
World 5: Ova 6: Different Events 7

L͇o͇ ͇D͇e͇s͇c͇o͇n͇o͇c͇i͇d͇o͇ ͇F͇i͇n͇a͇l͇

Kiara since she came to this unknown world didn't know what to do, she was just coming back from school with Hiro, after he recovered from his terrible accident. They looked more grown up, or well, since they met the biggest was the little girl with the bangs, but as time went by Hiro also started to develop and now he measures just like his childhood friend, for Kiara to see the growth of her friend was something she expected but at the same time she didn't expect it, in her mind she said to herself "how can you keep growing if you are already too big" that there will come a moment when Hiro will surpass her not only in height but also in everything else, but she knows that when that moment comes, Hiro will take her hand and so they will move forward together on this path. ...or rather, they were already doing it, she knows that Hiro is always thinking about her, knowing that always left a strong beat in her heart.

If before they were spending time together, after that it seems that their relationship became stronger, the little boy started to act more friendly than usual, maybe trying to compensate for everything her friend did in the state she was in.

As usual Hiro would take her friend's hand with complete confidence and they would run off to become better than yesterday, thanks to that Kiara was able to become stronger, but from one moment to another everything disappeared and she realized that the big growth she had, was not as much as she imagined.


Suddenly all those words were in her mind, there was not even a day when she thought what was her duty in this new world, without further ado soon after spending in this new world, she was quickly labeled as the savior who will bring peace to this world, Kiara was surrounded by all kinds of people who were celebrating, imploring, begging, praying to her to avoid the greatest catastrophe in the world.

The little girl in front of such a crowd did not know what to say, it was simply so sudden that she could not speak, she thought again that she had grown up, but it was a lie. The high commanders of this world picked her up and took her to their facilities, there they informed her that she possesses an extraordinarily enormous power, it is only a question of her releasing it since it seems that she cannot expel it completely.

At that moment is where Kiara remembers what happened inside the portal, a being of light told her that she had been chosen as his next successor to a great position. Kiara did not say anything, she did not understand, she just wanted to think that this is just a bad dream after all, that being of light explained everything else and where it is that she will end up stopping, all with a tone of calm but guilty, that feeling that she is not so sure was always present at all times by the God.

『I'm sorry.....but I think you are the best one to take my place, I decided.....I don't understand why it's so hard to make my own decision.....but in a place where everything is destruction, I think it's okay for there to be someone....who is afraid and still face it. ..a person like you is needed.....please, I know it's very selfish all this and we all know it.....but we have to stop this massacre...everything you said ̷e̷r̷g̷e̷%̷3̷&̷$̷@̷E̷R̷R̷O̷R̷ seems to be true...goodbye little one *smiles*』

The God of Destruction who was present was Sidra, who is in charge of Universe 9 in maintaining the balance and now that position will be taken by little Kiara, he took the little girl's shoulder and there was still that insecurity present, Perhaps he is the only God who regrets giving this position to a simple girl like Kiara, in the end he ended up giving his position to someone who looks a lot like him, only he knows that Kiara can overcome that barrier and will be one of those who stop the eliminated, that will be one of his greatest tasks as God of Destruction.

Kiara came back to herself, she was in front of the high command of this world, she was insecure and afraid, that feeling of having grown up began to disappear, but that gave her more time to think about things more clearly, fear is an instinct that makes us make the best decisions at the moment, these can vary depending on the person, but all in order to save by noticing that something is not right, being insecure is not bad, taking what is considered a weakness in a skill, only a few can do it. Kiara, looking at both sides of the coin, understood that what that being told her, maybe this is what she had to avoid and finally be at peace, in the end we do not know if Kiara took this as an obligation or for something else.

Her job was to be able to defend this peace, those smiles of all who trust her, she can not disappoint them, Kiara began training to become stronger, she has the will to do her duty, the engine was all people and want to be better than before. At first she trained in a clumsy way as she never had experience, that's when she met other chosen saviors of this world, who would give Kiara a hand and not feel she has to do everything herself.

