
Chapter 26: Intimate Friends

Time is passing more calmly and relaxed than usual, maybe because that's my lifestyle, I prefer it that way and it's not at all overwhelming, being locked up in a room without being able to go out, for me it was nothing new, because in some part of my life I went through something like that, or maybe not? There are many things that I don't remember as much as if I have very present many scenarios, but the thing is that I don't feel strange to be able to spend my life as a prisoner, although with the time that passes more and more, can I really classify myself as such? It's not that they abuse me psychologically or physically, nor do they repress me for a bad action, they just give me a simple warning, as I said, a mother's warning and that's it, that's all. I don't lack anything so to speak, both the bathroom and a shower are inside my room, I can let fresh air in thanks to the window, I can also contemplate the scenery of the island's forest, I have a bed, a table to eat, a few study books so I don't get bored if I find myself alone, I even get to do something productive. ...doing something productive on my own...is something that is a personal problem I have, because if it were up to me, I would really prefer not to do everything and focus on what I like, if I had a computer right now, all day long I would just sit and .....

『Ah!...no wonder Zeta didn't give me a computer...』

On that day that I was trying to knit on my own, I had more in mind why they had not given me a computer, because it is strange isn't it? A person who knows a lot about technology, not to give one to me, because I am like her son... I suppose that being an expert on the subject, she knows the good and the bad that technology can influence people, I know that I repeat the subject a lot, but at this age where you start to feel interested in other things, I think it is normal at least to look for subjects of that interest. If I had a computer now, what would I be looking for right now? Every time I think about it, the only thing that comes to my mind is ....

『All of Goku's transformations...yeah...that would be awesome to see』.

But while I was thinking about other things, I ended up pricking my finger with the needle with which I was sewing, I could feel it clearly, that prick that at first seems like a horrible pain, but then you notice that it just disappeared. There was no other way, like the little boy that I still am, I was sucking my finger to calm the pain, which...quickly made me remember something at that moment, I stopped sucking my finger, and silently went to the bathroom to clean my hand, just that, I let the water run so that this dirt that is growing in me, maybe one day it will end up leaving or in another case, I will end up accepting it as it is.

『Yes...I would look for it again like that day...ahhh...please...forgive me...』

I really hope that every time I think about the same thing again, I can erase that event from my mind, I guess that being my first experience with that, it's a memory that will stay with you for a long time, I didn't even want to look at her eyes for a long time, when I saw her that day how she was worried about me, asking me how I was, really seeing her tender and innocent eyes.... she has that image of me, she always saw me as someone to defend and even as a saint who is not able to kill a fly, who is scared of spiders, and when he was very nervous he would stutter, she really held me in high esteem like I will always be someone to take care of, watch over and even someone pure in her own way...That she looks at me again with those eyes that filled my world with life and made a change in me...it really hurt me to think about what I did that night...


Again I was knitting in my room, but this time I was not alone, I had my finger pricked with a bandage to calm the pain, I was following the indications of my companion for this day, who although still without speaking, she could perfectly guide me based on her hand signals, some expressions and slight sounds that she makes, and above all, how she intervened as Zeta did in the same way. Zeta Parasite was teaching me how to weave a simple scarf, since it is the simplest thing that a novice can learn, every afternoon that he came to teach me, they were quiet, it was only the two of us who followed his instructions, of course I accompanied with some words that came to me at the moment, but every time I spent more and more time with my mother, I really thought, I know that the parasite is who is controlling her but...the difference was almost null, it's as if ....

