
Chapter 190: Glimpses into the Past (Part 4)

I spent my whole life in a world that I thought was mine, at first I cried to learn a piece of the truth, I got depressed, but soon hope came back to me when I met Syl. She was the reason why all this happened to me, why I smiled, why I was happy, why I progressed, why I could become someone like an ordinary person, and also gave me to know that feeling that many catalogued as the best feeling of all, being with her all my life..... At the beginning I saw her only as a good friend, we had fights and misunderstandings, mostly were my fault, that kindness, that warmth that only she can give, many say that you never know what you have until you lose it. Always, since Syl is no longer with me, there is not a moment when I don't think of her...it was the most beautiful lie that has ever been made to me, thank you.....thank you for everything, Syl.....you cleared me of many fears.

And there is no more reason why I would accept this new mission, because I can't just let go of the person who means so much to me. That's how desires work, they are so personal, they are so selfish, we want it to benefit us, that's why it is called desire, to fulfill and make much of our whims come true.

Arc 5: Lucario's Wish.

The next morning we started our course, Maya is a Speon of the First Generation, a Pokemon that changed to a Human being, she can use all her abilities without any problem, and for being one of the ones experimented by the scientists, she also possesses unique abilities, surely her other sisters also possess it. She explained to me more in detail about the world and the phenomenon of "Awakening of the Metamorphosis", it was a little difficult to understand at first, but I was trying hard to assimilate everything. This city is neutral where mostly people of the Third and Fourth Generation live, to find one of the Second Generation would only be in asylums, while the First Generation would be about to become extinct so to speak, also on that day of the "Awakening of the Metamorphosis" the longevity of everyone increased more than established, surely because of the Eternal Essence that came together in the explosion of the Massive Wave.

I also explain the danger that the World has been scourged, apparently there is someone who calls himself God and his subordinate the Pope, if you make the journey to meet God, you can make your wish, but first you must pass his test that makes you the Pope, that is the method that has been circulating for all these years and time, is the calmest, but there is also the other method more abrupt, that nobody comes, and that is why they consider a great threat.

They randomly pick a random city and force everyone to fight each other, and the last one standing is the one chosen to stand before God and make their wish. Many have already tried to stop this chaos, but so far no one has been able to defeat him, his power is so great that many say that there is no one in the world who can defeat him.

For obvious reasons we would take the calm method, we would take the route to meet God and have him grant us a wish. At that time I heard someone talking to me in my mind, where without further ado he guided me to a dead end, when I looked up I could see him, he was the subordinate of God, the Pope, the one who organizes the Battle Royale in the cities, and also those who he tests so that they can present themselves against their God, what surprised me the truth was because I realized who he really is, he also suffered that day, but he is very recognizable by his appearance although he is now a Human, he is the Legendary Lugia.

It is as if she realized that I am in search of desire and came to test me to see if I am fit, if I am someone strong enough to be worthy of being in front of her God, she surely found out because of the ability she has to talk in the mind of everyone, her Telepathy goes beyond the normal.

The first impression I had of her is that she looks like a robot, a person without a soul, her look was lost as well as her tone, she was being controlled by a Parasite that I didn't know at the time.

The fight started without warning, it was really humiliating, I could see that she is a Legendary, she is even using her true power? I couldn't see that I could beat her, the challenge was that I had to hit her in the time she proposed, but she was so skilled that this easy goal became complicated, I could surely beat her in my God Form, but I couldn't use that Form, I am so inexperienced in this new Lucario Form that I became just her punching bag.

If it had not been for Maya who came and using her special abilities, we would not have been able to get her to accept our efforts, in the end we got her to accept us and she left without further ado, we were hurt but we still continued our journey, we arrived at a cabin, the same one where I lived with Syl, it was part of the road where we decided to rest, In that cabin I met another Sister, Lea, a Leafeon of the First Generation that became Human, she looked like Syl, but she was more mature, we went to be treated and that day I also knew that I could use the abilities that Syl had, healing would be the first one I would discover. He also knew of Syl's death and knowing that we are on an adventure to bring her back, he also signed up, that same night there was a strong fire in the forest, I who was just waking up from the healing I did, I went to the place of the events.

