
Original Work: Volume 1 Summary

As many of you already know if you got to this part, everything you saw in the current First Volume is really a new version, and really this was by decision of wanting to improve what I considered a bad work because, really the first volume is the beginnings of a guy who was getting into a curious way and trying to tell a story, a story that really is too silly and absurd in many ways, trying to make sense of what happens here is really going to be very difficult, but not impossible, with the passing of time I decided something very clear, and that is to make this fanfic an independent work in many ways, of course it will never be detached from the fact that it is a fanfic, but at least it will have unique characteristics and in its own story it will create its own world and logic. Well, this is really my thing, little by little I became more and more interested in the subject and I came to discover and know more about how to tell a story, I became so interested in it that this curiosity ended up becoming a normal routine in my life.I am really grateful for this hobby I have, it is very entertaining for me to make sense of everything that I have imagined and gone through my head years ago when I was in early high school, and now that I am becoming more and more adult, it is really reassuring that I still have with me something that has been with me for a long time, I can notice and remember how it was before and my thinking that way, for sure years later, I will read a few chapters and say to myself "So this is what I wrote". I can take it as a project in my personal life, I still remember that I told myself that I would finish the whole story in 3 or 4 years from 2019 where I started, and now we are already in 2024 and we only reached Volume 6 of a total of 23 Volumes, yes.... In 5 years I have only taken a quarter of the story, it is also due to my speed when telling the story, but that would be my rhythm, a slow one but taking advantage of the little time I have and will have in the future, I will use it to move forward and give an end to all this story and dream of my little self. I hope dear companion that you will join me for a big part of this story that still has a long way to go.


Anyway, I always end up straying from my main topic, but as promised I will tell a summary of the first version, the original First Volume that started from 2019, and had its remake at the end of 2023. It lived a total of 4 years, but it didn't become a lost story if you want to get to know it, I think that in those times of pandemic I also published the story in other internet pages, if you look for it in wattpad you will probably find there the complete original version of the First and Second Volume. I could give him his Remake there too but, I think it's going to be interesting to have 2 different versions on those platforms. And of course, the version that is on WebNovel, is the most truthful and canon of the whole story, I wouldn't have minded to continue publishing on Wattpad, but it seems to have a limit of how many chapters and volumes a work can have, I think around 400 and so many had already prevented me from continuing the story, that's what discouraged me. But I guess it has a good ending, since it just gave me when the 5th volume ends.

In summary of everything I said, the Original Version is still on another platform (Wattpad) is that version canon? It is no longer canon. So the version that is on WebNovel is canon? You're right. I won't stop bugging you anymore, so let's get this started.


First Volume: Original Summary/Mostly a Comparison


It was a quiet day like any other, the sun was high in a quiet city as it is in the land of the rising sun, and in an urban area where nothing happens, there was a boy who had just returned from school, quickly as he disliked the uniform for being too tight and unsubtle, he was going to change and put on his typical sports overalls. I was just finishing lunch, I quickly wanted to go back to my classic routine, to go to my room to play, but then I heard his mother calling his attention, between doing his homework, everything ended up in him running an errand, where by bad luck on heads or tails of the coin, the boy ended up losing at that moment. Without further ado, he had to leave to fulfil his obligation.

But as soon as he left his flat, he ended up meeting his childhood friend. Menhera was in uniform, her personality was noticeable, she was so energetic and friendly, that when she saw that her friend was going out, she wanted to go with him. She went into her flat to change, but this mattered little to the boy who decided to just continue with his errand. 

At the end we return to the first time we see M, walking calmly through the urban area, unlike the Remake, this first version of M is a bit more like to say... childish but for the side of too energetic in many situations, compared to here I decided to give him a more reserved and even fearful personality, because of everything he lived in his elementary school. In the first version, I didn't have in mind nor did it cross my mind to tell M's past as a child.

So an energetic kid was walking down the streets, if he talked too much... Then the portal that we all know appears, and instead of being scared or surprised, he makes a really simple face, as if he already knew what was going to happen and what to do. There wasn't much science in the first version, he wasn't surprised, there was no doubt, there were no contradictions, there wasn't that factor that this was important, it was like "Ah, a portal appeared, ya" And that was it...M decided to go and escape from the portal and out of nowhere he was scared, why? if he was calm before? He didn't even give any indication of doing that.

