
Chapter 118 - The First Step of a Medic

Just as Daichi made a determined face, a new quest box popped up in front of him.

[Quest Created] - 'Heal the patients.'

Successfully identify the injury and treat the patients that come to you.

Time limit: Today before 5pm.


Successfully treat at least 30 patients.


6000 Exp.

New Skill.

Reputation increases with Tsunade Senju, Shizune Kato, Karuizawa.

Reputation slightly increases with the people of Fire Capital.


New title.

Reputation decreases with Tsunade Senju, Shizune Kato and Karuizawa.

Reputation slightly decreases with the people of Fire Capital.

[Accept] Y/N

Daichi held his breath and then let it out. He accepted the quest and got ready.

And like that Daichi's medic training officially began. Shizune went outside the room and brought the first patient.

"Remember Daichi. Communication, diagnosis and treatment." Tsunade gave a few more words of advice and then sat quietly.

Daichi nodded and looked at his first patient. It was a teenage boy. Daichi gave the kid a once over the moment he walked through the doors.

'Based on his outfit and the scars on his palms I'd say he's a carpenter. Or a trainee one… He's holding his right wrist. I don't see any external injury other than swelling so probably a sprain.'

"Hello." Daichi politely greeted the kid.

The boy looked at Daichi and was surprised. "Aren't you a little young to be a doctor?"

Daichi had a slight twitch in his eye. "I'm that good. So what seems to be the problem…"

With that Daichi's day at the hospital began. Just as he observed, his first patient came with a sprain. Since it wasn't a serious injury, Daichi gave the basic treatment and dismissed him.

Daichi remembered all the procedures, steps and treatment methods written in the books Tsunade gave him and he perfectly applied them.

Shizune stood a few feet from Daichi and had a critical eye on everything.

One after another, patients of all ages came to Daichi. Most of them were surprised to see a child treat them but some didn't care.

Daichi diagnosed a patient with blisters, pain and swelling. 'A minor second degree burn. Apply antibiotics to kill bacteria and elevate the burn area to reduce swelling and pain.'

At the beginning Daichi was somewhat unsure of the steps even though he memorized them. But as he got used to the situation his speed increased and his confidence grew.

Shizune was surprised at how calm and methodical Daichi was. 'His hesitation has disappeared. And the way he perfectly applies the medicine… He truly did memorize every book Lady Tsunade gave him. Incredible. He's doing a lot better than I did on my first day.'

As Daichi successfully treated more and more people the severity of the injuries slightly increased.

The next person that came to Daichi had a bleeding arm. Daichi was focused on the patient but at that moment Shizune discreetly looked at her mentor.

Tsunade turned her head and looked outside the window the moment she saw the patient.

Daichi didn't pay attention to the two. He quickly analyzed the arm and came up with the remedy. 'Hmm… It's a superficial wound. Non critical. So, Capillary bleeding. Apply pressure and stop the blood flow. Clean the wound and apply antibiotics to stop any infection and dress the wound.'

Daichi quickly moved with precision. He calmed the patient down and gently eased the man's worries and quickly completed his treatment.

Once that was done and the patient left the room, Shizune stepped forward. "Well done Daichi. Why don't we take a break?"

Daichi, not sure why but nodded. "Umm… Sure." He then looked at the Sannin Tsunade sitting near the window clutching her green gem necklace with a slightly shaky arm.

His eyes widened in realization. 'She must be reliving some traumatic memories. I better give them some space.'

"Yeah. A break sounds good. Why don't I get something to drink? Do you want any Miss Shizune?" Daichi asked as he turned his attention to his senpai.

"I'm good. Go." She replied with a small smile.

Daichi nodded and left the room.

Shizune turned to her master and was slightly saddened at the sight.

"I really must be in a pathetic state for you to look at me like that." Tsunade looked towards her apprentice and tried to smile. "Come on. Cheer up. I'll be fine…"

Shizune slightly frowned. 'That's a poor lie. You're far from fine. You're not happy. And haven't been for a long time. I haven't seen you smile like you truly mean it in a long time…'

"Do you think he's already figured it out?"

Tsunade's question brought Shizune out of her thoughts.

"About your…"

Tsunade merely nodded to the incomplete question.

Shizune thought about it and replied. "He's smart. He must have seen the state you were in and came to some conclusion. And even if he hasn't, since he's training under you, it won't be long before he figures it out."

Tsunade smirked at that. "Something tells me he already knows or at least figured it out. He probably left the room to give me some space… Cheeky brat."

"You think he knew about it before today? Do you think Kensei would have told him?" Shizune asked with a surprise.

The slug Sannin shook her head. "Kensei isn't the kind of person to tell someone something like that. Not even to his grandson… If Daichi did know then he must have found out some other way. But if he didn't then I'm pretty sure he must have suspected it after seeing my reaction to the last patient."

Shizune nodded.

Meanwhile Daichi was roaming the halls of the hospital. He got something to eat and was feeling mentally refreshed after taking a break.

