
Chapter 135: Isekai ( Story Part 2 )

Everyone present, all beings, every cell, every creature present in this world, everyone heard the statements of the Demon King on his return, he will bring peace to this world whatever it takes, many refused, the dragons of the Chaos Faction did not avoid feeling betrayed and hated the Demon King completely, while the dragons of the Harmony Faction did not know how to act on this fact, they felt distrustful and afraid, other creatures, humans, fairies, elves, dwarves, giants, etc etc, felt the same, some were confused, others were afraid, and again others refused, but there were few, few who believed in the words of this Demon King, that the savior had finally come to help, that the end of this hell had come.

After that declaration several years passed, of course it was not only words, their actions were there fighting, the brothers went from corner to corner to help those who needed it most, to stop unnecessary fights and if possible to reason with the dragons that were found.

King and Queen did the same if they found a problem on their way, they could easily teleport with their magic, but he himself wanted to see the world, what he had to change, not to forget every being he saw and to be able to help him. First he went to the Harmony Faction, where he was greeted by the highest ranking dragon. The Sovereign of Life of that time, a dragon with an already advanced age but still has a lot left, all the dragons stared at the couple, they were all indignant of what happened.

『It's a disgrace』 『Are you really with the Demon King?』 『How could you do this to us Queen.....』 『Blasphemy! You deserve death for your betrayal!』

Everyone did not hesitate to give their opinion to their relationship, it seems that Queen was someone important to the Faction.

『Shut up! The Sovereign of Life is about to speak, keep quiet if you don't want to be punished....』

His assistant, a white-haired young man, appeared at first glance, with a serious and proud attitude as well as being bitter. Quickly all the dragons fell silent, the Sovereign of Life stretched out his hand and began to speak.

『I will listen to you carefully Demon King, it is an opportunity that may never happen again, so I will take advantage of it if it happens several times』. -A voice of an old man but still with vitality could be heard throughout the large hall.

『Thank you very much your majesty, but I would like you to refer to me as King, that's my name please』.

Everyone was left confused and even more indignant the dragons, they were whispering to each other, for sure they were throwing shit and garbage behind his back.

『Haha.....a Demon King with a name? now that's a good joke hahahaha.....』 -The attendant laughed as he looked at the King.

『*sigh* (Even if they whisper I can hear them.....) I have come just as I said, I propose a plan, a world where there will be no more wars and we can all live in peace, that is my goal』-King raised his voice for everyone to hear them-.

Quickly the dragons spoke, they seemed to be little brats that wouldn't sit still even for seconds.

『So are you serious about what you said』『What nonsense, surely you have other plans』『Do you think we will accept your words? That's right fool』

Again the Sovereign of Life raised his hand, everyone was silent.

『I see, I also want to end this war once and for all, I can't stand to see more death and destruction in our world, we all live here, I still don't understand why we don't take care of it』-The Sovereign of Life seemed to be reasonable-『Tell me King, what would be your first step to bring that world we both want』.

King looked confused and surprised, quickly a smile was marked on his face.

『First of all, why did we start the war? What is the real reason why our confrontation has to pay for it with this world and each of its beings?』-King calmly but powerfully said forcefully-.

A few seconds after finishing with his sentence, a laughter could be heard, from all the dragons present their gazes were directed to the place where the Sovereign was, the guy was still laughing non-stop, he didn't even hide it anymore, he wanted to give to understand what he thinks.

『JAJAJAJAJAJAJa Really you say why?』-The assistant said with disgust-『Yes you are a real fool, the war exists because you disgusting and grotesque, rotten, and brutes, idiots and mangy exist! You are the scum of this world! that's why we have to kill each one of you, beings that only want to destroy our beautiful world, since I was born I only saw fights and fights, I'm sick of it! My father since I was very young was in charge of everything, I saw with my own eyes how you killed without mercy every being you met, especially you! The Demon King! They are pure evil that since they appeared only have in their minds to destroy and destroy! do not they think of other things! I'm going to kill you! We're going to kill each one of you and finally it will be the day when my father will rest and see a beautiful tomorrow!』- He was venting and saying what he felt.