The story repeats itself here, M tries to escape with all his strength from the portal and the portal follows him for a long way, here too the running over is the same, but with the interaction with the being of light, the differences are more noticeable.

He interacts with M and they start to have a casual and normal conversation, but it still feels that even though it's a quick and unique interaction in that moment that they will have, he only gets to communicate something to him and he remains as the guy who gave his power to M and that's it. 

In the Remake that's also clear, but at least it's deepened and there are nods to how the being of Light ended up in this situation, and M's actions are also too simple, because he doesn't understand what's going on at that moment. In the remake at least M tries to understand the being of light a little bit by seeing that it was upset for some reason, and the simple fact that he offers it a candy in a calm way as if showing his concern, is already far above the first version that only when he sees that the being of light is dying, his first thing to say is:

『 What's wrong with you, do you look really bad (・・・』

And he doesn't overact, also checking both versions that I have at hand, I see that M is too talkative at the beginning, this is simple, because in the Remake he understands the situation he is really in and he is having a much more faithful thinking keeping traits of his primary self, that shy and small version. Whereas in the original version, since the primary school version of M was not even in the plans, he ended up staying until the end with an attitude of an energetic child that is too forced.

M ended up appearing in the forest and as we already know he ends up meeting Zeta, Amy and Blaze, who really complicated me at the beginning how the characters should interact with each other for the first time, but of course. In the original version it was noticeable that M knows the characters and tells them as they are without hiding anything, there wasn't much after that either, as the tremor happened quickly and the huge carnivorous plant appeared to attack everyone. I still remember the first version, the 3 friends try to kill the carnivorous plant but when they saw that they were going to die. M for his eggs because there was nothing else, unleashes all his power out of nowhere and rescues them all. Which makes some sense since he is the main character? But to go from someone who doesn't know what's going on to quickly being afraid of losing someone? It's a bit confusing really?

Whereas in the remake, there are a few interractions and the characters try to get to know each other in a natural and fluid way. Because at that time I didn't know that to tell a story you don't need to want to get from point A to point B, you need to know how to get from point A to point B, but rather how to correctly arm that path between interceptions. M was shocked by the reality and fear, even the irony that this can't be real, but in the end he ends up realizing that it's not time to act like someone he is not, he is not an energetic child and falls easily into what he doesn't know, which he is very afraid of. So by already showing insecurity and concern for people who also feel the same way about him, he manages to create even a small bond of friendship, where now he would be somewhat justified in exploding and rescuing his friends.

When they arrive at the base here too there are big differences. M is still in awe of everything he is experiencing, his reactions really are that of a little kid but that is annoying, his interaction becomes also the way he wanted it at the time, literally everyone following the main character instead of the characters following the story is a common problem that newbies do a lot. M meets everyone where quickly this one if I remember correctly and the way he reacts is really...off-putting? I told you, in the first version he's a very energetic kid with no fear of almost anything, even his way of talking is too direct for a kid's thinking. There's no confrontation with Blaze, they don't delve into M's power, his interration with everyone is out of place. And he says some embarrassing things.

In the remake, as I said, I made the characters follow the story, so it was easy for me to cover points like Blaze's confrontation, the boy's mysticism and confusion and what he is from now on. Even the few interactions he had with the other characters, he treats them as strangers and fear but eventually he will come to trust them. Whereas the original version he already acts like he already knows that he will get along with everyone and that it will be his home.

In the training with Zeta, in the original version he has a lot of changes, especially the way he unlocks his mastery with the God Form, in the original I remember telling the story of a little dog that M had and that died in the vet's office. In the Remake I rescue the story of the dog as a stray pet that wanted to have M but couldn't, where in the end how it ends up is also a mystery. 

In the confrontation, unlike M, who in his Base Form has insecurities and in his God Form he gradually becomes more confident. In the original version, as soon as he has the God Form, the boy thinks he is the strongest and is not afraid to say so, there is no feeling that he is gaining more confidence as time goes by, and this would really hurt in the First Arc, where there are too many changes.


