
Chapter 56: The Pope

Knowing the truth, in the night I realized this world, the origin of Syl and her sisters, the eternal essence, of a God capable of fulfilling desires in exchange for something, equivalence of exchange, and that the beings that inhabit this world .... have changed completely.


『(This is the guy Syl spent all her time with and was able to give her life....surprise me M)』

It's night, Maya wants to trust that the young man will bring back her beloved sister.


『(...*red* (。・・・。) Looks like he was infected by my Onee-chan....jajaja (^ω^) )』

M hugs her, didn't let go all night.

『(.....Although it hurts to be poked by her breast.....)』(-.-;)


In the morning, it was time for him to start his journey for his miracle.He was excited and energetic to the max, as it had been years since he had a new adventure.

『But first let's have breakfast first!』\\٩( 'ω' )و ///

Standing in superhero pose on the couch was.

『Awwww (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ Back to cooking if it's wonderful, I still don't lose the touch』

My hands and mind felt comforting and relaxing the moment I used the kitchen again.

『Breakfast is ready』.

Maya who was on the couch watched me move into the dining room with food for 2.

『Are you going to eat all that?"』-She asked me curiously.

『Of course not, one is for you』-I carried the food with my apron on-『Although Syl would eat 8 servings』 no problem.

Maya was a little puzzled, she didn't think the boy would make her eat.

『Quickly, come before it gets cold』.

The guest heeded the child's kindness. It made her remember that once, Syl had 20 snacks when she came home, Maya asked her the same question as the one now, since she didn't know yet that her sister was a glutton, Syl told her that "of course not, I will share it" She gave one to Maya who was lying on the couch, "if you want I will give you 1 more, or 2 more or do you want 3 more?"(๑-́ω-̀) Maya was not like her sister so she just received one.

『Okay, I'm going to go get the others to give them too』o(^▽^)o


The 2 of them ate breakfast, for Maya it was a long time since she felt this feeling of eating with someone else and enjoying it.

『*eat* It's tasty...』(・о・)At the first bite she delighted-.

『Wasn't it? These hands learned from a great fellow, brother, my meals are at the same level as Soma's Hahahahahaha』-(`-ω-'๑)I bragged about my arts-『Food does taste better in company』.

『(This, every day Syl felt this same feeling thanks to him)』-Maya looked at her breakfast-『(You gave Onee-chan what she gave towards others and nary received....I gradually understand why she was so fond of you)』-『(The love and affection of another)』

Maya knew that for a long time, her sister was making a hole in her heart every time, but she covered it up with a smile, she gave kindness,affection, love, but.....ella didn't receive it, her sisters tried to revive her, but it was no use, Syl answered them with that fake smile. They were afraid that she was still suffering inside...Thanks to the boy, Syl's heart was filled with that love that gave so much.

"A question?』-I put my chopsticks on the plate-『Are you going to be on this trip or just me?

A silence filled the air for seconds.

『....What?.....』-(●__●) She looked at me with her I would have said something stupid-.

『What? 』-(・・・) I'm confused too-.

"It's more than obvious, isn't it? I'm his sister, do I have any other reason to go?"』-Maya controlled her discomfort-『"Besides, who would guide you? Do you know the way to get there?"

『Know the West and go straight ahead!』-୧☉□☉୨ Without hesitation I answered-୨-୧☉□☉୨-୨.

『Seriously? (This men....) I'm clear, I'll go too』

They are left like this conclusion, they 2 would depart out.

『This was Syl's home and I unknowingly』-I looked all around this home, hoping to be able to return again with Syl-.

Maya was at the door about to leave.

『Is there something wrong?』

She confusedly turns to look at me.

『I don't know why but.....*red*I feel like I'm naked...I can't go outside like this.....(/ω\)I'd be an exhibitionist....the girls would think I'm a pedophile and ------』-I was very embarrassed, Maya took my words away-.

『ノಠ_ಠノ-get out at once!』

Maya used her psychic powers on me, I was lifted up and quickly taken out of the house.

『What? No!!!༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ Wait! I'm not mentally ready yet! I don't want to be showing off my treasure!』


Walking through the streets of the city.

『See? Nothing's wrong, no one's looking at you funny』-Maya was walking beside me-

『You don't know how bad I feel now.....』-I was walking hunched over resisting embarrassment-『Am I not a little taller? A Lucario is normally 1.20 cm, but I see that I'm bigger』-We walked by a window and I saw my reflection-

『In the mutation from human to pokémon, the pokémon is affected by the human's characteristics, that includes the height, that's why you're the same height as in your human form』. -Maya explained more things to me.

『I see....So, if we say that a six-foot-tall human mutated into a Raticate, would it still be six feet tall?』 -I was giving an example with what I understood-

『Exactly』-Maya was giving the good view to my example-『If someone who is 1.30 cm mutated into a Snorlax, it would be the same size, instead of the big one it would be, it would be a little chubby stubby, weird one right?』

『Whoaaa.....(I'm curious to see someone like that....., lucky to mutate into a Lucario...a Lucario?』-I realized something-『Hey! What about the evolutions?』

It was a mystery that I'm just now realizing how big it is.

