
Chapter 74: Descending (Part 2)

We were all happy for the first victory we got against the Ultraents, all but one.

『Now what will I do with all the food and gifts I have, it's a waste』-(┳Д┳)Karma was depressed-『Well, it was only the first fight, there's still a lot to see』ヽ(ヅ)ノ.

His mood swings were the strangest thing about this character.

『I'm surprised by one thing』-Latios whispered-『That none of you, objected to Lea and Sira fighting first』.

"That's because we trust them and their determination』-I turned to the legendary-『Didn't you hear what Sira said before the fight』.

『"We're counting on you and count on us"』.

Latios remembered that little scene when Sira said cheerfully.

『Trust others (I was always the one who protected others, the one who everyone trusted me,on many occasions if not always, I expected nothing from anyone except for my sister, so I had to bear everything and take responsibility for anything, even if it was a small thing) I was taught a great lesson』-From his heart,Latios said warmly-.

『You've learned it yourself, by letting Lea fight and encouraging her』-『You only lacked not to doubt others』-『Also if something went wrong, Maya can use "Switch" and thus save them』-The last I said with a playful tone-

『That undoes everything you said-....』-(; ̄ー ̄񝷝-

It sounded like a spike, we all turned to look.

A legged syringe pricked a wire of Xurkitree, it started to move its tentacles slightly. As we made a slight movement, the Ultra-sent disappeared, it was behind Lea with a Thunder Fist, it was going to hit him and we were puzzled.


Latios was the only one who was fast, he attacked Xurkitree with Dragon Claw before he attacked Lea. This shot out, impacting with the wall, Latios proceeded to launch a sphere from his hands, this quickly became Dragon Pulse that attacked in a flurry and without stopping.

They hit the Ultra-Sensitive, which was once again defeated.

A syringe with legs came out of the floor, it was going straight to Xurkitree.


Latios quickly, stepped on the syringe.

『But what is this?....』-Latios was confused.

Maya reached over and touched the Ultra-sent.

『I'm detaining some kind of Drug in its body, it must stimulate it to keep fighting even though it's all messed up』.

Another syringe appeared, but this time from the wall, I quickly realized it and threw an energy ball at him.

My attack just pierced him as much as it pierced him and the wall.


『But what are you doing,that's how you finish these things, it's not that hard』-Jolt kicked destroying it-.

『My attacks are ghosts too?!!!!! I can't interact with anything in this form, I can just talk and that's it』-A disadvantage of this ability-.

『More syringes appear every time we destroy them』-Luna was making a comment-.

『That's right!!! If they are careless PAM!!! my little friend who was defeated, will rise up like a zombie and finish them off without stopping, that's what I call being very faithful to me, fighting for eternity, makes me want to cry』-The dynamic state of Karma came back-.

『We'll stay, even if we're exhausted we can handle this』-Sira destroyed another syringe-『Besides we already contributed a lot, we'd be a hindrance in the next thing』.

『You guys are at your 100%, leave this to us』-Lea stood next to Latios-『Sira-』-Sira destroyed another syringe-』-Sira destroyed another syringe-『Sira destroyed another syringe-『Sira destroyed another syringe-『SiRead more.

『Yes, don't let him wake up again』-Latios put his fist to his forehead with a smile-.

Leah understood, they both bumped their fists in a friendly way, implying that they have nothing to worry about and trusting each other.

『Okay, then let's keep going down』-Luna gave the order-.

Everyone was walking towards some stairs that would take us to the next floor.

『Hoygan...Don't forget something....』(-.-;)-I was floating behind them-.

They all turned to look at me. I pointed my finger at my body that was lying on the floor as if it was any trash.

『Ah, right, your body』-(・о・)Maya noticed-.

『Please, if you're going to make a surprised expression, make it more believable....』-I made a comment-.

『Well( ̄^ ̄)what can you do, someone has to carry your miserable body ( ̄ω ̄) if you want I'll offer myself-----』-Jolt was quickly interrupted-

『Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo!!!』(ᗒᗨᗕ)-Flar was raising her hand very happy and cheerful-.

『Eh...!』(〇o〇;)-Jolt was surprised by such an action-.

Flar put my body on her back, she would be the one who was going to carry me all this time.

『Don't worry Onee-chan, I will be your legs and you can walk wherever you want』-She held me so I wouldn't fall off-『You are very warm Onee-chan』.

『Thank you so much Flar, you really are the most loving one of all,I can always count on you』-I was floating next to him-『You're so warm-『You're so warm-『You're so warm-『Yo.

