
World 5: Ova 4: Different Events 4

L͇o͇ ͇D͇e͇s͇c͇o͇n͇o͇c͇i͇d͇o͇ ͇2͇

A new day just started, Kiara was getting up squinting her eyes from bed, her hair at this moment was all a mess that seemed to have no fix, suddenly an alarm was heard where at the slightest touch, as already accustomed, Kiara turned it off quickly. She was staring at the ceiling, she was still sleepy and went into a trance of staring at the void for minutes!!!! She tapped her cheeks softly and clenched her fists on her forehead.

『Okay, I'm going to make an effort today too』.

Her mother in the kitchen was getting her breakfast ready and her obento was more than ready. Kiara came down the stairs and presented herself in front of her mother, and when the adult saw her, she laughed and smiled at her. Kiara had a comb in her hand, and just by showing her that, she knew what she was asking for.

Kiara was all changed and ready, the only thing missing was her hair, which was still a mess. She slowly and softly ate her breakfast, with her red cheeks she took her little bites, while her mother fixed her hair to make it presentable.

『Do you want it with bangs again? I have a hair clip here so you can see your eyes, you're very pretty if you show yourself as you are』-『I'm sure you'd surprise your friend who picks you up every day』 @^▽^@

Her mother blurted out a comment and what other words, since long before she knew that her daughter had become close friends with the boy next door named Hiro, and also that since she is an open book, it was very easy to know what she thought of Hiro, the other day while she was coming back from her work, she came across a store where there were several hair clips, and thought it would be nice to buy it for her daughter, as it would bring out her tenderness of what she always hides, but she also doesn't mind if her daughter has the bangs, she respects the decisions and slow progress of her daughter Kiara.

Where the little girl hearing what her mother told her, she was very embarrassed and turned to see her mother very upset, but at the same time very blushing, maybe she wanted to give the impression that she is upset, but she looked so tender and helpless that she did the opposite.

『Awwww!!! I have such a tender daughter!!! You are so helpless that I would always protect you no matter how, but that would be very wrong, being very overprotective brings also many dangers, I like how you are now, and also how you will be in the future, no matter how you grow up, to me you will always be my daughter who will need my help, I would like to see the day when you become a real young lady and see the path you take』-『And good luck with Hiro, I will wait for the day when you invite him home』 v(・∀・*).

Her mother hugged her without further ado and said all those words to her daughter, Kiara within the first few minutes of listening to her mother, she felt very happy that she has been her mother, as she understands her and understands her a lot, but she also doesn't like it when she gets like that, when she heard the last from her mother, she quickly lowered her head all red that looked like you could fry an egg on it, and again looked all upset but tender to her mother, where she all she thought was.

『(She's a difficult girl, treat her well band-aid boy)』 -『Remember, now friends first, good!!!Boyfriends second, in process, when you enter high school, no....better in middle school!!!! @^▽^@ make sure no one else notices him and you propose to him, then as an adult get married, do what you should do and bring me a grandchild, a grandchild....my daughter will bring me a grandchild..... (⋟﹏⋞) I can't wait!!!』 (இ﹏இ`。)

Her mother was already speculating her perfect future for her daughter, as she knows that very difficult a boy would be interested in her daughter, which is impossible for her, how is it that no one knows how to appreciate the tenderness and innocence of her daughter?!!!! Kiara could not take it anymore and without further ado she ran away from her mother, luckily her hair was already fixed, she was running all embarrassed towards her school, while her mother wished her luck on this day with a smile on her face.

Kiara when leaving the house was so flushed by the words of her mother that she had to release it, without further ado she opened her mouth screaming with all her strength, but there was no noise coming from her, she was just venting in silence, she was screaming in silence for seconds, she gave a sigh as she felt better after releasing all that shame, when she looked up she did not imagine that something worse would happen.

"Are you okay Kiara? It seemed that you were screaming but you didn't make any noise, or did you activate the Mute mode? I'm going to try it too』

Hiro was on his forehead, where he also wanted to try, he took a lot of air and without further ado he started to scream, but as he said, no noise came out despite the effort he was making, where Kiara stared at him, he was making so much effort that Hiro's face turned red, this made Kiara laugh, but then she got worried because Hiro was trying too hard, he went from red, to green and purple. Kiara got worried and started to warn Hiro to stop, but as no noise came out of his mouth since they were both in mute mode xd. To stop it she covered Hiro's mouth with her hands, where Hiro was surprised and stopped, catching his breath, I don't know if that was the best decision, but Kiara was worried that was the first thing that came to her mind.

