
A level 1 ??

As the flames started disappearing Kai looked at Freya, She was standing beside a red carriage with Ottar and smiling at him.

Suddenly, Kai started feeling uneasy, as he glanced at the huge crowd staring at him.

What's with them, Kai shooked his head, as he ignored the stares and walked towards Freya.

"Look that's Goddess Freya",

"Indeed, Who can be more beautiful than her".

"The Goddess of Beauty".

The crowd finally noticed Freya and Ottar. Many were confused as they looked at the scene, No one dares to approach the beauty, when Ottar is standing beside her, Not even Gods dares to approach her.

"Heyyy, Freya", Said a lady with light red hair and red eyes. She was dressed up in male attire, she was wearing a jeans and a shirt that shows off her stomach. Her hair was tied back in a simple ponytail.

"Ooh Loki, I didn't know you were here", Freya smiled at her.

"Naahh, I wasn't going to come but when I heard the Object engulfed in blue flames was actually a human, I had to come to see it right", Smiled Loki.

"You must be talking about Kai", asked Freya with a smile.

"Do you know him", Asked Loki as she looked at Freya Curiously.

"Indeed, Kai has been a member of the Freya familia for almost 2 years now", smiled Freya as she glanced at the blonde girl behind Loki and continued," And He is also the same age as the Sword Princess".

Hearing the conversation, the crowd behind them looked at Kai, the same as the Sword Princess haa.

"So he a member of Freya Familia", said Loki, "And what's his level".

"He is a level 1", Freya said as she glanced at Kai and smiled at him.

"Level 1", said Loki, Loki Don't dare mock him, "And what's the story with the flames".

Meanwhile, Kai already arrived at the place, he glanced at Loki and then the Swordprincess.

"Let's talk about it sometime later Loki", said Freya as he caressed Kai's hair and asked, "How was the view, Kai".

"It was beautiful Freya sama", smiled Kai.

"What View?", interrupted Loki, see was very curious about Kai and his blue Flames.

"The view from above the Tower, Loki sama", Kai smiled at Loki and then glanced at Ais, Freya already warned Kai about Loki and her Familia.

The sentence made the whole crowd go wild,

"What above the tower, are you kidding me".

"He must be kidding".

"Didn't you see him falling from so high".

"Top? Babel tower?".

"Did he actually jump from there".

"He must be insane right".

Even the Gods and Goddess were staring at the small figure, The impossible task was done by a level 1 kid.

"Do you mean, you were at the top of the tower", Asked Loki, even Ais's eyes were


Kai nodded and smiled at Loki. While Loki had a complicated look, not only Loki, everyone present there have a complicated look,

Meanwhile, Kai glanced at Ottar, he had a teasing expression. Ottar understood as he glared at Kai.

"Brother Ottar, where did you got hurt", Kai indicated at his cheek.

This little bastard, Trying to use me for show-off, Glared Ottar.

"Freya sama, Allow me to break a few bones of his". Ottar said as he continued glaring at Kai.

When everyone heard Kai and looked at Ottar, they noticed a slight cut on his face.

"It must be some dungeon monster", that was the most common assumption.

Freya giggled, while the crowd was confused, looking at the Goddess.

"What's with breaking bones, I was just concerned about you", Smiled Kai.

Suddenly a hand reached kai's ear and pulled it. It was Freya.

"Ouch, Ouch, I was just kidding, Sorry", Kai groaned in pain as he saw Ottar smiling at the scene.

The whole crowd was shocked, they have never seen Freya act like that, Even Loki and the other Gods and goddesses were surprised.

"Who is this boy", the common questions revolving around everyone's mind.

"Let's go, we are getting late", said Freya as she released Kai's ear and entered the carriage.

I will surely get that bastard one day, Kai thought as he rubbed his ear and stared at Ottar entering the carriage.

