
Chapter 166 - The "correct" timeline that should be followed (part 9)

"T-teacher Erest... What are you doing here...?"

Horeo asked while slowly standing up, to Zoemi's surprise, the ice stakes that seemed embedded in his torso just fall off and shattered falling to the ground and hitting against each other, without leaving any open wounds or even bruisers.

Horeo wasn't called a prodigy by some mere coincidence.

"And Zoemi... Why aren't you with Miriette?"

"Miriette? WHERE IS SHE?!"

At the mere thought that his beloved master could be in danger, Zoemi freaked out and rushed to the prince. He grabbed his shoulders and shook him violently.

"Where is she, she's safe, right? Aspakeony took her to a safe place, right?!"

He shouted.

"W-wait...!I-I don't know what you're talking about, what Aspakeony, like, the academy?"


Hearing Horeo's genuine shock made Zoemi remember that the existence of the necromancer was a secret that was supposed to be known to the king and the royal magician.

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