
BTS FF - When you sacrifice your life to save them after an argument

นักเขียน: LW7
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Y/n gets into a deep argument with BTS, later during an earthquake, Y/n sacrifices her life to save BTS and ends up getting caught in the collapsing house. When BTS goes to see her lifeless body for the one last time they find out Y/n is not dead.

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Chapter 1When you sacrificed your life to save them after an argument

*Y/n POV*

Hi! I'm Lee Y/n and the one and only girl member and the rapper + maknae of the famous kpop band group 'BTS'. Being a member of our group and handling the hardships of it with my caring Oppa's, this is the best decision I have ever taken.

It was night and almost dinner time and everyone would've reached home from their practice. I was still at the studio practicing our new dance. I'm the member who always learn things by taking the most time and I don't want it to happen again and again and embarrass our group.

That's when I got a call from Jin Oppa. As soon as I heard the ringtone I set for Jin Oppa I stopped my dance and went to take my phone from the bag.


Y/n: Yes Oppa?

Jin: Yah Y/n are you still practicing this late?!

Y/n: Uh- um yeh I wanted to rehearse our new choreography.

Jin: Don't stay out at late night alone! It's not safe! And you'll catch a cold if things go like this!

Y/n: Oppa Min-ssi (Manager nim) will bring me home like usual and don't worry I have a great tolerance to cold! I will do the practice for some more minutes and I'll reach home soon! Don't worry.

Jin: Okay but only for today. We will eat dinner in 30 minutes so come home soon!

Y/n: Okay bye Oppa!

*End of Call*

After that, I cut the call and sighed. I have been gaining weight more these days because of eating lots of snacks for a few days in a row. I need to starve and go on a strict diet for some days. I even use my free time to go for work-outs. I don't want them to worry about me so I either lie saying I'm meeting a friend or going for something else. They believe me because Min-ssi keeps this a secret and takes me and brings me back home like my bodyguard.

I had to skip this dinner too so I practiced for 40 minutes and went to Min-ssi. He drove me back home like usual and we had a chit-chat during the ride and he comforted me that I'm dancing well and I don't need to stress myself. Soon we reached my home. After thanking him for the ride he went back.

I entered our home with the spare key I had. The moment I opened the door, the maknae line came running to me like usual. Jimin, the caring one took my heavy bag from my hand. Jungkook, being the annoying maknae he was, started telling me about how he finished the last slice of pizza and kept nothing left for me.

On the other hand, Taehyung the calm guy just closed the door and stood next to us. I entered inside and saw everyone else in the living room. Yeontan, the only pet who lives with us came running to me and caressed my legs.

Jin: Yah! You told me you will come soon! Look how late you are young lady! Now go, freshen up and have your food!

Y/n: My food? There's food for me?

Jimin: Of course! Do you want to starve or what?

Jimin said and went upstairs probably to keep my bag in my room. Isn't he such an angel!

Y/n: Yeah...I did want to starve...

I mumbled to myself and went upstairs.

Taehyung: Finish your bath fast ok? Today is a movie night!

Jungkook: He meant don't bath long like usual...LIKE AN ELEPHANT!

Jungkook shouted making me chuckle. I went back to my room and as I expected my bag was there. I took my phone out of it and checked my messages.

There was a new message from Min-ssi, he asked if I could call him when I am free. So I went into the bathroom, took a quick shower, and called him.


Y/n: Hello?

Min-ssi: Oh hey Y/n, I wanted to give you a surprise...

Y/n: Omo- a piece of good news? What is it??

Min-ssi: You wanted to do a solo song for so long right? I thought...if you do a solo, featuring Taehyun from TXT, wouldn't it be great? What do you think?

Y/n: Taehyun? Sure! My long-awaited dream is going to be fulfilled! My first solo!

Min-ssi: If you are interested in starring him, then I will arrange a meet-up for the three of us tomorrow. And as usual, I will pick you up and bring you back. Is it ok?

Y/n: Okay! Perfect! I'm not telling Oppa's about it now...after fixing the song in tomorrow's meet-up I will tell them this as a surprise. They will be really happy!

Min ssi: Great so tomorrow is a Second Saturday and it's a free day for you both so I will pick you at 10 am and we can meet at...XxX cafe? Do you know that café? It's a V.I.P café and it's near too!

Y/n: Okay then-

*Jin Yells from downstairs 'Y/n-ah aren't you done yet?'*

Y/n: Oppa, see you at 10 tomorrow, Jin Oppa is calling for dinner. Bye, Good Night!

Min-ssi: Okay Bye!