At the beginning of the training they were more serious and took it personally, their roughness and whole being seemed like they had to try harder. They were surprised that Kiara is the one who has more potential than all of them, that since most of the salvation is in the hands of a girl who is not even able to look people in the face, she is always with those bangs that avert her gaze.

They all clenched their fists and teeth at the way things were said, and besides the fact that she wasn't good at fighting, they asked themselves why it had to be her. The kindness before that she doesn't have to take all the responsibility on her own was because they didn't trust her, rather she gave them more problems, now they have to carry Kiara's dead weight to make things go well. In front of Kiara there was the smile of her companions, but behind her back there were only looks of distrust and jealousy.

Kiara's only thought in this situation was to become stronger, she has to live up to her own expectations, she can't let herself and everyone else down. In the first mission they had outside the city they came across a kidnapping, the group of rescuers were hiding and planning on how to solve the situation, Kiara was again afraid, the first thing she thought when she saw it is that she has to help as soon as possible, but if she does it may end in a bad way, Kiara was unsure and thought what was the best option, her hands were shaking as well as her legs.

They were already about to decapitate them and without further ado appeared the strongest of this world, who was also a chosen to savior, he did not think much, he rushed to finish all the ruffians quickly and swiftly, he had a great power and handling in this, he did not skimp on showing it, thanks to his quick action they were able to save the kidnapped.

『What are they doing there? At times like these you shouldn't hesitate, just solve the problem as quickly as possible!!!! We can't waste our time with nonsense』

The strongest one went to the group who was making a plan, this one looked annoyed and even indignant for staying to raise the situation, this guy was too fast and had a strength of the same level, it didn't take him even 3 minutes to finish with the whole gang of criminals. He kept looking at Kiara, she was looking at him with all possible discomfort, maybe because she was still trembling.

『Hey you, didn't you get stronger with training? Why are you standing idle at a time like this, eh?!!!! Why are you afraid? Just run, and defeat them, it's your only job, seriously why did it have to be you, since you arrived you only complicated things』.

And without further ado she left the place, the other companions who were with Kiara were worried for having told her what they thought of her, for having told her the truth, Kiara was shocked by this, she already knew it from before, that they did not consider her an act for this, she also thought the same, why was she chosen for this, if she is simply someone who does not want to, but that's how things are. The other companions who were with Kiara were starting to withdraw in silence where one said to her.

『Why don't you just leave him? If you are not fit just leave, a submissive and good person like you is only fit to be someone's company』.

Kiara was left without what to answer, with those words she remembered even more the time she spent with Hiro, and she thought she was right, mostly she didn't do much and the one who did all the work was Hiro, only she was there to comfort him somehow, help him with little things, never really, but they never did something to the level of which she was proud of and say "we did it" She always thought she was next to Hiro, step by step, but now she thinks she was just behind his back believing he was growing up.

The next day came and very early, Kiara's other teammates were surprised, they found the little girl with the bangs training at late hours, she did not seem to give up despite what happened before, rather it is like somehow, they made her see the reality and she wants to change it, this time if it will become real everything she thought.

Since that day that the strongest one spoke to Kiara, all the companions spoke to her as if she should leave, that they did not want her here, that she was not made for this, they discouraged her and spoke badly of her, that she is only a person who should be at home waiting for everything to be all right.

Kiara knew it, she knew that before she was like that, the one who made her go out was Hiro, but she also knew that it was not like that anymore, since long before, she knew that she was making an effort to change, she knew it better than anyone, to be able to do the things she always wanted to do, like being able to talk to people of her age, to be able to ask for that, to be able to do that, to be able to help that, all that effort and desire did not disappear, Kiara continued to prepare her way and this time alone to show that she had finally changed, from the beginning this goal was hers alone, to want to be better than yesterday.

With much effort Kiara managed to unlock a very characteristic ability of this God, which is to create shields and various crystal energy attacks, these were resistant and if used correctly, can become bestial. The companions seeing this were smiling, they were congratulating Kiara for her new achievement, the little girl was also happy in the same way, until the strongest one approached her.