『(I wonder if the Parasite is completely influencing who she possesses, I really find her the same as Zeta, the subtle movements, the expressions, how she will react or even what she will say even if she doesn't speak, it all seems the same to me....)』

I have been considering a theory to the already established one we gave before, that the parasite becomes influenced by the person who possesses it, as I suppose the parasite has its own personality, the only thing I can say about the parasite is that it doesn't get to speak like others, and also in spite of acquiring all the knowledge of the person who possesses it, there are many moments where he himself is astonished by the skills he has, the first day of knitting classes, he gave me a quick example of what would be our goal to achieve, it didn't take me long to make a small scarf as a reference, it took me what, 2 hours? But in the process I could see myself, I was attentive, but the most attentive was Zeta Parasito, who moved his hands with subtlety but at the same time with speed, and his expression... I was really amazed because maybe it was something I was also learning and seeing for the first time. And when he finally finished making the referent, I remember it perfectly, he stood up and looked at his creation that he had made, his eyes wouldn't look away, he was glowing his eyes as if to say "I made this? 

At that very moment something came to my mind, for the Parasite everything is new and for that reason everything is the same for the one who possesses, he simply lets himself be carried away many times by the personality and knowledge of the person who possesses and so he can learn and even marvel at the little things he can do, he was smiling and happy, he taught me and indicated to me that this is what we are going to do but even better. To this I could only feel satisfied and answered him with a "『Si".

『Yes, let's learn many more things together *smiles*』.

That when I said that, the Parasite was aware that I was referring to him and not to my mother, which...was strange...I thought he would be happy and we would continue learning, but it was the opposite, that I addressed him directly giving him my support, it kind of puzzled him, the parasite inside him wondered if I was referring to him especially or to the person he was possessing. If he means him directly... how should he react to this? Learn? Learn from more things?....Zeta Parasite at that very moment decided to leave the first class quickly, he withdrew silently and with a blank expression on his face, leaving me alone in my room with the desire to learn more and to know why he was confused with my answer, perhaps?

『Does the Parasite have doubts about itself?』

I don't have a clear idea of what the parasite's life is like, trying to imagine it is simply difficult, I only have what Big told us on that occasion and that's it. But according to what he told us, the parasites, or more specifically this parasite, seems to be the one who is most curious to know more and more about the world around him, he has that spark or desire to discover what is beyond what he already knows and knows, he wants with his own eyes to be able to experience and understand what it is that one can really be considered a living being with his own reasoning, his own thought, his own action, what is the reason beyond and personal reason why he is here in the world. The Parasite is something he does not yet understand, of course he enjoys and learns best when he sees something already seen but at the same time new to him, and when one is learning and especially in his position, he does not know what is good and what is bad, for him if he sees a situation of both counterparts, he will most likely act indifferently because. ...there is no need to try or intervene in that, it is not an obligation to do so or to intervene, if it is bad it is bad, if it is good it is good, but he will not understand until he himself feels the need or the impulse to go....

『Instead of possessing its host, it seems to be more like a symbiosis...it's like a symbiosis, isn't it? Where mutual support is sought from both beings...the parasite is willing to know more of the world that gives us that freedom of our own expression so to speak...』-『But for some reason they are parasites, they need to take direct control of their host, not congenial or try to understand them...I wonder if this Parasite is a special case of the many out there, if so I can only say something...how lucky I am』.

Yes...more and more I am sympathizing with my friend the Parasite, simply wanting to help him in his learning, makes me feel satisfied and pleased, I think now I understand that feeling of yourself seeing someone grow and you helping him how he should learn, this is a bit strange that thought, this was the same that Menhera and Rino must have felt towards me, to be able to guide me and teach me that the world is bigger and that you can live beautiful experiences that will help you to be a better person.


Now we were in another day, as always every day is different and even expected, there was a chess board in the middle, where the pieces were moved from their positions, the hands moved the pieces to where they thought would be the best move, chess is really a game of intellect and to be able to strategize, to try to predict what your opponent is going to do, to put him in a tight spot, to make him feint to take advantage, you really feel like you are leading a battalion in a war, the way you are leading a battalion in a war, the way you are leading a battalion in a war, trying to predict what your opponent is going to do, to put him in a tight spot, to feint to take advantage, you really feel like you are leading a battalion in a war, the way to victory is to outwit or as my friend El Perro would say, the one who is more fly is the one who ends up winning. And after almost 30 minutes since the start of the chess game, both Amy and M were looking at the chessboard to keep or get ahead in the game, there were already taken pieces by both players, it was Amy's turn, who after thinking a lot, decided to move her piece.