*End Of OTP*

Y/n: I'm coming!

I yelled back and ran downstairs, I went and sat on the dining table and there was my favorite pizza heated and kept for me.

The aroma of the pizza kept my mouth watering. Just for one night, I should ignore my diet, I thought as I started eating it since the others had already eaten. As I was going to eat the last slice of my pizza, Jungkook came and started sniffing it with amused eyes.

Y/n: What?

Jungkook: This looks excellent and yummy...

He said and took the last piece and started eating it like I was never there.

Y/n: Yah Jungle Book what the hell are you doing? That's my piece!

Jungkook: Oh shut up this is the revenge for waking me up by throwing water on me today!

He said and backed away and laughed like a psycho showing me a look of satisfaction every time he took a bite from the last piece.

Y/n: How dare you-

Jungkook: Oh yeah watchu gonna do watchu gonna do?

He said singing the lines from 'Chicken Noodle Soup' making me more annoyed.

Jungkook: Are you gonna call for help 'JiN OpPa JUngKOOkIE POoKIe iS EatINg MY piZzA'?

He said imitating a pig voice and oinking at the end of his lines. I just walked to that muscle bunny and hit the pizza box on his head hardly that it made a hole into his head and now is on his neck like a necklace.

Y/n: Hmm Strong head, I see

I said and ran away to the gaming room and locked it from inside. Taehyung and Jimin were already in it and started laughing knowing that the never-ending fight between me and Jungkook had started again.

*Time Skip- Next day*

I woke up late today and since it was a holiday for us Jin Oppa didn't wake me up early. It was 9 am now when I remembered Min-ssi will be here any moment after 9:30. I quickly went to freshen up and wore:

A simple yet cute dress...Brothers approved! Oppa's won't let me wear too short dresses even at concerts until Min-ssi gives them a big lecture after I follow him everywhere to help me.

Usually, I am easily recognizable with free-kept hair or ponytails so when I go out I make sure to tie my hair in a bun and wear a bucket hat over it and cover myself with a scarf. I did the same today too, wore my mask and glasses which will help me hide my face from people.

I packed my handbag with some essential stuff for my safety and my phone and the spare key to our home. I went downstairs where the breakfast was just being made.

Jin: Damn Y/n you woke early on a Saturday! This is some rare stuff to see! And are you....going somewhere?

Y/n: Hehe yes I'm going to meet a friend and don't worry Min-ssi is there with me the whole time for my safety. I even took my safety stuff see!

I said and showed my handbag to him so he will not call the others for a big questioning.

Jin: Hm but who are you going to meet? This is the 3rd time this week you are going to meet a "friend"

Y/n: U-um Jieun unnie! And some of her friends...I will tell you later like a....mini surprise?!

Jin: You look so happy. Anyways...I'm trusting you since your not like the troublesome maknae boys... Come before noon ok? And eat breakfast and go.

Y/n: No it's almost 10, Min-ssi messaged me he's just 2 mins away from us a while ago so ill just take this!

I said and took a piece of a sandwich before running to the door to wear my shoes when there was a car horn from outside.

Y/n: Oh! Min-ssi is here! Bye Oppa see you soon!

Jin: Wait- Aish this kid!

I ran out before Jin Oppa could complain anything. I entered the car to see a smiling Min-ssi. He started the car and drove off.

Min-ssi: Good Morning! Let me guess...woke up late like usual and skipped breakfast so you took a small piece of sandwich and now it is crumbled at the end of your lips?

I looked at the rearview mirror and dusted the mayonnaise and crumbled part of the sandwich from my lips.

Y/n: Omo- thankyou for reminding Min-ssi and right guess as usual!

I said and pointed my index fingers at him and winked like Jin Oppa does, in a way like Min-ssi won a lottery for answering right.

Even if he told me to call him by his name because we both behave like children of the same age I still call him Min-ssi for the respect he deserved.

Soon we reached the café. The bodyguards knew who we were before Min-ssi could take his reservation out. So they let us in and closed the doors. I stood behind Min-ssi since there were many people in the café, some looked like CEOs for a meeting while some were just normal but rich people coming for a good time

The table at the end was booked for us. Taehyun was already there. We apologized for being late but after we introduced ourselves to each other we started chatting informally. After some time I was getting bored because the 2 boys were talking for the last 10 minutes about why the Hybe industry should do a song for the lonely frogs out in the sun, I ordered a pudding for myself.

I removed my mask and scarf to eat the pudding while looking at every single person at the café when Min-ssi said he had to go to Hybe for just a few minutes and Taehyun and I should use that time to discuss my new solo. After saying that Min-ssi will be back in 20 minutes to continue the chat and send me off, he left to Hybe for an emergency.