『Congratulations Kiara-san, now you can create shields, at least now you can help us by protecting us hahahahahahahahaha, oh! I know! Why don't you become our support, you just need to have the ability to heal and you can finally be useful to us』-『I hope your shields are resistant, let's check it out!』

Without further ado after teasing Kiara, the strongest one charged his energy fist and without further ado launched himself to hit Kiara, where the little one with the fringe quickly but belatedly created a spherical shield around her, the strongest one was surprised to have withstood the blow and stepped back, Kiara was with her eyes closed and was trembling a lot...crack...without further ado there was a crack in the shield and it happened to break. The laughter of the other companions was the order of the day.

『But what was that?!Neither is your crappy shield any good hahahahahahahahahahaha If it can't take a hit from me then it's no good, you're still useless after all, go away or unlock all your power at once, although if you do I doubt very much you'll win a fight, whoever isn't determined to die in every confrontation, doesn't have the balls to win』.

The companions withdrew leaving Kiara in the training field, she was left alone on her knees with some bruises all over her body, the energy crystals of her shield were scattered all over the courtyard, Kiara clenched her fists and without further ado she began to cry silently.

『I will not give up.....I will not give up.....I will not....I will give up.....I am going to prove that my growth is true.....the efforts of Hiro and me...are for real.....』

Again Kiara was remembering some moments she spent with Hiro, thinking about the past was the only thing that motivated her to want to be better than yesterday, that everything that happened with Hiro, every moment was not in vain and that it paid off, Kiara at that moment was not accepting what was happening, she totally rejected that the other people denied the effort they made before, it may have been little and not things as big as the ones they do, but every small step is just as big in the future, not everything one does is in vain.

Kiara clenched her fist and stood up again, she wiped her eyes and looked at the sky, she thought that is what Hiro was doing at this moment, for sure he is saving people with a smile and giving encouragement to everyone, Kiara also wants to become a person that others can trust.

Many months passed again, and in all this time Kiara has given the best she has to strive to be better than yesterday, she herself knows that she is not made for fighting and advanced training would be useless. But if the only thing she has is the shield, she wants to get to exploit it as much as she can, it will be a simple shield, but it will be the strongest shield that no one will ever be able to break it. One day she received a direct blow in the face by the villains while protecting some citizens, but she resisted it, it was as if the blow had not hurt her, she managed to have a bestial defense throughout her body without the need to be protected by a shield.

The strongest one saw this and wanted to test Kiara, where the little girl with the fringe accepted, the strongest one charged his fist with all the strength possible and without further ado he launched himself to hit Kiara directly, where the little girl was with a determined look ready for the impact. POMMMMMMM!!!! There was a strong wind that sent all the companions flying, the strongest was surprised to see that Kiara could stop his blow only by placing the bare palm. Kiara tried to make a counterattack giving him a blow, the blow had power but it was not a big deal, the fight continued where by the agility and strength that possesses the strongest hit every blow to Kiara, while the blows and movements of Kiara did not hit and if they hit did not do much damage, besides they are slow, they spent about 3 days fighting, the strongest was calm, but Kiara was bruised, he got up again and again, the willpower and his defense were bestial.

She was like a defense that you could never knock her down but her attacks were so weak that they failed to take down her opponent, having a fight with Kiara at her current level would be never ending, you could hit her over and over again but she would never go down. Literally Kiara was a walking fortress that would not defeat anyone. The stronger one noticing this decided to quit as it would never end.

『Well done, you became a useless to an unbreakable useless, and well, what's the use of this? what's the use of having the best defense if you can't finish your enemy? you'll be there taking his blows while you tell him things like "Don't do this anymore" "Stop, it's wrong" "I used to be like you" NONSENSE!!!! If you would win a fight it's because you would bore your opponent to death!!!!! I'm leaving, at least when the day comes you will serve as a decoy, the enemies will be confused to see that you do not die, finally at least you will serve for something, I doubt now that you will die from an attack』

And without further ado the strongest one left the place, Kiara was with bruises but she was in perfect condition, she walked as if she had not been in a battle that lasted 3 days, maybe the only thing she feels now is hungry and sleepy, but she started to think, what good is having the best shield if you can't kill your enemies, she had to find a way to counterattack effectively. But she could leave that for later, at least now she got something that others did not and that made her happy.

