
Chapter 155: Little by Little

I was walking quietly through the streets after helping Howan, maybe I think I should have gone in too and listened to her play with her band, but well, I have no money so to nothing, maybe if I should have charged her even a little bit....huh.... ( ̄^ ̄)

I quickly felt someone grab my hand and drag me with him, the only one who could do that and not care what I'm doing, that person is Hiro, he led me to a food establishment, he was sitting there looking side to side.

『Food tastes better if you eat it with company!!!! Let's eat M!!!!』

That little boy smiled at me with his usual high spirits, I don't know whether to resign myself or refuse, but no matter what I say, he won't take them into account. Do I have to be with him all the time?

『*sigh* Hey Hiro, don't take me like I'm just anything, believe it or not I have things to do too』.

『Come on, shut up and swallow, that's what we're here for』.

By the time I realized it, the table was already with the food set, hamburgers with their fries and sodas. I was still confused and doubting the situation, Hiro without asking took a burger and shoved it in my mouth.

『It must taste good, right? Eat eat eat, you look all skinny and wimpy, you must eat and be big!!!』

That kid doesn't mind making a spectacle of himself wherever he is, sure at first he got stares, but now the whole town is used to it. I grabbed his hand and pulled him away, the boy seemed to understand and went back to sit down.

『It's not bad either, I was kind of hungry so I'll take it, I don't refuse something if it's given to me 』.

I think I understand a little bit now, I shouldn't refuse, I shouldn't act tough or strong, I just have to let everything happen normally, relax and take it easy when I'm with Hiro. If I look at it that way it's much more comfortable.

『Regalan? You'll pay for yours and I'll pay for mine!!!! Equality first!!!』

Everything I said before was destroyed when this kid spoke, you can't be calm and relaxed with this kid around, no one is getting on my nerves like this kid does, breathe.....breathe....he does it in a good way.....just relax.....I decided, I will force myself to relax.

Having no choice and having already eaten the hamburger, I decided to end it, after all, since you started it, it's better to end it, damn brat, if I were your father I would teach you good manners. When I looked at him, I didn't understand why, if I recently cured him, why does he have bandages on his body again?! He didn't have any recently! He's the guy that if you take a second to look at him, he's already doing stupid things. ....

『Hey Hiro, tell me, answer me, tell me, talk to me, I just healed you..... and you have wounds again?! Can't you take care of yourself a little bit!!! 』

He was complaining to Hiro about how careless and careless he was. As usual the boy stayed still for a while, this time I took the opportunity to steal some of his chips.

『...I fight with villains all the time!!!! It's normal to get hurt!!!』

『But you're so strong, those things shouldn't even give you a scratch, how weird....』

When I wanted to take my chips, there were none left, I looked at Hiro and the cheeky guy finished eating them all in my face, first I was surprised, I got angry and accepted it.

『Don't do things you don't want to be done!!!! I think I did feel them a little bit this time!!!』

『You even feel...more like someone who doesn't understand others, being with you is like being with a mannequin with movement, you get stiff, you stand still, you don't seem to feel when you should feel it, it's like you don't pick up on your surroundings or people and you act like you do』.

I was giving my opinion respecting what I thought of this boy's side, Hiro finished his meal, and as I said before, although Hiro meal with joy, he put notice his terrible acting of understanding the moment, he acted as if he was enjoying the moment, or rather acted the feeling.

『That's not true, if it was all you said, I couldn't save anyone, you practically insulted me, you're saying that saving people, fighting villains, smiling and raising your fist, is all acting? For what? Why?』

Hiro turned to look at me, his gaze again changed abruptly, he went from smiling to intimidation, at first I was surprised and wanted to back away, but I had to give him to understand what I thought or at least to keep it in mind. He has a good point, except for many people, someone with those thoughts could not do it. Looking at me I got curious, I couldn't get those eyes out of my head, the explosion of them intrigued me, it was as if I couldn't see, anyone would think I would be blind.