While eating my pudding we started talking about the song.

Taehyun: Yes that's nice and we can also include some weird noises in between like a snake hiss? And then your continuous rap with a perfect beat!

Y/n: Omo! You read my mind! Exactly! And after that comes your part where you can do the vocals!

I said and noted down all the points we were saying. We were lost in finding the perfect tune and beat and lines of our new song when we started hearing loud shouts from outside.

Y/n: Huh what is it outside?

I said and peeked through the windows and saw a view which made my eyes widen.


I stood up and took a clear view of the situation. There was a lot of paparazzi and fans outside! One of them saw me and all started running towards the window I was at. I backed away to our table and wore my sunglasses, scarf, and mask back.

Taehyun: What happened?

Y/n: We need to get out of here! Fast! There are fans and paparazzi outside!

Taehyun also stood up and wore his mask and kept the note we were writing on, back in his bag. He wore his bag and said,

Taehyun: We can't wait for Min Hyung to come and take you back, what about I pay one of the guards here to take you back safely?

Y/n: Oh Okay Thankyou

He said and went to the manager of the place and called one of the bodyguards and left through the back exit before the Paparazzi could get into the café. The bodyguards at the front door tried blocking them but some did get in. Before anyone caught us, both of us each went with a bodyguard back to our homes. On the way back home I tried calling Min-ssi but his phone was off.

Y/n: Aish why now itself his phone is off! Anyway, I escaped! That was a close call! I hope no one saw us...

I checked my phone and there were lots of rumors of both of us dating, some negative comments, and some supportive ones. I looked at my battery and it was 24% because I was playing games on it when I was bored. I off my phone and just closed my eyes until I reached home.

*Time skip- 10 minutes later*

I was home and after thanking the guard who sent me off home safely, I entered the home but to my surprise, no one came to welcome me. I didn't mind that but whenever I come home alone or late, either the Hyung line or the Maknae line will come and check on me and help me in. Not even Yeontan was coming to me, probably it was his nap time.

I walked inside after removing my shoes. All except Yeontan were sitting in the living room, the food was set on the table but it had gone cold. Didn't they eat their lunch? They were supposed to eat it like 30 mins ago!

They sat there without any movement looking down with a serious face...What are they doing?

Y/n: Oppa's? Why didn't you eat?

No one replied to me nor even looked at me.

Y/n: Oppa's? Opps? Why aren't you all talking to me?

Namjoon: Stop it Y/n we know where you have been sneaking off these days and nights!

Y/n: Huh-

Suddenly Jungkook looks at me with a scary glare and showed me his phone. It was a picture of me...but with a boy back facing in the pic.

Jungkook: Who's this?

Y/n: I- I don't know- this must be fake!

He swiped the pic and showed me another pic of me with Taehyun from TXT, we both were practicing our new choreography in it. He swiped again and there were many more pics. Someone secretly took pictures of me practicing from last night and edited Taehyun into it.

Y/n: No- this is fake I was alone last night in the practice!

Jimin: Then where were you earlier saying you had to meet a "friend"?!

Y/n: Ok I know I lied! But I actually went to discuss an important thing with...Taehyun...I didn't want ya'll to be concerned about me so I lied that I was with Jieun unnie...

Jungkook sighed and again swiped the picture and it was of today's when we were talking about our solo. My face was perfectly clear in it and also Taehyun's since we were maskless at that point. All of the other pics of last night weren't true it's definitely fake! Only the ones of today are real!

Y/n: Oppa I swear! Only the pictures of today are real and this is the first time I am meeting him!

Jin: Enough Y/n look at the news!

Jin said and on the T.V news channel,

News: The rapper and maknae, Lee Y/n of the worldwide popular band, BTS, has been caught at a café with Taehyun, from TXT. It is been said that they have been dating for months and some even say Lee Y/n is pregnant! This shocking news is being spread all over the world. Some even caught CCTV footage of Y/n in a baby clothing shop. All of this has convinced that Lee Y/n might be pregnant and dating Taehyun. For the last few minutes, Hybe has been receiving death threats for Y/n and-

Before the news could continue, Namjoon Oppa pulled the plug of the T.V and just sighed in utter disappointment.

Jin: Last night when I was cleaning your room I saw a pair of baby clothes....what does that mean?? Did it magically appear too?!

I bought those baby clothes while shopping in mall because I found them too cute and adorable. It had no other reason behind it.