"Come in, quickly", said Ottar as he glanced at Kai

Kai sighed as he approached the Carriage and stopped outside its door. He glanced at the crowd and smiled.

Looks like the Guild incident was not big enough, Nobody remembered me, should I have some fun. thought Kai, as he smiled and a terrifying Aura suddenly surrounded the whole Area.

The Aura was making Kai look like the Death Reaper, standing in front of them. The intensity of the Aura was increasing rapidly. Even the gods and goddesses in the crowd were terrified by the Aura.

"It's the same feeling", said one Adventurer, the Adventurer was present at the Guild when Kai make his appearance.

"What the same feeling", asked the other adventurer, while the crowd was also paying attention to the conversation.

"The Aura, The Guild, The pallum,2 years back", The adventurer was trembling,

The incident two years back was not small, Even though everyone doesn't know the details, there was a rumor of a pallum who made the whole Guild, tremble in fear and then the appearance of Ottar, After that there was no information about the Pallum.

Many Gods and Adventurers already started linking the incidents, as they looked at the boy standing at the door of the carriage.

"Do you think he was that pallum".

"Didn't you hear Goddess Freya, he is not a pallum".

"Why did he disappear and appeared again".

" If he is 9 years old then he was 7 years old two years back, That kid made the Guild tremble at such a small age, what kind of monster is he".

"What was he doing, until now".

Meanwhile, a hand reached out of the carriage towards the smiling kid, Kai quickly reacted as he saw the hand and looked at Freya.

He quickly sucked in the Aura, glanced at Ais, and entered the Carriage.

While the carriage started moving. The crowd finally let out a relieved sigh, Many adventurers even dropped on the ground, many gulped a mouthful of Saliva, others rubbed the sweat on their forehead.

The Gods and Goddesses sighed and started leaving the place.

" Something is missing, Freya is surely hiding something", Murmured Loki as she looked at the carriage, then glanced at Ais, who had the same expression as always.

Suddenly a head stuck out of the window and looked at Ais. It was Kai.

Kai Smiled at Ais and then put his head back inside.

"You sure seems happy kai", Freya said while caressing his hair.

"Yes, I will finally be able to enter the dungeon", smiled Kai.

Freya smiled at him and glanced at Ottar, who had a worried look.

"What is it Ottar", asked Freya as Kai also glanced at Ottar.

"I wanted to ask something", said Ottar as he looked at Kai.

Kai asked, "Is it about me?"

Ottar nodded while Freya looked at Ottar curiously.

Meanwhile Kai, finally understood what Ottar was thinking, Ottar have Asked him about this matter earlier.

" Yeah yeah, I am going to enter alone", smiled Kai, while Freya smiled at him.

"Why?", asked Ottar.

"It's a headache working with a team, and my skills are not appropriate and not much use in a team", sighed Kai, Kai didn't want to be tied to a group of members, he just wanted to explore the dungeon along.

Sighed Ottar.

Freya smiled at Kai and said nothing.

After arriving at the Folkvangr, Freya Introduced Kai as a member of the Freya familia.

After that Kai had to introduce himself to the higher-ranked members.

After an hour, Kai finally finished his introduction, He was sitting in front of the Freya Familia's small private bar inside Folkvangr.

"Hey a give me something to drink", order Kai.

The staff stared at Kai.

Realizing the stared, Kai asked, "What?".

The staff shooked his head and quickly prepared a white drink, and placed it in front of Kai.

Kai glanced at the drink, He wanted to ask what it was, but he was too thirsty. He quickly grabbed the glass.

As he took the first seep, he immediately had the urge to vomit, he quickly kept the glass on the counter.

"What the hell is this", Kai glared at the staff.

"Milk", he answered.

What type of bar keeps milk, They are insane, kai glared at the staff.

"Give me a glass of water". Kai snorted.

I have added the MC Pic in the auxiliary chpt. And he don't looks like Bell.

Thanks for reading.

BlOoDDeMoNcreators' thoughts
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