
Don Krieg Pirates Attack

Before they got back into the restaurant, a piece of debris flew out and Don Krieg appeared, grinding his teeth and muttering "Damn bastard, when I get back to the Grandline, I'll show him!" he got up and pointed at Zeff and the rest, saying "Give me your ship!"

Zeff just looked at him and Don Krieg shouted "NOW!" as his armor opened up, revealing guns everywhere. Luffy turned to Zeff and said "Hey, old man." Zeff looke at him and grunted while Luffy grinned and said "If I beat him, can I take Thirteen and Sanji?" Zeff blinked before laughing and replying "Sure!"

Luffy grinned and grabbed his arm, turning around, looking at Krieg, who smirked and said "What do you think it takes to conquer the East Blue, Monkey boy?" Luffy ran at him and shouted "Who cares, I just need to pulverize you!"

Don Krieg clicked his tongue and said "Brains." as he pulled off a shoulder plate and held it like a shield, shooting a canister of gas at the chefs behind Luffy. The gas was poisonous and Don Krieg pirates jumped out from the sea with gas masks on before attacking the chefs.

Sanji was kicking pirates around until Gin snuck up from behind him and whacked him over the head with a baton. Sanji turned around and said "Why?" Gin looked away and said "You don't know what the Don's like. I don't have a choice, I'm sorry."

Thirteen looked around and swung his chain around above his head fast enough to blow the poisonous smoke away, relieving the chefs and Sanji, who started fighting back against the pirates.

Thirteen turned to Luffy, who said "Don't worry about me. Shishishi!" While Krieg looked at the situation and shouted "Pearl!"

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a giant man jumped out of the water and smashed down two shields, with big pearls in the middle of them, on Thirteen's head.

Thirteen sidestepped the shield smash and jumped back, perching on a railing floating in the sea. The man destroyed the platform Thirteen was standing on and stood up, grinning "You're fast. It's a shame you met me!"

Thirteen watched as the man did a pose and said "When they talk about the stunning, invincible Pearl of Don Krieg, they're talking about me!" The nearby Don Krieg pirates cheered "Pearl-san!"

Pearl did a pose, he was wearing a giant metal suit that looked like shields but for some reason, they all had pearls in the middle of them. He then said "It's a shame! You may be fast, but I AM INVINCIBLE! Hohohohohohoho!"

Thirteen tilted his head at Pearl and unfurled his chains before pouncing at Pearl, whipping his chains at Pearl's arms and pulling himself towards Pearl, throwing his knee at Pearl's head, only for Pearl to tilt his head down and block it with another shield hat.

Thirteen back flipped away as Pearl stumbled back several steps and shook his head.

Pearl looked up at Thirteen with bloody teeth and said "You've angered me! Face the wrath of Fire Pearl!" as he charged at Thirteen with all his shields engulfed in blue-ish white flames.

Thirteen dodged, thinking it was a devil fruit, but how would that be possible? He jumped out of the water just before. Fortunately for him, Pearl answered his thoughts "When I ignite myself, I never lose!"

Thirteen realized he was being fooled and stopped running, Pearl smashed down his shields but Thirteen side stepped them before he 'hardened' his entire leg and swung it with all his strength at the pearl in the middle of Pearl's front shield.

The fires immediately went out as the shield cracked and exploded to pieces, Pearl was sent flying but Thirteen threw out his chain and wrapped it around Pearl's arm before pulling him back and cocking his other arm, 'hardening' it as he punched Pearl in the face, blowing a hole through the platform and kicking up a huge water spout.

Thirteen pulled on his chain and swung it back around his arm before looking at his shirt and noticing all the holes and burn marks. He ripped his shirt off his torso and revealed his upper body to everyone.

He walked away from the wreckage and the Don Krieg pirates shouted "PEARL-SAN!" before jumping into the water to go save him. Thirteen walked towards the battle, grabbing pirates and smashing them into the ground as he walked.

Some of them died instantly while others we're… less fortunate.

Nevertheless, Thirteen made his way back to Zeff and sat down next to him, crossing his legs as he watched Luffy fight Don Krieg.

Zeff looked at him and said "So. What happened to you?" Thirteen looked at him and he added "Kinda went crazy before." Thirteen looked back at the fight and replied "I don't really know." Zeff stayed silent and patted his head, Thirteen watched Luffy fight as he thought about it.

What really was that? Was the voice in his head a real person? Who was it? Another him?

As he thought about these complicated things, Luffy got caught in a net and was falling fast but managed to grab Don Krieg with his feet and spin him, slamming him into the debris, knocking him out for good.

Unfortunately, he fell into the water…

Thirteen moved to stand up, when Sanji jumped into the water and dived in for Luffy. Thirteen sat back down and looked at his legs again.

He couldn't understand why he kept moving without thinking. He was 100% sure that it wasn't the voice in his head, so then the question was, what was it?

He couldn't understand it for now and decided to figure it out later. For now… He looked at his pants and shoes before getting up and going inside to change.

When he came back out, he was wearing shorts that ended a little bit past halfway down his thigh, and nothing else. His muscles, scars, and brand were on full display and were a little intimidating. Even his legs were muscular, not a single part of his body had any wasted room. It was the perfect ratio of muscle to fat for a fighting machine.

He looked at Sanji and Luffy before turning his head to the fleeing Krieg pirates, or rather what was left of them. Luffy popped up from the ground and grinned, laughing "I told you it was no problem! Shishishishishishi!"

Sanji smirked, Zeff smiled, and Thirteen blinked before Luffy fell to his back and shouted "I'M HUNGRY!" Sanji clicked his tongue and returned to the restaurant along with Zeff and the other chefs, leaving Luffy and Thirteen outside.

Yosaku ran inside and left them alone. He was still a bit scared of Thirteen, but he would never say anything about it… At least not to Thirteen's face.

Thirteen walked over to Luffy and looked at his wounds, Luffy just grinned and Thirteen shook his head saying "Why did you get hit so many times." Luffy chuckled and said "It was fun! That guy was tricky." before turning to Thirteen and giving him a thumbs up, adding "Nice kick!"

Thirteen nodded at him and pulled him up before bringing him to the restaurant as Luffy chattered on about meat.

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