It was now much more time where finally the attack against the peace of the world would occur, the long awaited day arrived that since the beginning of this had been warned and preparing for this. Kiara again on the trip remembered small events that happened in the previous world, it made her happy to remember beautiful moments that she spent with Hiro, she wondered what Hiro would say to see her as she is now.

『OHHH!!! Unbelievable!!!! You really are very resilient!!!! You even look like you don't feel the blows!!!! You're not made of steel, are you?! No! Your little arms are still soft!!!! Jjajajajajajajaja』-『Resisting every hit must be great!!!! I have something like that, only I hold them off hahaha...when I get hit I feel like rolling on the ground, but you really are amazing Kiara-chan!!!! But that said, if I see someone hit you, I don't care if I don't hurt you, I'll protect you until the end of the world!!!!!』

Hiro would raise his fist and with encouragement yell, at the thought of that Kiara would turn red like never that you could fry an egg on her. Kiara would play with her fingers and her cheeks were red, the stronger one saw this and was puzzled by the sudden way Kiara got.

It was a huge meadow with desert features, from far away you could see a big smoke screen, it was the army that would bring destruction to this world, this was the day that peace would end. Kiara was walking alone in a quiet way with a cloak and hood, those from far away used their abilities to see who that person was, when they knew it was Kiara, one of the chosen ones to save the world, they decided to attack her all at once, from far away they sent her bursts of fire, explosives, missiles, attacks of magic so big that they would finish with an entire nation.

POMMM POMMM POMMM POMMM POMMM POMMM!!!! The leader of the enemies laughed but saw again with his binoculars that Kiara continued as if nothing, walking in a calm way, he was surprised by this and fear entered him, that fear of not knowing what is happening and act without thinking anything, without further ado again ordered another wave of attacks from a distance. The explosions were the order of the day, but Kiara had on top of her, she was surrounded by an invisible shield that would hardly break, sorry, it would never break.

The explosions were concentrated on Kiara, but the surroundings would also be affected by the pressure, Kiara created more spherical shields around her so that every explosion that was not directed at her would be concentrated there and retained until they were satiated.

Kiara calmly continued walking until she could reach the army, the leader shouted with all his strength to be attacked without restraint, a rain worse than rockets was in the desert meadow, but Kiara did not receive any damage. Until she finally reached the first row of the army, there Kiara just started to run, her speed was normal, but she ran as fast as she could to get to the center. All of the army brandished their weapons, powers and were going to attack Kiara, where will be for believing better than them, but Kiara undo her shield and just ran, every blow she received did not faze her, they did not do anything at all, her defense was so high that she did not even feel them. A sword grazed her and was easily broken when it came into contact with Kiara's body, magic attacks, explosions, firearms, nothing, but nothing stopped Kiara in her journey to reach the center.

The leader seeing that it was useless and that the only thing she does is to run better to ignore her, he gave the order to advance, but his subordinates told him that it was impossible, the leader saw in front and noticed that the whole huge army was enclosed in a huge dome of energy, they attacked everything they could and had but they could not break it.

Kiara finally arrived at the center for a warning, she took off her cloak and hood, she had a microphone in her ear, but that was not what surprised everyone, what surprised them was that Kiara had strapped to her body several nuclear explosives and in the center she had strapped the most lethal atomic bomb that would destroy an entire continent.

『HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Perfect perfect perfect!!!! Who would end a war by sending their men to fight! Better to finish them off with something so lethal at once!!!! We've been saving it for a long time and it's time to use it, it was always present in every war!!!!! if we had sent a missile, they would have easily destroyed it before making contact....They never would have expected it that we would use a Girl Bomb to end a war that hasn't even started yet!!!! HAHAHAHAHHA!!!!』

The strongest were in a car near the deserted meadow, he was the one who was giving Kiara directions through the microphone, telling her which is the center, when to put the dome to enclose them and when to activate the bombs. The companions seeing the strongest one talking like that felt weird and were telling him that he looked like someone bad.


