
BAB 128

While the Utah Jazz fans were waiting for Michael Udin to be carried off the field on a stretcher, Michael Udin stood up to dust off his body!

From fear, to respect, to shock, in less than a minute, Michael Udin brought the experience of ice and fire to more than 20,000 spectators on the scene!

Michael Udin himself was also very curious. The Energy Solutions Arena is a famous devil's house. Are these fans taking the wrong medicine?

But when he saw the strange eyes of the Utah Jazz players staring at him, he finally understood what was going on!

For such a situation, he could only laugh it off!

"Odin is fine..."

Magic Johnson's tone was full of admiration for Michael Udin, who was standing very lightly, but he was worried whether Michael Udin had suffered any internal injuries...

"There shouldn't be a problem, this kid would make moves like that every time he trains."

As for Michael Udin's level of flexibility, Kareem is still full of confidence.

"Ha ha ha ha! Magic, you worry too much, Odin's ligaments are softer than most women!"

Wilt Chamberlain burst out laughing when he looked at Magic Johnson, who was worried and confused.

"You still know how flexible women are! But how do you know so much about Odin?"

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air, and I am most afraid of the sudden worries of my friends...

Fortunately, this sudden embarrassment is resolved as the game progresses.

Michael Udin kicks the ball illegally, and the Utah Jazz rearranges the attack!

It was still Antoine Carr who took the initiative to take the pick-and-roll. It seems that Jerry Sloan's tactical intentions are also very clear. He knew that the Los Angeles Lakers had Michael Udin on the bench so he could play the miraculous effect of Michael Udin. .

Therefore, Jerry Sloan wanted to keep Michael Udin, who had an advantage in physical strength, in a state of exhausted defense, to maximize his consumption.

This time, I used a reverse lob with John Stockton to send Antoine Carr a pass!

If the recipient was Karl Malone, Michael Udin could only look at the ball and sigh!

But to account for Antoine Carr's takeoff speed and altitude, John Stockton could only pass the ball a little shorter and slower!

It was this kind of reservation that gave Michael Udin the opportunity to interfere with the pass!

Michael Udin tried his best to jump backwards! With the unique advantages of wingspan and good bouncing speed, Michael Udin's fingertips will touch the ball!

With such a light touch the ball has undergone a huge line change!

And Antoine Carr hangs directly in the basket and jumps in the air!

After the ball crossed the line, it hit the board, and Kobe grabbed the board for the first time!

While Nick Van Exel was still asking for the ball unhurriedly, Kobe Bryant dribbled forward!

For a guard who has played with Shaquille O'Neal for a long time, it will be difficult for them to adapt to the fast-paced game for a while!

When Shaq was present, Kobe did not have the authority of a quick break, but now that coach Delmar Harris had arranged the acceleration, Kobe would naturally apply it with all his strength!

Kobe Bryant didn't mean to slow down at all under Howard Eisley's meddling!

With the exception of Michael Udin, the other three Lakers players didn't show full speed fast-breaks, and the Utah Jazz also followed their opponents with absolute discipline!

This also led to Kobe going head-to-head with Howard Eisley during the Fast break, and Michael Udin, who was running fast, following alone!

As for Antoine Carr, he caught up with Michael Udin after being cut twice on the edge. Can he catch up?

Kobe, who had just received a pass from Michael Udin and scored a dunk, this time hit back!

Bryant's high-speed travel conditions, very stealthy feedback just passed to Michael Udin who was put on the inside line!

When Howard Eisley turned to look for the ball, Michael Udin was already off with an incredible stride!

Howard Eisley couldn't dodge in time, and was immediately blocked by Michael Udin!

The referee blew the whistle, Michael Udin's dunk was valid and another penalty was required!

At the referee's decision, the fans of Energy Solutions Arena started spraying fragrances in an organized and planned manner!

The people of Salt Lake City, who are firm in the customs of their people, naturally don't care about that, they spray whenever they want, and no one gets used to their mistakes!

Such a home atmosphere will put a lot of pressure on the referee's fouls, which will also benefit the home team subtly!

Home fans Utah Jazz also subconsciously use their own voices to interfere with Michael Udin's free-throw feeling, but how could a man who can split be affected by these sounds?

Michael Udin calmly struck and added a penalty!


Once he played, he led the Los Angeles Lakers to five straight points, which made nervous coach Delmar Harris feel like a guarantee!

According to Jerry Sloan's character, he was defeated 5-0 by his opponent, but he has a high probability of asking for a timeout and then scolding the players!

It's just that there was less than a minute left in the first quarter. In the playoffs, time-outs are very valuable. He stood and thought about it, then sat down again.

However, there is still John Stockton's most trusted point guard on the court. Jerry Sloan believes that John Stockton's ability to adapt on the spot is enough to deal with this minor crisis facing the Utah Jazz.

As the brains of the Utah Jazz, John Stockton would never be patient.

The rhythm of the game is very strong in his hands, and it can be seen from his calm dribbling posture that this psychologically strong point guard is not panicking in the slightest!

Just before halftime the Los Angeles Lakers, John Stockton steered Antoine Carr into the low post.

Jerry Sloan's tactical idea is very simple, namely using Antoine Carr to eat Michael Udin in an attack. If Michael Udin is overwhelmed by his own substitute inside, then Coach Delmar Harris' tactical play will be a complete hit!

If such a situation really happened, then the Los Angeles Lakers were really being killed!

After Antoine Carr received the ball with his back, he struck at the low post!

Antoine Carr failed to push Michael Udin twice in a row. Michael Udin knows what his defense means, so he can't give up!

As a veteran insider with solid insider skills, Antoine Carr naturally will not go far, but will only force the insider!

Antoine Carr has very strong confidence in melee projection. His fast, large-scale technical movement and extremely solid rear spin give him instant shooting space!

At such a distance, even if Michael Udin's wingspan is longer, he can only interfere with Antoine Carr's shot, and there is absolutely no possibility of completing the block!

Michael Udin can't cover the ball, but that doesn't mean Kobe can't cover it!

Most of the blocks in Kobe's high school career didn't come from single defense, but from opposing defenses when they went crazy against Michael Udin!

Kobe, who had been watching silently, came stealthily when Antoine Carr turned around, and Kobe gave him a head-picking melon the moment his opponent fired!

With a wave of Kobe's small hand, he immediately pressed down on Antoine Carr's reverse jumper!

It was a clean block and the referee saw it very clearly!

After Kobe pulled the ball, he quickly pushed the ball forward. Just when the Lakers thought it was another quick break, John Stockton rushed out of nowhere and cut off Kobe just as he was about to start. Dribble fast!

After stealing the ball, John Stockton immediately took the transmission action! Antoine Carr also rushed to the basket!

Michael Udin hastily adjusted the center to intercept the pass, but this was just a fake move from John Stockton!

An unpretentious pitcher, John Stockton scores two points for the Utah Jazz!

After the Los Angeles Lakers took the Fast break, John Stockton knew where Kobe was dribbling, no wonder Jerry Sloan decided that as long as John Stockton was on the floor the Utah Jazz would get back on track.

In the next attack and defense in the first quarter, both teams no longer made achievements.

At the end of the first quarter, 20-28, the Los Angeles Lakers trailed the Utah Jazz by a margin of 8 points.

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