

"Hey code, what are the odds of me winning", asked Kai inwardly, Kai was sure he can defeat Allen if Allen limited his stats to level 1, but now that the situation is changed, Kai was not sure if he can win.

[< It's a 30-70 , with your winning odds being 30>], Answered Code.

Hearing the assumption, Kai let out a helpless sigh, as he looked at Allen, pointing his spear towards Kai's direction, and thought, should I go all out, I don't want to miss the chance to gain a skill Card.

"Fight", As the word let out, from Ottar's mouth.

Kai didn't waste any time, He knew the earlier he ended the fight ,it is best, as if Allen, decided to use more strength than level 2, it going to be difficult.

Kai disappeared from his place, leaving blue flames and Sparks behind and reappearing behind Allen's back, Holding his daggers while stabbing the tip of the dagger at Allen's back.

Looking at the scene, the whole crowd was silent, Even higher-ranked adventurers Gulped at the scene, the common thought in almost everyone's mind was " He is more than the Rumours says about him ".

"I win", Kai said as a terrifying Aura, surrounded the whole Ground. Kai glared at Allen with cold eyes and expression. Kai knew if Allen decided to fight back then things are going to be rough.

Allen was shocked by the turn of events, He didn't think in his wildest dreams, that a kid can move this fast. Meanwhile, when Kai declared himself as a winner, Allen came back to his senses and smiled at Kai.

What kind of Aura is this, Allen thought as he can't help the feeling of fear overwhelming him.

"Hey, I think I will surrender", Said Allen, as the overwhelming fear, restricted his Thoughts of overcoming the situation, The aura was sending chills to his bones, And the feeling of dead .

Hearing Allen surrender, Ottar sighed as he declared the Outcome of the match.

Meanwhile, as the whole crowd was silent due to the earlier event, Allen's voice was heard loud and clear by everyone. The crowd just grazed at the small figure on the ground, Who looks like a grim reaper because of the Scary Aura, They don't even know how to respond, the matches just started and it's already over.

[< Ding.

Defeat Allen in a spar, completed

Reward: Random skill card>]

"Hey Code that was easy", Kai said inwardly as he confirmed the existence of the new unflipped card inside his mind.

[<The opponent was underestimating your capability and strength because your stats are too low, And the opponent was unaware that your skills overcome the level difference, And he also seems to be unprepared, If you were to fight him again now, I doubt you are going to have such an easy match>], Code explained, it was obvious Allen was not serious.

"A win is a win", Kai, cheered himself inwardly as he retreated the daggers. Kai was very happy, he gained a new skill card, even if he don't know what it is he was sure it will be a permanent skill, that he can't effort due to its price.

Kai glanced at the silent crowd, He smiled as he took a deep breath and suck in the scary Aura. As the Aura disappeared many low-rank adventurers fall down as the high-ranked adventurer took a deep breath and calm themselves.

After settling down, the crowd finally looked at Kai in a new light,

"He defeated Vice-Captain in Less than a minute".

"He is fast".

"Did you see the flames, they were real".

"That's the newest recruit of Freya Familia".

"I am curious who will win if he fights the Sword Princess".

Even though Kai can't hear them, Kai can feel the change in the way they see him. He reveals a bright smile at the crowd and Didn't say anything. After a few seconds, Kai shifted his gaze at Ottar, He smiled at Ottar, and walked out of the ground.

Meanwhile, Kai again glanced at the crowd, He reveals a bright smile again, but this time it was for a specific person in the crowd. He smiled at Heith and nodded.

Meanwhile, following Kai's gaze, everyone looked at the red-haired Girl, in the crowd.

"Is he your friend", someone asked from behind. Heith responded with a smile and nodded.

Even though everyone just sees the present strength Kai holds, Only Heith, Ottar and Freya knew How did Kai start and what has he gone through to achieve this strength.

Meanwhile, Allen looked at Ottar and thought What kind of kid has he trained, He sighed and left the ground.

At the end of the spar, every High ranked members approved Kai's strength and were more shocked than satisfied from the earlier event.

The Freya familia was on Uproar, Everyone was talking about the event earlier and the new recruit.

"Do you know, He is just a level 1 and he defeated Vice Captain".

"I heard he is Captain's student".

"Don't you think he is cute".

" I have to ask Heith to introduce me to him".

Not only male, but Kai was also attracting a lot of female Adventurers attention, He became a celebrity in Freya familia,

Meanwhile, Kai left Folkvangr with Freya in the carriage. It was already dark outside as Kai gazed at the road outside. While Freya smiled at Kai and didn't say anything, she was also happy that today Kai have left a deep impression on the Adventurers of Freya familia, It will help Kai's future growth in the Familia

After some time Kai looked at Freya and Asked, "Freya sama, when can I enter the dungeon".

Freya smiled and replied, "Why don't you go to Hephaestus shop tomorrow with Ottar and place an order for your customized gears, I doubt Normal gears will be able to withstand your flames".

Kai nodded in response. Kai knew even though with his current control over the flames, He can prevent his clothes from burning but he is unable to prevent the weapons from melting, So he keeps over 50 spare weapons in his system storage.

After reaching the Babel Tower, they took a lift to the top floor. Inside the lift.

Freya caressed Kai's hair and said with a teasing smile," Do you know what the female Adventurers called you in the Familia".

Do I already have a nickname, Kai thought as he looked at Freya and shooked his head.

"They called Kai, CuteDevil", Freya said in a teasing tone.

CuteDevil, I don't know, Why would they call me that, Kai thought as he looked at Freya with a confused expression.

Freya didn't explain and chuckled at Kai's expression.

Let's continue ..... BTW thank you all for your suggestions.

Anyway suggestions are open for the new skill

BlOoDDeMoNcreators' thoughts
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