There was a big explosion inside the energy dome, this dome was never destroyed, it was intact withstanding all the explosions that occurred inside, while inside all the army was not saved, all died in a fast and fierce way. A big explosion inside the dome could be seen from far away, where the strongest one watched and laughed in a psychopathic way, again his companions who were with him thought they were the bad guys. Literally no one was left alive after this, the only thing that did not disappear was Kiara, to eliminate the toxic fumes, he made a small hole on top of the dome and with the strong pressure he managed to send all those toxic fumes into space where they would disappear.

Kiara fainted because of the fumes and fell to the ground, remembering another moment she spent with Hiro and how good she felt, that dream was special we could say, since it was the clear proof that Kiara had become stronger and could help the one she considered a Hero. The little one with the bangs woke up, the fumes were gone, she looked around and only she was left, all the others left no trace that they were here, she noticed a shadow, it was the strongest one who was offering her a hand and smiling at her.

『It's all over now, now if you can be happy that you were good for something, now that I think about it by making this plan, you did it all by yourself, you prevented others from dying absurdly, sorry for calling your shields useless』.

Hearing the words of the strongest, Kiara smiled in the same way, taking the outstretched hand of his companion, finally achieved what he wanted, which was that they recognized that their efforts were not in vain. Both were leaving the place to return home to give the good news, but nearby a portal opened, from where a parasite came out of it, ready to do its thing in this world.

Everything was party and smiles in the city, they managed to stop the threat that threatened the peace, Kiara finally had the recognition she wanted, but she does not know if it was as she expected, it is true that she tried hard in this, but the only thing she got is to become stronger in power levels, what she wanted to become stronger was as a person, she still has a long way to go to be better than yesterday.

That same night Kiara prepared some cookies for everyone in the facility, or well she prepared a few, Kiara's companions tasted it and were fascinated by how good they were, they ate it and enjoyed it that they even asked for more.

『Ohhh, I knew it, you may not be good at many things, but you are good at others, these cookies are very tasty!!!』『No doubt the boy who notices you will be earning a great wife!』『I always noticed that you are very feminine, you were always insecure and you must when your face would turn red out of nowhere, I think you were thinking of someone, oh!? Did I got it right? How nice! Tell us who is the boy who stole your heart! Tell us Tell us!!!』

Different opinions of her companions could be heard in the air, Kiara became so nervous that she got stuck when talking, she was playing with her hands and her face was looking to the ground, she was so red that you could fry an egg in it. Her companions now that the war was over, and perhaps no longer having that obligation of pressure to save, calmed down and saw things in a different way, seeing Kiara like that, she no longer seemed to them a useless girl, and not at all since she alone ended the war, but she seemed to them a calm and normal girl, shy, embarrassed, her way of being was tender for the insecurity she had in many things, she seemed very cute in many things that they even had imaginations with her of how their life would be with her. When they thought about it quickly, they apologized to Kiara for all the things they did to her and for how they treated her, that the pressure of the end of the peace shocked them so much that it made them change their personality from one moment to another, but now if they are who they are, they asked Kiara to give them another opportunity and not to be partners, but friends.

Kiara was surprised at this, and without further ado she smiled sweetly accepting the apologies of her companions who will now be her friends. The strongest one saw from afar, he only saw how the group was now united, he too could finally relax and lead a normal life like any other.

Already in their rooms, Kiara threw herself on her bed and shook her feet, she was really happy about how things ended, her cheeks were red.

『I think I did it Hiro..... I've gotten stronger *smile*』

Kiara remembered her friend's smile, and if he were here now, she would surely caress his head and congratulate him for what he has done, Kiara really wanted to be able to meet her friend again and tell him without holding back everything that has happened.

While on the other hand, the stronger one, after his bath, would go to bed so that the next day he could finally do what he wanted and have a more relaxed life and no longer stressful as the last 2 years he spent. But he did not imagine that a parasite came to his room, this before wanted to possess Kiara, but his defense was so much that he did not succeed, without further possessed the strongest and begin to do what the initial parasites know how to do, which is only to destroy to meet its goal.