King was flustered by the attendant's words as it was the first time he had encountered such a situation, he did not know how to respond to him, he tried to speak where he was quickly interrupted by the attendant.

『Did you really think we would listen to your words!!!? You are the Demon King, if you think we will forget what you did to us that easily, you are the one who deserves death more than anyone else in this world, you bring peace? Don't fuck with me! Just follow your instinct and destroy, kill, annihilate everything you see like the Demon King that you are! He had a horrifying expression, his eyes were red with veins, his breathing was furious and he didn't bother to hide his claws and fangs anymore.

『Silence son, that's enough』.

The Sovereign stretched his arm towards his son who seemed to have intentions of going to attack King.

"But father! Are you really going to believe this guy? You're not going to forget what he did to us!』-The attendant's words were now directed at the Sovereign.

"Calm down, will you? You're starting to get upset, or rather, you're already upset』-The Sovereign remained calm.

"Do you really want me to calm down? To that damned fucking creature? He deserves all our hatred! He's the one who killed my mother!!!』

POM! a bang was heard in the place, we all were shocked by what just happened, the Sovereign, the father just slapped the attendant, his son, the son was shocked by what happened, he didn't avoid looking at his father confused, who the Sovereign had a serious look on his face.

『I see you didn't improve, whenever you see one of the Chaos Faction you get like this』.

『Father..... did you just...』-The son was perplexed by what just happened-『Don't fuck with me! Now you agree with them! You never raised your hand to me before! If you plan to side with the one who murdered my mother....then I'll hate you with all my being....』 too!

The attendant threw everything he had in his hand and furiously left the place, we were all confused without knowing what happened here, the Sovereign sighed and shook his head indignantly. King was reminded of that moment, how an ancient Demon King fought with a young Sovereign of Life, how with his Mythic Claws he pierced the chest of a young dragon, how a little boy witnessed it all, in the end they were able to escape by a small meddling of the Gods, as they could not allow the Demon King to kill the Sovereign.

『....If I deserve that hatred, your words I will accept them..... sorry for what my ancestors did....』-King bowed his head and did not avoid feeling bad, where he felt a tap on his shoulder-.

『Don't worry, you had nothing to do with any of that, you didn't murder anyone, remember what you said? You are you and that's what matters』-Queen told him those words to make him get better-.

『Queen....thank you...*smiles* I don't feel so good, the memories keep coming back....this is what our first encounter with the Factions is like.....hahaha how pathetic I am...sorry』-King looked nervous and weak-

『Don't worry, you rest, I'll take care of this *smiles*』.

Queen walked forward with her forehead held high, while King could only see that brave and strong back, the dragon he fell in love with and will always be there for him.

『With regards to your son Sovereign's words, it's true that we feel bad and sorry for what happened, but they are totally different things! The Demon King you are seeing, is not the same as the one from centuries ago, he is hardly a foolish and childish young man, energetic and indecisive』-Those were Queen's words-.

『(Hey hey hey.....jajajajaja.....yet you still don't stop being you)』-King laughed calmly as he watched Queen act-.

『I spent many years with him, and he never used his power to kill, moreover, I think he never used it, he is a totally different and unique Demon King we will see, just because he is the reincarnation of the Demon King, doesn't mean he has the same goals, he is true to his words, if he said he will bring peace he will do it, that is something you and your predecessors never did, you only focused on fighting and fighting, and so you call yourselves Sovereigns of Life? What a disappointment, let's take this chance for a possible new world full of peace, and if it doesn't work and this bastard turns out to be like the others, we can continue as if nothing happened and the war would continue, nothing would change, right? besides look at him, do you really think this kid has an unhinged face?』-Queen was pointing happily at King who is surprised-.

『Uhm....no....-he's more like a retarded face』-The Sovereign answered without hesitation-.

『Exactly, it seems we have something in common my Sovereign, he's my retard *smiles*』-Queen didn't avoid smiling amicably at King-.

『Enough already....I feel like my self-esteem is going to go down.....』-King was on the floor because of Queen's words-

『It's okay, I feel the same way, it's an opportunity and I won't waste it』-The Sovereign was reasonable-.

At this Queen and King were overjoyed, but a loud voice put them on alert.

