
Pluto's Power

A/N: Some people want this, so here it is.


Name: Pluto

Nickname: The Unseen one, Mr. P

Race: Eternal

Age: ???

Partner: Single as fuck(Update: with Thena)


[Eternal Physiology]:

-Superhuman Strength(Not as Strong as Ikaris and Gilgamesh though)

-Superhuman Durability(He can tank a punch or two)

-Superhuman Stamina(For fighting and sex alike, he's a virgin though(Update: Not a virgin anymore , hell yeah!!))

-Superhuman Agility(He can do ballet with this)

-Superhuman Speed(He probably can outrun a cheetah, not as quick as Makkari though)

-Superhuman Reflexes(Bullet time, baby)

-Superhuman Healing Factor(Can heal faster than normal humans)

-Immortal(You know, can't age, different from invincible)

[Cosmic Energy Manipulation(Construct Conjuration)]:

-Construct Conjuration(Can Conjure Constructs)

-Cosmic Energy Absorption(Can absorb cosmic energy from dead bodies)

-Construct Manipulation(Can combine his constructs to make a more stronger one)

-I am Thou, Thou art I(His constructs can possess him so he would have their powers, knowledge, memories, and energy temporarily)


-Multilingualism(Speaks multiple language, can learn quickly also)

-Expert combatant(Tortur- *cough* trained by Thena herself)


-The big black stick(You know, the bident, I don't know what's the name of it yet, so this is just temporary)

-Eternals' Battle Armor

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