
Ch 92 - JAPAN

(A Few Days Later)

Inside an airport located in Seoul, Jinho, Jinah, and Haerin were seen standing around looking around the place as they dragged along their luggage on the ground.

"Where's Dahsoo? He was the one who was the most excited and looked at him, he's the one who is late" said Jinah while rolling her eyes.

She then took out her phone from her pocket while the trio sat down on a random ledge, waiting for Dahsoo to arrive.

"Oi Dahsoo, where the fuck are you? It's been a few minutes already" said Jinah to the phone with an enraged voice.

"Calm down, I'm already there," said Dahsoo as they saw Dahsoo entering the airport wearing a white hoodie, some black jeans along with a face mask and shades that made him look like a suspicious person.

"Finally," said Jinho who stood up with a yawn as they walked towards Dahsoo.

"What, you guys know I'm a celebrity and I needed to take some countermeasures," said Dahsoo while shaking his head in disappointment.

"Shut up, no one even recognizes you if you don't look like a girl," said Jinah while taking off Dahsoo's face mask and glasses.

"Ugh, fine. Just know I will be blaming you if my identity is exposed" said Dahsoo as they walked towards the plane they will go aboard on.

"So, are you guys excited for our little vacation in Japan?" asked Dahsoo to the group.

"Yep," said Haerin with a nod.

"Uh-huh," said Jinho while he scratched his head.

"Mmm" responded Jinah as the quartet arrived at their plane, did the usual procedures, and got inside the plane without a hitch.

"Isn't it exciting? We're going to be all alone in another country, having only each other to depend on" said Dahsoo with a smile.

"Why did we even choose Japan, why not a different country like America?" asked Jinho who was scrolling through his phone.

"Oh come on, Japan is cooler, it's the land of anime," said Dahsoo with shining eyes.

"So, you already booked a hotel for us right?" asked Jinah from the side who looked out of the window with a blank stare.

"Yep, it was surprising at how many hotels were there, I almost chose a love hotel by accident," said Dahsoo with a wry smile while Haerin's eyes slightly widened.

"So what places would you guys want to explore over there?" asked Haerin who was looking at her phone.

"Probably UA, I'll want to see what UA looks like upfront," said Dahsoo who was now also scrolling through his phone.

"Hmm, why not?" said Jinah from the side as they saw that the plane was about to start flying.

"Look, we're about to fly now," said Dahsoo as they glance out of the window beside them and watched as they took off out of the ground.

"Well we're at a point of no return right now, might as well see how this will go," said Jinho from the side as the quartet talked with each other for a few hours.

"So, how are your Japanese skills right now?" asked Dahsoo.

"It's fine, we did get to learn under a language tutor a few days ago so we should be more than fine," said Jinah in Japanese.

"Yeah, but it was kinda expensive," said Dahsoo in Japanese.

"But it is a rare quirk," said Haerin in Japanese like the duo.

"And it is hard to actually be able to implant another language inside our mind so fluently," said Jinho in Japanese.

Soon, the quartet continued to speak with each other in Japanese as they trained the newly acquired Japanese skills they gained from a language tutor, a very profitable job in this new day and age.

(A Few Hours Later)

"Yawn, finally," said Jinho as they looked out of the window and saw that they are about to land at an airport inside Musutafu and prepared to go out of the plane.

"Ngh," said the quartet as they did their own little stretches and felt the plane landing on the ground.

"We have officially landed in Musutafu, Japan. Please get your bags and personal belongings now and head out of the plane" said a voice as they took their luggage and got out of the plane along with tons of people and finally manage to get out of the claustrophobic plane.

And as they got out of the plane and touched the ground floor, the quartet looked around in wonder at this unfamiliar place they were going to stay at for more than a week.

"Huh, we're really here," said Haerin with a shrug and pick up her bag and started to walk.

"So where's the hotel you decided to rent at?" asked JInah from the side while Dahsoo wore a mysterious smile that Jinah didn't like one bit.

"Just wait," said Dahsoo as they started to walk out of the airport and onto the grand city and followed Dahsoo along who kept looking at his phone.

"Are we staying over there? That looks nice" said Jinah who pointed at a nearby hotel that looked pretty high quality but they just passed by over it.

"Over there?" asked Jinho as they walked towards a nicer-looking hotel but just like last time, they passed by the hotel again and walked further and further.

"We're staying there!?" said Haerin as they looked at the 5-star hotel that they are walking towards but Dahsoo just kept silent and walked by it with the trio groaning in response.

"Don't tell me… you actually chose a love hotel" said Jinah as they saw that they were nearing a love hotel but nope, Dahsoo just kept silent and continued to walk further and further from nearby hotels until they finally stopped at an apartment complex.

"Surprise!" said Dahsoo who turned around and looked at the trio with a wide smile.

"What?" said the trio in confusion on why they stopped at the apartment complex.

