
Where do babies come from

" No, No, Song Yan!" Fu Yu Sheng gasped for breath as he felt his head throb in ache and he stumbled to his knees right on the ground as he placed a hand on his forehead. His entire being trembling as he remembered the bloody sight in front of his eyes just now —— what was that? He questioned in his head, why was it that he was imagining Song Yan covered in blood and what was with the scene that he saw next to the one where Song Yan was covered in blood? 

Why was Song Yan standing in the middle of dead bodies and why was she covered in blood while surrounded by fire?  It looked like she was suffering but if so why did she not leave or was it that she could not leave? He asked to himself. 

In fact, Fu Yu Sheng did not need to question himself regarding this, somewhere in his heart he knew why Song Yan could not leave. She was being punished and the reason for her punishment was ——

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