I hadn't noticed, but her bishop was putting my king in check, I could see it in her expression, every time she does it, she looks confident as if telling me to receive and not to escape her blow, I even feel her saying "Now what are you going to do? *proud*

When she thought she had beaten me, she crossed her hands with a gesture that this was really resolved, really when I saw her in that state, it made my blood boil because she looked very confident, that confidence that makes you very angry with your opponent. Even with her hand she was telling me to move my piece, because I was taking too long to make my move. Confident and calm she was lying on my bed, because yes, we were playing on the bed instead of on the table I have, but ....

『I see that you still have a lot to learn Rosadita...remember very well what I told you, that my mother told me that I was very good at chess!!!』

Pomm!!!!! I took my knight which I could use to defend my king, Amy was still calm, and in a simple way with her queen she ended up eating my knight, she looked confident at that moment, I couldn't eat her queen, I didn't have any pieces at my disposal, and what's more, my king was in check again, to this she again mocked me as if to say "That's it? What a weakling you are *laugh*" Which I was looking down thinking that my strategy....

『Hold on a minute Rosadita...now you're going to give me a hard time....』

『 ɿ(。・ɜ・)ɾⓌⓗⓨ?』

It was time to use a move that in all our games so far I have not used, with my fingers I signalled to her eyes not to lose sight of me, where Amy out of pure more humiliation towards me, she heeded me to see the idiocy I was about to do, and at that.....

『 Long Threading !!!!!!!!』

『 ( •᷄ὤ•᷅)?』

My pieces have just been moved out of position, my king and my furthest rook have been exchanged, to this Amy was confused, as if to say "So what, I'm still going to beat you" But when she looked at the chessboard again, as she tried to make a move she realised something. She was thinking hard about how to make her next move, but ....si...she quickly grimaced in frustration as no matter which piece she moves, it ends up being eaten by my forces. As she looked up for a moment to look at me, she could see it clearly, now the one who was confident was me.

『 What's wrong Rosadita, aren't you going to make your move?』 ʅฺ(・ω・.)ʃฺ?

『 (ꐦ ಠ皿ಠ )』  

Things had really turned upside down, now the one who was calm and confident was M, while Amy was the one who was late in making her next move, she does not like to make her opponents wait, just as she is quick to respond when fighting, in chess it was not going to be different, Amy moved her queen believing that she would be safe. But from one moment to the next, from move to move the chess game on this occasion, it ended up being won again by M. That when Amy saw the chess board she had no escape, I could see it on her face, she was so frustrated that...she put her hands down the chess board and ....

『Hey!!! Don't go to !!!!!!』

This has happened before, the first time I ended up beating her in our first meeting, frustrated because I knew I was going to lose. Without me noticing, she ended up putting her hands under the board, and forcefully threw it up in a tantrum she had, the pieces flying and falling to the ground with the game on the floor which ....

『Hey!!!! That game counts!!! Just because you threw it up in the sky doesn't make it void!!!!! Hey!!! Are you listening to me pinky???? I'm talking to you!!!』 (۶ૈ ᵒ̌ Дᵒ̌)۶ૈ=͟͟͞͞ ⌨

『 (「๑-₃-)「』 

Yes...that I had beaten him in our first meeting after I had challenged him that day had really frustrated him. I thought he was going to do the same thing again this time, that's exactly why I was telling him to stop, but when I saw that I quickly went to stop her, Amy quickly took her hands off the board, and with a mocking gesture she was laughing at me.

『 ( ՞ਊ ՞)☞』 

...He made me believe that again he was going to throw the board to the sky, he was making fun of me as he could predict what my reaction and move was going to be...there was no stopping him, so I also calmed down and only realised that I was the one who ended up in his strategy. 