Mysterious Island Arc.


First of all M's interraction as I said is to follow him and not the story, so literally this Arc is like shouting "M is the strongest of them all" because literally the guy did everything...In the middle of the journey there was no interaction with the characters to show and strengthen that something is already emerging or how their relationships are at that point. In the original it is purely forced, I even remember that to try to make sense of a conversation, it is said that there is no FBI in that world...and to what I say to myself at that time, was that necessary? Also Zeta gives the mackintoshes to her friends, but it was like, it made sense because of the storm, but the execution....

In the Remake if there is interaction between the characters and how they are with each other, M clear that this animated but you can see that still retains those doubts, ignorance and fear for this world. And Zeta when he hands over the mackintoshes, you can see that he doesn't do it because of the storm, he does it out of love and feeling for his friends.

On the island this is even simpler in the original. They go to the village where the little devils were wandering around, at which point the fight starts just because. The devils are evil so they attack and the story begins. In the remake the fight is provoked because Blaze was herself at fault for being too hasty.

And here I remember that in the Original M fights side by side with her companions in the middle of the storm, at this point we know that the water makes M return to her Base Form, but it seems that in that fight in the middle of the storm, she never got a drop of water and... she was delivering blows and attacks to all the little devils. Her companions did do something, but the show was M's, and when she finished it off with a final attack, what do you think happened? Out of nowhere he returned to his Base Form and ....

In the Remake it's time and it gives me a chance to show what my teammates are capable of and show that they work as a team. They know that M is strong but he is inexperienced in all the new fights, that's why when they see that it will be complicated and they can't do it alone, they decide to let M to finish everything with a big attack, and in all that time he was in his Base Form and when he wanted to pass to his God Form, that fear of making a mistake, was the same thing that made that failure happen.

In the castle of Carmis, in both versions Blaze faces M, but in the Remake we know that he peed himself from fear and that's why he couldn't pass to his God Form, in the original I remember, a little devil gave M's mackintosh a cut and that's why the water leaked and...ahhh!!!!! All wrong...

Carmis appears and let me state the obvious. In the original version he's just a generic guy who knows he's going to die in the first arc. He was classy yes, but o surprise he gets really angry if he gets disrespected and...ya. That's it, that's how simple Carmis was in the original version, a crazy guy in love with someone and that's it... Remember what I said at the beginning? This arc is to show that M is strong and capable.

Carmis is bad in the First Volume, since he commissioned the Diablitos to destroy the island to take over this one. And the unnecessary story I created for myself about the Mysterious Island, I remember trying to create a lore telling me that the Island was inhabited by aquatic beings, and that the Island returns to the surface every few years, and that Carmis came to do his thing because...True!!!! The origin of Carmis is also different, this was a common Demon that tried to conquer a certain Rita and that when he was rejected, he resented so much that he stole the Magic Book and controlled his world, and that in the end they neutralize him because they put him something to give him diarrhea and so defeated they punish him by sending him to another world and...Yes, I also say that that is completely mediocre.

Blaze would go on to attack him where they were all quickly followed, the Demon controls them and everything is normal. In the Remake you'll notice the differences, Carmis is not a bad guy, he's more of a liar to make people like him and show that he's strong. And the lore you can see the huge difference.

Again, Blaze's haste causes all this and at least at all times Carmis did have the intention to dialogue, in the original not so much.

And also remember that Rouge tried to flirt with Carmis and he ended up throwing everything in her face without hiding anything from her, Carmis was really easy to piss off in the original.

At the end M proposes a game to Carmis because...the truth is I can't tell you why, I just wanted it to be like this so I could continue with what I had planned, M confronting her mates and showing that !!!! Exactly!!! That he is the strongest.

The fights don't make much sense, since in short. M wins all his fights including Blaze's, Blaze gets to Carmis where he fights Sonic The Werehog, where o surprise!!!!! He also beats Sonic!!! He was also going to beat Carmis, but Carmis makes use of the Magic Book that appears out of nowhere and!!!!!

『Let's Die Together』

????????????????? Carmis cast a spell that was going to kill them both, and...in the end Blaze comes and ends up hitting Carmis in the face and charring him completely. M in there because it was so cruel to him, he just felt sorry for the demon because...it was good. ????