Hiro was scratching his head looking at Kiara, where he addressed her, they were still in their little game of not letting out any noise anyway, but that didn't matter, Kiara could hear it perfectly, Hiro's "thank you".


It was already late hours of class, a few hours before it ends and they could go home, they were in cooking class where each student formed their groups, which in this case is 4 people each, Kiara had made a group with those 3 girls who always wanted to be her friends and had long since succeeded, while they were cooking to one came to mind something curious that she heard.

"True, they say that to conquer the guy you like, first you have to conquer his stomach, food is the most lethal weapon for any friendship』.

With that comment, the 3 girls started to think, where their gazes turned to their partner Kiara, where she had no way to escape from this one, they know that from long before.... Well, everyone knows that Kiara feels for Hiro, so at this moment, they will take the opportunity to make an advance in the future relationship that they will have, or that's what we all think, because as we all know what Kiara feels for Hiro is something much bigger, on the other hand what Hiro feels for Kiara is much less, we can say that he simply sees her as his friend.

『If you really want Ishigami-san to be interested in you, you have to make the advances!!! I don't think he does, he only thinks about being a Hero and helping, so let's make an effort Izumi-chan!!』-『But how mean Ishigami-san is, leaving all the work to our helpless Izumi-chan, it's not gentlemanly of him』 ヾ( ・`⌓'・)ノ゙

The 3 companions were determined to help their dear friend Izumi-chan, because if there is no one to intervene, they may never get to be together because of the way they are. Kiara was so embarrassed by this that she wanted to escape, but to see her friends who really want to help her, and deny them, she did not like that at all. Where without further Kiara to make her nerves disappear, she slapped her cheeks and clenched her fists on her forehead, implying that she is determined.

『Well!!! Get ready Ishigami-san!!!! Our friend's endeavor, rest assured that you will accept them!!!!』 (・`ω'・ ●)

The 3 classmates seemed to be bouncing more fire than ever, again they were the ones living it up more than Kiara herself. Those last hours of class, they spent it cooking as best they could, Kiara too although she was embarrassed and at first did not want to, in the end if she really took it seriously and wanted to know what Hiro would say to all this.

He finally finished everything and it was time to retire, as usual, Hiro went to look for Kiara in his living room, when he came he always greets loudly, but this time he was not even given a chance to speak.

『Prepare yourself Ishigami-san, why she will leave you without speaking』 『It's all our friend's effort, if you make her cry you will see her with me』 『Be sincere at all times please』.

The 3 companions in front of the classroom door, went to intervene first with Hiro, where the little Hero didn't understand much, and his reaction was a simple nod, where Kiara walked to her in front all embarrassed and with her plate shaking, her lips were moving because of the fear she felt. Where from one moment to another she stopped, but she was still far away from Hiro, her friends understood that this was the maximum that her friend arrived, so without further ado they told Hiro not to make a woman wait, where the confused boy walked to Kiara.

『Hi Kiara, ready to go? I feel that this day we will help more people, I saw the one with the standing hair and I come very inspired!!!!!』

Was what Hiro said without further ado, the 3 companions hit their heads, they made noises to call Hiro, but he does not react, again the friends insisted with more strength, where the boy turned, where each one made the gesture of eating, and they told him in a low voice to eat or at least , give him a taste of the dish that Kiara has in her hands, where Hiro said.

『Ah! Well, I already ate it』.

¡¡¡!!!! The friends were shocked as not even 2 minutes passed, the friends doubted this so they looked sideways and noticed that the plate where the food was already empty, where they couldn't believe it that he ate it almost instantly. They were doubtful.

『Come on Kiara!!! There are people who need our help!!! We can't waste more time here!!!!!』

Where Hiro without further ado was already leaving the classroom, and Kiara followed behind her without opposing, without saying any word and with her head down, they were passing by the 3 companions, where they were indignant by the way Hiro responded, where without further ado she extended her arm to stop the boy.

『OYE!!!!! Don't you intend to say anything more than that? Really even under these circumstances you care more about others and strangers, than the person you hold most dear to you?』

『I already said what I had to say, now the most important thing is to help others, there is always someone in danger while the rest of us are talking, I am a Hero after all!!! if you care about Kiara, she is more than okay』.

Hiro without further reply very true to how he is, when he mentioned Kiara, the female companion who opposed Hiro turned to look at her as if indignant, where Kiara was still with her head down without saying a single word.