At the end of the game she was helping me to put the pieces back in their place and position, I really appreciate this because as you may have noticed, in the first games the story was repeated and she left my room angry and I had to be the one to pick up all the pieces. I really noticed something here, Amy's personality is not like the one I remember, she usually tries to keep her composure but being direct in many occasions, you know, the typical nice girl, who likes to look pretty and with manners, but at the same time she is really honest with those she trusts the most, although of course she can be sincere in many occasions when expressing things she doesn't like, but. ...here it's the opposite, really being very honest falls short, that Amy gets frustrated like that, that she explodes when something doesn't go her way, making fun of others and feeling like she's the best. That's not the Amy I know..., so....

『Hey Rosadita, is that who you really are, or is that the personality of the parasite that possessed you? 』 

It could really be the personality of the parasite, but if so... the theory of the beginning would really fall apart. To this of what he was helping me to sort out, he quickly looked directly at me, and moved the pawn in a circle, gesturing to me that no, but no, what? To this I didn't know what he was answering me, at the moment but in the opposite direction to where he was circling the pawn, now he was telling me yes, but yes to what? To this I was getting more and more confused, I think he is not going to answer me in a clear way, I am the one who has to interpret what they say, here it would be perfect if they wrote it down on paper or something like that ....

『Okay, so I'll go with this, the personality that is showing now, is it a hidden one from you Amy? 』 

When I hesitantly asked that question, I actually said it to have an alternative, but quickly as I said it Amy finished putting her chips in place, and with a big thumbs up, she was giving me a thumbs up for my comment. Eh? This left me with many more questions...and also more answers. If the personality shown now is a hidden one that was further empowered and released by a parasite possessing it, then ....No! I am forgetting something important, it is not a parasite that possessed it, but a separate part of the main body of the Parasite that resides in Zeta.

That's the parasite that has a personality of its own, while the others we could say its parts...well they are just that, parts that try to do a half-hearted job of possession. They are not able to take direct control of those they possess, but they are able to bring out even more of their true thoughts, personalities or what they really are deep down, a hidden part of the hosts that they don't want to show to anyone else, because they know they are not much to their liking personally. ....

『I see...so the Amy I'm seeing now, is a hidden personality and thought, speaking of sincerity, look at how foul-mouthed she is *laughs*』 

I was amused by this discovery, sure to apply to all the other possessed except for Zeta, the moment I said it, Amy could hear me, and was quickly covering my mouth with her hand, as if to tell me not to tell anyone how she really thinks and is. But to this she only removed her hand from my mouth to tell me.

『All right, I won't tell or tell anyone what you want to hide, but it's fun to discover this personality, yes, it complements very well the sincerity you showed before with your words and feeling of others, I don't dislike it at all *smiles*』.

When I said that, Amy thought deep down that maybe the fact that she had discovered this phase of hers was very repulsive and even alien to her, no one likes to be with a person who is really sincere with others to the point of being really annoying, but...was it really like that? Amy had a lot of thoughts both good and bad about her classmates, that as time went by she became more and more sincere with her comments that already seemed to be harsh but...the one now is really too much to the point of being cheeky but...if that's how she feels and there's that strong friendship to let her know and understand...I really didn't dislike her too much.

『I can also do the same to you and we'd be even *smiles*』

Like a while ago, I returned the mockery and confidence he was throwing at me and really, it felt like I was getting closer to Amy without me even realising it. When she heard my words again, I don't know who it was, the real Amy or the parasite part but... At that moment she gave me the fist sign, there was only one thing to do, so I also made the fist where they both collided, she felt happy and smiling Amy, where she was saying goodbye for sure and affirming me with her expression that the next time we play chess, this time she will come more than ready to defeat me, that she will use all her strength as always.

『I'll wait for you here, I also want to be honest with you about some things 』.

I waved my hand to say goodbye, where Amy was leaving my room with a smile on her face. I feel that the distant relationship I had with Rosada, thanks to the parasite that shows this hidden personality, really made me closer and closer to Rosadita, if she is being honest with me...I guess I can also talk to her about things that I don't want other people to know about me. I think it's something that needs to be talked about and not avoided...Yes...the next time she comes over, I'm going to talk to her about my situation.