『But! I won't accept it so easily, first I want to see proof, seeing is believing, I still have doubts that if you are good as you say Demon King, it's natural, your actions will make me change my mind, I still don't trust you much, but I hope we can come to good terms and finally set in motion the peace plan I long for』-The Sovereign imposed like the leader he is-.

『Of course! I won't let you down my majesty, thank you very much for listening to me, I will surely come back several times, please look forward to it 』-With a joy he felt this one was happy-.

Both dragons after that meeting were heading to their new goal, King was already feeling better, well, what Queen did seemed to him one of the most wonderful things he saw in his life, that encouraged him that he should also give his all and now be the one to save Queen, now both dragons were going straight to the Chaos Faction, where things could be more difficult than the previous one, or not?....

『All right, you have my full support』-The Emperor of Death of that time accepted without anything else-『The truth is that I'm already bored with all this, fighting and fighting, is that all we have to do, although we exist for some reason, we have the job of maintaining the balance with destruction on our part, but that of destroying everything is too much for me. ....I also want to live in a quiet place, this is a very noisy place, you can't sleep here..... what I want is that simple, look, just do our job, that's all, the other dragons forgot what our real purpose is』-『You guys have children right?

The Death Emperor's personality was very reasonable and with the same thinking as anyone else, a young dragon with orange blond hair , and a black robe.

『Yes, that's right』-King replied curiously.

A small footsteps were noticed, apparently someone was spying, a small person entered, a small dragon, he had short gray hair and a black dress with a small cloak, his little face showed tenderness and at the same time seriousness.

『He is my son, just like yours, one day he will take my title, I have taught him everything he needs to know, so he won't become like the other dragons that only think about destroying, I know he will do a good job, after all I raised him hahahahahaha』.

They came to some good terms, the dragon couple was retiring back to their home after this day, they came to an agreement with the Emperor of Death, that not everything can be peace, that there always has to be destruction to keep in a state of balance in the world, and proposed that there be friendly fights between dragons, a fight where only they fight, no one will be harmed, also destroy what would do evil to the world, so all the balance of harmony and chaos will be weighing equally. It would be a rule that all the dragons of each Faction would take into account in many and many years ahead, after all they are dragons and they want to keep that instinct until eternity.

Lami, Arnna and Mira welcomed them with smiles and hugs to each one, Sora also ran after spending that day with Dux. Little Sora was jumping to catch up with her father, she was the youngest of them all, Lami, Dux, Arnna and Mira are 8 years old (in appearance), while Sora is about 5 years old (in appearance). Seeing that he could not reach his father, Sora gave a strong jump and forcefully rammed his father, who did not avoid falling to the ground.

『Welcome! 』-Sora with a big smile welcomed his father- 』.

『I'm home hahaha』-King was pleased to feel the warm feeling of having a family.

After that the days passed, just like King said, they started to show actions, they made achievements that never before others had done, like resurging the seas, destroying plagues, and one of the greatest, being able to save 9 nations of different races from chaos and destruction, this in just a short time, The Sovereign of Life who saw this finally agreed to help King, a peace agreement with the Harmony Faction is within his reach, and as from the beginning the Emperor of Death accepted, it only remained that these great leaders of the 2 strongest and most powerful races in the world would meet and that the whole world would witness the new world agreement.

But before that happens, there were quiet days, the world seemed to improve and there was no longer as much hustle and bustle as before, so King decided something.

『Okay guys, it's time to train them!』

King and Queen trained the brothers and their daughter, where they quickly unlocked their power, but each one had their forte and sought to improve only that, they are a family and what one can't, one can come to help them one and save them, Dux did not possess magic, but since he liked swords so much, this one learned a good mastery of it, and learned to master them to perfection, he was at the same level as an adventurer of sapphire rank, in the case of Lami he had a gift with light energy, although he was born in the Chaos Faction, it is a rare case, Queen taught him all kinds of things and how to handle it, thus becoming a master in this energy. With Arnna we still did not know how powerful her power was, she was still a little girl to be able to control it, King and Queen knew what energy she had inside, so they taught her to manage her power and make it grow, but maybe it was not the best, from the little strength she had she would become stronger, so they gave her more importance to control it, to become one with the fire and emotions, With the case of Mira they had it difficult, and many times they knew that when this girl was encouraged or excited she changed completely her personality and character, they took it into account and although they tried to teach her to control it was impossible, her power surpassed the unimaginable, reaching enormous figures, so they decided to seal her power and that she could only use 100% and that this would gradually lower and rest. It was a measure to the little girl, they knew she was a time bomb, but they would never dare to kill Mira, their daughter, they were very fond of her and everyone.