Here I could meet Flar, a Flareon of the First Generation that became a Human, who was with his ability Sea of Flames active and could not control it, he found out about the death of his sister, she was in another city, and because of the concern of knowing what happened, he left in a hurry to the neutral city. All these bad thoughts and insecurity made her activate her Sea of Flames, Lea and Maya tried to stop her, but she didn't want to hurt her sister, I was also in the battlefield, where with my healing I managed to stop her, I still remember it, I felt my bones burning and being charred, thank goodness I have Syl's healing, it is always with me when I am recovering.

The next day Flar was already better, she was more of a playful girl, also telling her of our goal, she decided to come along with us, she didn't think this trip would be a big group of little by little. We embarked in some caves to cut our way, there we met a very disturbing case of a cannibal and some children, I also met Jolt, a Jolteon from the First Generation who is now a human, at first she was mean to me, but not as mean as a certain lizard...at the end when we left the cave we were able to fix our problems.

We were in a city to stock up on supplies to continue the trip, here if was a much more varied city, there were Pokemon and more people of the Third Generation, it was a surprise not surprise that made me open my eyes of surprise, also in this city we met Glace, a Glaceon of the First Generation that happened to be a Human, she had an air to Syl, but much more insecure, if I would put it on a scale, Glace would be a teenage girl, Syl an elderly mother and Lea even more.

She let us stay at her home to be able to rest, it must have been because of that, she has a lot of Syl's air and with that touch of insecure girl that I like, I ended that same night confessing her to me, I don't know why I did it, maybe I was so upset and pressured that I ended up doing it, at the end Glace ended up rejecting me.....why....why.....why didn't I tell Syl the confession when she was still with me....ah!!!!! PTM!!!! How I hate myself!!!! Also Glace decided to come with us.

The group is getting bigger and bigger, we followed our course, where we passed through a jungle, many things happened like we got confused, that day I met Sira, a Vaporeon of the First Generation who happened to be a Human, she was the one with whom I would have more discussions and still not be why, it must be because of her cool attitude she possesses. On this day many things happened, like the other side of the jungle came and we faced each other in a fight, also here I would meet Syl's Sisters, the fearless Luna, an Umbreon of the First Generation who became a human, would appear to put an end to this fight.

We were all gathered and ready for everything to come, I realized that in all the journey we have done, that all of them are very strong, while I am very weak and not even being able to use the skills I have. We were passing through a snowy mountain, I was also training my skills to be stronger, because of some carelessness I ended up falling into the void, I managed to survive. I had to climb back to the top to meet them again, but I think this helped me, on the way I could learn to use my skills, but a snowstorm hit so hard that I could no longer, I just fell to the snow without strength.

When I woke up I noticed that I was in a cave remodeled like a house, the one who saved me was my teacher Lux, a Luxray of the Third Generation, who isolated herself so as not to suffer the consequences of the God and the Pope. When I left I noticed that we were above the clouds, it was difficult for me to breathe and stand up, as I saw that Lux was very skilled and strong, I decided to train me, at first there was no progress, but in the end she encouraged me to train me, I managed to master my skills, and by the end I would defeat Lux to win that Lucarionite that Lux found when she came here, It was a very close fight, but I managed to win, I would accept the stone and who would teach me to master the Mega Form would be Mewtwo himself but in his Human Form, I was surprised that his friend is the pokemon cataloged as the strongest, Mewtwo taught me to pass to my Mega Form by myself, I absorbed the Lucarionite and I would begin the training. Thanks to her teachings I was able to master it, also while she was teaching me I learned that she was a Futa....