Days and days went by and days went by that even made me lose track of time, I don't know how long it's been since I became a prisoner, 1 month? 2 months? 3 months? I really feel it's more, but it's better that this continues. And in all this time there was progress and improvement with each of my companions, or at least that's what I would like to say but... there was one in particular that since the first day, continues to give the first results....

Blaze set a goal to be able to cook better and prepare meals that everyone likes. From that first day that he cooked for M and he ended up putting it aside, he really challenged himself to become better at it. So every time he felt he had made a breakthrough, he would come and bring me lunch so I could eat it. The second time he came, I remember the food...it was just as burnt for some reason, the 3rd time he came, it was burnt too, and the 4th, and the 5th, and the 5th, and the 6th, and the 15th, and the 27th, and the 43rd, and the 43rd, ... Now that I think about it, all the meals tasted exactly the same, burnt and charcoal, that must be why I remember them all because I feel like there is no variation in any of them, yeah...Blaze in all the time he spent, he didn't have a breakthrough in cooking. 

Whenever I received a visit from another person, I would always ask them about Blaze and what he was doing, where they would reply with signs and mimics that he was in the kitchen preparing food. He stands there all day? He must be really dedicated to this, they also told me that Blaze did everything so that no one else would try to eat the food that Blaze prepared, because he wants the first one to give his verdict to be me, that is M.

But .... I still remember what Carmis said or at least that's how I interpreted it "Since I took the first bite I've been kind of curious, since then I don't even try to go near the kitchen if I see Blaze is in there, his food is really bad".

It seems that everyone at some point out of curiosity, tried Blaze's food, and since that first experience, they never went near that food again, it's funny to those who do go to the kitchen and find Blaze cooking, he tells everyone not to steal his food but everyone said "If that stuff is ugly, why would I want to eat it again" When Blaze really understood it ....

It was like his world was falling to the ground and he put all his efforts into making sure the food was good and edible. But even with all the comments from the other possessed people, Blaze still brought me the food so I could eat it and ....

『Still tastes like carbon....』( '艸`)


『But...at least it doesn't taste like charcoal anymore, at the beginning it tasted like charcoal, but now it tastes like charcoal, but it tastes like a little charcoal, I think you are getting better Blaze, slowly but surely, one day you will learn to cook well, I would also like to learn to cook well 』

That comment I said, that I was improving little by little, made Blaze so to speak happy, her tail that was drooping, perked up with encouragement, and that I also want to learn how to cook besides baking, she saw this more as a challenge that if I try I can do better than her. So she quickly placed her hands in front of me, moving them from one side to the other, as if telling me to stop for now, she looked at me determinedly with her eyes shining like she was saying .... "Wait for me, I will cook you something really delicious, please, don't surpass me in this".

Or at least that's how I interpreted it, and to this I just told him that it's fine, where as he brought me the food, then I'm going to finish eating it, but as usual, after giving my verdict and saying that it was bad, even though I wanted to eat it, he took the tray of food away. Doesn't he want me to eat it? At least if I'm willing to accept the effort she's making for me, but no... Blaze wants to better herself and others, so she'll only let me finish and eat all her food when it's really delicious.

『You can take your time, I'm not leaving here until you do』.

He was about to leave, but when I said that, he turned his gaze towards me, and...I was really uneasy at that moment, wondering why he was looking at me like that again, it's not the first time he's done it, I've received it many times before, and it's always when I'm feeling completely satisfied with everything at the moment. And as if he was taking me at my word and as if it was a fact, he would nod his head and finally leave my room, it was weird but...every time this happens I am left with the thought of.

『Did I say something wrong?』

I really...now that I said it, I don't want to leave this place and have to leave it all behind....


Evenings are always fun, as I'm always accompanied by my mate Carmis with a nice glass of milk and biscuits to share, we would talk about silly things for the most part, there wasn't a night that we weren't laughing and having fun no matter how stupid the situation, to see us so relaxed despite the situation I'm in, it must be really weird.

