2 future timelines I messed with?'

<As I said, those 2 timelines had some sort of defect and weren't the main one, and as such, it didn't matter if you messed with them or not

only if you somehow found the original timeline and messed with it instead, then, as it would affect multiple timelines at once, would time fix itself.

asides from that very specific thing, you can go crazy on any timeline>

'... sounds over complicated...

anyway, we are here'

<... sure>


Rimuru emerged from the shadows next to Sasori, who was having a heated (get it? cause they are on a desert... hahaha ihml) discussion with Sarah

"I HAVE ALREADY SAID, YOU CAN'T TURN MY PEOPLE INTO PUPPETS!" She practically screamed on his ears

"But I killed the guy that was doing just that" Sasori said in a bored tone as he put a finger on his ear,

inching dangerously close to disregarding the mission and just killing Sarah

"BUT THAT DOESN'T GIVE YOU TGE RIGHT TO DO IT!" Sarah screamed for real this time

"You are annoying" Sasori said as he threw a senbon at Sarah, having reached his patience limit

Sarah didn't try to dodge as she knew she couldn't, but she also couldn't let Sasori kill her people... quite a complicated decision that revealed a lot about her character

"Heyo, Sasori... are you trying to get us in trouble?

If she dies out payment is not gonna happen, you know?" Rimuru said as he grabbed the senbon before it even got close to Sarah

who knows? Sasori is known for having the strongest poisons, maybe just a touch was enough to kill a normal person

Sarah looked at Rimuru with a strained face, as she knew she didn't pay for such a mission

"Erm..." She tried to talk but before she did

"Wait just a sec, ok?

Sasori, go grab your puppets and make sure you kill absolutely NO ONE, or else the boss will hear about that, capiche?" Rimuru said

"Yeah yeah, I got it..." Sasori went back, he didn't really care about the people

They weren't even that good puppet material, he was just too eager to try some new stuff on them

"...what the fuck does 'capiche' even mean?" He asked as he made some distance

Sarah looked at Rimuru, uncertain

as far as she could tell he was all in for this supposed payment...

"Ehh, so..." She begun

"You didn't create the mission, and also ain't paying" Rimuru completed for her

Sarah froze

"Y-You knew?" She asked

"Of course I did, I was the one who created the mission after all" Rimuru said as if it wasn't a big deal

"Hu-Huh? It was you? why?" Sarah asked

"I am going to be honest, ok?

I have plans to make a village, and wanted to ask your people to be there since no village is good enough without people" Rimuru explained just a bit

"A village?" Sarah asked surprised

and it wasn't for no reason, creating a new village was kind of a big deal, since most villages didn't like new competition

Roran was lucky that in the middle of a desert was hard to attack a village, or it would have been raised down by suna

"Indeed, and I have even a good place to build it at, but anyway

what do you think?" Rimuru asked with a smirk

In the worst case, he could just use his [Geass] but he didn't want to, cause that is too boring and it wouldn't be nice to have a village of puppets

kinda ironic considering who Sasori just defeated wanted just that

but a puppet village wouldn't be a nice place for his sisters to be at when he eventually brought them back

"I... I need some time to think about that..." Sarah said in an indecisive tone

If you think about it, Rimuru did just save her people and her from that traitor (Dunno his name, but Sasori had a subordinate with the same name)

He also looked quite goo*Cough* quite strong, yes, that's it

but on the other hand... he did just appear out of nowhere and wasn't exactly someone with a good reputation

but she didn't know that

There was also the ryumyakku...

As if sensing her worries Rimuru suddenly said

"By the way, I am quite a good seal master, if you want I can seal that ryumisomething for you, so that no one does something close to what that minister did, but it's your choice"

"I will think about that, can you give me a day?"

"Of course, it is after all YOUR decision, I ain't forcing you"

'Yet, anyway'

Sarah nodded, she had already decided, but wanted to have a day to think

just to make sure she wasn't deciding something so important in a 'spur of the moment' kind of situation

"Thank you" She said

"No problem" Rimuru answered with a smile

Sasori came back with a ton of puppets on hand, well in a scroll on his hand

"Heyo, what new toys did you get?" Rimuru asked as soon as he saw him

"They are not toys, they are my art" Sasori said, but threw a scroll with some useless puppets he accidentally broke to Rimuru

"Ehh... most of this are broken..."

"I wouldn't give it to you if it wasn't"

"Ouch, so cruel..." Rimuru said in a fake hurt tone

He then immediately reversed time on the broken puppets while Sasori wasn't looking, and shrank them with his skills

"Tadaaaa" He said as he moved the puppet in front of Sasori with [Ruler's authority]

Sasori immediately widened his eyes

"How can you move such a small puppet, and... where are the chakra strings?" While he may not have a dojutsu to see the strings

as you should expect of any experienced puppet user

he could at least tell Rimuru wasn't using them

"Heh, what can I say?

I am just that good at puppetry!" Rimuru shamelessly boasted

"I see so you are using the shadows..." Sasori said as he took notice of the shadows Rimuru deliberately left there

"Ugh" Rimuru faked a surprised expression

"But the idea is good... smaller puppets for speed and surprise attacks...

using some other medium to control them asides from chakra strings..." Sasori muttered as he quickly got lost in thought

Sarah looked in awe as she saw Rimuru smirk

'He just... he just did all of this just to give his friend inspiration?!

this... maybe I should really accept his proposal, such a leader is guaranteed to end up with a lot of followers... and being one of the firsts can bring my people some benefits...'

While Sarah was brainstorming, Rimuru also was

'Yes, yes Sasori... cultivate an ultimate puppetry skill for me! do it! hahaha!'

<I sometimes worry about your sanity>

'... sanity? what is that? can I eat it?'

Next chapter