
Chapter 155 - Perserios territory - part 4 - Countering the plan that was thirty years in the making (part 5)

"Alright... what do you mean that the spell broke from under your control? Like, did you overcharge it with mana and it gained another effect, or...?"

Back in Zoemi's room, all six sat on whatever available space there was and Burushi motioned at the black-haired boy with her chin and asked.

"...if you don't mind..."

Using the chance of Zoemi thinking his answer through, Miriette slid beside him on the bed and laid down comfortably, stealthily – but not so stealthily – grabbing onto the back of his shirt.

She was blushing the whole time but her full helmet was protecting her identity and reputation – although there was no reason for either, at least not amongst the members present.

"That's the thing – I thought that I had full control, I had a perfect grasp on mana that I was going to spend and all..."

Zoemi glanced back at the helmet-wearing girl and smiled softly, before facing Burushi with a serious expression.

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