『I guess it matters how one perceives it to what's really right...』

I said while still holding my glass of milk half full and the biscuits the same way. To this Carmis in the same way he looked at me, and then he looked at the window in the night that I was doing, and yes...there was Blaze watching the area as always, both looks crossed, the Demon's and the Cat's, like saying something to each other that I didn't even notice.....At this Carmis wanted to show me something new, where he was making an effort and...I could see it, a small portal could be generated but with difficulty in front of our feet.

『You are slowly recovering your ability, good for you Carmis, I'm sure you will be able to regain the ease and management of your portal as you always had』.

『҉*( 'ω' )/*҉』

『That cowardice you have will finally come back!』


He really doesn't like it when people call Carmis a coward, he always claims me since the first day I said it, but chili is very funny to see his expressions so I'll use it a lot of times. I don't know what Carmis is doing to regain the use of his portal, but I'm sure he'll be able to return to normal after a while, but the Demon was also proposing something to me, as if we were going back in time, just as he taught me the search spell, Seikatsu no Basho, now he wants to teach me the other technique, the Pure ability, which is what.

『Really? great! Then I can also make my fist glow? glow? glow?.... This ability doesn't have a name, does it?』

The most characteristic thing about the Pure Technique is that your fist or your attack starts to glow white light, which begins to completely envelop your next move. It's really eye-catching and for sure the more power you carry and the stronger you are, the bigger and more powerful this pure attack becomes. Just imagining being able to do that achievement, really made me drool with my silly gesture that I have. 

The basics were simple, I just have to collect as much pure energy as I consider myself and it becomes easier, Carmis explained it to me before, pure energy has no limits, it can be anything, but a simple way to get it is with love, so Carmis asked me if I ever felt love, was I in love, or am I in love at the moment, which I am.

『No, I never felt anything like that before』-『But I think at some point if I was going to be...it was in primary school when I felt that little feeling of feeling love for someone, at that time I put it off and actually, I don't know if that's considered love, let alone after what I did, ah!!! I didn't do anything weird, just love! yes! love, I understand...eh....*nervous*』

I got nervous at that moment as I remembered something, that Carmis wasn't even close to what I was talking about, but that's what I was looking for, that at least I had an idea of what love is. I thought I was going to get a lesson on human relations, love and all that stuff, but no. I didn't. So Carmis grabbed him too. So Carmis was also interested in it, and she asked me from whom I got to feel that sensation, I was nervous because I didn't know if I should say it or at least consider it that way, I was avoiding her question, but Carmis wanted to know and she insisted. We weren't the only ones that night, Blaze who was watching, his ear twitched when he heard our conversation and... he was really interested in eavesdropping.


『Ah! Okay, I'm going to say it...』-『Since the beginning of Primary school after my family moved to a new neighbourhood, on that first day of school I got to know her, I won't say many details but, she was from the beginning helping me and seeing me grow as a better person, always by my side, always with her support and...I really appreciate all the time and friendship she gave me....』



『Her name is Kurumi, Nanase Kurumi, but we all call her Menhera-Chan, she's a cute, tender, good-natured girl, she was dedicated to her studies and sports, although she also got together with our group of friends from time to time and got along well, although if we talk about getting along with all the people, her sister is another level, Menhera did have friends but she got together with very few of them, ah! She had a lot of partners in primary school, she paid more attention to her boyfriends than to her friends in general』-『Although her relationships didn't last long, how long was it? 4 weeks or less or more, she was a little girl who according to me wanted to feel loved but...there was nothing she lacked, literally she was all good and stable, always when she was finished she would go with Rino and I to hang out, and within hours she was like new and she would tell us that we were the best friends in the world but...I don't know...there came a time when we were growing up and I started to feel something I couldn't understand, it was as if being her best friend was no longer enough....』

I was telling what my childhood friend is, really the way I was saying it, it was with affection and even remembering the good times we had and...that was noticed by Carmis and Blaze, who each listened attentively and their expressions were different, while Carmis was happy and excited, Blaze was pensive about the fact.