Also while I was training, the Eevee Sisters had their problems in these times, Glace fought with Maya for things I don't remember, in that moment a group of raptors were going to take them where I made my epic entrance, now I was no longer a rookie.

We arrived to an abandoned city apparently, there was a layer of thick air that enveloped it, when we entered we knew that a Battle Royale was happening here, people were fighting and mercilessly killing anyone who was not themselves, we could not stand to see this where we just knocked out those who were there and hid them so they would believe that we were the only ones left. Lugia was watching how everything was going, also in the middle of the city we ran into Shizuna, a Dragonair of the Third Generation, she was one of the few survivors, she also joined us to stop all this.

Since we knew where we were, we had to convince Lugia that everything is fine, the plan was simple, kill each other!!!! Lugia went down to the city to see what was going on, where suddenly M came out of the city and was thrown hard towards her, where she attacked her, they met again.

M would continue fighting against the Eevee Sisters, just as they fought against him, it was an all vs. all, no one held back, everyone used their best techniques to be victorious, that was what Lugia saw, in reality this was not happening, at the moment that I collided with Lugia I made Maya's power have contact with her, in order to show her a reality that is false. In the end the winner turned out to be Shizuna, Lugia would make the call, his God would show up on the battlefield.

The God was a Dragonite, simply a Dragonite, I thought it would be another one but no, it was just any Pokemon, this one could talk and congratulated for winning, now it would grant his wish, Dragonite would steal his power, I could not continue to see this where I came out of our hiding place and faced the God.

There was no turning back after knowing the truth of this God, there was never a wish, without further ado the fight would begin, because of my anger I faced alone against Dragonite, while Shizuna and the Eevee Sisters would face Lugia.

But it was useless, I could feel their superiority, they were not simple beings with powers, they were even stronger, Lugia was about to finish with Shizuna when someone appeared who would face her, Mewtwo appeared to face her.

The fight was much more even, you could tell it was a fight of legendaries, Mewtwo was forced to use its Mega Form, while Lugia would show a power that only those of the First Generation can do, the Liberation Form, manifesting to the outside the retained power they have inside, making their different energies separately but cooperating with each other in harmony.

The fight was much more epic, in the end the one who would end up winning would be Mewtwo, seeing that I could not believe it, Lugia did not want to lose, he went straight to his God to give him more power, where he ended up sending me away with a blow, I looked at him and without further ado took him by the neck, seeing that he no longer serves him and for losing, he would begin to absorb his parasite and all his power. Mewtwo also went to his aid, but it was useless and both, his strength was taken away.

Without further ado I appeared in my Mega Form, facing the God, with everyone's power and help I could defeat the Dragonite, but not everything would be so easy, it was as if its shell was starting to break, the Dragonite was starting to crack, showing who the real one was, it was my schoolmate, my friend Cliston, who was also a God of Destruction, from Universe 6.

Without further ado I found out that he was being possessed by a parasite, I shouted to everyone that we must escape, it is impossible to beat him, without further ado my friend defeated each and every one of us with ease. The parasite that possessed him is very picky, he not only limited himself to fulfill his mission, but also to make the power of the strongest ones his own, the weak ones were of no use to him.

I was about to lose, where also like him, my shell was breaking, my Lucario was cracking showing my Human Form and with it I could finally use my God Form again, the parasite was happy, that it could possess 2 Gods of Destruction, the fight was so powerful that we ended up turning the city into a desert, if I had not played my cards right, I would not have been able to free the parasite with the technique of Light.

Everything was over, my friend Cliston woke up, he told us what happened to him. He was returning home from the studio, where he just fell into the portal without warning, he was chosen by Champa to be his successor, Cliston just fell one night, the same as the one in "Awakening of the Metamorphosis" When he saw that an explosion occurred and how a Wave went a long way, he went to see what happened.

There was no one, only rubble of a building, Cliston would help to see if there was a survivor, but at that time a parasite appeared in that world and possessed him without further ado, also in the process the waves took effect, Cliston went from his Human Form to his Dragonite Form, without further ado he injected the Eternal Essence that had been left over one and left without further ado, all these years he decided to get more power.

