
170. Freedom

(3rd POV)

While Azmuth was busy transforming an ordinary, albeit gigantic, robot into a cannon of mass destruction, Gwen and Lex had enough of each other and finished their vulgarity, finally coming to their senses.

- Fuuuhh… It was great… - said naked Gwen, who had regained her skin and ceased to be an Anodite, panting heavily, lying on the bare earth, in a round crater.

- I agree. It was a bit wild, but cool… - said Lex, who was lying next to her, finally regaining his sanity and also regaining his human form.

- Are you okay? - Gwen asked, catching her breath, looking into her boyfriend's eyes with concern.

- Physically, I'm very tired. Magically, completely empty. - Mentally - crushed. - Lex said honestly, closing his eyes.

- Well, it's no wonder you don't have any mana left, since you used so much of it, completely disregarding the expense, scattering it around and destroying the robots. It's good that there are no other problems, considering that you almost became a living bomb. And it must have cost you a lot of physical strength to become Anodite. - Gwen said, trying to be gentle with what she thought was a highly emotionally unstable Lex.

- Perhaps the fault lies with someone else who beat me like a racehorse and asked for more and more… - Lex said with a dirty grin, glancing at Gwen, including for to dispel the oppressive atmosphere that surrounded the girl, due to the fact that she was worried about him.

- If you're joking, then everything is in order. - Gwen said relieved, then pinched Lex's side with a wicked smile and added: - Don't you dare talk about it. I feel awkward. Besides, who's hitting whom here, mister who took the super soldier serum.

- Oi… - Lex exclaimed in pain to satisfy the indignant Gwen, sighed and said: - Touche.

- Hahahaha… - Laughing heartily at Lex's behavior, Gwen exhaled and asked more calmly: - Well, seriously, how are you?

- Eh… bad, of course… - Lex said honestly with a heavy sigh, then adding: - I screwed up again, lost control, almost ruined the entire planet and, worst of all, put you in danger again because of my own mistake, that I swore never to repeat after the Pyrokinesis Tattoo story.

- You do realize that it was just a stupid coincidence and we just couldn't prevent it? - Gwen asked with sympathy, trying to support the guy as much as possible.

- It is rather my own arrogance, temperament and incontinence that are to blame. Well, Azmuth with his grouchy disposition did not improve the situation either, although I myself knew that such a thing was to be expected, and it was just necessary to show restraint. But I was definitely not up to it when I was filled with anger because I admitted that Morgana fell into the trap of the Omnitrix, and again, all because of my greed. Another lesson of fate and a reminder that the world is not a game. - Lex said calmly, having already spent all the emotional fuse earlier.

- I'm not a little girl and I can take care of myself, so you don't have to worry about me all the time. It seems to me that I have already proved it today. You can rely on me in difficult times and stop pushing me away, as you did for the last 24 hours. Perhaps if you had opened up to me more, none of this would have happened. - Gwen said sternly, grabbing Lex by the face.

- You are right, of course. But, it's really hard to do. I'm used to doing everything myself and being a big stone wall that protects my loved ones. I was sure that it would continue like this, and I would always be steadfast, not needing any support. All I wanted was for you, Ashley, Hope, and Grandpa to be safe so that I could always get back to you, while I would solve all the problems myself. - Lex admitted with a sigh.

- That's not how trusting relationships work. They should be equal, and what you describe is more like a dictatorship. - furrowed his brows Gwen said.

- I know. It seems like it's the kid in me who wants to be in control so that everything goes according to his plan, but life doesn't work that way. Apparently, Grandpa was right and I never grew up. Although it seemed to me that I understood these truths a long time ago, they again showed me that I was wrong. - Lex side and closed his eyes.

- I hope the lesson has been learned. - Gwen asked, resting her head on the boy's shoulder.

- If I didn't learn anything new after all that happened, then I would be completely lost, so, yes, lesson learned. I do not promise that I will stop getting into different adventures without you and solving problems on my own, but I promise that if I need your support, even if it is only moral, I will always turn to you. - Lex said with a smile, patting the girl on the head.

- I don't ask for more. - Gwen said with the same smile. but then he added: - - I noticed a tendency that if you move away from us, your relatives, then something bad will definitely happen. So, do not dare to do this again, and if you need help and support, do not even think of doubting, immediately come to us.

- The next time I start to go crazy, I will immediately come to you. - Lex said with a smirk, thinking to himself that Gwen was right.

The last time he got into a fight with Gwen over Hope's presence, the problem was soon revealed to be the Pyrokinesis Tattoo, and that tattoo alone. And now, when, because of the situation with Morgana, because of anger at himself, because of his mistake, he moved away from his loved ones, everything went to hell.

Perhaps this is just a coincidence, but there really is a trend. And when they worked with the whole family against Victor, everything went off without a hitch.

Feels like the world is punishing Lex for his arrogance and is trying to re-educate him so that he stops being so arrogant and begins to perceive this world for real and begins to understand that he cannot cope alone.

Obviously, all these problems are connected with the fact that Lex, although he was reborn in a body, but the mind is still trying to cling to the past, in which he was alone and could not rely on anyone.

Of course, Lex values ​​​​Max very much, and loves Gwen, and Ashley, and Hope, because he is really ready to do anything to protect them, but even now he is trying not to let them get too close to his heart, as he is afraid of pricking himself.

He truly genuinely loves his girls and tries his best to trust them, but getting over himself is incredibly difficult, and some barriers have not been broken.

As much as Lex would not like to believe it, he really is still a vulnerable child, who has not let go of his past, which, even after so many years, continues to influence him. Not in vain, he was never able to accept his new parents, whom he is even afraid to remember, due to the fact that this could hurt his tender feelings.

Obviously, Lex refused to accept and comprehend this, but today's events really helped him open his eyes to this and finally, there was progress, although not significant.

As they say, the first step is to see the problem, and then it will be easier. Our boy began to grow up and understand that the past is in the past and it is worth letting it go, for the sake of the present, which is admittedly beautiful.

And this simple realization, which he had rejected for so long, reduced the burden on his shoulders very much.

'I'm not as perfect as I'd like to think...' - Lex thought as he looked down at his hands, but then clenched his fists with determination, added to himself: 'But, that doesn't mean I can't get better. With this support, I can't give up. I don't want to admit it, but I will make mistakes, and there's nothing to be done about it, such is life. I just need to overcome them and fix everything ...'

- Now, I really see it in your eyes. - Gwen said with a smile.

- Yes, I think I really learned something today. And this lesson I will remember for the rest of my life. - Lex said with a sincere smile when Gwen kissed him with happiness, because her beloved returned and became free from the demons that tormented him.



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The next chapter will be on Monday.

Zeckyll11creators' thoughts
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