

Into One Piece Chapter – 7 – Rebirth


Marine Headquarters

Sengoku: "Tell me everything you know on what exactly happened in the island."

Brennan: "Sir, it has been only a year since I became the Vice-Captain of the marine base. All I know is that Captain Ubel once a week or a month he will always visit the lab. I have tried sneaking into but I could not get close to it at all, as Captain Ubel will always come to stop me. After that I could not try to do that a lot, as he was always monitoring everything I do. I have tried asking him on what he does there, and the only reply I got is silence."

Sengoku: "Hmm… about the fight, do you have any idea who that is?"

Brennan: "I don't know sir. I was just righting the report when I saw someone flying in the air for a moment and releasing a flame. I am sure he was a human at the time, though he had wings. The moment I was about to give the tasks, I saw a dragon, it was not too big in size breathing flames from its mouth an destroying the buildings, I then went as a support for Captain when he just told me it was enemy from his past endeavors, but I know it is a lie, without even realizing what happened I was already unconscious, the next thing I know is waking up in a hospital."

Sengoku: "You can go."

Brennan salutes and leaves the office.

Garp: "I told you, to strip Ubel from his ranks and send him to Impel Down. You should have listened to me. Now see there is an unknown enemy who will hold nothing but absolute hatred towards us. BWhahahahaha…. Well Done Hahahahahaha."

Sengoku: "What was I supposed to do, listen to you who keeps on neglecting work as a Vice-Admiral or listen to the ones above. I also wanted to put him in Impel Down for all he did, but the World Government ordered not to do that and send him to that island where he won't be able to do anything."

Garp: "And like a fool you did that so he can continue his experiments." says while eating his rice crackers.

Sengoku: "SHUT UP GARP! If you have anything useful on how to handle this problem then talk."

A few moments later...

Sengoku: "I am assigning this to you Admiral Akainu. Find every information possible. We have to know who that is. A Zoan type of Dragon is not something that can be let to grow. The moment you get his/her name, issue a bounty."

Akainu: "Yes sir. What about the news regarding this problem?"

Sengoku: "The World Government has already asked us to minimize the matters regarding this problem. This can only be done in due time. A whole island disappearing is not something that can be hidden."


Unknown Island

At the end of the cave there lies a cocoon of around 6 meters in height and 1.4 meters in width.

The strange thing is , the cocoon is beating the same way a heart does.

Inside the cocoon, you can see an Orange-White flames burning inside and in the center of it is Xavier who is not even half the height of the cocoon, crawled up like a baby in a mother's womb.

The flames are slowly nourishing his body, healing him and making stronger.

The flames suddenly jump inside the cocoon as if it is excited, slowly Xavier's eyes opens.

[User Status: Hibernation (43%)]

[User has regained Consciousness]

Xavier: "Ahhhhhh. What is happening here? Where am I?"

Xavier: {"What are these flames, what is going on? I am not able to move my body at all, I feel pain all over my body even if I try to move a bit."}

Xavier: {"Hibernation? What does that mean?"}

Xavier: {"These flames are healing me, albeit slowly."}

Pain assaults his head; he slowly starts to remember what happened.

Xavier: {"Hmm…. Damn, I destroyed that island? I mind-fucked Ubel by killing him over millions of times in his mind and even without realizing what is happening outside he died. Good Riddance."}

Xavier: {"I need to know where I am and I need to know how much time has passed."}

[User has been in Hibernation for the 3 years.]

Xavier: {"What!? 3 years has already gone? Wait you have Sentience?"}

He waits and gets no reply.

Xavier: {"Hmm... so it basically knows what I know then. It has all my knowledge, then it won't answer even if I ask, what timeline I am in."}

Xavier: {"Status"}



[Name: Silvers D. Xavier]

[Age: 14] (Age doubles due to the nourishment of flames of Rebirth.)

[Height: 5'7]

[Rank: Cannot be determined]

[Devil Fruit: Mythical Zoan: Dragon Type: Dragon God]

[Devil Fruit Potential: Mid (Can be Increased)]


[Observation Haki: High-Level Basic Mastery]

[Armament Haki: High-level Basic Mastery]

[Conqueror's Haki: Mid-level Basic Mastery]


[Dragon Regeneration - Intermediate] (Can be Increased)

[Dragon Strength – Cannot be Determined] (Passive – Can be Increased)

[Full Dragon Transformation – Cannot be determined] (Can be Increased)

[Pain Tolerance - Level 34] (Can be Increased)

[Partial Transformation – Cannot be Determined] (Can be Increased)

[Dragon Sense – Cannot be determined] (Can be Increased)

[Strength Manipulation – High-Level Intermediate Mastery] (Can be upgraded)

[Dragon Rush – Cannot be determined]

Supply the strength of a Infant Dragon to your legs and chest and move forward at a high speed to damage anything in your path.