As you know in the Remake M does face them all, but he sticks more to the possibilities and takes it as a growth for the boy, that it's his chance to show how much he learned in all this time. Accompanied by the feeling with his companions that I think that helps a lot to strengthen the friendships they have. In addition to Sonic The Werehog appearing out of nowhere, he ends up creating his own little lore in all of this, which fits in with the story. Even with it being the final beatdown of the Arc, I took a little more time to work out Carmis and what the character will be like. And here if M is strong, he is inexperienced. She came with pure effort even with Blaze who in the end lost to her, and you noticed that, didn't you? M was born with the ego that he will always get his way, he was becoming the M of the original version!!!! But in there pom! he loses and that was a thousand times better.

In the end all the characters have their protagonism in the First Arc, nobody is left behind, many characters grew up and one was integrated who would be Carmis and really with this character being alive and literally another one. The story is already completely different from the original.

It went straight to the next Parasite Arc. Since telling how the days went by without Carmis and that the story was forcing M to get his way. Remember when I told you that I had written some pretty racy stuff? I remember once I wrote that they went to the hot springs and that M took a bath with all of them and that... *sigh* I even remember that there is a chapter in the original version of how M teaches you how to make a hot cake, but not as dynamic as in the Remake where they make a cake and they talk about interesting and funny anecdotes. Instead M literally gives you the recipe, the steps, the ingredients of how to make a hot cake!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! No shit!!! Because I wrote a recipe book in a story!!!!!!!

In the Parasite arc, in the Remake I delve more into X who I already knew will have more appearances in the future, I just nourish him for what's to come. In the original it's simply a parasite looking for M, it possesses Big The Cat and they fight on the island, there's not much point there either. M and Blaze defeat the huge cat and that's it, oh right, Rouge gets the Magic Book at the end of the Mysterious Island Arc, Carmis died so...I don't want to tell everything about the Magic Book, it's really a nonsense....

The Parasite's revenge comes, he didn't die and he possesses everyone, M doesn't even notice and gets beaten up by his companions and...I think I got the whole damn essence because. M was imprisoned in a basement thousands of feet underground, in a base of water so that he would not pass to his God Form, that he was whipped every day for that year of confinement, and...ahh!!!!!!!! You see what I mean, the story follows the protagonist!!!! I did that because I sure thought it was cool ad!!!!!!!!!! 

In the end Blaze wasn't possessed and... this is a laugh, Blaze pretended to be possessed because the possessed had a mark on their necks, so she simply drew the mark and tricked the Parasites...

In the Remake it's completely different and you know it, they are completely different stories.

In the end M is rescued by Blaze and because Blaze is super fast they escape undetected and as he was told about the Pure attack, in one night he learns it while Blaze protects him and fights with his possessed friends, spoiler, he doesn't beat them. Another detail, the Electric Fever ability already existed in the Original, and to counter it, I remember that I made the characters put mud on their heads, so that the electricity wouldn't enter the nerves of their brains. But what an idiot I am... At the end comes M and with the pure attack he defeats all of them without fail, being the strongest and coolest, according to me at that time.

In the Remake it's already implied that M practiced pure attack during his time as a prisoner, Blaze does put up a fight and even manages to defeat a few of his female companions. Carmis especially...really how could I have killed a really useful guy for the story.

At the end Tatsumaki appears out of nowhere with her own ability to travel between worlds and...she only appears because I wanted her to. I even remember that in the original M hugs the heroine and she allows him to do so, and he even rubs himself on her.

In the Remake I gave him some sense and even a reason for his introduction, becoming a kind of achievement to be broken for the characters of the First Volume. 

Actually, rather than a summary, I just compared the bad parts of the story, which is why I felt so ashamed of the First and Second Volumes as time went by, because they were literally badly done. But that's all over with the Remake I'm giving you. The second Volume is also full of the same, M being strong and getting away with a little bit of story. But no, I'm going to go deeper and make a lot of changes in the Second Volume. 

If you want to suffer reading the original work, you can look it up on Wattpad, now that I think about it, that first version deserves to be on that platform, God it's so bad....

Next chapter