BOMMM BOOOOMMM BOMMMM BOMMMM BOMMM!!!! There were explosions everywhere, it was morning and Kiara finally woke up after falling asleep, she noticed that the roof had been destroyed, the screams of the people, the flames, the buildings being destroyed, everything was in chaos after last night's party. The causer was destroying everything, where without further ado to calm things down, the other companions were rushing to fight against him in the air, while telling him why he was acting like that.

『Hey!!! What's wrong with you?!!!! Stop destroying the city!!!』『Is it because I ate your dessert yesterday? Stop it!!!』『Stop it!!!! The war is over!!!!』『It seems like he went crazy, he keeps repeating the same phrase all the time, plus he was acting like a crazy person recently....』

His companions with blows, magic, sword and technological advances, doing everything they could to stop the strongest one, where this one fought against them without holding back, Kiara saw all this and was amazed at what was happening, she saw the whole city being destroyed from one moment to another, the citizens were running terrified where Kiara used her shields to help them not to be crushed by the debris.

The other companions were fighting against the strongest one, following and insisting that he stop, but his movements and blows during the fight were full of doubts, where the strongest one took advantage to finish them off at once, he pierced their stomachs, burst their heads, broke their arms, launched attacks that eliminated them in one go, their remains and blood fell to the ground where Kiara could witness this, as she saw the back and could see on the neck of the strongest one a moving black spiral mark.

『Stop!!!! Don't kill any more people!!!!!』

Kiara yelled at the stronger one where he turned around, his look was different, it was serious, but it didn't have the tone of seriousness that the stronger one handled, Kiara was worried, she clenched her fists and she had to stop this, before making a move, this one told her.

『Kill? Don't come to me with that, this is nothing compared to what you did, if we talk about killing, you are the one who surpasses everyone!!!!!』-『Did you even think how many lives you took in that war? You ended them yourself and you didn't hesitate for a second!!!! This wouldn't be happening if you hadn't become strong!!!!! Your shield really is a nuisance!!!!! You would have dropped everything and just been someone submissive who does what she's told!!!!! Then I wouldn't have to make all this mess!!!! You have the fulfillment to move on and grow!!!! You would have just walked away!!!! Suffer for your bad decisions!!!!』

The parasite in the body of the strongest of was claiming to Kiara with memories and experiences that lived this guy, Kiara to hear all this was put to think and to fall in the words of this guy, he knelt down and without more he had no strength to fight.

『I....yo.....how I didn't realize before.....I really killed them because of me.....but I did it to end this....I did it to prove that I am useful....I did it to prove that I can...¡!!!!! I.....I also fell into the pressure of obligation without realizing..... sorry..... sorry..... sorry...sorry for not realizing..... if I had left back then I wouldn't have had to do that..... if I had surrendered I wouldn't have had to spill blood..... but I didn't even leave any blood behind..... for sure my companions would have fought and won the same way without me being there....maybe that's what he meant by being afraid is a good thing.....because it allows you to be out of danger....but me....being afraid I decided to move forward...why didn't I understand it before...this is your revenge for not surrendering...right?』

Kiara without further ado knelt down on her knees crying like never before, where the parasite in the body of the strongest one was telling her yes. Kiara was still crying while the people were screaming trying to escape, Kiara knew she had to do something, but again the fear did not let her think clearly, the parasite seeing that it was discovered decided to go to them, but he found that Kiara was protecting himself with a shield, attacked him again and again, but it was useless, Kiara's shield was not broken.

『I must save them....but I'm afraid....what if my decision makes things worse?.....by getting here and not giving up I ended it all like this...then what I must do is....』

Kiara mumbled the words that came to her mind, the parasite to see that this is useless better decided to end it all, maybe so Kiara out to confront him and in an absent-mindedness possess her BOMMM BOMMM BOMMM BOMMM POMMM POMMM!!!! There were explosions and chaos everywhere, the parasite was destroying everything, hours went by and the city turned into a dusty desert, where the parasite was still attacking again and again, Kiara kept muttering what she had to do, where she decided to simply surrender and no longer strive to move forward, as the words of the parasite shocked her strongly, there was Kiara balled up inside her shield while they cried non-stop.