But it was all over, I was happy to see my friend again, we are both in the same circumstances, we want to return to our worlds, we would undertake our journey together, a traveling companion, is what I wanted since I started this. But without me realizing it, my friend was snatched from under my nose, the portal appeared again and took him away.

Arc 6: Karma

A few months had passed since that day, peace returned to the world, but a call for help would embark us on a new adventure. Without further ado, Latios appeared at our door, the Legendary Pokemon Latios himself, who is now a Human.

He looked worried, desperate, when he found out that we managed to stop God, he came for our help to help him save his Twin Sister Latias, from the clutches of the Scientists who also suffered in their own lives, Karma and Kilar, the reason why the World is the way it is now.

Karma and Kilar's goal is to be able to reverse the mistake they made that day, they didn't want to be pokemon anymore, it didn't matter to Kilar, but Karma couldn't stand it anymore, it brought him a lot of suffering since that day. That's why they wanted the Legendary Twins, they always had the ability to choose their Forms, both Pokemon and Human, they wanted to make that ability theirs.

Latios took us to the Scientist's lair, where great challenges awaited us, facing the Ultraents that he brought from the other world. The Eevee Sisters managed to master the Liberation Form, and with it, they were able to overcome every encounter that appeared in front of them. Seeing that it did not go as they expected, they decided to escape, the Scientists were leaving but they forgot something important, there was another experiment that they have been preparing for years, which would be their greatest creation as a powerful being.

POMMM!!!!! Latios finally came face to face with one of the Scientists, Kilar who was a Deoxys, without further ado there was a great battle, Kilar used the territory to his advantage, attacking with the walls and his Psychic powers, he may be very intelligent, but in terms of combat and strategies he is not good, in the end Latios would end up defeating him.

He wasn't going to kill him, just leave him unconscious, in that moment Karma, who was in his Human Form, saw that they left his precious friend badly wounded, he got angry and switched to his Necrozma Form, both of them for being in the center of the explosion that day, instead of becoming just any Pokemon, they became Legendary.

The fight was much closer, where without further ado Karma became one with his friend Kilar, separated his body and merged with his friend, thus being born Necrozma Perfect Being, it had the intelligence of Kilar, and the combat and learning ability of Karma. Even Latios using his Liberation Form could not face his enemies, without further ado M had finally recovered and could help Latios, making them separate and become 2 again. Karma was fed up and without further ado created a big black hole that would swallow everything, he cursed for a reason to M for seeing it, things like he is the kind of person he hates and why he destroys everything.

In the end Latios would end up sacrificing himself to stop Karma, he was also going to die, he was able to recover Latias and without further ado he committed suicide together with Karma. Kilar looked surprised how his friend ended, he cried only once.

I looked at Kilar who was a Deoxys, and there was no reason to fight, I left him free, Kilar would only continue with the last will of his friend, his other experiment he was doing will become the being that will destroy guys like M.

Latias finally woke up, she was confused and at first she doubted me, to calm her down we went to an amusement park, in the Ferris wheel, where Latios had left me his last message for his sister, giving her a farewell for the pair of siblings.

Latios how to say it, yes he was like his brother but at the same time not, he had a look that was scary but he was the opposite, he wanted to be able to get along with people.

One day we went to a forest where there was a beach in it, all to relax after a few tiring days, while I was walking through the forest, I managed to perceive that someone was in trouble, there was a waterfall and someone was drowning, without further ado I jumped in to help her.

There I met Estela, a Gardevoir Shiny of the Fourth Generation, a person who suffered but in a different and even worse way. Without further ado after saving her, I could tell from the beginning that she was close to me, the day ended when we said goodbye, for some reason Estela did not want our help.