『Evolutions?』-Maya turned to look at me-『Human mutated Pokémon can evolve if it is not yet in its final stage, because as it says, it becomes a Pokémon,but Pokémons that mutated to human.....estos can't evolve. If a Charmander mutates into a human, it can never become a Charmeleon, let alone a Charizard, its whole life will be just a Charmander』-With a nice example on the screen, Maya explained to me as a child.

『And in the case of mega evolutions. From that a Pokémon in its final form mutated to a humancould it mega-evolve?』-Another question to be answered-

『I don't know yet, I couldn't tell you with certainty a yes or no, so let's leave it with a maybe』-Maya didn't answer my question concretely-.

『And on the topic of powers and abilities do Pokémons that mutated into humans still retain their powers?』-I wanted to know everything about this world-

『Today you are very inquisitive, well, normal, it's an unknown world for you』-『In the case of us if we have powers and we can control them perfectly, but some humans who were Pokémons before have a hard time using them again, it's like their abilities were a distant dream, but with a lot of effort and effort, or if they were prodigies ,some proved that they can use their abilities again even being human』-『There are very few, it would be only 8% of those who mutated to human』-Maya explained to me in a simple and easy to understand way-『And don't ask me anything anymore, it's tiring to explain』-With a calm state I was ending my questioning self-

『Ahh....okay.....(Chale, I wanted to ask you about the case of a Pokémon turned human, that has control of its powers, and falls in love with a simple human and they have a child, would it be a Pokémon or a human, or a mixture of the two? I'm curious, I'll keep my doubts.....)』-(●'^`●)A complicated question that Maya was saved from.-

As I was walking guided by Maya, a voice in my mind suddenly heard.

『Follow me....』

『I will guide you..』

『I will explain to you about God and desires』.

A voice was whispering in my mind, restlessness flooding my head.

『You know what.....Ask me another question, I'll answer it, like this silence is uncomfortable.....』-Maya proposed at last-『¿?.....boy....where are you?.....¿M?』

She noticed that M was not with her, she became worried and confused.


『This way....』

『Follow my voice.....』

『Let's have a talk....』

I walked towards the voice, where I heard it the loudest that's where it would have to be, I walked and walked, I thought it might be a trap.....pero.....it's not like I made enemies able to use telepathy.....Jjajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja. (Ŏ艸Ŏ)

I arrived at the place, it was a dead end that was covered by a big steel fence, it was big the place, I had never been here, on top of the fence was someone in white and blue, the first thing I noticed was his white sweatshirt and that white hair that reached below his shoulders.

『You came....』-The girl communicated with her mouth-.

『.....Ahhh.....(this got awkward.....) You were the one who called me right?』-I raised my head so I could look at her-.

『I'm aware of everything. You want to go to God to make your wish to revive your friend』-The girl in white became more intriguing to me-『I am The Pope』-『God's faithful servant』.

『(Faithful servant of God?)(The Pope?)(Is it okay to use the name "The Pope" in this story?)(What did she smoke?)(At least call yourself "The Priest" "Pastor" "Nun" or "Christian" but not The Pope....)』-I didn't understand what this girl was saying-.

『I don't smoke anything and I don't care if I can or can't use those words, The Pope is my name, is that clear to you?』-Her expression didn't change, it was as if she didn't feel anything-

『(Ah.....we are linked by his telepathy) (Whoaaa.....I hope nothing happens to me for using that word.....』-(-.-;)I felt a terror that enveloped my whole body-.

『I am the first one before I meet God and they fulfill their wishes, I examine them first if they are fit』-She was speaking from the top-.

『Examine? 』-I was confused-

『Tell me do you yearn from your heart to fulfill your wish?』-She asked a sudden question-

『Of course I do』-Without hesitation I said it- 『I said it-『What do you wish for?

『How strong and big are they?』-Another emotionless question-

『I can't imagine it, the affection and figures are so big that my imagination alone is not enough to describe it, I'm sorry, that question I can't answer it exactly』-From the bottom of my heart I said those words-

『That question is the least of it. The important thing is how strong you are, will and power, if you meet the requirements, God will receive you with open arms and you will fulfill your wish』-A light shone as she opened her arms, she looked like a deity-

『And how do I prove that?』-I asked as if I were a small child.

『Isn't it clear? You are going to demonstrate your power with me, if you get to hit me in less than 10 min, you will get the pass to see God when you find him, if you don't get to perform it, I will leave you in such a pitiful state that you will wish to die from the pain』-She in spite of not showing feelings,I was flooded with great terror-.

『.....All right, I'll give you the blow and get the pass to fulfill my wish』-With a smile, fist to my chest, I decided to face her-.

Without warning the fight started.

As I finished my sentence she appeared in front of me she gave me a strong punch in the face that sent me slamming into the wall. I did not expect that, she is strong, the gap was big, I felt that my body could not take more, she throws herself at me with ferocity, I dodge it by moving to the right, she had already prepared for this and without delay she hit me with a fist in the stomach, the pain was strong, I was lifted up, she appeared above me, she put her two fists together and hit me in the back. I fell destroying the floor, the crater was small but it showed how strong she was, I could no longer get up, I was completely humiliated.