『(Are you really not going to say anything Izumi-chan? You're going to let your efforts to be pushed aside just like that?...I really don't know what you see in this airhead who only thinks about his silly imaginations.....Someone who doesn't realize his surroundings, what they feel and do things for him, that they make an effort to be noticed, they don't deserve what they get.....I don't...I don't....) I'm not going to let you just walk away!!!!! Just say it!!!!! Say how you feel about Izumi-chan!!!! Respond to her efforts!!!!!』

Without further ado the friend exploded, she could no longer stand the indignation that her friend was receiving from this guy who, despite being very close to her, really doesn't know anything. The friend looked with hatred and anger at Hiro who bowed his head.

『Again? ....Yes?...Yes!!!!! It's better double than single!!!!! Ah! And you are so loud, you look like the neighbor's dog who lives in block 15 hahahahahahahaha』

Hiro without further ado said that, and turned to look at Kiara, where without further ado in a soft and gentle way he said the following.

『That was very nice, you tried very hard, you did well *smiles*』.

Where Hiro moved on to caress Kiara's head, her friend got to thinking about what Hiro said earlier "Again?" Where she got confused in the situation, she peeked out to look at her friend, and saw him, Kiara was so blushing that she couldn't say anything else, since a long time she was like that, when she presented the plate to Hiro, Hiro knew it was for him and in a quick way he ate it, and thanked her friend in a slight way.

『Eh? No, he said he had to tell you what I think of you, then I would have to tell you...You are very precious to me』- 『I am always attentive to what's going on, especially in my surroundings, what kind of Hero am I if I don't know what others think』.

Without further ado, Hiro said that after seeing that he was wrong in his words, where they proceeded to retire to their homes, the little hero seeing that Kiara did not follow him, decided to take his hand and together leave. Where the companions were silent and did not know what to say or think, it is like what they thought little ago..... were they who were ridiculed.

Hiro without more step to put on more comfortable clothes when he arrived home, all a small snack to be able to continue his day, ran to his friend and rang the doorbell, where instead of Kiara came out as usual, her mother came out.

『I'm sorry, but my daughter I don't think she can come out, she is so shocked that I doubt she will leave her room until dinner time』.

『I see, she's feeling bad, I hope she recovers soon』.

The mother was giving a little explanation to Hiro, where the little boy attentively listened, when Kiara arrived home, in a quick way she went into her room, where her mother could see him, she didn't say anything to him, just Kiara went into her room and covered herself with the pillow of her bed, she was kicking and somehow, she was happy. The mother was at the door and understood what happened.

『But what are you, what do you want? Kill my little daughter? hahahahahaha you did something to embarrass her like that? did you? what was it? did you propose?!!!』(๑ÒωÓ๑)

The mother was joking to have a good time, where Hiro without further ado raised his voice in a serious and direct way.

『That's never!!!! I would never hurt her daughter, rather I would look for the best for her!!!! I cherish Kiara very much!!!!』

He said firmly with his head held high the little boy, he didn't even hesitate, and as he spoke he beat his chest implying that he meant it.

『Ohhh, what that was with, please always be Kiara's friend, if you want you can be something more in the future, for me no problem』(*^∀゚)ъ

The mother understood everything and again didn't know if he meant it as a joke or meant it for real, where Hiro answered with a yes without hesitation. But now that Kiara would not be with her, he did not know what he would do, he remained for minutes blank as he would feel different, but quickly his doubts were gone, he has to help even if alone, he got used to someone being by his side. To change the routine, he decided to take out his bike and hurry as fast as he could to do his laps.

Hiro didn't realize it, but while he was riding his bike, he noticed that there was a mantis on top in the basket that has his bike, where the little boy was very happy, the mantis flew up to the top of the basket.

『Ohh!!! You will be my partner for this day!!!! No!!! For many more days!!!! You will join our group!!!! I already want Kiara to meet you, I hope you will become friends with her *smiles* Thank you for not leaving me alone』

Hiro was walking together with his mantis friend he just made, both of them were walking around the city until they reached the turn around point, spending time with someone definitely understood that it is better than being alone, Hiro was very happy with his mantis friend.

『We're coming!!! Hold on tight Mantis-cha-!!!!!------』

When Hiro saw his mantis friend, he noticed that for some reason, the mantis jumped out of the bicycle basket, surely it saw some insect and was going to catch it, or it could also be that it did Cancerberus'. Hiro worried about this and stretched out his hand, but also with this action he deflected his bicycle, and without more....

Hiro had finally arrived to the starting point of his turns, but he simply stayed still, his face was of fear and worry, he looked down trembling and with fear, to see his closed fist where he opened it with fear and there was nothing, he wanted to confirm it as many times as necessary, when he looked down, he wanted it to be a lie, but it was a truth, Hiro saw the mantis stamped and run over by the wheel of the bicycle, Hiro did not say anything, he did not move anything, he simply stayed still for several minutes. Things happen for a reason, that is a truth, everything has the purpose of its why, was it decided why this happened, it is a truth and its why would be more than done. That was what he wondered all the time in his mind.