『Hey Hiro, you said you had an accident, right? That's the reason, why your eyes are like that? 』

Hiro kept glaring at me, as I said, it was as if a human mannequin was looking at you without moving a muscle. Quickly Hiro smiled and took a friendlier tone.

『I'm glad you asked, I thought you would never do it, the spectators were also waiting for this moment, so let's hit it!!!』

But what an ugly and abrupt change of topic....hahaha....( ̄︶ ̄;) And don't break the fourth dimension again please, he finished his refreshment the same way and was ready to tell us what happened to him.




It was a quiet town like any other, the sun at its highest, the sound of cicadas, and also of course.

『Another day of being a Hero!!! I will protect the city and help the weakest!!!』

A little boy of 8 years old, he was tanned, he had bandages around his body, and his hair was long, he was practically like the Hiro we know but small, only with the difference that this one has normal eyes, beautiful brown eyes, full of hope and genuine emotions like every little boy. He always came back from school and the first thing he did was to have lunch, he did it so fast, as if he was in a hurry, he felt he shouldn't waste too much time, he quickly changed and that was it, another day to help, homework? Do you really think that matters to this kid?

He ran to his neighbors' house, took such a deep breath and hit a loud scream.

『Kiara!!! Come out quickly!!! We have a lot of things to do today!!!! Don't worry about homework!!! Better worry about helping people!!!!! Let's go!!!! Kiara!!!!』

The boy was still shouting, the other neighbors were already used to Hiro, the door opened slightly, Hiro stopped and smiled, a little girl, with long hair and that bangs covered her eyes, looked out of the corner of her eye through the door.


Quickly Hiro took air inflating his lungs like never before, to release it with a blow, the boy ran jumping over the wall, he went to his friend, with how daring and spoiled this child is, he would surely open the door abruptly and raise his voice, his friend Kiara was worried and trembling. But there was nothing, when she opened her eyes, Hiro was in front of her, he showed her his hand and calmly smiled at her.

『If you want of course, I don't want to force you to do something you don't want, but I would be very happy if you join me another day, let's help more people today, yes? *smiles* 』

It was calm, even warm we could say, Kiara was left without reacting, Hiro wants to be a Hero and was acting like one, of course in his own way, but right now, the boy looked like a prince, waiting for the acceptance of the princess behind the door. Kiara always blushes and likes these moments, every day, it is the only time where Hiro behaves in this way, and how could it be otherwise, the little girl accepts.

『Well!!! Then there's no time to waste!!! You accepted, so there is nothing to deny it!!!!! Even if you tell me no!!!! You already said yes!!!! Let's go!!!』

POM!!!! Hiro opened the door with great force, the little girl was startled by the sudden change she had, Hiro took her by the hand and as usual, dragged her away with him. He went from being a gentleman to being a brat, this is Hiro. And so were their days to days of this duo, several times to help, Hiro came out with small wounds, he was strong, but he could not hide his tears, they hurt him a lot, his friend was the one who put the bandages, even if he takes Kiara to help him, in the end Hiro ends up doing everything by himself, his friend is only there to look at him and keep him company, but for her it is enough, spending time with him and seeing him smile makes her happy, just like Hiro, it is very complicated to know what this boy thinks and how he handles things, he wants his friend to get better, and that is why he takes her with him, but he is afraid that he will fail and move farther away from the goal he wants with her, in the end he has so many doubts that he ends up doing everything. He wants to trust her but he can't, he still has a long way to go to be a Hero. To be next to him is .... he doesn't want anyone to be left behind, but he will never be able to move forward with him.

Summer vacation came, his friend Kiara went on a trip, and this hurt Hiro, his best and only friend is not around to hang out, for a while they won't be able to eat together, play together, and help others together. It is this the first time, Hiro felt an emptiness inside.