That night while I was sleeping well, I found myself trapped by water, and naked, the cause was Estela who followed us and managed to leak, again I had that look of desire, this girl wanted sex, she was going to rape me, if it had not been for my friends that would have happened. I had to be careful with this girl, who suffered the loss of her city and her parents at the hands of God, she went to live with her uncle, where he abused her physically, sexually and mentally.

Estela before all this was a dreamy and quiet girl, she believed a lot in the stories of princesses and fairies, that one day her prince charming will come and save her from all evil, and now she thinks that person is me. She harassed me in ways that I don't even remember because there are so many, she had no privacy and at the slightest flirted with me. If it hadn't been for Latias, I wouldn't have been able to ask for space, but that didn't stop him from doing his thing.

One day while I was accompanying Shizuna in the mall, some terrorists came to bring chaos, Estela who was harassing me was trying to escape, but was caught by the terrorists, instead of being afraid of their threats, Estela felt something else coming...

Hero Lam appeared to save the day, a Gallade of the Fourth Generation, he defeated the terrorists and left a very good impression on Estela, who after suffering M's rejection, felt that Lam was her true Prince Charming.

Days went by and Estela couldn't stop thinking about Lam, we were invited to a party where we all went, Lam was also there and they were able to meet again, from the beginning I was suspicious about this, is this really right? I used to sneak and hide to spy on them, I used my sensors to know if what they feel between them is love or something else, without further ado they kissed, I didn't feel anything strange, so I just let it go, the truth is that I am very worried about Estela.

Shortly after that, they gave me the news that Estela would marry Lam, this took me by surprise because it is very fast, they are practically strangers, I went to Estela a day before to tell her if this is really the right thing to do, Estela did not oppose and really wanted to marry him...who am I to tell her what to do with her life, it would be wrong after rejecting her to say that I do not want her to be with someone else, I just smiled and accepted her marriage. The day of the wedding arrived, I took Estela to Lam, everything was beautiful we could say it, I accepted that the guy could give her a life no longer of suffering, I wished that he would make her forget those bad memories she had, I wished the best to my friend Estela.

But what I did not know at that time, is that Lam also has its dark side.

I felt a great weight and with nothing to do, one day while cleaning my room, in the drawers I came across a piece of paper, in it was written the spell of the portal, it was already old and with the outside would begin to destroy, without further ado, as fast as I could I managed to copy it on another piece of paper. My trip would continue.

I said goodbye to everyone, again the farewell scenario that is repetitive and in the same way I feel that pain in my chest of parting from friendships I made, I still remember, that day Glace gave me a kiss, while Jolt gave me a kiss of little fingers?...he is ashamed of this kind of things, but I took it well. Without further ado, I said goodbye, vowing to come back.

World 4: Dragons are stronger than I thought.

I fell in a forest near a city, I got dizzy again but this time I could handle it better, there were many questions that day, but the main thing was that I prepared everything to put me to sleep in a safe place.

The world I fell into was very normal, there was nothing weird, but I knew it wasn't my world, and I couldn't use the portal spell again either as it used up a lot of energy, the only thing left for me was to live here for a while. I made a living doing drawings, I was impressed that the dirty and perverted drawings I did sold more than the normal ones...I spent my days sleeping in a park, where I was watched by someone, again I was at the mall, trying to get along with the situation in the best way.

Where I met a little girl again, with Kanna, I was in Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon World. If it wasn't for her, I would have continued to live on the street, things led to another, I introduced myself to Kobayashi-san where she agreed to accept me. I was happy, but that also meant living with them and the mysticism they carry with them.

To not make it long since it is a summary of something that has already been seen twice, I met all the characters of this world, I also got into a small job to have income and not just be a lazy kept, I spent time with my friends where there were both failures and successes, but in the end I managed to get along well with everyone.

Now we are heading to the fight with the Emperor of Death, that for some reason I ended up facing him, that day at least I could become closer to Tohru and I started to see myself as someone to trust. But we were just getting into what was really coming in this world, the Anomenos Family would come into action.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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