[Dragon Breath – Cannot be Determined]

Send out a devastating breath of flames to annihilate anything it touches.

[Dragon's Wrath – Max] (Unusable)

Dragon's wrath produces Internal and External Destruction on the ones it feels absolute hatred.

It destroys the mind of the one and burns them once its anger is satisfied.

Requirements: Low-Level Advanced Conqueror's Haki.

Can be used in Full Dragon Transformation.

[Dragon's Flame Control – Mid-Level Intermediate Mastery] (Can be Increased)

User can send a controlled flame to specified target. The flame will burn till the user himself decides to end it (Need to know where the flame is still alive).

Caution: The larger the distance the more will it affect the user.

[Dragon's Domain – Cannot be determined] (Can be Increased)

Create a domain where you will be the absolute Ruler.

Requirements: Low-Level Advanced Conqueror's Haki.

[Wrath] – A domain of thunder and Lightning.

[Anger] - A domain of flames.

[Protect] – Domain of Orange-Red Flames.

[Skills have to be created by user to be added in the skill List]


Xavier: {"I don't know whether I should feel lucky or terrified of using Full Dragon Transformation. My age doubles? Flames of Rebirth? Why don't I see that anywhere?"}

Xavier: {"Hmm..., Full Dragon Transformation, it did give me a lot of new skills. The reason I feel terrified is that each and every time I use this skill, I might have to go into Hibernation or who knows I might even die. I still can't believe no pirate or marines have found me yet. And from the fact that I am Hibernating I will definitely go to the next level of Dragon as I believe these flames are molding my body to somehow allow me to transform into the next level."}

Xavier: {"I have to come up a way to control this hibernation, so I can start and stop whenever I want. It is also necessary to find an alternate way for this process. Who has this ate this type of fruit? Only one name comes into my mind Marco, Whitebeard Pirates. I need to have a chat with him, whether his fruit makes him do this as well or not, if yes, whether he found an alternate way to increase his power. Sengoku also has a Mythical Zoan of Human type if I am not wrong, but if I go say about my fruit, who knows what will happen and it's not like he is my neighbor who I can just go meet, same for Marco as well."}

Xavier: {"Now my skills, some are having Cannot be determined stating that I would not know how much stronger it will be till the Hibernation Process is completed. If in 3 years only 43% has been completed then by my calculation it will take another 4 and half years for this process to be completed."}

Xavier: {"This is a long time. I don't even know what timeline I am in."}

Few moments later…

Xavier uses his Observation Haki and Dragon sense.

Xavier: {"The distance has increased a lot, Dragon sense also has the same size of Observation Haki. Well from this I can see that I am surrounded by a forest, with various animals and huge trees. Hmm… I also sense some people towards the end of my senses. Though they are not able to sense what I am doing. That's good. This is a relatively good location; I don't think any problem will arise."}

Xavier: {"Alright let me try to control the Hibernation Process."}

It took another year for Xavier to get control of the Hibernation Process.

[Hibernation Process Paused – 57%]

The cocoon is slowly swallowed by the flames and disappears and you can see Xavier coming out, though his face still shows pain.

Xavier: {"Hmmm… Now I am able to control this process, that's good. I feel pain in my body as I try to move, but this is something I can manage, but I don't think I will be able to fight with my full strength in this stage. I also don't feel hungry for some reason, I think it is because of the flames, as it was nourishing my body. Shall I go and check which timeline I am in? Hmm… No it is better to continue the Hibernation Process. Who knows whether the marines found out about me and in this state, will I be able to fight? Another 3 years, this process will be completed."}

The cocoon starts to form again without his control, and the Orange-white flames also start to come out of his body, slowly.