『It's only for a while, then it will come back and we will help many more people!!! For the moment everything is quiet, I'll take a break, there is a reason for vacations, everything exists for a reason!!!! She's gone, but I have to go on!!!! HUHHH! But this is so good!!!』

She was in her room eating some cupcakes, you could see her joy while eating them as well as her cheeks red from the sensation. That day she was able to know the existence of everything, she didn't think about it before but it was clear to her, everything exists for a reason!!!! The bed to sleep! The TV to watch! The food to eat it! Emotions to feel them! That's it! Everything existed to feel them! Everything had a reason! And like everything, after you experience it, you leave it behind, you have to continue.

The next day Hiro was in a power plant, his father was the vice-president. This boy seeing that there was no one to help and he had his vacation that had just started. He wanted to experience new things, he insisted to his father to let him go, to accompany him, and as this child is too stubborn, his father had no choice but to accept. He prepared his son as never before, he even put him in an insulating suit, he was more protected than ever, the father knew he had to be careful with his son.

His father gave his son a tour, showing him around the plant, on the way they met the president, who was surprised that there was a child, the father was nervous, asking for permission and apologizing. He had warned him before but there was still no fixed answer.

『If you have a problem, do not hesitate to call me!!!! Not even that!!! I will be there before the danger!!!! Always count on me with everything!!!』

Hiro raised his fist, his father was worried, where the president raised his hand, it made him thankful that this kid has so much confidence, "kids with that attitude are the best" with that sentence the president passed him by this time, besides that the kid was well protected and he will always have him watched, there was no problem.

『And that gentleman who was he?』-『He is not protected, an accident can happen to him』.

Hiro was confused, he followed the rest of the day, he could see how the power station was, from corner to corner. He was having lunch with his father, some men asked his father for help with something, he went away leaving his son having lunch, Hiro by his father's words should stay there until he came back. At that he also saw the President who was having lunch together with the workers, he was already leaving and also seemed to solve a problem.

『(With that gentleman being the Hero of this place, I should thank him for letting my father be his second hand, he should also take the opportunity to receive advice, well, let's go!!!)』

Although Hiro knew he had to wait, he didn't want to waste this opportunity, it was just thank him and come back, quick and easy. But more was a crossing, the place was so big that it was like a maze, the President was in the center of the power station, it seems that there was a small problem, he was with the managers of these, it seemed that there was a small current problem, but if not fixed and make things right, the small problem, it will become a big problem.

『Leave it to me 『』.

It was a dangerous place, you needed to be in a very powerful insulating suit, but the President just put on insulating gloves, there was no time to waste. The only 2 that were, were worried about the President. They gave him the necessary tools and it was just repairing, a lot of experience was needed.

『Please, even if I can't see your faces, remove those worried faces, leave it to me 』.

The President started from a young age, fixing every little electrical problem, he has all the skill and experience that everyone I work would like to have, he would put on an insulating suit because of the danger, but as I said, there was no time. After minutes of suspense, the problem could be fixed.

『*sigh* You sure are hungry, go before lunch time is over』.

The managers admired by their President went to lunch, the President was also about to leave, first he would check if everything was all right, when he saw the meter he noticed that it was fine, but there was still a small error. He wanted to be sure, he put his insulating gloves back on, and looked deeper, he found the problem, it seems that a piece came off, it was just a matter of placing it and that was it. The President should always be cautious, but he let his guard down "It's just this one piece, nothing bad should happen, the danger is over".

Hiro was still looking for the President, he finally arrived at the center, he was looking surprised by how it was, he did not avoid being surprised, where he quickly saw the President!!!!! That man was overconfident, when he wanted to put the piece he ended up electrocuting himself. his clothes started to burn and his body to suffer serious burns, he was about to die.POOMMM!!!!! Quickly Hiro ran up to him giving him a strong lunge, the man came out, Hiro was screaming worried, he didn't know what to do at this moment, Hiro was worried, nervous, sweating, all the confidence he had disappeared.

