
BAB 132

Amid the cheers of the home fans, Bryoan Russell walked towards the free-throw line with a face full of hatred.

Currently Taking advantage of this dead ball opportunity, Robert Horry took the time to communicate with Shaquille O'Neal.

"Get the ball, Shaq, I'll have a great chance with you on the pitch!"

Using words like that, Robert Horry had already done his best to contain his emotions.

"Why do people in this team like to blame me so much, I know how to win games!"

At the Los Angeles Lakers, everyone knows that Michael Udin has the best relationship with Kobe Bryant and Robert Horry.

Shaquille O'Neal certainly ignored Robert Horry's accusations about the way he played.

Shaquille O'Neal didn't even look directly at Robert Horry.

"If I play well, it will impact Odin's status and objectively reduce Odin's role.

If you pass the ball to me he won't help, think the pros and cons for yourself! "

Knowing that Shaquille O'Neal's emotions had reached a dead end, Robert Horry could only guide this stubborn big man in a different way.

"Guess what Robert and Shaq said?"

After being utterly disappointed in the outcome, Magic Johnson simply focused all his attention on these side-by-side things.

"I think Robert must have been trying to persuade Shaq to move the ball, and now the Utah Jazz's defensive strategy is very clear and very determined.

As long as Shaq shares the ball with his team-mates, the Lakers will get some good perimeter shots."

It has to be said that Kareem still knows the Lakers players very well.

"I guess! Robert also complained that he came to Los Angeles from Phoenix and things weren't much better!

The Suns also qualified for the playoffs, and the Lakers were just a second-round tour!

Ha ha ha ha! "

After speaking, Magic Johnson himself laughed first. The way he explained it, I laughed, everyone is free!

Shaq had to admit that Robert Horry's rhetoric was still very interesting.

Brian Russell made free throws with ease, and most players were more accurate with the ball under the watchful eye of the home crowd.

Of course, Bryon Russell is no exception!

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that Robert Horry had a point. Shaquille O'Neal starts his third ball in this game!

Seeing Shaquille O'Neal's performance, the Utah Jazz players sighed that Coach Jerry Sloan's predictions were indeed good!

The Utah players unanimously decided that Shaq is on top at the moment, and now is the perfect opportunity to double the team!

Just when everyone thought that O'Neal's big shark was going solo again, he slid the ball out!

The unmarked Robert Horry doesn't hesitate to throw the ball!

This jump shot straight after the catch is Robert Horry's favorite rhythm! The ball is holed into the net!

"Look Shaq, if I keep playing like this, Odin will be kicked out of the team next season!"

After the goal, Robert Horry shouted at Shaq as he pulled back.

"Concentrate on the game!"

It's okay to whisper now, and Robert Horry really isn't afraid of being caught by reporters when he screams like this.

Utah Jazz strike, Karl Malone misses a mid-range jumper!

Shaquille O'Neal and Greg Ostertag compete for rebounds together, and Shaq hits a backcourt rebound on the opponent's head!

It can be seen from this rebound grabbing that today's big shark is really going to come out!

After grabbing a backcourt rebound, Shaquille O'Neal hands the ball and runs to the frontcourt!

This time, with Shaquille O'Neal's low post singles, Karl Malone's doubles team hesitated!

Shaq took advantage of this gap and picked out Greg Ostertag with a small throw!

Finally opened today, Shaquille O'Neal roared, venting the depression in his heart!

The Energy Solutions Arena also booed very cooperatively. I don't know who made the Jazz fans scream,

"Shaq wants to swap Odin!"

"Shaq wants to swap Odin!"

"Shaq wants to swap Odin!"

"Shaq wants to swap Odin!"

"Shaq wants to swap Odin!"

"Shaq wants to swap Odin!"

However, the slogans of the fans are no longer loud, and today it can be considered a stalemate with the Utah Jazz during the opening period.

Robert Horry scored six straight points in the opening game. First, he stabilized the situation. Second, his three-pointer also involved a lot of focus on the opponent's defense, which greatly eased the situation for Shaq who was fighting alone in the interior. .

With 4 minutes remaining in the first quarter, both teams have a wide area of ​​personnel rotation!

Michael Udin and Eddie Jones replaced Shaquille O'Neal, and another protagonist in the dressing room appeared,

"Shaq wants to swap you"

"Shaq wants to swap you"

In fact, Michael Udin really didn't feel anything special about such a sound, and he also felt that it was really rhythmic.

When Michael Udin was on the field, the score was 19-19, Utah was still on the opposite side.

"Everyone follows Odin's rhythm!

The five people we have on the field now is the line that will draw the score!

Gotta get up, get up! "

Although Robert Horry was not involved in the conflict in the dressing room, he managed to activate Shaq while playing with Shaquille O'Neal, and encouraged his teammates to work with Michael Udin to speed things up when he played with Michael Udin.

No wonder this guy will take the championship wherever he goes.

Now that Robert Horry had said what he wanted to say, he didn't need to speak anymore. After all, his own words may not be as useful as those of Robert Horry.

On the Los Angeles Lakers defence, model worker Karl Malone usually waits until the two minutes remaining in the first quarter for a short rest adjustment.

As long as he's on the field, he'll be at the center of the Utah Jazz strike!

It was Utah's double-shade pick-and-roll turn, John Stockton saw the move, and Karl Malone, a major force in alley-oop passing, took off!

When Robert Horry saw the ball behind Karl Malone and sighed, Kobe Bryant suddenly appeared!

A precise aerial interception! Kobe Bryant hits the ball out of the arc!

Even though Michael Udin wasn't the closest to the ball, he was the first to rush!

Just as Anderson was about to bend down to pick up the ball, Michael Udin slid off his feet and into the half-court of the Utah Jazz!

After landing, Kobe ran behind Michael Udin until the ball landed!

Michael Udin threw the ball and knocked Anderson down. Kobe Bryant didn't mean to slow down or turn around in the face of a two-man fall to the ground!

Kobe's speed increased instead of falling, and he jumped straight between the two of them!

John Stockton is after Kobe Bryant!

John Stockton stuck with Kobe's right hand, but Kobe's left hand is also very balanced, and the finishing ability of the non-dominant hand is slightly worse than the dominant hand!

Defensive and dirty John Stockton knows he has a huge weakness in height, so he continues to cling to Kobe's lower body, making Kobe's takeoff very uncomfortable!

Especially after Kobe jumped in for a layup, John Stockton still moved to Kobe's feet very naturally!

Kobe's left hand glide layup is huge!

However, Michael Udin rushed to the scene and deducted points!

Michael Udin, who had been off camera, did not know when he got up from the ground, and how he overtook the others and rushed to the basket!

Michael Udin's run this time doesn't look like a basketball player, he looks more like a winger on a football field, he runs from a 100 meter sprint on a basketball court!

"It's the right time Odin!

crush them to death! "

Kobe widened his eyes and looked at Michael Udin and shouted loudly!


"Shaq will trade you!"

"Shaq will trade you!"

"Shaq will trade you!"

"The good show has just begun."

In the cheers of the Energy Solutions Arena home fans, Michael Udin responded to Kobe very calmly.

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