She kept repeating to herself that it was better to do nothing and stay where she was, than to let other people solve her problems. What she felt was so strong that Kiara generated black ashes, she had been doing it since she was abused by her companions, now they came back because of the shocking words of the parasite, but it was strange, the ashes rose and fluttered, but they were not to absorb the person, but they were being extracted for some strange reason. Pom....pomm....pom..... She heard as light tapping near her, and a cry that sounded familiar, Kiara was in her mind mumbling over and over again that she could not hear them, while her ashes were still being extracted, that person who wanted to help Kiara kept hitting that wall that she could not get through, while shouting her name over and over again loudly for her to hear him.


He was about to throw his headphones but he left suddenly, but Kiara managed to hear the scream, he said his name dryly, Kiara turned her gaze to see from where he generated that noise and for a moment she managed to see how an image of a blurred boy disappeared. The parasite who was destroying was alarmed, he noticed that Kiara finally made a move, he was advancing with his shield to the front.

『You're right, I killed many people, but thanks to the fact that I only carry that sin is that many innocent people have been saved, I don't like it but I have to accept it. I will not go back on the decisions I made, I promised that every step would be as firm and that I would never go back, if this is how I end up because of my bad actions, although I don't think so, then there is only one solution and that is to correct them as much as possible, I already know that you are not the senpai I know, I will not let a stranger come and say what he doesn't know about me, I will stop you no matter what happens!!!! I won't accept this ending!!!(Thank you Hiro, it's always you who encourages me to keep moving forward and notice my mistakes)』

With no more inside her shield, Kiara rose to the skies to be face to face with the parasite, the fight started suddenly, Kiara threw herself against him inside her shield and attacked him without more POMM!!!! Where the parasite quickly recomposes and tries to focus all his power on his finger, to try to pierce the shield, POMM!!!! It was useless, Kiara locked the parasite inside a shield and without further ado she took it to the outside of the city to not cause more damage, she released it and Kiara went to throw herself against the parasite hitting it in the face, but the fist was so weak that it did not even tickle it, The parasite counterattacked with another blow where Kiara protected herself with her arms but was dragged, without time to lose Kiara created 2 shields on the sides of the parasite and pressed it with those, the parasite was trapped with no way to get out, it could not escape and the blood began to come out, this alarmed Kiara that by harming her friend she lightened herself and the parasite managed to escape.

Now he went straight against Kiara hitting a set of blows, they were fast and powerful, but for Kiara by his defense could resist, Kiara with a shield raised to the skies to the parasite where he followed him, again there was another clash of fists, and tired to see no results in the fight, The parasite charged a huge sphere of energy and threw it against Kiara, where she created a larger shield and compressed it easily to make it small, the parasite quickly took the small shield, opened Kiara's mouth and without further ado forced her to swallow it. Kiara managed to escape after the parasite's action, but now she doesn't know what she should do, since she practically has a bomb inside her body and if she is careless, it could explode at any moment.

The parasite smiled and continued hitting, its objective was to hit Kiara's chest, throat and stomach so that she would get confused and activate the explosion.

Kiara kept attacking with her shields but they were useless, they did not have so much power and power to stop doing any damage, as they said, it is a walking fortress that would not defeat anyone. Just have to hold the parasite until the bomb explodes inside the girl, not all life can resist, by the pressure that achieved the parasite, without further Kiara enclosed this in a shield and began to compress it, the parasite with blows struggled to be able to break free, but it was useless, it shrunk more and the parasite's body in the same way.

『Kiara-san....please...don't kill me.....』

They were the words of the strongest that was present, Kiara reacted to the words of his companions, who seeing that this being compressed decided to release it as it was beginning to suffer, already being close the parasite regained control and without further ado launched to attack the fragile parts of Kiara, which would be the eyes, the surprise was so much and the fear of losing the eyes, which created some small shields to protect her eyes, but in return was so confused that undo the shield that retained the bomb inside her. BOOOOOMMMM!!! There was an explosion inside her, smoke came out of her mouth and nose, Kiara did not react, but she was still conscious, she could survive an explosion inside her body, the parasite seeing that Kiara was no longer reacting decided to approach and possess her but noticing that he could not possess her because of her defense, he got upset and without further ado he gave Kiara a strong blow that sent him straight to the ground.