『I'm burned, with cuts, my heart beats little....but I'll still live.....』

The President spoke, he didn't want to worry the boy, soon after he fainted, Hiro took off his helmet, brought his hatred closer to his chest, there was still heartbeat, he called his father, help would quickly come.

『Ufff, almost, I don't know what I would have done if I had died....dead?.....what should a Hero do if he sees someone die?』-『Also, what did he want to do? 』

Hiro saw on the floor that piece, he knew that this one had to be in his place, Hiro took it and understood everything, he smiled confidently.

『I see, calm down, if one Hero can't take it anymore, then another one must take his role!!!!! I am very prepared!!! No one has ever beaten me!!!!』


An electric roar was heard, upon arriving at the place the part was in place, the meter and the plant was not in danger, for now.....The father and the other workers were scared, the President and the boy ended up electrocuted like never before, especially Hiro, who did not give up until the part was in place.

The next thing was the sound of the ambulance sirens, his parents were crying like never before, that was how this second day of the summer vacation ended....The days passed, Hiro was still alive, death could never be able to with the spirits and strength of this little boy, he was in bed, totally bandaged, he could not move, his words that were always heard in the city, were silenced. It was detected that because of the strong discharge he suffered severe burns, his whole body succumbed in different ways, he lost the sense of touch, lost the sense of taste, lost the sense of smell, his pupils disappeared, product of the discharge, in his eyes a gray explosion was formed, thus losing the sense of sight. The wounds he received would take longer to heal, a simple wound, bruise or small cut would take 4 months to heal. At this moment, he was just a mummy who wanted to surrender.


Kiara arrived to hear the news, her friend was shocked to see this, her friend full of energy, always with a smile, enthusiastic and heroic, was now in a bed, not moving, not talking, with his hopes lost. That night, Kiara did not return home, she accompanied Hiro and cried all night long. And so the days went by, Kiara accompanied her friend, until she found out what happened.

『If I had not gone on vacation, I would have been with Ishigami...and this would not have happened.....what did I do.....I am the cause of this.....sorry....Ishigami-kun.....sorry...』

Kiara cried next to her friend, Hiro who was asleep all this time, he wiggled his fingers a little, just by listening to her he knew where she was and turned to look at her.

『Don't blame yourself..... I was the weak one this time...if you hadn't gone on vacation, I wouldn't have been able to save the Hero, you saved a life Kiara, I'm proud of you.... 』

Hiro reacted after time, Kiara cried even more when she heard her friend's words, she couldn't move, what happened before was pure reflex and maybe miracle. Although Hiro seemed to look at her, he didn't look at all, Hiro's smile, it hurt to see her straining to move her muscles.

Every day, Kiara came to the hospital after school, and on one of those days she found that someone else visited Hiro. It was the President, the man she saved, he was feeling better than Hiro and came to ask for thanks, the President would take care of all Hiro's treatment and everything that goes with it.

『The news of the accident ran like the wind, we are in danger of losing the power plant, and for sure that will happen...we will use all the money to help Hiro, just like he said when I saw him for the first time, he came to help me, I don't mind losing everything, you can start over, but a life, you can't get it back』.

Just as she said, Hiro's family got help from the Ex-President of the headquarters, Kiara thanked this man for everything he did, it is unknown how long this will last, maybe it will stay like this forever, everyone help Hiro in a way, but she didn't do anything. She also wants to help the guy who helped her so much.

One day she started to keep him company, well, to entertain him, Hiro could only talk, lightly but he talked, he could not watch TV, he could not read comics or manga, he could not feel, he could not smell, the only thing he did not lose was his hearing, Kiara came with some headphones, she put them on, with her phone she just played. It was the beginning of the music.

Hiro hearing the music for the first time there was no reaction, his gaze was lost, until then he shed some tears.

『.....I never paid so much attention to the music before...but....es beautiful, please make me listen more, please』.