He reviewed the events of the day and smiled. 'I'm getting better and better. I haven't made a mistake so far and must keep it that way. Tsunade really is a genius when it comes to medical stuff. Her books contained information that made everything I learned about the field seem like nothing. The precise and most effective methods of treatment and medicine were her creations. She truly is a master of the field.'

After a while Daichi got back to the examination room and continued treating his patients.

Daichi gained experience with treating burns, bleeding, concussion, setting a split and more. He learned and experienced how to stitch up and close wounds and set the dislocated bones right. His basic skills and overall experience and understanding improved at tremendous pace.

As Daichi treated each patient his reputation with said patient would also slightly increase. The day soon came to a close. Daichi successfully completed his quest and got a new skill that paired well with his current needs.

[Quest 'Heal the patients' Completed.]


6000 Exp.

[New skill: First Aid ]

[Reputation increases with Tsunade Senju, Shizune Kato, Karuizawa.]

[Reputation slightly increases with the people of Fire Capital.]

[You have leveled up.]


[First Aid - Passive(LV.1): A basic and necessary skill for any ninja. This skill enables the user to heal themselves or others and remove poisons and other non critical debuffs. With more proficiency the user can create a variety of bandages from different clothes and increase the HP restored. Higher level increases faster HP recovery.]

[Effects: ]

[10 HP restored when applying First Aid.]

[35% Increase in successfully identifying normal poisons. ]

[35% Increase in successfully creating antidotes. ]

[2% Increase in recovery speed.]

[0.5% Increase in successfully identifying unique and engineered poisons.]

Daichi looked at the rewards and was happy. 'A level up and a new skill. Nice.' He went over the effects of the skill 'First Aid'. 'A passive skill huh. Hmm… With higher levels I can increase the HP restored and the recovery speed and this says it applies to everyone I use it on. So people I heal in the future will recover faster. That's going to come in handy when I'm in a team… Only 35% in identifying poisons and creating anti venoms? I learned all the poisons and antidotes written in those books. And I'm pretty sure I can follow the steps and create antidotes. So shouldn't it be 100%?'

After thinking about it some more, Daichi came to a conclusion. 'Tsunade only gave me a portion of the books. She must still be holding out the important stuff. Hmm… Now that I think about it, that makes sense. Looks like there is still much I need to learn.'

"Not bad. You did well on your first day. But things will only get harder from here. So don't get overconfident." Lady Tsunade's voice brought Daichi out of his thoughts.

He nodded. "I understand."

"You're done for the day. Meet us here tomorrow morning at the same time. Let's go, Shizune! I need a drink." With those words the Senju left the room.

Daichi gave a small bow and spoke to Shizune. "Thank you for the guidance. I'll see you tomorrow."

The woman nodded and smiled at the boy and they both went their separate ways.

Without wasting time Daichi headed straight home. He met Kensei who was going over some documents.

"So how was your first day as a medic ninja trainee?"

"It felt a bit overwhelming at the beginning but I got used to it pretty quickly. The day passed without any problems." Daichi replied.

Kensei nodded. "Well, it's your first day… Daichi! You'll experience many hardships, but if you can persevere and move forward, you can become something truly great."

Daichi smiled at the encouraging words. "I plan to."

Daichi went to his room and started on his academic assignment that was given to him. There were many he needed to complete and he got to work.


"Sake! Another bottle of sake." Tsunade emptied another bottle and yelled at the waiter. Shizune, who drank with her master, was passed out on the chair near her.

"You seem to be having a good time." The voice of Jiraiya came. His eyes then went to the woman passed out next to his former teammate. "Looks like Shizune is done for the day."

Tsunade looked at her apprentice. "Even after all this time… She still can't handle her booze. What a wimp."

"Hahaha…. I doubt anybody can hold a candle to you when it comes to booze." The toad sage laughed and sat down. "You look more and more beautiful each day."

"What do you want, you pervert? Shouldn't you be off somewhere doing 'research' for your trashy book"?

"Not tonight." Jiraiya took out a bottle and poured himself a cup and then handed Tsunade the bottle. They both drank and stayed quiet for a while.

"How's the brat?" Jiraiya asked her.

Tsunade took a few moments before answering. "You weren't kidding... He has enormous talent and potential. And it's not just that… He has a strong mind. His mental focus, his concentration… It's far above normal."

Jiraiya nodded. "I told you sensei wasn't wrong about him. He made a good choice sending the kid to you."

"I'll hold up my end of the deal. I'll teach the brat as much as I can. But after that I'm done."

Jiraiya only nodded to the words and didn't say anything else. They enjoyed each other's company in silence.


For Daichi, a routine slowly formed. Each day he would wake up early and complete his morning workouts and then would go to the hospital and train under Tsunade and Shizune for about 6 hours. He learned how to treat several types of injuries and became adept at identifying different diseases and poisons. His skill steadily leveled up. After his time at the hospital he would go home and complete the academy assignments for the day and then train his ninjutsu skills with the remaining time or just roam the capital.

Tsunade and Shizune were impressed with Daichi. They were surprised that he could keep his composure even under great stress and correctly make a diagnosis. He was always so calm and in control that they sometimes felt as if they were looking at a professional medic and not a trainee.

The days turned into weeks and soon a month passed.

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