
Convincing and denial

Reluctance and uneasiness were evident on Hendoor's faces as Zoya, Dadi and Imam narrated all they knew about Shivani's disappearance while Ariem kept pacing from one point to another, twisting her long fingers restlessly.

"Why would you want them to come to me Ariem?" Hendoor asked leaning forwards, without looking at Ariem directly.

"I don't understand if you in real, forgot everything or merely pretending for the sake of hiding from reality and get rid of us." Ariem wasn't thinking much far from rest and Hendoor knew that he wasn't being so subtle in showing his lack of enthusiasm in the matter.

"I'm to apologise if all this is appearing rude but I have no desire to take part in this further." Saying this he got up to leave.

"Please Hendoor. Our friend might be in danger." Zoya requested.

"Your friend has been away for 3 days now, if she were in danger, she'd be dead by now."


"Let him go people." They all turned to see Sol, Mikesh and Fonjuar, Diya coming from two different directions.

"Let him go," Sol said again, now standing closer.

"Is this the friend you were talking about, he can help us?" Diya asked, her face lighting up.

"He was. Now, I see a worn out old man with no will to move." Sol said confusing everyone except her mates.

"He doesn't look that old." Mikesh said with furrowed brows as he and Diya went to stand beside Dadi, Imam and Zoya.

"You got to help us Hendoor. I have hope that my granddaughter is alive and we can find her before it's too late."

"Quit this hope grandmother. You don't enter this forest and work your way out with smug attitude, there's spells, unseen creatures, highly sensitive, magical barriers to disrupt your path. This forest hold what this world can't steer through." Hendoor was now up and restless, trying to choose between two equally unconvincing options. These words out of his mouth though, did nothing to scare their guests.

"You want to go ahead with the option of helping us, don't you." Diya said, surprising Hendoor and rest of them.

Hendoor approached closer to her, looking eye to eye.

"What are you? Some king of telepathic wizard."

"Nope. I'm none but a general human on search of her best friend. I can feel you having second thoughts on your denial to help us."

"You are mistaken."

"Am I? Listen I don't know what you and your history is, with this place and why you are reluctant to help us but you have to. Please. It's a request." Diya said without any rope of coordination between words and inner volcano that was on the edge to rise and kick any moment now. Even though they were continuing their search with or without Hendoor, fear of diminishing enthusiasm was looming over like a sword in the form of Hendoor's 'no'.

On the other hand, Sol, just like typical Sol, stood there with arms crossed on her ample chest, leaning on one of the standing rocks, as calm as ever while Ariem and Fonjuar had clear expressions of curiosity as to how this conversation was gonna end.

Hendoor's confused expression turned amused at Diya's unintentional threat, with a little more efforts he tried to conceal the smile spreading across his face but not before the masses around him got the glimpse.

"As much as I would love to be involved in your quest I'm retired and have absolute zero plans to come back."

At this, Sol left her spot beside the rock and moved closer to the discussing group, unfolding her hands, she came to stand face to face with Hendoor.

"Let's keep it easy and friendly, people." Fonjuar said, trying to diffuse the situation in case it happen to turn towards something more volatile.

"You always inspired me Hen, whether it be your soaring zest to have something done, enthusiasm, skilled defence, attack, desire to learn or, to quit. Do you never cease to amaze me Hendoor?"

"Should I be proud?"

"No, not today, not anymore. Do you, however, realise what, you are saying 'no' to Hendoor?"

"For some forgotten and unknown reasons, my full name coming out of your mouth still feels weird. And yes, I do know what I'm saving myself from, that is, more pain, more loss, abandonment, mental tricks that, after 4 years, is still raw within me, haunting me every night and day."

"You were not the sole eartian who suffered because of that evil sorceress and her army of allies. I, we, all of of us have immense respect for your gallant spirit and concern for what you went through but that doesn't decrease rest other's suffering. This is the chance back to us in the atire of these stranger souls, do you believe they would be capable to discover the mountain pedal if ain't here for a reason."

"Mountain pedal?" Imam vocalized all of their's query.

"Where you all were having picnic, at the base of mountains is called Mountain pedal." Fonjuar informed and shared an agreeing nod with Imam.

"They were at mountain pedal. But how? No one has been seen there since—" Hendoor's voice trailed off in end as he looked around in confusion.

"I know, fascinated us as much." Ariem said, finally having the build up of hope in the conversation as Hendoor developed interest at the mention of 'Mountain pedal'.

"I thought you picked them up on wa—. Are these really humans?"

"Indeed. Fonjuar checked them all."

This confused their guests.

"When? When did you check us dude?" Mikesh asked, maintaining slight distance between himself and Fonjuar who looked amused at the sudden change in mien of the people who's been trusting them with their lives till now.

"Quit the shooked face bonne amie. I smell well and ya'll definitely smell of humans." Fonjuar said.

"So, back here please." Hendoor called for attention.

"You all came here just to find this girl named, Shivani? Nothing else?"

"No, will you help us now?" Zoya asked.

"Well, well, my dears. You are about to find out much more than that. But let's start by making sure that your girl is alive," Hendoor paused for a second, realising what he said,

"I mean, I'm sure she's alive, just confirmation."

"Good to have you back. Hen." Sol said, smiling at the suddenly altered Hendoor with flying hope, ready to go by the path, long given up if not forgotten.

"Let me show you my shade, my home, my, 'hell burrow'.

Day was more bright now and as were their eyes.

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