Xavier: {"I can't control this properly, Flames of Rebirth ah, this is not something I can control at this stage, hmmm... this is troublesome, I definitely have to find a alternate way to increase the Dragon level."}

[Hibernation Process Resumed – 57%]

{Three Years Later}


[Hibernation Process – 99.98%]

[Hibernation Process – 99.99%]

[Hibernation Process – 100%]

[Hibernation Process – Completed]

The cocoon covering Xavier is slowly being burnt, just few moments later Xavier emerges from the cocoon with the flames just gushing out. He is looking different, with black hair containing some strands of purple and silver hair. His height now reaches to 6ft. He is slim and packed with muscles brimming in power.

He slowly opens his eyes, his eye balls are black but if you look closely, it also has purple color in it.

A wave of Conqueror's Haki moves out from his body covering miles. The beings on the island some faint, some scared and some with awe look towards where the cave is located.

Xavier comes out of the cave, as a man who has undergone rebirth.


Xavier: {"Fresh air, now I am able to appreciate it. The salt smell that comes along with it, the atmosphere here is so pure, even though there are world shattering battles in this world. Better look at my status now."}

Xavier: {"Status"}



[Name: Silvers D. Xavier]

[Age: 22]

[Height: 6'1]

[Rank: High-Level Captain]

[Devil Fruit: Mythical Zoan: Dragon Type: Dragon God]

[Devil Fruit Potential: Mid (Can be Increased)]


[Observation Haki: High-Level Basic Mastery]

[Armament Haki: High-level Basic Mastery]

[Conqueror's Haki: High-level Basic Mastery]


[Dragon Regeneration - Intermediate] (Can be Increased)

[Dragon Strength – Basic] (Passive – Can be Increased)

Have 20% Strength of a Young Dragon

[Full Dragon Transformation] (Can be Increased)

Transform into a Dragon and have the strength of an Elder level Dragon.

Caution: Never use this till you reach a certain level (Yonko and Conqueror's Haki - Advanced) or you will give into your Dragon Instinct and lose all rationality.

[Pain Tolerance - Level 53] (Can be Increased)

Increase Pain Tolerance of 26.5%.

[Partial Transformation – Basic] (Can be Increased)

Can transform any part of body to that of Young-Adult Dragon.

[Dragon Sense – Basic] (Can be Increased)

Can create a grid of a Village size of all the things in mind, it can consist of Non-living and Living objects.

[Strength Manipulation – High-Level Intermediate Mastery] (Can be upgraded)

Allows the user to manipulate strength in his body.

[Dragon Rush – Basic]

Supply the strength of a Young-Adult Dragon to your legs, chest and face and move forward at a high speed to damage anything in your path.

[Dragon Breath – Basic]

Send out a devastating breath of flames from your mouth.

The color of the flame will depend on user's thoughts.

[Anger] – [Black-Purplish Flame.]

[Neutral] – [Red Flame.]

[???] – [???]

[Dragon's Wrath – Max] (Unusable)

Dragon's wrath produces Internal and External Destruction on the ones it feels absolute hatred.

It destroys the mind of the one and burns them once its anger is satisfied.

Requirements: Low-Level Advanced Conqueror's Haki.

Can be used in Full Dragon Transformation.

[Dragon's Flame Control – Mid-Level Intermediate Mastery] (Can be Increased)

User can send a controlled flame to specified target. The flame will burn till the user himself decides to end it (Need to know where the flame is burning).

Caution: The larger the distance the more will it affect the user.

[Dragon's Domain – Cannot be determined] (Can be Increased)

Create a domain where you will be the absolute Ruler.

Requirements: Low-Level Advanced Conqueror's Haki.

[Wrath] – A domain of thunder and Lightning.

[Anger] - A domain of flames

[Protect] – Domain of Orange-Red Flames.

Can be used in Full Dragon Transformation.

[Skills have to be created by user to be added in the skill List]


Xavier: {"7 years passed just me sleeping and healing. Now I have to train myself to adjust to this upgrade I got. Dragon's Domain can't be used ah. Well once I figure out what timeline I am in, I would better create a mini version of it, it's a useful skill."}


Author Here!!

Sorry was a bit busy on the weekend, could not publish a chapter.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Before you go, which Island do you want Xavier to be in?

1. No Man's Land.

2. Island where they become brothers?

3. Close to his only Family?

Comment which one you want it to be.

Will leave this for 2 days.

I will be going by what you choose readers.

Do let me know If I made any mistakes.

Voting done. I will be going with....


Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Don't forget to vote on which Island you want him to be.

The timeline will also be based on that.

Don't forget to leave a review and support me through Power Stones.

Dark_Vader98creators' thoughts