"I decided to take the liberty of getting that true Japan experience by renting a room where we 4 will live in, over there, at that floor. We will buy the food ourselves, we will take care of the house ourselves and more" said Dahsoo with a teasing smile as they couldn't believe what he has done.

"Now come on, we have a grand adventure to partake in!" said Dahsoo as he turned around and started to walk towards the apartment and they realized that everything was true and hurriedly rushed towards Dahsoo.

"You're not joking!?" said Jinho with bulged eyes.

"Yep, we're living the dream," said Dahsoo as they went up some stairs.

"Why the fuck did you do this!?" said Jinah as she took Dahsoo into a death grip by the shoulders and make him look at her in the eye.

"Oh don't worry, it will strengthen our bond by living with each other in a completely foreign country, it would be fun," said Dahsoo who pushed away Jinah's face and continued to walk up and up until a certain floor where he stopped.

"So, we're going to live here for more than a week? With each other?" asked Haerin in surprise as they watch Dahsoo look at his phone and open the door they were standing in front of.

"Come on, we're already here, there's no turning back just like Jinho said," said Dahsoo as he took off his shoes and put them on a shoe rack while the trio reluctantly followed him inside.

"See, it's not that bad," said Dahsoo as they saw the apartment and it was actually decent and quite cozy.

"Sigh, fine," said Jinah with a smile as she decided to take this as a fun little experience and looked around the whole apartment they rented.

"Huh, you're actually kinda right, this seems fun," said Jinho who started to like the prospect of living with each other.

"See, told you guys," said Dahsoo who sat on the couch and turned on the TV.

"But how about our rooms?" asked Haerin.

"We have 2 rooms with 2 beds each, so me and Jinho will go in one while you girls will share a room," said Dahsoo who started to take off his hoodie as he felt how hot it was.

"Well let's go to our rooms first and unpack our luggage," said Jinah as she and Haerin went to their room with both Dahsoo and JInho doing the same.

"Oooohhh," said Dahsoo as they entered their rooms and saw how comfy the atmosphere was while the both of them went to unpack their stuff and put it inside their drawers and tables.

And as the quartet got accustomed to the place, they heard two resounding knocks from the door.

"Who do you think it is?" asked Dahsoo who was folding some clothes.

"Probably our neighbors," said Jinho as they got out of their rooms and saw that Jinah and Haerin were doing the same so the quartet walked towards the entrance.

"H- hello," said Dahsoo as he opened the door and the quartet saw a kid looking at the door with a shy face with fluffy dark green hair and also saw an above-average in height lady beside the kid with long dark green hair, probably her mother.

"Hello there! Are you perhaps moving into this apartment?" asked the woman with a kind smile.

"Oh, yeah! Me and my friends are currently on a break from school so we're expanding our experience by living in another country for more than a week" said Dahsoo with a smile who went for a handshake.

"So you guys are just going to live here for a while?" asked the kid in confusion, because how does that work? How can one live inside a house temporarily? Shouldn't it be for a few years?

"Yep, so what's your name kid? Your big brother here is Kang Dahsoo, it's nice to meet you!" I said while patting the kid's head.

"Ugh…" said the kid with an embarrassed face.

"Hehe, sorry about that, Izuku here is a bit shy to strangers. And it's also nice to meet you, I'm your new neighbor Midoriya Inko, it's nice to meet you" said Inko with a wide smile.

"It's nice to meet you miss, well these are my friends right here," said Dahsoo as he tugged them to greet Inko.

"Hello miss, my name is Sung Jinah, it's nice to meet you," said Jinah with a smile while shaking hands with Inko.

"My name is Yoo Jinho," said Jinho with a smile and shook Inko's hands.

"And my name is Chae Haerin, it's nice to meet you," said Haerin with a smile and also shook hands with Inko.

"It's nice to meet you all, now go on Izuku, introduce yourself," said Inko as we watch Izuku looking at us with shy eyes.

"I- I'm Midoriya Izuku, I- it's nice to meet you," said Izuku with a red face while we chuckled.

"Don't worry kid, we don't bite, here, I'll give you a gift" said Dahsoo who gave the kid a metallic disc as Izuku looked at it in wonder.

"What is it?" asked Izuku.

"It's my special divine weapon that allows me to harness the power of railgun," said Dahsoo with a smile while Jinah punched him in the shoulder.

"Don't listen to Dahsoo now okay? He's a chuuni, we don't you to be a chuuni now right?" said Jinah with a smile.

"Y- yes?" said Izuku who pocketed the metallic disc.

"Well, me and Izuku still need to do some stuff, so goodbye!" said Inko as they started to walk back to their house.

"Goodbye, miss!" shouted the quartet as they went back inside their own apartment to finish their unpacking which took a few minutes to finish.

AN: This is 1974 words, you're welcome.

(March 19, 2022 – 115th day of writing)