
Drahá - Part【2】

I swallow harshly straining to conceal my trembling palms beneath my back. Moira laughs audibly her head thrown back as he follows her antics a faint smile on his face, was it a joke he said? Or did she say it? I wonder what it is that made her cackle and him beam.

She climbs onto the tail of the vehicle picking up the pails analyzing them with narrowed eyes as he watches her do so. It seems as though he is waiting for her consent.

A few seconds pass for her to give him a firm nod as he sighs with relief whilst she heaves a full container striving to bring it down to earth, it seems to be heavy for her to carry. Phobos notices her exertion so he strides forward and gives her his hand to take so she can descend which she accepts delightedly without hesitance. No, do not touch her. Do not be kind to her, arent those once in a blue moon actions of yours meant for me?

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