Y/n: Oppa I just-

Namjoon: NO NEED TO CONVINCE US NOW Y/N! Atleast you could've said it to us! I thought we were your brothers!..

Y/n: Oppa No ITS FAKE NEWS! Taehyun is just my new friend! And I just met him alone today for the first time!

Hoseok: Just tell us Y/n how many months is the kid.....Or let me guess..you can't even tell us that?

He said with a shaky voice. My tears were already rolling down my face. I went to hug Hoseok Oppa who is on the verge of crying but he just backed away when I went near him and it broke my heart.

Taehyung: Y/n...we have been getting many pictures of you with him for a month and all this time we trusted you and ignored those pics....guess we shouldn't have done it. We just thought it was some fans shipping you both but...

He said and gave a sad chuckle.

Y/n: O-Oppa please believe me I am telling the truth we went to discuss a solo song and this is the first time we ever met. All those news are fake and so are the dating and pregnancy rumors!

Before I could continue my sentence I felt a sudden stinging pain in my cheek and I fell to the floor. Jimin.. slapped me? My tears started rolling down. Only my loud sobs and sniffs could be heard in the room.

Jimin: Why should we even believe you...You broke our trust Y/n...Even if we ignored all those fake messages we got, and now this...DID YOU NEVER TAKE US AS YOUR BROTHERS? WERE WE NOTHING FOR YOU?

I could only sob in silence hearing the false accusations. Even if I did meet Taehyun today and I did buy those baby clothes a few days ago, it has no connection.

Jimin smiled through pain and picked me up, looking at my face which was a crying mess, and said,

Jimin: Guess we were actually nothing to you...

Y/n: *Sobs* Oppa please understa-

Before I could continue my sentence there was a sudden jolt around the house and all of us fell. Everything kept shaking and the glasses started to break. I closed my ears because of all these painful words and now this, I couldn't handle it anymore.


Everyone quickly ran under the table but I just closed my eyes trying to stop the tears from flowing down my face. My both hands were tightly gripped around my ears. I sobbed harder using the chance of the loud noises of breaking glasses.

That's when I felt someone pick me up. I opened my eyes and Jungkook brought me under the table. Soon itself the earthquake became stronger and more powerful. Hiding under the table didn't work, the house started to collapse.

Jin: W-we need to get out of the house! It's falling apart!

They got out of the table trying to find a way out of the house. I stood behind the motionlessly, silently sobbing. I looked up to dry my tears when I saw the fan was slowly coming down and its wires were one by one breaking, making it almost fall. Only 2 more wires were holding the fan from falling. It was just above the boys' head.

Y/n: N-NO- MOVE-!

I said as I ran to them and pushed them away but instead fell under the fan.


Before he could complete his sentence the big fan fell on top of me. I closed my eyes at that pain. It fell on me. Even if it hurts like hell, I ended up fighting my physical pain and stood up. I pushed the boys to the door.

Y/n: Please g-go-

They kept on stopping me from pushing them and came to check my wound and caress me but it isn't the right time. One part of the ceiling fell down with a loud thud next to the door.

Y/n: Y-You need to GO!!

I said crying harder. I pushed them all one by one out of the door. The fallen ceiling made it hard to cross the door. They needed to jump across.

Namjoon: Y/n stop helping us! Your f.cking BLEEDING!

Y/n: I will go out but PLEASE! first, you all should go!

I lied, I had to convince them to leave first. They are more important than me. After pushing everyone out of the house, they all shouted to me to come out but I just smiled and ran back inside the home.


Yeontan....he's still inside...I ran to Taehyung's room and saw Yeontan panicking in the room because the door was closed and the ceiling was falling. The moment I opened the door he came and ran to me. Even if it hurts, I stood up with Yeontan in my hands who was now half red because of my blood. My stomach region was bleeding.

I took him back to the entrance door and made him climb through the fallen ceiling to outside. Taehyung hugged Yeontan the moment he came out. But before I could climb, I fell down due to the extreme pain in my ribs region. I held my chest once more before trying to get up only to hear a breaking sound above me.

*A/n POV*

Before Y/n could climb and escape out of the house, the ceiling broke and so did the whole house on top of her. She was trapped inside and the house broke down on top of her. Soon Fire Fighters and ambulance came to the rescue.

*Time Skip- At the Hospital*

Doctor: Sorry sir, she couldn't make it...

BTS were a crying mess after they heard the doctor. They were in the Seoul hospital. One of the biggest earthquakes ever happened in Korea was recorded today and it was also the reason for Y/n's death. She was badly injured after helping others get out alive and safe while she sacrificed herself for them.