『But things happened, life did its thing, now I'm here, I really don't know if that feeling is still there or if it's over but, if I were to spend time with Menhera again, I would probably know the answer by now, it would be that, or I don't know what else would have to happen to forget it』.

At that moment when I spoke, Carmis approached me touching my shoulders, at that I didn't understand, but she was telling me without moving her mouth that, I must not forget it at all, that I must not forget or ignore that feeling I had as a child, for Carmis the first love was unique and even sacred that .... I stepped aside where I answered.

『We'll see what happens』

To this there was no more to say, Blaze who had already heard too much, felt that he should return to his post so that he could guard the area. Where Carmis touched my fist and was telling me that that emotion and energy, I must gather it and collect it in my fist, as if I was imagining it as from an attack and incredible moment is coming. A few minutes passed, and Carmis surely believed that I was going to make it but...I couldn't collect anything, my fist of light didn't manifest at all, maybe it's because I'm very weak and I'm not in my God Form, but still Carmis was telling me that even if you are weak, you should be able to emit your pure energy.

『And by the way, how do you like them, Carmis?』

That question came out of nowhere, but while we're at it, I'm not going to just let it all out while Carmis is quiet. To this I don't even know why he asked, since it's obvious what kind of people he likes, he was quickly describing me the personality and facets of Medusa, the girl he's in love with, this was obvious but .... for some strange reason I asked ....

『How do you like them...but physically....』


Yes...now if it is a topic of big boys who want to know about dirty and intimate things, I don't even know why I asked, I was just as nervous and surprised as Carmis, who the Demon was not sure to say it but... He swallowed his saliva and with mimics he was telling me that .... he likes short...ya...short hair ....ya...but we already know that Carmis...tell us something we all want to know ....Carmis was like a tomato at that moment and ....he likes it when they show some meat ....ya ....eh? Wait? like what meat? eh....? I thought it was weird that he would say that, since being a man of nobility etiquette, his tastes are very dirty.... also Carmis commented that she gets to be submissive but at the same time direct with her own thoughts. ...and on the subject of breasts...she likes them medium-sized...but a little bigger...she says she doesn't dislike them, as well as a well-shaped ass that she can grab..... and last but not least.... she likes them whit------

『Ya Carmis.... we'd better stop here...it's me who's saying all your dirty things...that last one if I'm a classist...』


I guess now it's my turn to tell .... and ask Carmis to tell me what kind of girls he likes, so as the men we are now, it's my duty to answer him properly. 

『Well, I like girls who are hot... eh? More specific? Well, I already said I like Kuderes right?...no...that's not going to please you right compa? Do you want me to be more specific too? ..... well yes...they should be small as well, but if they are my size or taller I don't dislike them either.... I do like them to have long hair, as long as possible, I think it's cute and sweet....ah.... but I don't rule out the ones with short hair if they look cute....also if they wear long stockings and show their legs, more specifically the thigh and...ahh...I said Kuderes at the beginning but...I really like all kinds....like the...Dandere...Deredere,Himedere...the Tomboys...among others and....』


『Hey!!! I'm being honest with you dammit!!!!! Don't look disgusted!!!! Although I got disgusted too at this moment...ahhh!!!!!! I like them small breasts down!!!!Ironing boards!!!!! thighs that are equally marked and...and...and...andy...!!!! that have something blue around...yeah!!!!! To be able to help them and mean a lot to them!!!! Ya...!!!! It's over!!!! Good night!!!!!!!』

I don't really know what happened to me at that moment, but I really got so sincere that even Carmis felt like throwing up, but how rude, one telling him everything he likes and the other refuses. When I finished I ended up throwing Carmis out of my room where I was going to bed to sleep, Carmis was walking to his room where he was still blushing because of everything that we have said to each other now, where he only had a doubt, if he just described that Menhera like he did with Medusa or simply everything he said has nothing to do with her friend ....

Carmis also went to sleep that night, but with a breakthrough both personally and in intimacy with his friend. He is already controlling his portal better, a little more time and they will enter the next phase....

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