
Moje - Part【3】

"Narozen z popela, hořet popelem." The elder roars as she smears the thick liquid over the tender flesh of my right palm whilst I flinch at the abrupt sensation, it is a cool paint-like substance that sends shivers down my spine.

(Born from ashes, burn to ashes)

"Měsíční dar, který jsme krváceli přijmout, a teď pro nás bude krvácet." It is then smudged on my left palm whilst the rhythms of my heart quicken to the power this female wields in her voice as though she is commanding the vast skies to yield.

(The moon's gift we bled to receive and now she will bleed for us)

"Její krev, která nás všechny osvobodí." She dips her fingers in the jar once more only to kneel by me and coat it over both my feet. Does this all signify something?

(Her blood that shall liberate us all)

"Objímáme ji do svých duší." The leader hollers arising to paint my cheeks with the extract, I merely sense everything for my eyes are locked per her instruction. I wonder what shade it holds, is it white just like what they held on their faces last night?

(We embrace her into our souls)

"Ať žije dlouho, královno Theia!" Her thumb paves the substance from the midst of my eyebrows up to my hairline, a mark she bestows upon me. Is this their way of perhaps branding me?

(May she live long, Queen Theia!)

The crowd celebrates what she has performed, their satisfaction of this matter is sent forth in overwhelming waves for me to indulge in. Their howls of happiness are flung to the moon whilst the leader peers down at me stoically.

"This validates you held your virtue and were pure both in body and soul before you came to us for now you shall purify our lands with your blood from evil and wrongdoing." She explains.

"How do you know I was unsullied?"

"Alpha Phobos assured us earlier this morning."

Phobos informed them of this? Of my chastity when he claimed I was impure last night? What is he doing, I am unable to grasp his behaviours. Nothing he does makes any sense to me.

"Now, go assist with the preparations. Our guests shall arrive soon." She states and agilely leaves my side with the females bowing to me in farewell following her without hesitance and I am left abandoned to sit on that throne pondering over her words.

Whilst the sun set, it was just as the juvenile proclaimed to me for a multifold of foreign wolves accessed these lands. I had attended to several things along with the females all afternoon and I hadn't had a bite to eat since the morning. I was feeling lightheaded and it grew tedious for me to smile at the endless wolves who approached us.

I never did like eyes on me but the entire night was for that very cause for wolves to browse down my flesh. One by one they barged in, greeting Phobos first as I stood by him restlessly. I suffered throughout for I was being showcased to all of them either as a prize he won or a genuine gift from the moon I did not know but most were males very rarely females appeared and it made me severely uncomfortable.

Some chuckled when they regarded me stating the moon goddess had made a mockery for I was the tiny frail lamb next to the feral beast and others murmured of how fortunate my male was to be able to taste a voluptuous female such as me. I could hear everything though they tried to conceal it.

I merely dug my nails into my palms bleeding to each offensive word or joke about me that was spit out. It was expected for whom would befriend beasts but other arrogant beasts themselves? This is why all the other packs kept away from these grounds. Yes, they dreaded my mate but they also knew they would not be welcomed. This was what Cronus had warned me of.

After we had received every invited wolf I was guided to a dimly lit recently elevated tent to be seated beside Phobos. Pure torture. Goddess I had done my best to avoid him all day nevertheless, here we are our knees kissing my chest heaving to the storming emotions he generates within me.

There is no place for me to flee from his heat for the tent is minute and narrow, and the beast beside me takes up most of the space whilst the rest is occupied by the tiny tables placed in front of us carrying more meat dishes for us to devour.

The bell tents in a pyramid shape are arranged in a circle encompassing a bonfire which is at the centre, each holding within it invited wolves. It seems more like a party to me rather than a ceremony for wolves are getting high on unlimited alcohol and taking their fill with the breeders audaciously in the umbrae.

"The dance shall now commence." One of the wolves announces with enthusiasm as the crowd whistle and howls to what is to come. They are thrilled as well.