『I wanted to take him』(ノ﹏ヽ)-Glace said as he saw us passing by-.


We were descending the stairs, as we were going down Flar touches me with her soft, quality hands on the face of my body. She looked with a calm and gentle expression.

『Eh, in this form M, you are looking quite skinny, look, you can even see your bones』-Jolt was touching with his fingers my ribs-.

『Could you stop doing that.....siento cositas』-(*'ω`*) I turned to the yellow one-.

『Can you even feel when we touch your body?』-Jolt looked at me-(*'ω`*).

『No, but seeing it makes me feel it, I don't know how to explain it hahaha』-I rubbed my head-.

『Ow(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ I see, so if I do this』

Jolt started to peck with his fingers all over my body. quickly, I started to feel all those stings.

『Ahhhh, stop, please stop, stop, it feels weird, please stop』-I lunged at her, but as I saw him coming, I pierced him-.

I was on her front, waving my arms wildly for her to stop, Jolt kept pinching my body.

『¿? Is something wrong?』-Jolt stopped when he saw me staring at her-?

"I didn't notice it before, but you have a little fang sticking out』-I pointed my finger at her mouth.

『Ah?!!!』(-゚д゚-)-Jolt covered his mouth with his hands.

『Don't hide it, it makes you look cuter』-I said bluntly-『The fangirl makes people look cuter somehow, especially 2Ds, yesii...2Ds, someday I'll have a 2D as a girlfriend, we'll even get married and start a family』.

『That's impossible』('へ')-Jolt stopped covering his mouth-.

『Dreaming doesn't cost anything, right?』-Pass to look at her-.

Glace was rubbing my tail while I was talking to Jolt. I turned to look and instantly felt her touch it.

『Glace....my tail.....』(・'ェ`・).

Quickly, Glace let go of my tail.

『Ahhhh!!! sorry』-(●'艸`)ヾ- 『(How soft and long it is)』


We reached the next lower floor.

『How slow.....I feel like I've been waiting 997 years』-A screen was transmitting Karma-『Boredom was killing me, so let's get started at once』-『With the if they can't get through, or at least 1 or 2 will fall』.

An energy field trapped us, from the other end a big door opened, out of it came a muscular and huge Ultra-Entente, or as other people would say it.

『That's a big blowjob』 -That was my first impression when I saw it.

『Buzzwole possesses great physical strength, now, who will be the one to fight him』-Karma was changing his attitude and expression again.

『Well, I'll be the one to fight him』. -Latios stepped in front-『It looks like he's Fighting and Bug type, I have a big advantage with him, the right opponent against him--』

『It's me』-Maya walked out in front looking defiantly at the Ultra-sent-.

Latios looked at Maya in confusion.

『You heard it before, you have to get to your sister healthy』-Maya was addressing Latios-.

�����But,in this circumstance I'm the most indicated one』-Latios wouldn't keep quiet-.

『You want to save your sister! On the lower floors there will be stronger enemies, we need you then, don't waste your strength on a rare and easy bug like this』-Maya would turn to Latios-.

『Weirdo?! Hey! They have feelings too』-Karma was annoyed by that comment-.

『I'll make you 2 see each other again, I don't think he'll like you rescuing him all badly hurt』-『Brothers, you don't have to be separated,we'll save your family...』-『No one objects right,right?』

I raise my voice to address us.

『Of course not, you're perfect for this situation』-Luna raised her voice too-』.

Maya with a smile on her face, went on her way.

『(She will talk as if the same thing happened to her....)(They all.....feel the same thing)....(Come to think of it, there isn't the Fairy type in this group...)』-Latios looked at all of us, he stepped to walk toward us-.

The energy field opened up, Maya was facing the muscular Ultra-sent in front of us.

『Just one...Let the good stuff begin! Let the good stuff begin! Start the battle』-Karma animatedly swung a small hammer at a bell she held in her hand.

Without wasting any time, Maya started throwing Shadow Balls from her place.

Chest heaving, Buzzwole stood still.


The attack hit, but Buzzwole didn't take any damage. Maya was now launching Psychorays from its hands.

The Ultra-Sensitive, opened its wings and began to fly to dodge the attacks, quickly approaching Maya while dodging the attack.

It had it in front of Maya, it prepared its fist, it was going to attack with Dynamic Fist.


Maya switched positions with Buzzwole, now she was on his back, quickly, she gives him a series of kicks on his back.She somersaulted backwards as she finished her attack.

Buzzwole struck a pose. The attack didn't hurt him much.

『Physical attacks aren't very effective, so I'll use your weakness』.

