
▪| Chapter 18: The Start of the Catastrophe |▪

{Nargia Town: Office of Ninth Hero}

Daiki and El were talking quietly when one of their guards entered.

"Lord ninth! could you follow me!?"Suggestion of the keeper.

"Why, what happened??"Daiki asked.

"The radar of our system has detected strange group of people with a strange power"Keeper answer.

"Is that so, come with us el"Daiki replied.

They immediately went to a private facility that only officials and guards could enter.

{Office Underground: Private Facility}

When Daiki saw what was detected by their radar system. Daiki's eyes suddenly widened then El looked at his grandfather and was surprised by his reaction.

"Why grandpa?, do you know anything"El asked.

"I will never forget that group and their powers!!"Daiki answer.

"What do you mean grandpa??"El asked.

"That is one of the five dangers that happened in our town and I last saw that when the first hero fought until I had that deluge, we fought the fifth danger that caused the death of eight heroes besides me, so it's confusing how that was restored"Daiki said.

"Do you have any plans, grandpa?"El asked.

"The only one that i can think is Feitan,his power are big help on us but its a problem once he started to rumbling"Daiki said.

"Don't worry, I'll take care on Feitan"El replied.

El left and Daiki was left to prepare and plan.

(This Danger is made up of the group called "The Destroyer of the World" this group is the lowest risk. Although they are low but very strong in their power. They are made up of three members who are aboard a strange flying ship)

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