Drums begin to beat and from the shadows come forth sensuous females with transparent lace clothing that reveal their bare flesh to ravenous eyes, to each beat they take a sole step forward. I can see everything from their perky breasts to their shaved cunts. I am speechless as the females initiate to sway to the erogenous melody of the flute that a male plays boastfully from a distance.

Their faces are screened by a mesh veil, but it is simple to interpret who they are. I recognize most of the females here. Their dance is too passionate rather tempting as I gaze at the males from the other packs observing them with greed probably envisioning their bodies underneath theirs. These females are aware of what they are doing to them. A spell they seem to be formulating with their beings, a spell that males cannot help but be caged by.

Each step they take from the deliberate beguiling roll of their hips or the way they spread their legs boldly has me bewildered with their ways for they dance with pride as though it is natural. I do not like this.

My eyes broaden as I apprehend one of the females who takes the centre of the spotlight, Moira. She truly is the most beautiful among all her dance is the most erotic too. Her lips are plump and luscious her eyes illuminated by the black eyeliner that swallows her globes whole. The way her breasts bounce to her movements has my sickening envy soar leaving a vile aftertaste in my mouth.

I promptly turn to regard my male who is leaned back luxuriously upon the cylindrical pillows watching the dance with an emotionless expression, as though he has seen this several times to be in awe of it. I want to cover his eyes, do not look at them. How can you dare to look at them? If you truly felt even a little for me you would keep your eyes down in honour for me as your female.

You said Moira was your friend, yet how can she be a mere companion when you have seen her stripped this way. How many females have you seen naked on these lands, how many bodies have you engraved in the abyss of my mind? I halt with a gasp clutching onto my heart struggling to breathe for it undeniably burns, it is splitting apart inside with each question I hold for him.

A high pitched muffled moan of desire has me intrusively glance at the tent opposite to us on the other side of the bonfire as the flaps are quickly unsealed purposely to reveal to me, two females and one male.

As I narrow my orbs to examine closely they widen in surprise as I discover it is not a male but a female who resembles a male. Her flesh is muscular littered with tattoos just like Phobos is. She does not possess any feminine features rather rugged ones and she fondles the two females shamelessly uncaring she is being viewed by others.

One of the uncovered breeders thrusts her tongue into the female's mouth, whilst the other breeder grabs her hand begging on her knees for attention. My cheeks flare with an alarming awakening to what I witness for this is the first time I have seen females caressing each other this way. So wickedly.

Teeth sink into my lower lip, as I flush deeper at what I am seeing. The wolf in the middle of the two grabs one of their breasts as she licks and sucks on her nipple lapping it up with the tip of her tongue. The breeder sends out a cry of delight pushing her breast further into the wolf's mouth.

"Oh my," I whisper attempting to take my eyes off the three. The dance is long forgotten they have all my engrossment.

Growing up in a sheltered background I was never permitted to discuss or see such things, it was immoral. But they are females and this fills me up with interest. Does this mean the wolf in the middle finds females delicious rather than males for her actions are all that a male would do to the opposite sex?

The wolf glances up to meet my eyes as I gasp in astonishment whilst she delivers a firm jarring strike to the breeder's bum presenting a teasing smirk on her face as she goggles my reactions as I flinch visibly at her sexual violence and look away locking my legs together to conceal my moistening pussy. She knew I had been watching her, all her actions were done on purpose to bother me.

My breathing turns more strident, as I swallow harshly my pale flesh flushes vigorously to what I had seen whilst I continuously hear the breeder's mewls that shake my core. I seem to be inexperienced in many ways, is that how I must please my male? Perhaps if I ask one of the breeders they can enlighten me on this. I blush further at the thought.

The racket of shattering glass has me direct my attention to Phobos with shock and my blues swell as I encounter a crushed cup in his trembling hand which bleeds from the open wounds the razor-sharp glass pieces brought forth. I hastily grab his arm placing it on my lap examining his cuts with a profound worry the sight instils within me. They are truly deep, it must surely hurt. I do my best to look away from the blood hoping I shall not collapse to the smell of it.

"You are injured! Are you all right?" I question him frantically rummaging around the tent for a towel or cloth of some sort to prevent the bleeding.