『By que』『Por que』『Por que』『Por que』『Por que』『Por que』『Por que』『Por que』『Por que』『Por que』『Por que』『Por que』『Por que』『Por que』『Por que』『Por que』『Por que』『Por que』『Por que』『Por that』

Hiro would be for witnessing the why of things and accepting them.


Kiara would open her eyes, she was in a transport going somewhere in this world, as it was long she decided to take a little dream, since she came to this world a long time ago, all she does is remember her life in that world, she really misses and can never forget that world where she was finally progressing, she right now has a mission that is impossible for her, To have this power, to have this ability, and to be in charge of many lives, is something she never asked for, she said to herself many times why this happened, but she has no alternative, despite the fear she has, she never leaves her work aside, in this world she was catalogued as a savior, soon she will have to go to stop the threat she has to fight against.




D͇í͇a͇ ͇a͇ ͇D͇í͇a͇ ͇d͇e͇ ͇u͇n͇ ͇P͇e͇q͇u͇e͇ñ͇o͇ ͇P͇e͇q͇u͇e͇ñ͇o͇ ͇H͇é͇r͇o͇e͇ ͇

Hello!!! Denuevo soy yo, now I find myself in another world apparently, there are many very strange things but I do not feel very far from home, the only weird thing is that there are many furros in this world, being honest there are people who are tender to these types of beings, but I'm not a fan of these, that chingada madre son!!!! Are they humans or are they animals!!!! They can't choose both!!!!! It's like sex! There is only male and female!!!!! But I learned that humans are also classified as animals....EN Fin!!!! Don't go around creating different races we already have different ones!!!! It's ok if it stays in fiction!!!! Don't take it to reality!!!!! Then don't say anything if there is a furri scorpio bisexual, pansexual, with elf ears, mermaid tail, who considers himself a tractor, uses inclusive language, is racist, calls himself "special" to get attention and be different in a way that everyone hates, emo, goth, rockstar, papulince, and above all that they force others to be like them and catalog the normal as something bad, if you see people with those qualities, take them to the psychologist, a checkup to their brain would not hurt, I would have nothing against them if they respect, but still, there are things that are better not to exist, and the world would not accept. ....solo start to scream to get attention, respect to be respected, as simple as that, it costs them nothing, if you are that, well, as long as you do not cause me any problems and you are respectful, I will be the same as you, I will treat you as someone else with their rights of freedom. Something that will never happen unfortunately. If it were up to me, just by seeing a furro, I would feel like mistreating him!!!!But I have to restrain myself.

I deviated from the subject, I think this world will end up pleasing me, it seems that it is night, I like the night a lot, but I like the day more, I hope to see the rays of the sun to touch this city full of lights.

『Seems like they like music very much, me too!!!! But now what do I have to do, at last I see that fish guy lied to me, I'm not in a mansion like he said』.

BBOOMMM!!!!! there was an explosion near the place, the city was being attacked by a mechanical music monster, it was causing wreckage, destroying buildings, the police were arriving so they could stop with this once and for all.

『Lately a lot of monsters appear, we've run out of measures on how to put an end to these』-『But that doesn't matter!!!! My desire to send them to shit and make them eat poronga is stronger than anything carajo!!!!! Tonight I'll fuck them and go straight to fuck their mother!!!!!』

An officer who seems to have a high degree in the trade showed up to also fight the monster. POOMMM!!!!! Without further ado the monster that was causing havoc, was hit hard by someone, the fist had such a force that it caused a strong wind and destroying the area.

『OHHHHH!!!!!!! What is this!!!!! I really have powers!!!!! I've decided!!!! I will wipe out all the villains in this world!!!!! That must be the purpose of why I'm here!!!!!!』

Hira was on top of the defeated monster, when he looked at his body he already had parts of scales on his body, but they went unnoticed, Hiro looked around and saw that he was giving off a strong power, without further Hiro remembered something from the stories he saw and knew that he had to contain his great power. So he moved on to put on his headphones, and then take them out.

『Perfect!!!! I'm already psyched!!!! When I put on the headphones, it will be time to unleash all my power!!!! The power of music!!!!!The power of the protagonist!!!!!』

Hiro was happy and celebrating on top of the monster, while the civilians were recovering and being helped by the police who in the end didn't manage to do much, while the officer saw the boy and wondered who this was.

