

When Nami got to the battle area, she was stunned silly. There was blood everywhere with unconscious people littered around.

Usopp was covered in debris, glue, and webs, completely knocked out.

Chopper was unconscious in a pit.

Zoro was knocked out on the ground with his swords still out.

Sanji was unconscious on his knees, holding his stomach with a grin on his face.

Smoker was face down on the ground with white eyes and blood leaking from his mouth.

Crocodile was laying down with his mouth wide open and blood all over his face in a destroyed building.

Luffy was face down at the edge of a pit.

She ran over and looked at Thirteen on his back with his chains on, unconscious with his eyes wide open, in a pool of blood and still bleeding.

Nami didn't know what to do and looked around, shouting "Help!" Tashigi ran over and looked at everything before running to Smoker and shaking him, saying anxiously "Smoker-san! Smoker-san!"

Smoker grunted and said weakly "Crocodile… Cuff him… hurry…" Tashigi looked over and ran to Crocodile, slamming seastone cuffs on him before breathing a sigh of relief. She cuffed his legs too and said "Someone, get him to a ship!"

Marines came to pick him up and he only woke up when he was on the ship, realizing his situation, he roared "YOU FUCKING MARINE! WE HAD A DEAL! BASTARD!"

Tashigi ignored him and continued to get Smoker as Marines flooded the area, pointing guns at each of the crew members with an entire group of them aiming at Thirteen. Tashigi said "Cuff them."

But, Smoker struggled to stand as he said "Stop. Let them go, they saved the country. Only take the Mink." Nami stood in front of Thirteen and held her arms out, saying "No! You can't! I won't let you!" she took out her baton which had strange blue orbs on it.

Smoker looked at her and said "You…" before coughing up blood and falling unconscious again. The Marines started approaching Thirteen and Nami, who swung her staff. Little bubbles came out and merged together, creating clouds that started striking lightning down.

She attacked the baton in a different variation and rain started falling before she changed it again and everything started getting blurry and misty. The marines were shocked and started getting electrocuted as Nami ran around in the misty mirage, hitting them with her baton.

As she was swinging her baton around, the Alabasta Military came in. Vivi was holding White in her arms and looked to her side, whispering "Grab the Pirates in the confusion." Pell nodded and moved with a small group as the army flooded the scene, blocking the Marines' view.

Pell and his small group dragged Sanji, Zoro, Usopp, Luffy, and Chopper away.

Nami spun her baton and the mist started getting thicker as Tashigi shouted "Grab the Mink, forget about her!" The marines started walking to the pit, but found nothing.

In reality, they were walking away and still on flat ground.

Nami crouched down to Thirteen and slapped him lightly, saying quietly "Thirteen! Thirteen! Wake up! We gotta go!" Thirteen's eyes focused back and he looked at Nami, but she was extremely blurry.

He started having little visions and muttered "Mother…?"

Nami's pupils shrank and she shouted "DOCTOR!" Vivi heard the shout and gasped, jumping off Caroo, running to Nami's voice. She slid down the pit and came to Thirteen, shouting "Come! Bring him to the Palace, immediately!"

Soldiers came down one after the other along with Pell.

They grabbed Thirteen and tried to lift him barely being able to. Pell grabbed Thirteen in his full Zoan form and flapped as hard as he could with his wings, levitating Thirteen into the air slightly.

Soldiers got under Thirteen and started carrying him again as a group as Pell continued to pull him upwards with all his strength.

Nami followed them and waved her baton, keeping up the mirage as the entire group escaped.

A while later

In the Palace infirmary~

Chopper was the first one awake and immediately went to help everyone else. He bandaged Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and Luffy before going to work on Thirteen, he was stunned silly by the wounds.

But he started round the clock work on him, the procedure lasted for 8 hours and the small doctor collapsed in exhaustion afterwards.

The next day~

Chopper woke up and checked on Thirteen to see that he had stabilized and was healing very quickly. It would still take a long time to fully heal but he wasn't in danger of death anytime soon.

The rest of the crew was still unconscious and Chopper left the Palace with his doctor bag after hearing what happened.

Chopper ran through the ruins of Alubarna until he reached the pier. He looked at the Marine ship and waved down a Marine, who looked at him strangely. Chopper said "Hello! I heard your captain was injured? I'm a doctor." The Marine looked at his friend and said "Nah. What's a reindeer doing here." the other marine added "Why can it talk?"

Chopper was stunned and morphed into his human form, punching the Marines flying before reverting and running onto the Marine ship. The Marines were stunned and attacked Chopper, who held his hat and jumped around, dodging their weapons as he made his way through the Marine ship, shouting "Hello!? Where's the injured Captain?!"

Tashigi looked outside a room and gawked at the group of marines chasing a little reindeer with a hat. She got outside and shouted "What's going on?!" The Marines shouted quickly "Lieutenant! This reindeer can talk! It thinks it's a doctor but it beat up 2 guys!"

Tashigi was stunned and Chopper slid under her legs, saying "Sorry!" before scurrying into the room and slamming the door. He looked at Smoker on the bed and jumped up, he looked at the bandages and clicked his tongue "Awful."

He laid down his bag and started treating Smoker.

A while later

Chopper swiped his forehead with his hoof and smiled as he started packing up his things. He turned around and jumped off the bed but strangely, he didn't land on the ground.

Chopper was confused as he floated in the air and muttered to himself "I can fly? Is this a hidden ability!?" before getting excited and putting his hands forward as if he could actually fly.

He started moving and laughed "I CAN FLY!" but his body was listening to him and he flew directly in front of Smoker's face. Chopper's face froze as he noticed Smoker holding him up in the air.

Then he started sweating.

Sweating real bad.

Smoker looked at him and said "What are you doing?" Chopper started stuttering "Y-Y-Y-Y-You w-were injured, so-so-so-so-" Smoker shouted "GET TO THE POINT!" Chopper started crying as he said "I WAS TRYING TO TREAT YOUR WOUNDS! WAAAH! PLEASE DON'T LOCK ME UP!"

Smoker ignored the crying reindeer in his hands and looked at his bandages, they were very neat and professional. He even felt a bit better already! He looked back at Chopper before dropping him to the floor and rolling to his side.

Chopper landed on his but and bounced twice before looking at Smoker with teary eyes. Smoker grunted "I'm suddenly sleepy. Don't run away." Chopper grabbed his doctor's bag and tiptoed to the window before leaving the room, saying "Thanks, Smoke-man! Stay in bed for a few days and don't do any exercise, or your wounds will get worse!"

Smoker grunted and went to sleep as the door to his room was busted open. Tashigi walked in, standing in front of the battering ram as he said "Where's the reindeer?!" Smoker sighed as the veins on his forehead started to bulge.

He really needed a vacation…

As Chopper escaped from the Marines and ran back to the Palace, Thirteen was in a completely white space.

He turned his head around before freezing completely as he mumbled in disbelief "M-Mommy?!"

Next chapter