They were proud of her teachings, the day came of the meeting, The Sovereign of Life met with the Emperor of Death, everyone was witnessing this, an agreement between them so that there would be peace between them and everyone, the end of the war was about to end.

Before they shook hands, a white lightning bolt fell between them, the skies roared and deadly lightning struck the world, volcanoes exploded and the earth itself rumbled, everyone was left confused and shocked by what was happening, the clouds opened and from them some lights come out, it was them, the gods were finally present.

『We will not allow you to make that agreement』『It is not in the future of this world』『Peace in this world is impossible』『You will not do as you please with the world, remember that the ones in charge here are us, and the ones who decide what we will do with it』

Those were the words of all the gods, we were all left confused and shocked at what just happened, the world stopped succumbing and the gods returned to their realm, the agreement of both Factions was never made, they were forced to have this fight come back. King couldn't believe it that they think so, so without further ado this one went to face the Gods in his own Realm.

『Why did they do that! Don't the Gods seek the good for everyone?』-King raising his voice addressed them.

『Ha? The good for you? You guys just have to entertain us』-A God began to speak-『You have to praise us, ask for a miracle that will never happen, pray to us and pray to us, you only exist for us to have fun, we are your creators and your role is to make you listen to us, to see how you kill each other, to see who will be the winner is something very fleeting, we never get tired of that, but then you came out, with your nonsense of peace to the world, it is our world! Don't think you can do whatever you want just because you are the Demon King!』

『That's why I'm the Demon King!』-King got angry-『If you don't intend to do anything, then I will! the power that was granted to me I will use it for good, not like you who only use it for pure pleasure! now I understand that phrase, you don't have to wait for God to do everything....』

『What did you say mortal?』

『Ah? Do you want to fight? I have no problem, I'm in a perfect state, if I use all my power I'm sure many people here won't come out alive.....』

It was the first time King was really upset and serious, we never varied him as indignant as now, that threatening attitude was worthy of a Demon King.

『...Damn mortal.... you may have reached an agreement with both Factions and other races! But you will never have our approval!』

The Demon King, King left extremely annoyed, indignant, sad and with grief from the realm of the Gods, but this would not stay that way, King for many times, he already even lost count of the many times he went to the Realm of the Gods to make them see reason and also be in an agreement with the world. But he was always rejected with shouts and a huge "NO" He doesn't even know when so much time passed, but when he returned home his children were already grown up, little Sora grew up and was 17 years old (in appearance), while the other siblings were around 21 years old (in appearance)

『Welcome back!』

Sora now that she was the same size as her father, though this one older and bigger, she still acted like a little girl anyway, full of energy and jumped whenever she saw her father come back.

『I'm here hahahaha...Sora-kun *smiles*』

『It's Sora-chan father hahahahaha』

『Eh? *sigh* Really why did you accept that name hahahahaha』.

Such were the days of his father, of King, while King was going with a negotiation with the Gods, Queen was in charge of still keeping the agreement with both factions, both were equally busy. But one day when King returned to the Gods Realm, a new member spoke her mind.

『Ah? so you're the guy who comes here all the time, I've heard about you, you really don't know how to give up』.

King turned his gaze to see who was talking, he had an outfit with colorful feathers, gold accessories and rustic bandanas, a blonde hair and tremendous breasts, with a calm and playful smile, with his eyes closed he introduced himself.

『Hello, I'm Quetzalcoatl, but you can call me Lucoa』-With a friendly attitude he addressed King-.

『*sigh*She's new, don't listen to her, she doesn't know anything about this, so continuing with our thing, it's u n----』-A god was interrupted in his words-.