Jimin: D-doctor...can we see her for the one last time. Please?

Jimin broke out in front of the doctor almost begging him for permission to meet Y/n.

Doctor: Yes, she will be kept in the freezer within 10 minutes, you can meet her for the time being.

Soon enough all of the boys ran inside the ER room. Y/n was there on the bed with many strings attached to her lifeless body. Her body was badly injured. Seeing this sight almost everyone had to close their eyes which were filled with tears.

The youngest, Jungkook who spent the most time with her fighting walked towards her body and placed his hands on top of hers.

Jungkook: Y/n-ah *sob* Please come back...I swear I won't fight with you just PLEASE! come back!

The elders who saw Jungkook yelling at the top of his lungs for Y/n to come back, went to him and tried to confront him with the truth.

Hoseok: Kook-ah she's no more...our princess in no more *sniff*

Jungkook just hugged Y/n's hand,cuddling it, mumbling 'this is all a nightmare please it's just a nightmare, wake me up please'. They heard a thud behind them when they saw Taehyung had fainted.

Taehyung was given medical attention, he had walked around all this time while he had internal bleeding.

Everyone left the room except Jungkook. Some were with Taehyung while some were in calls with Y/n's family.

Jungkook, still holding Y/n's hand looked at the reports of her which were next to him. She was not pregnant and probably she was saying the truth that she was not dating Taehyun. Jungkook couldn't handle it anymore and held both of Y/n's hands, begging her for apology and for her to return and hit him and call him a coconut head like she used to.

Soon he felt Y/n's fingers wrapping around his pinky. First, he thought it was just his illusion but she did it again, Jungkook was happy and surprised at the same time. He yelled for the doctors for help. It was a miracle, Y/n was alive. She fought for her loved ones and returned alive.

*5 months later*

MC: The most awaited moment is here. The results for the winner of the Seoul Music Awards go to...' Forbidden ' by Lee Y/n of BTS, starring Kang Tae Hyun of TXT. Congratulations!

Claps and shouts from ARMY's and MOA were heard around the hall, Y/n and Taehyun climbed the stage to receive their trophy and to give the speech. In the last 5 months, Y/n healed herself mentally and physically and wrote her solo song with Taehyun with her whole heart and received the appreciation she deserved. BTS apologized to Y/n and they are back to their happy family without secrets life. The pregnancy and dating rumors ended. Y/n also wrote a song for the souls who left Korea the same day she almost died, due to the massive earthquake occurred.

"You are too young to let the world break you" ~Kim Taehyung


Fanfiction Different Sex Story

(Not Only FanFiction Novel) In this entire book, you will find different kinds of stories, and sometimes you will find extreme stories like. Ntr, Underage, •Massage To The Arthur• I give credit to the original author in every story, first and last chapter. If any author wants to delete their story, they can reach out to me via message. abubokker85@mbox.re Discord: @abubokker READ THIS::: I'll upload a story that I find interesting. In case you are the author of any story. If you want to delete this story, you can reach out to me. I still haven't read some of the story. I'm uncertain about whether the story will be posted on Extreme or NTR. Feel free to leave a comment on the title to let others know. HOW CHECK ARTHUR OFFICIAL PAGE And If people wanted to search original link You can search like this you will get result. On GOOGLE Search Type first website name Then novel name ( literotica Brain Control Enterprises ) Done Tags. Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Cheating, MILFs, Underage Sex, Casual Sex, Incest, Cosplay, Orgy, Free-Use, Public Sex, Female Submissive, Hypnosis, Incest, Male Dominant, Mind Control, Oral, piss drinking, Bestiality, Angels, Rough Sex, Deepthroating, Beating, Face Slapping, Spanking, Incest, Mother, Teacher, Humiliation, Marriage, Master/Slave, Pregnant Sex, Aunt, human toilet, Image Credits: Calibrer •••Important Message To Readers••• 1. The act of uploading a novel from the original Arthur and pretending to be its original novel is called a copycat. Ans. I give credit to the original author and also inform others that it is not my own work. So It's possible for people to check out the original story of Arthur. For instance, a large number of people in the webnovel app upload without giving credit. And I also mention the original website. 2. You make lots of money by uploading novel? Ans.: I do not earn money from uploading this. The reason I uploaded this story is because I like this type of story. And I give original credit to Arthur because if people want to give money or something they can just message on their Patreon. So if Arthur want to delete their story they can reach out to me. 3. Why do I upload paid content for free on Webnovel? Ans. All the stories that I upload are available for free. Arthur makes money from their Patreon account.

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