Maya's eyes started to Glow, the Ultra-sent started to levitate, Maya started to whip it with the floor and ceiling. She was using Psychic.

After a few whips the Ultraent stopped, this surprised Maya, she could hear flapping, Buzzwole was flapping its wings to not continue being attacked, it was resisting, Maya used more force, the Ultraent started to move to the direction where Maya was, finally it broke free from its Psychic, it shot out as it broke free.


Buzzwole lashed out at the wall, causing a great impact.

『(That was close, it was so fast I almost didn't dodge it)....』

Buzzwole turned around, he saw Maya, the Psychic pulled out small swords made of Psychic energy from both hands, he started spinning.

The Ultra-Sensitive protected itself with its large arm, quickly Maya slipped underneath it until it reached its back, it attacked with Rapidity.

Buzzwole turned around and was about to attack with Ice Fist.


They switched positions again, the Ultraspider hit the wall. Maya threw Ice Beam at it, Buzzwole put his arm to protect himself.

He used Corpulence , destroyed the ice on his arm threw himself back at Maya, he was using Inversion.


They switched positions again.


Maya was hit by Ultra-sent Inversion, she spat blood, she was thrown off sharply, the impact with the wall was devastating.

『My little muscle friend learned your way of fighting, tell me, what does it feel like to be hit by his huge fist』 -Karma said darkly.

Maya was on her knees, spitting blood she was.

『(It was just a punch...so much damage was caused to me...that bug』).

Maya was standing up with difficulty.

The Ultra-sent lunged at her again, this time with Ice Fist.


They switched positions, quickly, it used Reflex to shield itself from the attack.As if it were paper, it destroyed the Reflex and hit Maya's face head on again, this time.

As it flew away, Maya stretched out her fingers and pulled the steel plates of the walls, these were stamped on Buzzwole's back, blood was coming out of his body from the cuts.

Buzzwole used Corpulence again, the blades came out of his body. Maya got up from the ground. Buzzwole started throwing spider webs. Maya dodged them while running.

He opened his wings again, now he would attack with Puno Incremento. He launched himself to attack. Maya saw it coming, agilely managed to dodge it at close range, in the process, tangled some threads on the arm of the Ultraente. It was already going to be out of range.



Buzzwole pierced Maya's shoulder with his stinger, he had used Lethal Stinger, his blood drained and dripped onto his stinger.

Maya put strength and stretched both hands, Buzzwole's right arm began to tighten.


Maya used more force, with her threads she managed to cut off the arm of the Ultra-snake. The Ultraent got upset because of the pain, dropped Maya and gave her a strong punch. Maya spit out more blood and was thrown.

The Ultra-sentient touched what was left of his arm. He put strength, used Corpulence again and stopped the bleeding.

『I hope with one arm, it'll be easier....』

Buzzwole used Sword Dance, again Corpulence. His eyes turned Red, a Red aura came out of his body.It was clear, he used Anger.

Instantly, he appeared in front of Maya, he started to hit her with Increment Fist, he whipped her in a rough and inhuman way. Increment Fist. This increases the user's attack every time he hits his opponent, each hit is stronger than the previous one.


Maya was thrown with great force, slamming into the wall, spitting blood.

『I must have a broken spine, broken ribs, broken legs and arms...』-Maya could hardly stand up-』.

A purple aura started to come out of her body, ears and tails came out, her gem on her forehead started to glow and took the shape of a tiara. Her hair became longer and looser , it began to glow purple.

『And yet....You're a rare and easy bug』.

Maya was in her Released Form.

She started to gather energy in her fist, she was badly hurt, her whole body in pieces, but she wouldn't give up. She wants to see the reunion of the siblings, no matter what.

『My left arm is broken, but my right arm can still go on』.

Buzzwole was in madness and anger, he just wanted to slaughter everything in front of him.The UltraScent lunged to attack with Counterattack.

Maya also lunged to attack with her fist.


Both fists collided, who would win this clash of strength, the poles of each opposed the other. Buzzwole was still with Anger was winning the clash.

『I won't lose....I won't lose...the brothers.... have to stick together!』-『Swap Force!』

An explosion of light was seen on the spot, as it unraveled, Buzzwol and Maya were thrown out abruptly,with great force each. The 2 impacted heavily, neither was moving.

『Haber haber, it's defeated....』-Karma approached the Ultra-sent-『Haber haber, she's defeated too...』

At the last moment, Maya used Counter Attack too, this ended in a draw, the 2 can't continue.

Maya returned to her normal form.

『(I made it, I told them, this was easy...)』-From her thought Maya said before she fell unconscious-.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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