『Ah, what a pity, I finished your quest just started, what a disappointment , tell me can you still go on?』-She leaned her body to look at me-.

『(Hahahahaha...I don't even know how to use Lucario's skills and I ventured into a fight, my body doesn't respond, I have the will and spirit to go on, but to win a fight you mostly need power.....something I lost over the years)』-My eyes were narrowed, I didn't want to believe that this was happening-.

『You didn't last a minute, you were the biggest embarrassment I've ever faced, I didn't tell you, but, the ones that don't last a minute.....Die』

Hearing that, I felt his murderous aura, remorse and sorrow.

In her fist gathered an air pressure that would pierce through my chest, I was going to be killed by her.

"I won't allow it!』

Maya appeared at the site of the fight.


The pope gave his blow and a loud rumble was heard all over the place, the wind and dust didn't let us see what happened. As it dispersed, it became clear.

『What? .....』

Dad was confused, he doesn't know what happened.

『Hahaha, I resisted your attack just barely』-Maya was excited why-『If I didn't use reflex I'd be finished』.

Maya and M exchanged places, M was safely on the side of the alley, while Maya was the one who received and withstood the blow by protecting herself with her arms.

『So you've already arrived』-Said the attacker unwillingly-.

Maya counterattacked, purple strands of lightning appeared, these were attached to her fingers, Maya stretched and pieces of concrete went to attack El Papa, she subtly dodged and stood on top of the fence again.

『With that being a Lugia』-Maya said looking up.

『A Lugia?』-Me was standing up-.

"Is it hard to tell?』-She turned to look at me.

"You're right...』- I felt like an idiot not knowing it.

『With that it was also true that her servant would show up and challenge you to a fight』-Maya confirming it said so-

『If you knew about this why didn't you tell me!!!』-(ʘдʘ╬) I got upset instantly-.

『I don't mind fighting the 2 of you, if you get to hit me in the remaining minutes, you'll pass, but if not....prepare yourselves for suffering』-There it is again, unfeeling but intimidating-.

Lugia lunged for me without thinking.

『Switch!』-Maya quickly pronounces it.

We changed position again, she was face to face with Lugia, in her palm she prepares a ball of energy that was a Shadow Ball, Lugia dodges it and kicks her in the face, Maya pulls her fingers and pieces of concrete go towards her, Lugia destroys them, in all that, I wanted to take advantage that she was distracted and surprise her, I attacked her with my fist, but she throws it at me instead of me at her. Maya recovers and throws Psychorrayo from her hands, Lugia dodges them easily, as if it was a game. She was going to attack Maya with her fists, Lugia is stopped, Maya was using psychic on her, but she couldn't move her as she was too powerful.

"『Use vacuum wave!』-Maya raised her voice at me in desperation-『At least try to use it!

I knew what I had to do, but learning a technique out of nowhere and without training was getting complicated, but I'm a Lucario, a Riolu knows how to do it in its infancy, I should be able to do it-I'll do it!

Lugia broke free from Maya's psychic and went towards her, Maya used psychic on herself to escape the blow and fly around the place, Lugia ignored him and went for M, Lugia was holding back something that made him not reach M with his fist, Maya was on top of the fence pulling Lugia with some magic threads that were hooked on his back. Lugia was getting closer and closer to M, Maya made a loud and loud scream, pulling Lugia with all her strength. Some concrete are thrown towards Lugia, he destroys them again with his fists, Maya throws a shadow ball at him , Lugia counterattacks with Aeroblast, this causes an explosion that as it vanishes, Maya was in front of Lugia.


A light flooded the place, Lugia was blinded for a few moments.

At that I prepare my punch from below and throw a freshly Novice Vacuum Wave, because of the light I couldn't see well, I threw the punch to the wall, the punch bounced repeatedly around the place and was going to hit Lugia in the back. Lugia realized and dodged the attack, now the blow was going to be hit by Maya.

『*smile* Switch』

4 cm away from being hit with the Empty Wave , Maya switches positions with Lugia and Lugia receives M's attack, it was insignificant the attack and the damage it caused, that even a stuffed animal can cause more damage.

Maya fell to the ground and we looked at Lugia, we had doubts about it,since that could not be considered an attack.

『Passed by』

Lugia who was flying above us said without regret.

『When you find God, you will have the honor and privilege to grant your wish, see you then』.

Without any expression on his face Lugia flew away, The Pope of the God we were about to go to.

Exhausted we fell to the ground, we were tired and wounded, glad for this difficult victory we had, I proposed to Maya that we go back, but she didn't want to for some strange reason, we continued our way limping and out of breath, we reached the forest, Maya said that this was the way to see the God, but that we would stay in this cabin to recover, she seemed happy, she didn't care about her pain in this journey, she wanted to see someone special.

When we knocked on the door , we heard footsteps of someone who was going to open the door for us, when I opened it I saw a girl , a green-haired girl....

『You are....the one in the picture....』

Those were my first words when I saw her, she just gave a smile.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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