『WTF and this who the fuck is he? But especially....Hare that he pays for all the damages that huevon pendejo did, that he is a kid is worth dick to me, for the law everyone gets his punishment depending on the damages he does, PTM!!!!!! HDP!!!!! This was my last job before going on vacation!!!! I feel like now I will have more work than before...I FUCKING FUCK CSMR!!!!!!!! $%62%&"@#46!!!』

The officer was known for not having much patience and easily got angry, already since recently monsters were appearing, but the officers managed to stop them, the angry officer was already about to go on vacation and left everything ready to leave another one in his post, but he didn't imagine what would be waiting for him. Hiro noticed the commotion and turned to see the officer.

『Eh? What is he saying? &%#4%&@ didn't that mean something bad?』

Now it makes sense where Hiro learned to say all those words from, in his apprenticeship he had as his language teacher the angry cop himself who would be after him all this time, in the end Hiro would take it as something normal to say all those words, at already little age learning to say bad words? A real latino, Hiro xd. And M is the one who gets his insults.....and mistreatment....ah! And he recently confirmed that he would hit the furros. M: "I didn't decide to be this thing"....

The days went by and Hiro just took his role of being a Hero seriously, saving many people on the spot, like the brothers who gave him a home, a family who will soon have a son, as well as a little old man who gave him a job, Hiro felt very good about his life, since he was really doing what he wanted when he was little, which is to be a Hero and save the life of others, he didn't stop since then, he was always fighting and going from one place to another, he rested enough to do his activities, he was always constant, must be the reason why he has better power release than M.

But he also met a person who has always been there for him, and over time he considered him as his father in this world because of the admiration he had for him. We are talking about Rikao, who despite not being as strong as Hiro, stands out in many other things more, he is smarter, more analytical, more understanding and has experience in life, he knows what to do in the situations that are planted, and just like Hiro and even much more, Rikao saved many more people than Hiro without the need to be a Hero, he was the person he would like to become.

『This is your home!!!!! Amazing!!!! It's very clean!!!! What is this!!!! No shit!!!! You've got a skeleton and a world this is spinning!!!! I'm going to look for cock!!!! And a Shogi board!!!! I challenge you to chess!!!!』

Hiro was going back and forth looking around and snooping every corner of the house, since Rikao doesn't stop much in his house and mostly everything is closed, it's normal that it's very clean.

『Ah, you're right, it's very clean and I fixed it up months ago, I don't know whether to be proud or depressed』.

『Rikao-san!!!! There is nothing in the fridge!!!! There are only preservatives!!!!!』

Hiro was in the kitchen and opened the fridge, there were only cans of food and some drinks, Rikao walked quietly to his room while Hiro climbed up the stairs and slipped down the edge of these, his laughter could be heard all over the place.

『Oh! What's this, I didn't know you were one of these Rikao, your house doesn't seem to be the same when you're inside』.

Hiro entered Rikao's room and in the center was hanging the head of a bear with its jaws open.

『Ah that, it's just fake, I thought it would look good with the place, if you touch it you'll realize it's a kind of plastic, yes!』

『I know!!!! I know you wouldn't be able to do something bad to someone!!!!!』-『What are you looking at huh??!!!!! Who are you growling at and hairy!!!?!?!?!! Lots of teeth but not much body!!!!! Tell me time and place and I'll slice your dick off!!!! Bullshit my friend, I'd spend all my time playing with you』

Hiro was interacting with the plastic bear, first threatening him and then befriending him, Rikao seemed to be looking through the drawers, it seems he found what he was looking for.

『Okay, I've got it, we're leaving now Hiro』.

The adult was heading towards the door, where the little one was alerted of this, and from one moment to another Hiro put on his headphones and turned them on, Rikao felt a slight feeling of strangeness, as if everything had moved, as if this whole big house had been moved in every corner. He looked closely and saw as traces of a white aura sweep through the whole place.

『It's a nice house Rikao-san!!!! Too bad there is no one to form nice memories in it, but relax!!!! I concentrated to see each one and I'm going to hold on to them as long as possible!!!!』-『But what a fool I am!!!! Let's form some memories right now!!!』

Hiro without further ado was sitting in the living room in front of a small table, on there was already foolishly placed the shogi board with chess pieces, and on the side the canned fish to eat while playing.

『Then, one day, when I have a day off, let's form nice memories in this home, which since I bought it didn't fulfill its function, I promise you, yes!』

『Okay Rikao-san!!! Someday, I just hope it's soon』.

Hiro walked towards the adult, where upon arrival the adult offered him a sweet, where Hiro without objecting accepted with full confidence. They closed the door and it would not be opened again for a long time.

『(And we just went to pick up some old documents, thank you Hiro, for giving even a little bit of life to this home)』

Next chapter