The first step to this new world, Kiara made Hiro listen to different music, Hiro was happy, he could already move his face muscles well, little by little Hiro's smile was coming back. But of all of them, the one he liked the most was the first music she taught him, it gave him strength and would give him strength if a situation became impossible.

Four years passed since he was hospitalized, his family achieved another livelihood, Kiara as a daily routine that he would never get tired of doing, in this time they grew up a lot, from small children they became bigger and bigger. When she entered the room she did not avoid to be surprised, her friend Hiro, who could not move for these 4 years, always bandaged, was standing, even with bandages, but he was standing, he was there, just standing, without moving. Kiara did not know why, but she felt that she had to remove those bandages, even from his face.

She approached her friend, he was still, while she removed him little by little, it felt like he was no longer the same, it was as if he didn't feel. The bandages fell, Kiara could see his friend, Hiro was confused, his eyes could see better, he was blind or....

Hiro with his hand touched his friend's cheek, Kiara was blushing.

『Those bangs, keep covering your eyes.....』

Her friend quickly blushed, her friend's reaction was an extreme red, but "Eh?! Can you see?! Ishigami-kun! Congratulations, really, congratulations...." Kiara couldn't stand it and went to hug her friend, Hiro was confused and closed his arms too.

There was no confirmation if Hiro recovered his senses, but everything seemed to be yes, but he was back to normal after all, he could perceive the world in a different way again. During this time he grew even more fond of Kiara than he already was and he also discovered a new thing, music is the best.

He was able to return to class after a long time, his classmates were confused, Hiro stood out, but now he stands out even more because of those eyes he has. And then everything else you know, Hiro and his friend were swallowed by the portal and that's it.




The electrocuted boy finished telling me about his accident and everything he drove, I was at a loss for words, I was shocked at what I heard.

『Now I admire you kid, I couldn't have stood it, for sure.... would have preferred to die....』

『You decide yourself if you are strong and if you want to go on, but the people close to you, are the ones who give you strength more than anyone else, you must have friends like that too, I'm sure they would have been your day to day engine』.

Hearing Hiro's words, I quickly remembered Menhera and Rino, hahahaha, it's funny, because for sure they would do what Hiro said, I don't deny you that, the people you care about and the ones you care about, are the ones who give you so much strength at a time when you think everything doesn't make sense anymore.

『But I still have the doubt, did you really regain your senses or are you just acting?』

『I told you, I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing if it was like this, if you keep that up I'll really make you pay for your hamburger』.

At that I just kept quiet and accepted the doubt. I also discovered something with this.

"I see, every time you have to use your powers, you wear the headphones your friend gave you, does that activate your powers?

"Something like this, when I listen to music, I release my power to the fullest and I can help people and defeat villains!!!』

I see, I understand a lot, wait, isn't that the same thing I have? To activate my powers I have to transform, but he has to put on his headphones, isn't it something similar to mine? We both have disadvantages, and then this kid criticizes that having a transformation is garbage, you have a mistake too kid!!!! Wait, so this kid is influenced by and has a lot of ties to music, and ended up falling into a world of music, come to think of it, to the worlds I've fallen into, they all have to have something to do with animals.....¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!!!

『But what!!!!! I love animals!!! I love animals!!!! But not like that!!!!! I'm not a furro!!!!!! I don't want to ******** an animal, but if they are like Ron and Tohru I have no problem....huh...』 ('꒳`)

『....Furro and lolicon garbage!!!!!』-『Ah!!!! Also by listening to so much music, I got the urge to sing one!!!! Ever since I came into this world, I wanted to try!!!! I even made a lyric and everything!!!! Come on M!!!! Let's sing it together!!!! And it won't be in the street, something like this must be presented in the highest place in the world!!!! We will perform in the best dome against the other various bands out there!!!! Yes?! You said yes!!! You said yes!!!! Let's go my friend!!!!』

But again what are these abrupt topic changes!!!!! Have a little gentleness malito being that writes this!!!! And why Hiro declares that I already accept!!!! Listen to the opinion of others brat!!!!

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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