POMM!!! Kiara was still unable to react, how she must be feeling after surviving that explosion, is a feeling that only she knows, it was difficult for her to breathe and she began to cry from her eyes.

『(I'm alive?.....am I still alive?.....it's the first time I'm surprised by something I had and didn't know about.... but this can't go on like this...it's an endless fight and if it goes on like this.....I would lose....I never imagined that they would attack me from the inside...but what can I do now.... without a way to attack I can't win...having a shield is very good...but without a counterattack it's of little use....if only....if only I had a way to attack...a way to turn all this defense into a weapon.....yo....yo.....I can't take it anymore...I'm so tired.....)』

Kiara was lying on the ground while the parasite was coming down from the sky, Kiara thought that this is useless, that without counterattack power she is not useful at all, if only she had a spear....a sword...strength..... she could fight.....but she cannot....her efforts only succeeded in creating a shield that allows her to advance without taking damage.... .🎵♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫🎵I heard a music out of nowhere, Kiara was surprised by that and turned to look to the side, a small portal opened where it showed her a stage full of people and on it Hiro with company playing and singing a song, Hiro's smile , that desire and his voice, made her bring back many memories to Kiara.

『That song...』

Kiara would begin to remember when Hiro was hospitalized for his terrible accident, where he lost all his senses and the only thing he had was his hearing, how he gave her a pair of headphones and they would spend time talking and listening to songs, where Hiro discovered his favorite song that would bring him sudden strength.

『Another one! Please Kiara-chan..... want to listen to another song』

Hiro was talking lying on his bed full of bandages, where he asked his friend to play him another song, Kiara at this blushed and smiled, where she played him that song that right now Hiro was singing with all his heart and joy together with several people he met and befriended in this world. He saw a boy who seemed to look at Kiara, he had features of her and Hiro, he smiled warmly where he said to her.

『Please mother, don't give up!!!! My father and I, we will always be supporting you!!!』

Were the words of -A who was saying them to Kiara, the little girl with the fringe listened to what she could of the song, -A was disappearing just like the portal, this was the little gift before saying goodbye to this world, a gift for her mother of which she could finally meet her and see her, Kiara was crying with joy to see that her friend Hiro was completely fine and that if he had problems, he for sure managed to overcome them, now it is her turn to overcome them too.

Kiara was standing up, but something strange was happening, the invisible shield around her was starting to break little by little.

『(Without a doubt what I learned the most being together with Hiro is that..... no matter what situation you are in, whether you are a Hero or a random person, the important thing is to know how to face things and get ahead giving everything, I told him myself that you have to go ahead if you go through a bad moment and face it, he really is a Hero, he keeps meddling in the problems of others and always gives hope to anyone who sees him smile, again you give me the courage to keep trying harder, I begin to see my path that I mark and draw, I also see an obstacle) I will no longer see things in the bad way! I have not yet shown all that I am capable of! Every effort has its rewards, my path has finally been drawn and I will walk on it proudly to have a better tomorrow! Because I am also someone strong and capable of saving everyone!!!!』

CRACK!!!!! Without more the invisible shield that Kiara had ended up breaking, where without more an attack of fast form ended up hitting the parasite, the power and force was so much that it ended up making a wound in the chest to the parasite, this one looked at the sky and could see it. It was Kiara but it was something different, her crystal shields were split to mold as thorns, spikes in chain, crystal spears, were around the body of Kiara as if it were an extension of herself, uhmmm....you can imagine that they are things like those that have Carnage or Dr Octopus, some extensions and transparent crystals re facades. Kiara finally turned all her defense into a weapon with which she could unleash all her hidden strength, this was the growth for wanting to be stronger of an introverted girl who did not imagine this.

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