『Yes』-Lucoa with a smile declared-『Why not? don't you think it's about time to have a change?』

The God who always refused was perplexed at Lucoa's words.

"Huh? What are you saying? Think well about your words, every God's decision matters』-The God who always refused was surprised.

『Don't you get tired, old man? there are already more than eras that you are refusing, although I have to admit that it is nice to be prayed and praised, that you can have total dominion, but .... is what a true God does? sometimes I think that I would like to come down and help you, be there and see if I can be something, don't you think it is better to be to the expectations and imagination that mortals have for us? 』-Lucoa stood up-『I want to be there and say "Hello, I am your goddess, see what I can do" if you need a help, we will do it, after all it costs us nothing, it's what a true God does, well, it also depends on the roles we have』.

From a calm , relaxed attitude and always with that smile on his face he gave his opinion.

『I think so too, it wouldn't be bad to go around』『Did you see that they even leave us food? I want to try it!』『You're right, seeing is believing, lately I've lost followers.....』『Let's just do it, this war thing has bored me, besides there are other worlds that are more developed, have you tried their food and games? they're the best!』

They were all talking among themselves about how good it would be to turn the page.

『I'm in』『You have my support』『Count on me』『Dale』『Come on』『Come on』.

Everyone finally accepted to the peace agreement, King found himself surprised and extremely happy, he didn't avoid looking at Lucoa and asking for thanks.

"Thank you very much indeed! Thank you very much, I will never forget it』.

『Yep, you're welcome, I also did it for myself, being here is not healthy at all for a long time』-Lucoa was sitting back down-.

『But....but...』-The God who was always in denial was in doubt-.

『Ya accept old man, don't be begging, no one likes grumpy old men』-Lucoa was raising his voice to be heard-.

『Well, .....I've recently had an interest in a human.....I guess I could see her? hahahaha yeah?....』-The old man was nervous-

『Decided!』-Lucoa raised his fist-『We Gods agree to the peace treaty!』

Everyone applauded and were happy, for the historical thing that happened this day, the fruit of King's, Queen's and his whole family's effort will finally be a reality. King was coming down happily for the good news, he could not hide his happiness, !!!! But he quickly felt an enormous power, it was too powerful, energies were fluttering between them giving an incredible power. King was worried as it was coming from home so without further ado he flew faster.

『Something happened! Don't be alarmed, the Demon King is here!

He was outside the castle, in a forest, where he could see his daughter in a unique way, she was with her hands together , a sphere of energy could make, where the energies flowed calmly, they were merged, Sora's hair was slightly bristling.

"Hello father, look what I did, don't you think it's amazing?

Sora showed the energy to King, who confused and surprised goes to her, he could see in the sphere how 3 types of energies had merged perfectly and without any problem, 3? how 3? If fusing 2 energies is already too much, Sora managed to fuse 3 energies and turn them into one, the energy of the Harmony Faction that he inherited from his mother, the energy of the Chaos Faction that he inherited from his father, and the human energy that every creature has, gave him an enormous power never seen before to Sora, he was the first one to dominate the Fusion Form. The energy sphere disappeared, Sora's hair lowered.

『It's amazing.... but monstrous at the same time..... I've made up my mind, I will use this power to do good! I will bring peace to every corner of the world, I will bring smiles to those faces full of pain! Just like my father! my example to follow, I too will become a great person!』

With his fist in the sky Sora said, King felt proud and did not avoid smiling, he quickly felt his hands , the Mythic Claws gave off a red and blue glow, quickly the Claws that King was wearing disappeared, where this surprised both of them, now the energy was gathering in the hands of Sora who was now the bearer of the Mythic Claws, they went from being a scaly red and blue claws as King had them, to black and simpler now that the owner is Sora.

『Oh! Awesome, so that means that.....』 -Sora admired her Claws and moved to look at her father.

Who this after smiling formally knelt before his daughter.

『Welcome, Demon King』.

With a gentlemanly gesture he addressed his daughter, who then smiled and laughed. Maybe he didn't use them much, he wasn't in as many wars as the former bearers, but that was how the Mythic Claws spent their time in King's hands, it will be remembered King as the Pacifist Demon King.

------------------------------------------- → To be continued

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